How to authenticate a chrome extension using blazor server
Our users sign in to the blazor app using the standard identity authentication with their own username and password. We want users to be able to authenticate themselves to use the chrome extension by being redirected to sign in to blazor app. There's so many different auth flows that I don't know what makes the most sense here. Is oauth2/openiddict overkill?
We just need to get basic information about the user: name, email. As well as authorize them to use a couple endpoints that the extension uses. The authorization needs to be added in addition to the current authorization we use.
10 replies
❔ How to achieve databinding with render fragments? If at all possible
I know components are a little more suited for this, but this is something I really want to be able to do.
I want to be able to use this on a page but as a renderfragment.
Currently only Test3 "works". It appears as if the references to the
in Test1 and Test2 are lost. It would be best if I could put the <input/>
directly in the RenderFragment and just bind the value to it but I had to create a component to show that it works with ValueChanged4 replies
❔ Is there any way to test the rendering of a component in Blazor based on different screen sizes?
I have a component that renders a table. It will render a different amount of rows based on screen size (Width < 800px). Is there any way for me to simulate adjusting screen size in BUnit? Couldn’t find any information online about it
2 replies
✅ Can you add related data to a DbContext like this
I have these classes where Company.Locations navigates to a Locations table and Location.LocationReviews navigates to a LocationReviews table
I have a generic controller that Im now finding out only works for Company entities.
31 replies
❔ How to deal with property’s that need data from a database?
I have a Blazor page where I want to display a Company’s rating which is the average of its location ratings. The problem is, I only store the locationIds on the company, not all the data. The best, botched solution I’ve come up with is doing company.Rating = company.GetRating() on initialization (I need the mongo service from the Blazor page to even get it); I can’t remove the Rating property because you can put as async method in html.
I feel like a better solution might lie in Lazy initialization or something. I really don’t know though, hence why I’m here.
I’m also currently “cluttering” the db of Companies with a Rating property that is always 0 (I get it on demand)
2 replies