Explore posts from serversnswag openapi add a global return type for a specific response code
Hey, I have an API that has routes which are defined like below; but I return some 401s and others via middleware, is there a way to say that all routes could return a specific response type using openAPI?
9 replies
nswag (OpenApi) typescript get error type
Hey, I'm generating an api client using nswag, here is an example route:
However, in the client itself the response is not a union type, but simply the 200 default type... How am I supposed to get the error in the frontend (typescript)?
21 replies
How to create a "component" in MVC?
Hey, I'm doing something using MVC and I'm trying to build a component js script, see below;
This is a partial view that lives in a list of components, I want the script to be "scoped" to the component, is there a better way to do this?
1 replies
Prevent scroll of page in background of a popup
Hey, how do I prevent the div in the background of a modal popup with a higher z-index to scroll when my popup is open? when scrolling/swiping down on the popup on mobile it will lock onto the background and not scroll inside the actual modal
1 replies
❔ publish blazor wasm app as docker image with nginx base
I create a dockerfile, and create a docker publish configuration, but it tells me that I need to enable docker support for my wasm project. Is there a way to modify the .csproj file directly to enable it? thanks
8 replies
❔ MAUI Blazor not starting, giving null error
I don't know what I changed to create this behaviour
4 replies
❔ How to use build directory as working directory in debug
Hey, I have a class library that has a
file in a sub-directory, it's marked as content and copies to the output folder.
I reference this class library project, it builds properly to the selected output directory and the json file is there, but it seems like the working directory for the app that references the library is that of the .csproj
, and since the json file is in the other project, when running the app it cannot find the file, how do I say that I want to run the app from the build directory and not project directory? (VS 2022)4 replies
❔ postgres EF core, how to have a custom connection string config file
Hey, I have a net6 class library with a
, I want to have the connection string in a separate custom config file, code below.
For some reason, when I do dotnet ef database update
, an error pops up:
My connection string looks like this: User ID=postgres;Password=<PASSWORD>;Host=localhost;Port=5432;Database=NetSendHost;Pooling=true;Min Pool Size=0;Max Pool Size=250;Connection Lifetime=0;
15 replies
❔ Blazor WASM PWA clear all cache and update application
My app does not update automatically on new versions (I use WASM). Since it's PWA the
header does not do anything... Is there a way with JS to clear all files locally or is the service worker able to update files? if so then how?
Thanks35 replies
MAUI Webview target=_blank href redirects not working on android
I have an MAUI app that is essentially a
that hosts a wordpress website.
My problem is that whenever I try to load an external link it will simply not load the "href" redirect... It works fine on Windows and iOS devices, but not in android.
EDIT: The href is a "_blank" target.
Is there a specific permission I need in the manifest?
In case it helps, here is the code for the page:
And here is the manifest:
1 replies