C#2y ago

❔ DateTime help with NodaTime

So I receive timeseries data from an API which I then save in a db. The API delivers the data in hourly timespans, which are always using the Central European Standard Time zone. I want to save it in UTC format in the database, but daylight savings is giving me a real headache.. Take October 30th 2022, the data looks like this:
"Date": "2022-10-30T00:00:00",
"Base": 1173.386,
"TimeSpans": [
"TimeSpan": "00:00-01:00",
"Value": 1030.94
"TimeSpan": "01:00-02:00",
"Value": 1009.4
"TimeSpan": "02:00-02:00",
"Value": 1006.71
"TimeSpan": "dst",
"Value": 1003.41
"TimeSpan": "03:00-04:00",
"Value": 984.24
"TimeSpan": "04:00-05:00",
"Value": 985.68
"TimeSpan": "05:00-06:00",
"Value": 990.94
"Date": "2022-10-30T00:00:00",
"Base": 1173.386,
"TimeSpans": [
"TimeSpan": "00:00-01:00",
"Value": 1030.94
"TimeSpan": "01:00-02:00",
"Value": 1009.4
"TimeSpan": "02:00-02:00",
"Value": 1006.71
"TimeSpan": "dst",
"Value": 1003.41
"TimeSpan": "03:00-04:00",
"Value": 984.24
"TimeSpan": "04:00-05:00",
"Value": 985.68
"TimeSpan": "05:00-06:00",
"Value": 990.94
I'm using NodaTime to try and handle this. I parse a DateTime object using the Date and the second half of the TimeSpan, but this way I always end up with a double instance of 2022-10-30T02:00:00, and this will always be converted to 2022-10-30T01:00:00 UTC. What I need is for the first instance to become 2022-10-30T00:00:00 to be correct in UTC terms. Anyone have any smart ideas?
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Unknown User2y ago
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garrus_j2y ago
public static DateTimeOffset ConvertCETToUTC(this DateTime cetTime) { // var timeZoneInfo = TimeZoneInfo.FindSystemTimeZoneById("W. Europe Standard Time"); // // bool isDST = dateTimeCET.IsDaylightSavingTime(); // DateTimeOffset dateTimeOffsetUTC = TimeZoneInfo.ConvertTimeToUtc(dateTimeCET, timeZoneInfo); var cetInstant = Instant.FromDateTimeUtc(cetTime.ToUniversalTime()); var cetZone = DateTimeZoneProviders.Tzdb["Europe/Berlin"]; var cetZoned = new ZonedDateTime(cetInstant, cetZone); var utcZoned = cetZoned.ToInstant().InUtc(); DateTime utcTime = utcZoned.ToDateTimeUtc(); return utcTime; } thats what I've got so far, it works, but obviously it can't differentiate the first and second instance of 2am on that date
Unknown User
Unknown User2y ago
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garrus_j2y ago
It is a full DateTime object, which is the Date in the json plus the second hour of the timespan joined together. So 2022-10-30T00:00:00 plus 01:00 would be the first item, or 2022-10-30T01:00:00 Because I want the end of every hourly period to be a full datetime object in the database. I don't know why the api doesnt just deliver it that way
Accord2y ago
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