❔ C# Self Signed certificate with SslStream
My Code:
Commands used to generate the self signed certificate:
where this line:
System.IO.IOException: 'Cannot determine the frame size or a corrupted frame was received.'
After further testing it seems like serverCertificate has some issues, any help is appreciated
2 replies
❔ Bullet World.Step causes 0xC000001D Illegal Instruction (C BulletSharp)
So i am using BulletSharp in my project.
This is the code i use to step it:
if (settingScene) return;
if ((float)simTime.Elapsed.TotalSeconds < time)
time = 0;
timeStep = 0;
timeStep = ((float)simTime.Elapsed.TotalSeconds - time);
time = (float)simTime.Elapsed.TotalSeconds;
world.StepSimulation(timeStep, 7);
Everything works fine as long as i only add BoxShapes, but as soon as i add a ConvexHullShape it starts crashing.
8 replies