C#2y ago

❔ fullscreen console

is there a way i can make the console fullscreen? like Console.windowheight = fullscreen; or something does that exist?
11 Replies
chilldog2y ago
you want it to be full screen when you run the app? i would just add a suggestion to user to fullscreen window,
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Unknown User2y ago
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Jester2y ago
ShowWindow(GetConsoleWindow(), SW_MAXIMIXED); might work but you will have to dll import those functions (this is windows only btw)
Jester2y ago
GetConsoleWindow function - Windows Console
Retrieves the window handle used by the console associated with the calling process.
Jester2y ago
even the documentation warns it might not work note BOOL is an int not a bool and HWND is IntPtr
Jester2y ago
DllImportAttribute Class (System.Runtime.InteropServices)
Indicates that the attributed method is exposed by an unmanaged dynamic-link library (DLL) as a static entry point.
No, bc it depends on the terminal console application doesn't spawn a terminal you can spawn your own and then you will be able to control it but it won't be as much "console" app then console application only has stdout as its output ofc you can hack around and try to find the window which is being used as terminal but what if the user uses tmux? it's a console app spawning other consoles or not using terminal at all? just pipes the output into something
Jester2y ago
yeah you wont be able to fullscreen that
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Unknown User2y ago
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Accord2y ago
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