Contentful problem version [Answered]
i'm trying to activate my content type. When i run my code i get this error. Anyone can help?
72 Replies

this is my code
Using the Management API with Contentful and .NET
This article details how to use the management api using the .NET client library | Setting up your first request | Working with content types and entries

i did this
blindly guessing, but i would assume that
will return some data structure which gives ya the new content type version and because u r using the old version it complains.
what's its return type?i don't needs to return anything
it just needs to active my contentType

if i don't active it it stays draft
so i need to active is
yeah, but u r either creating or updating the content type, thus it's version will probably change.
and on trying to activate it, its complaining that the version doesnt match.... so most likely the fault lies in the wrong
parameterbut the thing is
to create a contenttype i don't need to specify a version
its only when i want to activate it
thats why im asking what that call returns
if its giving ya a new version, then u should use that
you mean

what this peace of code returns?
just a second
when i do a console.writline
i get no error

this is the output

so yeah

so yeah that is the reutn value
type has a SystemProperties
member, which has a Version
member, try to provide that one for the activation
oh yeah
something like this

still the error

this error is so strang
it thinks that someone else is editing something
does ur code look like this right now?
if not please share urs
no i removed the var

but i can try your code
that chunk of code doesnt make any sense, u first try to activate something that might not exist yet, then u either create it or update it (which will then still not be activated)
yeah i see
red line

good that u dont provide the error message to make it harder for us to help u .....

oh, then try adding a
add the end: ....SystemProperties.Version!
do u know the difference between int?
and int
the first is nullable, the latter not
it worked
thx man
you are a legend

this is the final code

didnt work? or didnt u just try?
because the latter would be more expressivedidn't work
what was the error?

so i just did the quik fix
aaah, yeah the
was indeed wrongbut

if i do it so than there is no yellow line
now there is

so yeah
tells the compiler basically "at this point this nullable value can not be null, the (int)
then just is a castahh
u could have also written
i guessah ok
but thx alot for solving my problem
semantically u surely have a version at that point, because u either created it or updated it
yeah yeah
im not sure about this but in my opinion
would be more expressive than the (int)
and please close ur open but answered threads with /close
(didnt do it for #Powershell result to c [Answered] and #filter System.string [Answered] either)basically that:

@EliasGPS ⤴️
ohh ok
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