C#β€’3y ago

❔ Commandments for C# developers?

Came across this cool article http://www.lysator.liu.se/c/ten-commandments.html I was thinking what according to you should be the commandments for C# πŸ™‚
69 Replies
Thinkerβ€’3y ago
- Don't use Convert.To* - Prefer System.Text.Json over Newtonsoft.Json - Enable nullable reference types - Use the latest full release or at least LTS - When in doubt, refer to the official Microsoft documentation - Use the dotnet command and nothing else - Write unit tests when applicable - Follow the standard conventions (with minor acceptable deviations) - Prefer composition and interfaces over inheritance - Don't use "pure" OOP, good and efficient code is usually a combination of functional, object-oriented, and imperative The first two are kinda specific and you could probably replace them with something more general
pogrammerXβ€’3y ago
Newton soft is so much faster, and just better, why not use it? And what about msbuild
Thinkerβ€’3y ago
STJ is way faster And afaik STJ can do everything that Newtonsoft.Json can dotnet just runs MSBuild, there's no reason to invoke MSBuild manually
FusedQyouβ€’3y ago
I'm too used to Newtonsoft to switch 😦 But I really should
Thinkerβ€’3y ago
STJ is optimized to hell
FusedQyouβ€’3y ago
I feel like some form of "Google before you ask" and "Don't rely on AI generated code to help you" are pretty good commandments to add to it
HimmDawgβ€’3y ago
Probably "Learn LINQ"
pogrammerXβ€’3y ago
Or you could use smth else than json, like xml or smth
FusedQyouβ€’3y ago
I think I'm more than happy with json, thank you
eroβ€’3y ago
i just wish there was a cson serializer πŸ˜”
DaVinkiβ€’3y ago
But can it parse json into expandoobject??
Thinkerβ€’3y ago
I don't think you can and I don't think any sane person will think that's a bad thing when
FusedQyouβ€’3y ago
STJ misses some features but they are pretty specific And most have a workaround which is described in the migration
eroβ€’3y ago
I wonder if STJ could be sped up even more with source gen like GeneratedRegex
Thinkerβ€’3y ago
Getting rid of the need for reflection likely did.
eroβ€’3y ago
How'd they do that
Thinkerβ€’3y ago
Oh wait am I just imagining that they made an SG for STJ? No, they did Since it uses a source generator, it can inspect the class it's meant to deserialize to at compile-time and generate specialized generation logic for that class
Angiusβ€’3y ago
- await the asyncs - don't use dynamic - do NOT use dynamic - avoid object - if it's deprecated, it's probably for a good reason
pogrammerXβ€’3y ago
those are some commandments i trust for 6 years straight
FusedQyouβ€’3y ago
Pretty sure STJ has the ability to create source generated code for you as of .NET 7 I just got another commandment from another thread: - Do not use Region directives, ever
D.Mentiaβ€’3y ago
- If something seems too difficult, you're probably doing it wrong - or it's the wrong thing to do - If you fix a bug, add a test - If you can't come up with a descriptive name, it needs to do less - Reuse only applies to logic, not code; don't be afraid of models. They aren't hurting anyone over in that folder - Don't fix the bug, fix the cause of the bug - If there isn't a library that already does it, it's probably a bad idea - Assume your code will never be reused. Don't get fancy making it all generic and complicated unless that's part of the design
Unknown User
Unknown Userβ€’3y ago
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HimmDawgβ€’3y ago
I feel that one. One of my co-workers thinks it's important to encapsulate sections of a function in regions roblox I'd add "Never recreate HttpClients. Use one shared instance or (if using ASP.NET) inject IHttpClientFactory" to the list
FusedQyouβ€’3y ago
I mean, its only purpose is to hide the problem
pogrammerXβ€’3y ago
I agree with everything! 6 years straight
Thinkerβ€’3y ago
- If there isn't a library that already does it, it's probably a bad idea
ehhh, this doesn't take into account if you're doing something very esoteric which actively requires a custom solution. I do agree that for most things there are most likely libraries which do that thing way better than you ever could, though.
Unknown User
Unknown Userβ€’3y ago
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pogrammerXβ€’3y ago
except when youre too stupid to do it yourself for example, me with d2d, i used unvell.d2dlib for 2 years
KidKai25OPβ€’3y ago
Do you mean "descriptive name" for a method,property and classes etc? But isn't it a good thing to consider "loose coupling"? Could you also tell why?
Connorβ€’3y ago
Can you elaborate on use dotnet command and nothing else. Are you saying don’t click run inside visual studio? Instead using cmd?
FusedQyouβ€’3y ago
Regions only exist to hide the problems you're supposed to fix
KidKai25OPβ€’3y ago
But what if you have a really long class(with really long method definitions) It helps us to navigate?
Thinkerβ€’3y ago
I mean it mains as in don't use csc or MSBuild directly, using an IDE is obviously fine.
D.Mentiaβ€’3y ago
What I mean is just that if you think you have some clever idea about how to do a (common) thing, and nobody else has a made a library that already does it... there's probably a fundamental flaw to the idea, or someone would have done it already Make the methods smaller by splitting them into more methods. Make the class smaller by splitting it into more classes with fewer responsibilities. Repeat until you no longer want regions
DaVinkiβ€’3y ago
Can you elaborate?
FusedQyouβ€’3y ago
You can collapse methods without regions
Thinkerβ€’3y ago
Sometimes splitting classes into smaller classes is way more annoying than having it all in a single class
FusedQyouβ€’3y ago
It's only a reason to hide big chunks of problematic code
DaVinkiβ€’3y ago
That's not any different from regions really Collapse multiple methods with regions and it's a nice way to group things
FusedQyouβ€’3y ago
Yes it is different
DaVinkiβ€’3y ago
Have multiple constructors? #region ctors
FusedQyouβ€’3y ago
Regions just give yout he chance to hide it altogether If you need it, you are hiding a problem If you don't agree, you most likely never used it or you don't understand my reason Region is a code smell
DaVinkiβ€’3y ago
I didn't agree with your initial statement that they only exist to hide problems, needing them is different I love the fact that regions exist but they never hide any issues in my use cases. Makes it very easy to glance through code and find what you need quickly
Timtierβ€’3y ago
- Don't use Convert.To*
System.Convert.ToBase64String though catHeyHello
FusedQyouβ€’3y ago
They always hide issues
Thinkerβ€’3y ago
okay that's an exception
FusedQyouβ€’3y ago
If they don't you probably don't need them at all
Thinkerβ€’3y ago
I'm using then, works perfectly fine for me catsip
FusedQyouβ€’3y ago
Never had a reason to It's not gonna pass any review where I'm working
DaVinkiβ€’3y ago
Well where you work isn't where everybody works either so...
Thinkerβ€’3y ago
I don't have to pass reviews when
FusedQyouβ€’3y ago
My point is that Regions are considered a code smell quite often. I just took my work as an example But feel free to use them I don't feel like convincing you
Timtierβ€’3y ago
Just messing around but I agree with the point FaunaNod
D.Mentiaβ€’3y ago
Annoying is OK, making any given set of logic more readable and maintainable is usually more important. Within reason. And a lot of that annoyingness comes down to how the project's folders are setup; if you're splitting some class into 5 others, make a folder and put them all in it because they're clearly all closely related Mostly I'm referring to [Thing]Manager classes, which seem to show up everywhere and people seem to think it's OK to have one class whose responsibilities are to manage everything related to [Thing] But of course somewhere along the way, it became the norm to organize things by what they are, such as an interface or model, instead of by what they do or relate to. They don't let me, but I'd love to put my DTOs in my interfaces (preferably as records), and/or put implementations in the same folder as its interface, which all goes in a folder relating to the feature
Sossenbinderβ€’3y ago
- If you use .Result or .Wait() on a Task, you're going straight to jail - Use Task.WhenAll to await multiple tasks - Use DI when possible - Don't optimize something before you even know it's an issue - Respect nullability - Use the right tools for the job instead of just repeating what you are familiar with - Respect SRP and DRY At least these are the ones I come up with on the spot
Timtierβ€’3y ago
- Always test your code by running it locally grinowo
Accordβ€’3y ago
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KidKai25OPβ€’3y ago
Wait, why not? Because I think I used it. πŸ˜…
Angiusβ€’3y ago
MODiXβ€’3y ago
The TryParse pattern is considered best practice of parsing data from a string: - a TryParse method returns true or false to inform you if it succeeded or not, so you can use it directly in a condition, - since C# 7 you can declare a variable that will be used as an out argument inline in an argument list, - it forces you to check if the out argument contains valid data afterwards, Avoid: Convert.ToInt32 β€” it's a bad choice for parsing an int. It exists only for backwards compatibility reasons and should be considered last resort.
return Convert.ToInt32(null); //returns 0. null should not be considered as 0 ever
return Convert.ToInt32("asdf"); //throws FormatException
return Convert.ToInt32(null); //returns 0. null should not be considered as 0 ever
return Convert.ToInt32("asdf"); //throws FormatException
(Note: Convert does contain useful conversion methods: To/FromBase64String, To/FromHexString, ToString(X value, int toBase), ToX(string? value, int fromBase)) Avoid: int.Parse β€” you have to use a try/catch statement to handle invalid input, which is a less clean solution.
var number = int.Parse("abc"); //throws FormatException
var number = int.Parse(""); //throws FormatException
var number = int.Parse("abc"); //throws FormatException
var number = int.Parse(""); //throws FormatException
Use int.TryParse https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/api/system.int32.tryparse?view=net-5.0#System_Int32_TryParse_System_String_System_Int32__
if (int.TryParse(someInput, out var result))
Console.WriteLine($"Thanks for giving me the following number: {result}!");
Console.WriteLine("You didn't give me a valid number :c");
if (int.TryParse(someInput, out var result))
Console.WriteLine($"Thanks for giving me the following number: {result}!");
Console.WriteLine("You didn't give me a valid number :c");
Int32.TryParse Method (System)
Converts the string representation of a number to its 32-bit signed integer equivalent. A return value indicates whether the operation succeeded.
KidKai25OPβ€’3y ago
umm, if not used responsibly, what issues do they cause? But they say it is an exception(means we can use it? Or was it a joke?)
Angiusβ€’3y ago
System.Convert.ToBase64String is the exception to the rule
KidKai25OPβ€’3y ago
yes xD
Angiusβ€’3y ago
This is one of the Convert. methods that can be used freely But Convert.ToInt32() and their ilk, shouldn't
Tuffyβ€’3y ago
Convert class is great. its especially useful when dealing with code from c++ in certain cases
nukleer bomb
nukleer bombβ€’3y ago
Don't do sync over async unless you 200% sure that you own and control thread in which you do it
FusedQyouβ€’3y ago
Eh, int.Parse should be avoided when parsing user input, as an exception can be avoided. There's no problem with using it with anything else though, so this is kind of misleading If I parse data that I expect to be an int I see no point in creating a whole tryParse statement
khamasβ€’3y ago
not everything, last time I tried I couldn't cast properties into an object
Accordβ€’3y ago
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