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All posts for Theo's Typesafe Cult
Need help in hosting laravel dashbord on hostinger subdomain
Hey Chat. Getting this when deploying Turborepo to Vercel. Any ideas?
UploadThing Error: FetchError
should i use a database to store online users
What AI tooling and workflows, if any, do Theo and/or this discord use?
How do Execution Context interact with Asynchronous Execution?
Question about behavior of COPY in Dockerfile. An AI is gaslighting me, unsure which
Http cookies in next
Npm package template
Anyone know how a good way to work with json in python? Captcha ERROR in zen
nextjs and express, dev but no build?
How to fire mutation with url query param only once
Proper Pagination with filtering and sorting for a datagrid questions after watching latest stream
is any way to add item Other Recommendations?
Where the hell do you guys buy your domains
Problem with trying to add more Scopes
How do i fix CORS Policy block?
Hello, could you provide me good service url for this
Create a TS function to deep call .toString() on all Date objects without type casting?
What are some Free Database Providers that don't go to sleep on inactivity?
Better auth for a swift app with a hono backend - pain & suffering or a good idea?
Changing log level error
How do I prefetch trpc serverside and then hydrate the client?
Could token count be added to
Migrating from a Create Next App to TurboRepo
uploadthing in vercel serverless function
how do i prevent duplication of rows in my friends table ?
Dependent select boxes in form
What drawing app/whiteboard app is Theo using?
AWS Amplify
How to use uploadthing using REST APIs?
Uploaded Files Returning URLs Instead of
create t3 app build error
AWS Elastic Beanstalk
Looking for someone to help me implement Directus and Authjs (next-auth v5) and refresh tokens
How to create a GitHub Action that upload assets to a existing/new release?
Dynamic pages issue on server pages
UploadThing file accept type restriction
Create 10,000 dummy React Views (Windows 11)
Stripe integration
Best Way to Model Integrations in Postgres?
whats the best database to use (like sql, postgress and those stuff)
Simple typescript function
Neos Postgres vs PlanetScale
Typescript Eslint
Tanstack table
Hosting option for app serving lots of images
Using Next Js with GRPC Backend
What theme Theo was using in Vivaldi?
How to delete team ?
Massive Stripe Update Help - Plan to Prices (~2019 version - present)
INTERNAL_CLIENT_ERROR using uploading thing
what is the best way to generate a thumbnail image / poster for a video that is uploaded to UT?
Folders in UploadThing
Help Needed: Deployment Error on Netlify for T3 App
UploadThing Regions
What is Theo using to highlight the Date of the commits on GitHub depending on how recent they are?
UTapi or is there Something better?
Mishap with drizzle and singlestore
Correct way to add clerk auth to trpc
Fine-Grained Reactivity (Signals) in Qwik
Looking for a Mock Interview for Frontend Intern Role (Next.js Focus)
Fetch data in Next app to be available across all app
shadcn Combobox (CommandGroup) Not Re-rendering with Component
Trojan Virus in React Project!!
Client-side Exception Occurred
Curious about Next.js Errors
App Router and Page Router
tRPC streaming in mutations
Upgrading to Next 15, infinite refetching, no cache?
Limit messages per month
Terrible Uploadthing performance with German ISP.
Why is this component not fully SSRed, how can I do it and what learnings can I take from it?
Expo Monthly Active User question
Does anybody have experience with Proxy Re-encryption?
Renaming a file but on download it shows the file's key instead of it's name
What's the difference between the `api` exported from react.tsx and the `api` from server.ts?
Unfinished uploads (uploadthing)
Is t3chat blocked in Russia?
Next js cheat cheet
Passing generic inside tRPC query
Next-auth Session is null on initial render with useSuspenseQuery
Nest.js CLI not working
email transition
I'm sorry, but angular, react, migration, thoughts?
URGENT!! System Design Interview Prepration
Is there a public reasoning for the folder structure of ct3a?
DynamoDB adapter?
Invalid environment variables error | My Biggest Tutorial Ever Video
TypeScript React: Confused about icon: Icon and {...}: Props syntax in component props
useSuspenseQuery always called on initial render
Fetching data after Vercel deploy
Is there a way to get past an adblocker ?
build fails locally but deploys successfully on vercel
Getting the `OurFileRouter` type for the generateReactHelpers function for custom input component.
Bug: [uploadthing] Unable to Resolve UI Package Path in Next.js + TS + Tailwind Project
is there a variation of `react-native-country-picker-modal` that doesnt use defaultProps
t3-chat: start new chat from url endpoint
Unable to have a environment variable only on client?
React on Amplify with or without Next.js
Claude Sonnet 4 text to image
When will you add pdf support in t3chat?
React Native Phone Input
Question about refresh /access token
Is it possible to see cache hit/skip in the terminal when using Next with tRPC in the t3 template?
noob need help!
Rails help
Why does "yarn create t3-app" freeze? | Mac, node 22.5.1, yarn 4.6.0 (via nvm)
How should I handle differences in frontend TS types vs database schema?
t3/env strange behavior on validation
When Theo says "put it in the KV", what is the KV? or
Nextjs 15 404 page
Drive tutorial fails to deploy
T3Chat constantly failing...
Images w/ next & vercel
T3 Chat - 403
UploadThing & Laravel/php
Update to expo 52
Monitoring and scaling management on a multi-application stack
Theo recent auth video on JWT
Api keys
Regarding 2025 status of t3
Is there a list of YT sponsors for future ref?
Big build time for ollama docker image
tanstack start 404 error
Target SSR environment in Next webpack plugin
Any examples of UploadThing with just JavaScript + JSDoc? & Help with uploadthing/client
File Name
Which model could extract PDF/OCR capable?
What is best charts lib for chart like trading view?
why theo uses react router on his nextjs projects ?
In nextj15, router.refresh after router.back doesnt update the server component data
T3 Chat
Await auth()?
Caching loaders in React Router v7
Will o3-mini get online access for t3 chat?
What font is Theo using here?
Email Verification.
t3chat seems to have an error on this prompt, why could this be happening?
Question about DNS
Prevent router.refresh() from remounting client components
Deploying Bun Websocket Server
Customizing/ Making custom UploadThing dropzone
Cloudflare secrets
Do you really need an ORM?
Best Practices for Managing High-Quality Product Images in a Catalog/E-commerce Website
what should i unit test and what shouldn't I?
How to handle both "image/x-icon" and "image/"
Has upload to Uploadthing but does not return
Extension to check tech sack
quick question about the rules
pnpm build fails after create t3-app
t3 business costing.
what's a good way to add a blog to my friend's site
NextJS dynamic routes with „use cache“ and dynamicIO - examples?
React error
Zustand question
t3 chat: LaTeX rendering please
Problem with t3 chat pro
how to execute some code on user signup, next auth 5 why is the chat api POST response after a prompt not in JSON?
Invalid Signing Secret Error On UploadThing
T3 Chat Temp Chat Feature
Upload Thing: Callback Failed
Environment port not used on a local PC
Next js server actions
upload video to firebase and show it in next js
trpc with nextjs 15
Struggling to Reduce Vercel Function Invocations on My Next.js Website – Need Optimization Tips!
UT Download Speed question.
t3 chat [ Pro user ] Deepseek R1 stopped working suddenly and keeps running a loop.
What is the best "AI" tool to code?
"Favourite"/Pinned replies on
NestJS and DrizzleOrm question
Understand Vercel (serverless) cost structure
Rename based off fileKey
Nextjs navigation after trpc mutation
Is Clerk a good choice to build a real auth management?
Simulating low RAM
Prisma doesn't update the db in my container
Twitch Re-sub confusion
Cannot find module 'expo-asset/tools/hashAssetFiles'
"Callback failed" in production.
Why is UX popular for VS competitors?
Nuqs array toggle
T3 Chat Subscription
Does Upload thing allow for a folder structure?
T3 Chat - Lost all chats after deleting cookies after not being able to access the app the whole day
[SOLVED] New to Docker, can't connect from localhost to DB on container
Keyboard shortcuts in react
Web Sockets on Vercel
Do you know any way to extract a DOM-Element from a website and according style definitions/classes?
Weird timestamp behaviour or i don't understand something..
onUploadComplete and onUploadErorr callback not working
Typesafe: Is there any better way to write this code?
I wonder if Theo has repos of custom utils/ts utility types and hooks he uses ❤
Making my first (production) website: Questions about auth, pricing, and hosting
Vercel and DDOS Protection
Next.js Version? How to change?
Software Engineer resources and groups
How do i add custom id in uploadthing (nextjs app router)?
T3 Slow down after 10+ messages
generateUploadButton throws type error
Anyone with IoT SIM Cards and cellular connectivity experience? Need help where to look for problems
WebGL + Canvas randomly going black [Helldive Difficulty]
T3 chat - document creation
Cacheing Astro SSR pages at build tine
how to get a refund? i wanted to use it for claude but this AI cant even read pdfs :(
How to remove unused teams?
Supabase Postgresql Timeout on Discord Auth Request
Supporting multiple auth providers
I'm lost and I don't know what should be my next steps
HTMX worth it? or bad?
Whats the name of the web scraper api that sponsors theo?
T3 Chat state
Astro Document Processor
Sentry Alternatives
atomic distributed transaction
Is it safe to ignore occasional next-auth CLIENT_FETCH_ERROR reports if everything seems fine?
Error [LibsqlError]: URL_SCHEME_NOT_SUPPORTED: The client that uses Web standard APIs supports only
Tanstack - React tabel , pagination problem
onUploadComplete is not being called
Looking For Specific Theo Videos.
hosting videos in Vercel static CDN?
subbing to gives image upload permissions?
High bill for Sanity
real time video stream that gets served to multiple users
limits of the free tier t3chat?
custom login page does not work
NextAuth.js is now part of the Auth.js
T3 Chat Image and File Upload
Next.js 15 App Router vs. React Router:
Which E-Mail (marketing) software/platform do you use? (Clerk for Email)
T3 chat getting image gen?
Question about ARGs/Envs in dockerfile suggested in T3 website.
useQuery or useMutation?
Personal inventory system
Suspense boundary trigger
custom login page error
What Ollama models do you use? Is there a good repository of rankings?
Will there be a linux desktop app for T3 Chat?
What are you all looking for in typesafety of storage library?
How to handle Monthly quota on Semi Annual and Annual Plans (Stripe/ Payment related)
CSR, SSR or server components?
How did T3 Chat manage to make Dexie load data so fast?
How does T3 Chat cost only 8 bucks a month?
15in MBA vs 14in MBP
Github Workflows NPM publishing issues
Python issue with inheritence
Data fetching & dynamic routing Next JS (newest)
What's t3?
EXA ai - T3 chat
How many messages do free users get? – T3 Chat
Issue with UploadThing after updating from v5.5 to v7
Next.js dynamic routing link component not working
t3chat development
Storing Payment Status of Customer on the frontend
Uploadthing: Type-error when sending custom field data to the client
Uploadthing muti image generation from a single image
How to send messages to large number of people and is there ways for doing it
How do i take logs & analysis about how my web application is performing.
Playwright page.goto in next js
module not found error
Looking for some schedule components libs
Cookies and sessions on Express.js, I am unable to understand how this works..
Payload to large trpc
Does anyone know a good utility to track how much you've coded in a day?
Sorting Tailwind classes without `prettier-plugin-tailwindcss`
Credentials login error
I'm wondering how you can advertise CodeRabbit when it is so clearly a security vulnerability
Getting build errors after upgrading to nextjs 15 and react 19
UploadThing Progress for each file
React Query frequent cache updates
Anyone familiar with using webassembly for a python library with react?
error when deploy next js full stack to vercel
Jose DataError: HMAC key data must not be empty
Reuse tRPC client context in a turborepo structure
Nuqs slower than useStste
Architecting a task queue
avoid auto scrolling when intercepting routes
How to store/design dynamic roles in jwt
LF Video where Theo talks about using react query for ping
Career advice for a 3rd Year CS Undergrad from India
Multi-Tenancy + Stripe
Manage Stripe Prices and Products Saas
How do I parse this using python and langchain's WebBaseLoader?
Google drive as file storage
Is it necessary to have backend to upload pdfs, in uploadthing ???
dockerhub storage problem?
Issues while initialising t3-turbo repo .
Integrating uploadthing with REACT + VITE
Couple Apache Question
Enable mouse scroll or mouse drag in number input?
Passing Handlers or Centralize them?
New safe actions library
Trying to wrap my head around Docker, Dockerfile, Docker Compose - and what about for OSS projects?
Anyone using Sentry without being overwhelmed by random errors?
secure API using middleware | NextJS
Help with webpack error
combobox popover component
How to restart a game
-- Runing a TS files code from a Next app created with `npm` command --
Status: Callback Failed
React implementation with Three.js (React Three Fiber)
Proxy for ssh protocol
Tips/resources to make websites look like this "simplistic modern" feel? idk the exact words lmao
Data Fetching with React 19
Advice on how to switch over to web development with previous software development experience
NextAuth + Authetik gives me "unexpected HTTP status code"
Best places to learn about rest api's and resources for building one.
Is this a safe use of reading a ref during render?
Access cookies in middleware?
Error building nextjs application on vercel
Weirdest bug with RadixUI toast + Framer motion
onUploadComplete is not being called
Are Serverless functions the right thing for me?
Using cookie authentication with Uploadthing?
tRPC findUnique problem
Poimandres w/ Cursor composer bar window opacity bug
How to properly generate a PeerId/infohash and encode them in a url query string parameter?
niche ghostty question...
JWT with long-lived Refresh Tokens
transparency in Ghostty
Coding from a non-Mac PC while building on a Mac
how do you create something like background removal!!!!
NextAuth Type 'typeof import("next-auth")' has no call signatures.
use(props.params) vs useParams() in Client Component in Next.js
how to pass searchParams around in next app server components?
can't get ghostty to open tmux on launch
Create a safe action middleware to fetch data
client - uploadthing architecture
can you style expo image picker?
Custom Credentials Login page.
Is there an on-premises version of uploadthing?
When is transcoding coming?
shadcn Dialog - "submit" vs "cancel"
Seeking Data engineer/analyst to help me create queries for SQLite DB.
Typescript errors in code
react19 re-render issue
[AdapterError] NextAuth with Drizzle Adapter on Edge
React Native and StoryBook
question about the "taint" section of the "From 0 to Production" tutorial
UploadThing Error while following "From 0 to Production" tutorial
credential login with NextAuth
setState mutating initialized object
Postgres not available on Vercel
postgres node modules not found
Querying same content, but 1 different paramater. Should I clone and maintain both or better way?
UploadThing invalid secret error, invalid server config
Help me with OAuthAccountNotLinked
RSC error
Am I missing the point of using `use` for data fetching with server components?
How to send metadata from client to server via useUploadThing (Nuxt3)
onUploadComplete callback fails
Is t3dotgg/yerba the best way to use electron in a monorepo?
How does bun install work ?
How do you promote your apps :)
How can i make my Prettier printWidth work with classnames as well?
Protect client side routes in app created using t3, I am using Discord provider for auth.
"Your file was uploaded, but the callback request to failed. Reason: Fetch Failed."
React 19 React Hook Form Issues
need help deciding mobile stack
Auth System - Cookie problem
Exclude field depends on another field
breaking the Rules of Hooks?
UploadThing: Image upload successful, but reaching neither onUploadError nor onUploadSuccess
t3 stack and nextjs app router, chat app
🐌 Extremely Slow Initial Compilation with Next.js 15.1.0 + tRPC is blocked by malware bytes browser guard
bunx shadcn@latest init
How to upload a PDF file to uploadthing from a route.ts file
Self hosted Postgres on Create t3 Turbo
Vercel Toolbar in Github Codespace
Multi-Tenant Architecture
Error: Attempted to call g() from the server but g is on the client
ArmCord in Theo's video
Check for ability to upload file before doing it
Something went wrong. Please contact UploadThing and provide the following cause: TypeError: $.get(.
How to add event listeners in React without useEffect
Type error
Hono RPC not setting cookies on fetch
Slightly misleading video (moveBefore)
Network Issue
Skip query: best strategy?
Moving off Create React App
T3 Stack Newbie, using NextJS 15 and tRPC, no utils/trpc.ts
Specify account id in Next.js config pathname
debbugger unbound?
Error in Combobox
Upgrading NextJS to v 15
How to use the presigned URL to upload the file?
Is there a way to use varadic arguments to recurse a type?
Clarification NextJS Caching Revalidation
Coolify vs Dokku
Clerk handshake causes slow initial load for NextJS standalone deployment
Help with react carousel
which approach is better for handling errors in my app
google authentication error
ct3a build error
Trpc with nextjs 15
createCaller(...) & createHydrationHelpers<...>(...) clash. What is going on?
`uploadFiles` promise not resolving
[React native expo + Express] Warning: TypeError: (maybeServerData ?? data)?.find is not a function
Could you list the livestreams playlist on YouTube?
Task manager using T3 stack
App dir or Pages dir?
T3 Turbo Add Another App
Shadcn components not working in nextjs 15 / react 19
Security risks related to a QR code scan feature?
Zustand /w persist + immer, not persisting multi-tenant.
NextAuth getServerSession used multiple time
how to use bun or elysiajs with t3stack ?
Discord bot stack
Cors-like error in server actions + github codespaces
How to type react element arguments
React chrome dev tools always freezing?
does nextAuth provide phone otp authentication?
Rich Text in Postgres DB
Data Fetching Patterns for User Session
Where to host a static website for my company?
tRPC route undefined at runtime
How to modify the fetch function for client uploads so I can include credentials
RFC: Does this syntax make sense?
How to get OpenAi API Key
Which Theo videos should I watch to learn more about react performance optimizations (i.e. useMemo)
Add React to .NET Api
Nextjs deployment on Docker
Struggling to Choose a Type-Safe Backend for a Podcast Streaming Service Without a Monorepo
UT dropzone error for unaccepted file types
Can I use server actions in nextjs 15 for graphql request
Running getServerSideProps auth checks from external function call
What are the best learning resource for experienced developers?
Are t3env client side env vars set at build time or runtime?
How to Respond to a POST Request by Rendering Page Route with Access to the Request Payload
Next lint fail prisma edge
What would be the best or more efficient way to -partly- convert CodeIgniter to Next.js
How do you get the session in middleware?
T3 mobile
Video not showing correct length on Windows Photos app
Is there a way to trigger GitHub Copilot suggestions by pressing a key instead of showing always?
NextJS (on vercel) or TanStack start for performing a lot of requests (in a simple manner)
tRPC Query Invalidation Issue with Client-Side Data Fetching and Initial Data from server component
default env values from value
[next.js] should i cache this query?
uploadthing how to upload custom file type
is trpc good for rest apis?
Is `loading.tsx` in the root of my Next.js project bad practice?
Is it expected for a default create T3 app to take 500ms+ on each route (in dev)
T3 Stack - Next Auth Bug
Client Side CTX not being available
T3 Stack: ReferenceError: Cannot access 'createCaller' before initialization
Recommended code analysis tool for React?
PNPM being weird
Cannot execute an Effect versioned 3.10.10 with a Runtime of version 3.10.3
Posthog analytics on api hotpaths.
How to get uploaded date from listFiles()
Nextjs Route Cache using Tags (ISR)
How do I add team members to uploadthing????
Don't understand how the bandwith part of uploadthing works
Next Image Loader Only Shows Loader
using T3 Stack with Elysia ( Bun )
What's the folder structure of the zillow's "product page"??
Is upload thing HIPAA compliant?
[Expo + UT] Error when importing @uploadthing/expo
is it ok to have two rows for friendship between two users in my friends table?
Deleting pictures on the server side from the client side
CORS Access Control Error Svelte Kit
What is the best way to define my own custom types definations?
Hello guys has anyone used Agora video chat with a Next.js application before ??
newest create-t3-app (next 15) , drizzle (postgresql) and authjs v5 beta middleware problem
Failed to verify URL
Is tRPC in create-t3-app unsafe/public?
Recommended VSCode Extensions
can T3 stack build big apps like erp system ?
Hello how do I do authentication without Next-Auth or any other auth library?
Automatic audio upload to Uploadthing
Using getSignedURL function
Create T3 Turbo - Caller Not Exported
Weird tech stack from coding assignment
Recommended abstract syntax tree for JavaScript/TypeScript
Next JS just for frontend / Alternatives
Barrel files?
trpc/react-query on next@canary
callback url for uploading videos?
Is this uploadthing only the Turborepo/t3 stack kind of setups
XHR/Axios Progress with Server Actions
Uploading successful in local host but not vercel.
Can I combo Tanstack query and Server component on Nextjs?
UploadThing Callback Failing on Localhost with useUploadThing Hook
Facing issue when adding graphql to nextjs
Anyone tracking theo's unlisted youtube live links?
Is tRPC still recommended?
Is there an word wrap that works on editable contents? (not css)
Everywhere ctx.session.user in a router is used I get this error
React UseState interface and eslint - am I doing this right?
Next.js 15 + Turbopack breaks TailwindCSS?
Next JS slow initial compile time
Vercel Deployment failing on fresh create-next-app, no logs outside of saying public folder empty
One line param checking question
unable to create app
unable to create app
Flowbite vs tailwind UI vs shacdn vs ??
Links to FAQ does not work
Need a free cursor pagination API for testing
Code eg for nextjs
[Rails + UT] How to use UploadThing outside of JS ecosystem, using Rest API?
Seeking recommendations for frontend web development learning materials
Help needed in making a node lib with cli
@uploadthings/react error
One click image upload form
Using Cognito in T3?
What is the standard way to fetch on RSC
next js middleware infinite redirect
Uploadthing with Next.j, Clerk JWT Convex
Vercel function invocations
Keep page state on navigating back from a product to the product list
Shadcn Dialog close issue
Invalid Configuration on vercel domain
Need help making a drizzle query
Uploadthing Delete Files
tRPC query eating all DB connections upon window refresh
Create Dynamic Route
Authentication with Third Party Cookies
Slow queries and inserts with postgres
My upload button receives the presignedUrls from the server but when fetching the url it hangs.
Applying drizzle migrations with Hono
Data Caching problem in App Router help plz
UploadButton Error: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'match')
allowing certain image formats only
How to make uploadthing work with localhost:3001?
UT | Express.js | onUploadComplete doesn't trigger at all
Authorization with External API
SSE httpSubscriptionLink (tRCP 11 - next 14) help please :)
Good question for interviewing junior Frontend developer(about 0~1 year experience)
T3 Env: Unconventional Setup: SvelteKit + Payload CMS
metadata middleware
create-t3-turbo with --turbo flag
Error 500 when using NextJS
How to Scroll down to bottom of cli T3turbo.
React native : how to handle notification actions clicks on android on background/killed states
React context in Server Component Page
How do i add custom id in uploadthing?
Resources for typescript error handling
From Post to API
Types not matching up when exporting AppType for Hono???
T3 + Mongodb + Docker
Zustand question in next js
Use eslint-plugin-react-compiler with the new ESLint flat config
Help Needed: Jest Fails to Transform UI Package After Migrating from CRA to Vite in Monorepo
Monorepo module resolution issue
Is storing flags/config as a single jsonb row in a postgres table a reasonable thing to do
Nextjs: Reducing outbound bandwidth when google indexes all site URLs
Reducing edge invocations vercel/nextjs
Error while trying to upload video file
Restore mongodb data during Docker build
nextjs refresh, trpc invalidate order
I can't figure out how to add "up to 10 developers"
Max Connection Issue with Supabase + Vercel
ESLint error in NextConfig when customizing webpack
Asking for Advice to Study/Understand the App Router
Shadcn char color bar animation
tRPC mutation onError handler error type for shared logic
Latest t3 Template issues
Getting this PUT error, CORS issue
Quickly upload something without UploadButton/UploadDropzone
Deployng Nextjs app on Windows Server 2019
Aws Sucks ( especially with cloudflare )
Introducing new library to the deps
Open AI Billing me 3 Times for GPT Plus
Extension loader pattern only recognizes ext2 instead of ext1 and 2
Best NextJS Logging Stack?
help with aws s3 writable streams
What's the best way of making a Next.js image component fit the parent size?
Https Queues... Is active?
Why is there no .query() in my trpc procedure
Weird errors when using useQuery
Free VPS for students
Resizing, snapping and drag and drop
How to combine multiple backend projects that have different tech stack
headers: heads vs. CreateNextContextOptions
How to add swagger to hono api
Drizzle turso configuration not working
How to setup api service for selling with nextjs t3?
Does anyone know why my animate-pulse is behaving weird?
Sending emails from a NextJS app
No response from Uploadthing server
Weird React Behaviour, lost on how to debug
Implementation of clerk at latest version of t3-stack
React Query data can be undefined
i think someone somewhere is applying a font without me knowing, and i cant change it
React Native: ScrollView of Text Components not scrolling on Android But it is working on iOS
Theo VS Code font
"Can't resolve '@node-rs/argon2-wasm32-wasi'" when i tried to add hash logic to auth
Signing Out from client side - not removing session from DB
uploadthing in node14
Vercel Usage, DDoS & Cloudflare (a fun topic i know)
Where do I set up the "UPLOADTHING_SECRET" Key ?
SSG with tRPC
Transform/map source object to target object with schema/map
Created a fresh new T3 app and I get a warning in browser's console:
T3 Stack for Large-Scale Project: Pros and Cons?
Static IP in cloudflare worker
Can you deploy nodejs functions to different regions on Vercel?
snipping co-ordinates from images in react
Using getInfiniteData() for infinite scrolling
Errors when I follow the UploadThing docs for "Vue with Nuxt"
ERROR handleCallbackRequest Failed to register callback result
Vercel deployment: [cause]: SyntaxError: Unexpected token '<', "<!doctype "... is not valid JSON
Missing API Key - server callback
?CloudFlare - `Validating asset` "Pages only supports files up to 25 MiB in size"
Question for YTbers / influencers
NextJS 14.2 Parallel Routes Change?
"Invalid signing secret" after upgrading to v7
Uploaded Video Not Playing in Browser
_error.tsx on nextjs pages
ENV variable parsed with quotes "\""
Sending arraybuffer/blob over trpc
T3 Stack with App router - Can't see new posts after mutation
based on this video at min 26:02
Correct setup for user-store with zustand react-query and axios
Fixing a difference between Gecko and Webkit
Looking for a calendar aggregation service with a decent API
platforms to deploy node js backend with free plans
useQuery vs useSuspenseQuery
HTML To .doc
Mac Terminal App
uploadthing replacing name and adding customId in middleware fails to run
Is there a Vitest UI equivalent for Jest test suites?
project idea
Using Next.js with Biome instead of ESLint
DB Errors Init on Login for `create-t3-app` w/ Prisma + NextAuth
mysql free deployment platforms
How to Hook UploadThing to a Different Route Instead of /api/uploadthing?
PlanetScale vs. AWS
Handling Dates with client and server and database
Single react query doesn't seem to hit then endpoint in production (Vercel)
Localhost:3000 says: Failed to run middleware with uploadthing
Need help picking a front end framework.
hot reload not working on fresh install of create-t3-app
CSS Variables or Context
Is it possible to revalidate path after a useMutation call?
ReactHookForm propagating nested forms despite e.stopPropagation
Uploadthing 400 Error
How to use credential login
New Zod schema based on an existing one, with some fields having different validation rules?
uploadthing read operations
What kind of IT role is most likely to get you hired first:
Dropzone Button
How do I cancel an incomplete file upload process?
How to get accessToken from discord authentication?
Proper technology stack for ecommerce
Upload thing use case questions
Does anyone have an example repo?
Not having updated cookies from middleware.ts until a page fully renders
Made a web app, now I want to turn it into a mobile app
Question about using T3 Stack in a DB Query-heavy app
data optimization
Failing to connect to local d1 db with drizzle
Uploading a preview image of a PDF along with the PDF
Next 14 (app/router) is extremely slow (on dev) + tRPC + Turbopack
react native windows - Is someone using react to build windows native apps?
typescript object util library
Best image service provider
Use Zod schema after parse & transform as a new schema
NextAuth v4 auth timing out when deployed to Vercel, but works locally
using gRPC with tRPC
Send upload video link to the client before or after upload to upload thing?
"Error: Text content does not match server-rendered HTML"
tailwind ui library or do I build myself?
UTApi getFileUrls 400
need help in css
what do you guys think of copilot vs cursor?
Send help, I have choice paralysis.
Developing for multiple platforms.
Unexpected useQuery behavior
UT middleware with authentication and fileOverrides
Convert to webp before upload
I'm done, really need to learn how to develop.
App crashes when TRPC error is thrown on the server
why is `react-responsive` not updating darkmode consistently
BUILD TypeCheck and Lint disabled
Huge memory usage spikes with uploadthing, seeking help on how to handle it.
Retry Error
Hey guys, weird question but am looking for suggestions.
Mongo Db Schema _id(ObjectId) in trpc get serializes to string
Debugging node_modules in VS Code of a Next.js app
Bad Request 400
How to setup initial db and application configs?
Use ReactQuery to fetch different api resource than trpc resource
email client
React Native
Integrating AI assistant (fastapi/react) on the main website(laravel).
Hello people, I need help with a bug that has paralyzed me in teamwork for a week and a half
NextJS REST API storing authed User per request
"Expected an error object to be thrown." At From 0 to Production - The Modern React Tutorial
why does this procedure get called twice, once with cookies and once without
Migrating from T3 to T3 Turborepo
[Next.js Image Component] Cache Images between pages
Api directory in App vs Server?
how do I upload file directly
What's the best way to set up unit testing for t3 stack?
T3 Env Client QQ
`drizzle-kit push` connection cleanup
File Upload To AI Service
TypeError: Unknown file extension ".ts"
Uploadthing Unauthorized Error
Should the server respond with the error or a generic "try again" message?
indecipherable build error
Best way to do form?
NextJS routing
Update locale or query param doesn't trigger the loading.tsx file with useSuspenseQuery
I am getting error in eslint. I tried searching for solutions but couldn't find any. Can anyone help
I'm trying and failing to set up iron-session + trpc in a T3 app. Anybody here ever do that?
Discord login page for T3 stack app not working on Firebase App Hosting
Supermaven vs Copilot
React Error
Need help in TipTap
building content heavy SEO-compatible websites
clerk auth default metadata
Next.js Use localStorage For Rendering Without Flash?
TypeScript linting errors with turborepo
What’s the best way to host my Next.js project if I need to have a static IP address?
how to fix images adjusting after loading
trying to have multiple tables for different projects in vercel postgres using drizzle
session callback are not being invoked?
How do I set the cookie in the procedure?
Coding on Snapdragon X Elite
@t3-oss/env-nextjs with a custom Next.js server?
Is there a built-in way to prevent ID duplicates using Zod?
Express-Like Auth Middleware Pattern For Server Actions?
switch function in drizzle
Everyone help me, how to handle server component error?
Table "appointment" does not exist in the current database error, but other routes do alright
Return mapped data in fetch, or map in components?
Tanstack Table. flexRender
can anyone help me to bundle t3app for electronjs?
Redirects in next.config.js - App Router - NextJS 14
Auto select language react app
My uploadthing callback endpoint seems to be serving a 400 but i haven't been able to debug why
T3 Next Auth / TRPC Documentation is outdated
applying migrations...Error: getaddrinfo ENOTFOUND postgres
What's the best logging service for nextjs?
t3 tRPC - CTX is undefined
trpc prefetch fails when building app
Server actions in server components
does the interviewer (technical interviewer) or dev responsible for hiring review your projects code
Server side data fetching based on input from a client
trpc useQuery/useMutation not inferring return type of prisma query
AWS Amplify & T3 stack env var issue
Does uploadthing have an automatic delete feature?
NextJS prefetch bad for bandwidth?
UploadThingError at INTERNAL_DO_NOT_USE__fatalClientError
Uploading a File Via POST
Code ownership
Delete file using supabase
Next Image issue in PROD
tRPC fetch breaking when building Next project
Extending React Markdown with any component
Building an npm package that has server actions
Session Callback Not Triggering in NextAuth Integration with tRPC
Building the facebook/react project
Seeking robust multi-tenant authentication for NextJS/Node app
Session not complete on expo but it is on NextJS
How are y'all handling custom icons?
Tailwind alias/rename utility?
Rate my stack?
How to webpack? (in nextjs)
which approach is better in regards to better code
tRPC error Unhandled Runtime Error
"next dev" ignores imports with customConditions
UseSuspenseQuery is called twice
Next js build server didn't load css
NextJS learning advice
I need to embet a YouTube video in my Expo app. Need to support web too.
How to best approach coding this carousel
Discord oAuth: message: 'State cookie was missing.'
Invalid Signature in uploadthing
can you make REST requests with node on a t3 project?
From 0 to production tutorial help with uploadthing implementation - UploadButton stuck on loading
[TRPCClientError]: Invalid response or stream interrupted
Uploadthing, image is accessible even after deletion?
504 Gateway Timeout Error on Vercel
props with uploadthing
redirection not working from root path "/" (react-router v6)
How to test nextjs app against dockerized postgres container (Vercel)
Next Auth Session
How to add metadata to file been uploaded?
Using Dynamic Routes with Vercel Functions?
t3 stack, making querries every time i reload the page?
How to structure layout.tsx with multiple providers/components you want to render
T3 Env Docker env variables not found
Embedable Scripts
USing the latest t3turbo with prisma
API Patching Strategy
Expose API endpoints to other apps
Issue with T3turbo - Terminal Scroll to bottom and Not being able to select text
'Invalid response or stream interrupted' when using T3+TRPC with Clerk
Loading server components on the client
enter my secret, client id, error says that table dosnt exist
Theo Thermomix website
Websocket advice nextjs-nestjs
T3app discord login, what does this mean? “discord invalid oauth2 redirect_uri”
error after discord login “try another account”
Why does THeo hate on DigitalOcean?
T3 App type error
No typescript error. Why?
Onclick() on uploadthing
tRPC react-query TypeError
ERROR: o [TRPCClientError]: Invalid response or stream interrupted
Lucia Auth Question
Issues with attaching `customId` to Files using `utapi.uploadFiles()`
Error in console when trying to upload using UploadThing
Need some help with setting up Express with Next
Runtime error on redirect post-deletion
how do i find the html or php file?
vercel (other) as game server
recommended pattern for sharing data from same api across multiple client components using approuter
T3 Env accessing VERCEL_URL on client side
NextJS `useOptimistic` vs. tRPC react-query optimistic update?
useQuery in NextJS app router client components
unstable_cache behavior in dev mode?
upload on onClick()
Handling Third-party lib client component that relies on ENV vars.
Tree shaking object based API SDK
is using clerk w/react native worth it?
<img /> flicker on transition when conditionally rendering separate lists
Protected Procedure Not working even when logged in (on server side)
Weird field error with React Hook Form (using Shadcn Form)
Auth Library Suggestions
tRPC example file structure question
expo secure store
where is signup with email and password option at?
I have a nested create many query I am getting Unknown argument 'QuestionOptions'
Handling ADHD while programming
Session user id does not get added to session
get url after uploading in client side
NextAuth problem in production on Vercel
how to make c.get("jwtPayload") type safe in hono
Why is HydrateClient in page.tsx and not in layout.tsx?
Is there a reason i cannot use "use server" inside buttons anymore like the example shows.
how do you handle api calls?
NextAuth Callbacks
Next.js/tRPC Prefetch w/ HydrateClient "Error occurred prerendering page"
storybook like playground
Do I need `HydrateClient` on every Next.js route?
Vertical scroll on element with dynamic height
I got a express + sequelize app that suddenly stops responding
FATAL ERROR: Reached heap limit Allocation failed - JavaScript heap out of memory
Difference between SSR with streaming and new PPR
React Native Search bar options
Override error in React tutorial on the add userId to the database step
How Zapier and build their frontend and backend?
Getting url on uploadComplete and choosing file name on upload.
best way to create a scale-able task system in the backend
Deploying Expressjs to Vercel.
Controller is already closed error
Best way to create a polling system?
Theo's browser
Trouble Setting Up Environment From Scratch
SVG brand logo website
anyone running into failed to connect to daemon? i cant run pnpm dev
Help with multiple prisma clients in a turbo monorepo
What's a good way to persist a single query for React Query
Shadcn and UploadThing component
Cloud Image Storage
RRule datetime generation randomly wrong
T3 stack having a NestJS backend already
is manually setting props of a component returned by a render prop considered bad practice?
Calling same TRPC endpoint from multiple components
How does the use client directive affect component rendering in Next.js
which method is better for authentication
Creating video from images
Using fetch with typescript leads to Unsafe assignment of an `any` value.
Anyone Seeing Static Files Fail to Generate in a Monorepo?
Next.js caching
how to handroll authorization and authentification
Zed for Windows Custom LSPs (WSL)
pre-commit and other git hooks
Losing typesafety after wrapping json import in a function
Failed to parse response from UploadThing server
secrets from env file defined in Next config defined leaking in client.
Uploadthing error "An error occured while parsing input/output" when I try to upload with Insomnia
Make upload delayed possible?
Next.js middleware + Axios
Uploadthing and S3
Uploadthing file handling
Trying to convince boss to switch from Angular to something else, he only accepts React.
im getting this error
ReferenceError: Cannot access 'createCaller' before initialization
T3 Turbo Auth Proxy - Correct Setup Help
How to add a next.js subdomain
OurFileRouter type errors ??????
Do you have to check type by using Array.isArray in TypeScript when you know the type?
best resources for Data Structures & Algorithms prep?
do i create a sepreate notification and user_notifications table in my database
[t3-turbo]: Redirect does not work in app
anyone else want to learn?
Using hardcoded data for comparison in unit tests with toEqual?
What is a tool that can help me update packages to latest?
shadcn dialog and form
How would you make a package that serves a web page across multiple frameworks AND nodejs?
Good react time picker
How to handle Nextjs with external REST API
How do you achieve this with T3 stack SEO
is it wrong to call myself a software engineer if i didn't go to college
Expo with Native Modules
What's the best way to pass up to the frontend that my database in currently inaccessible?
Best Frontend Testing System?
NPM library best practices?
Where's the best place to get the hash of a file?
How to implement a "local first" Mobile app storage
Drizzle where query problems
Where can I find the full stream videos?
UploadThing + CDN
SSR + Personalization?
upload thing multiple images in one form
How to use uploadthing server side?
Performance Analysis for Trpc api
Types union and how to distinguish them?
Sentry or Axiom? or both?
I'm struggling with a large HTML file issue in my Next.js project.
Enabling small edits to webpage by non-technical clients, similar to WordPress
Generating pdfs - what are you using?
Guidance on Client Refresh after Server Action
getBoxQuads-API - Transform a 3d point into 2D
NextAuth session injection
Approaches to build a public readonly application
eslint-plugin errors at build
Cost Efficient XL Generation for Large Products
remotion media not seekable
How I can stop trpc to make calls when alt tabbing?
Pocketbase vs Supabase
Caching does not work with trpc in Next, what would you do?
trpc server actions: experimental_nextAppDirCaller
Imports and exports not working turborepo
Next.js Slow Page Load in Dev upto 2 mins
Serverless function runs right after edge middleware is invoked, overriding built-time data
Noob can't get getStaticProps() to work – props in my Page are always undefined
Whats the point of this ternary operator in the nextjs homepage of Create T3 App?
Unauthorized 403 error
About Theo's take of not destructuring props
How to generate files and upload to Github?
Zod, Non numeric string
Route workin in Dev and not Prod?
Azure blob storage
NextJS route.ts gets a 504 Gateway Timeout
do you query the localstore everytime to get the token before making api calls ?
Unexpected error in delete-image server action in Theo's modern react tutorial
Unable to upload files after deploying on vercel
Backend Architecture - Programmatically generating files and pushing to user's GitHub
New to the t3 stack and tRPC, how do I share code between route functions correctly?
should we stop using useMemo and useCallback in react v19?
Is there any React frameworks that fit my needs?
TypeScript ORMs
nextjs14 app router support?
Has anyone used t3stack to create telegram mini apps? How was your experience, which database?
Makeing Chrome Extention For Review API Responsed Data
Auth.Js with t3 turbo stack
Have to refresh typescript server after pnpm -ui add of components (TURBOREPO)
NextJS Server Actions
Advice for LARGE Product Embedding for AI?
Redirect and Middleware rewrites
I am having difficulties with uploading Videos
Auth js authentication in Next JS for laravel backend
Is anyone else having issues with cloning skateshop
Most Performant Way of Implementing Dialog/Sheet for Row Click in a large DataTable
does utapi.deleteFiles actually delete the files?
UT wrong callback url
How to work with metadata for Linkedin Posts on Next 13+
Setting cookies on tRPC calls
NextJS broken when built for a production environment.
Multiple Google OAuth Clients for a single Application?
How do I reset form fields through a server action / server component?
Can i use uploadthing with dotnet core api ???
Has anyone had success running a Node server on for cheap?
Custom font makes text “sink down” a bit
Extending react-query with typescript
How to keep a local DB in sync with a DB I don't own?
Do i use server components , actions over express JS for my App
Anyone familiar with useOptimistic hook to explain how it works???
Is it a good idea to wrap a website in an Electron app window?
Having difficulty with sequelize association methods.
i think firebase f@@k up again
Theo's app to not leak secrets on stream
Change page
chatgpt assistant API with dynamic data?
football game need help
What is your take on the headline of this UI library
Nextjs middleware error while rewrite the route
UploadThing using Cloudflare as a CDN
Small Dynamic in Static Website
Pandacss unknown values
Outbox pattern with mariadb and rabbitmq
I'm using uploadthing version ^6.13.0, @uploadthing/react version ^6.7.0
Using nextauth discord with vercel deployments
Prevent Server Action from getting called if unrelated Search Param changes
Creaete T3 No Req or Res in TRPC context
Passing async data to server components
I have been trying to get cache working with React-Query and Next.JS
Anyone who knows CF Zero-Trust well?
Vercel server environment variables not pulling in
Shadcn Dialog + Form Error: React.Children.only
Most efficient monolith structure to have an Express.js REST API with Next.js SSR client?
View transitions aren't working with multiple elements with the same classname
create t3 app breaking next-theme?????
Turbo and prisma dont work together?
json schema to yup raw version
Prefetching deeply nested loading.tsx doesn't work on NextJS 14
ERROR! Invalid config: UnknownFileType
Connecting to websockets in app router
Issue with Fetching PDF from Uploadthing in the server
redirect on server action works depending on route ?
Multi-tenant in Next.js, How to delay the creation of the Drizzle client
What tailwind class styles the color of the progress bar for the uploadbutton?
Migrate react-scripts to vite
conditional rendering with url search params and server side data fetching with nextjs 14
Can't get human readable error messages on uploadthing.
instant updates from route handler to frontend
FileRouter from uploadthing doesn't write data to the database on vercel
Catch Drizzle Error
How to send additional information with a file using UploadThing?
Uploadthing UploadDropzone component button stuck on loading state
Twitch Con EU 24 Meetup?
Replacing Context with Data Access Layer
trpc with Server Actions
drizzle studio stuck loading spinner, supabase
What’s the correct way to setup simple node+typescript app in turborepo?
Module build failed: UnhandledSchemeError:Reading from "cloudflare:sockets" is not handled by plugin
Hitting request timeout on Vercel but function is expected to be slow
Best practices for rendering the version of your app
UploadThing randomly started failing this morning
T3 Middleware
Hear Ye, Hear Ye! A Call for Aid in the Realm of Codecraft: The Tale of the Missing Styles
Recommended way to prettyprint tRPC errors
What NoSQL databases are actually good?
How T3Stack env.js actually works?
In Nextjs how do you set serachParams in middleware ?
Throttling calls to a server function in NextJS
Frontend Design
Is there a way to turn of this prisma spam?
React vs. Native Web Components
Post Quantum Encryption
No env variables found with turbo v2.0.4 with t3-app
Got error while signin
How does the cli works
nextjs fetch into a global state
Best practices for typing a reusable button?
How to Call Hooks in sequence way
How to build Drizzle explicit types
Using fetch with a cookie to get data from some website
Replicate Spotify player screen scroll. React Native
PWA UploadThing
Best Practices for Structuring the /api folder in Next.js
ESLint config
what is YOUR_TOKEN
TypeScript types error using zod.
Best PDF Parsing Practices?
Brand new T3 stack project warnings
Get HTMLElement from Element
How to get hotloading to work with t3 + sst?
Best headless CMS for t3-stack?
UploadThing - Cant pass userId
NextAuth with Discord & GitHub
disable logging in next 14.2
Has anyone tried using prisma just for migrations, and using drizzle for querying on Postgres DB?
Redis EventEmitter?
NextAuth with Discord THEN GitHub
ENV Variable for DATABASE_URL won't update when I run npx prisma db push
Nextjs parallel and intercepting routes
t3 auth problem
Dialog shadcn not showing up as a dialog but just as content
Storing ab access token in memory server-side in NextJS
change tailwind color based on api response
Global state in nextJS 14
Refactoring for Dependency Injection (Circular Dependecies)
shadcn install with T3 stack
Commitlint issue
Should I ditch Django for GO or full stack Next.js
next prisma tanstack query
TSUP advice - typescript behaving differently after build
How do I merge two Zod schemas?
Building your own icon library
stack suggestions
testing in production setup Next JS Vercel
How to invalidate query made by trpc inside a RSC
best way to add an admin portal following best practices
where to send topic recommendations for videos/streams?
Azure CDN
Advice on realtime integration
Search for Applications using Tailwind
Use tRPC server actions
Does Sentry fully replace Axiom?
Vercel Sponsorship Revoked/Expired
invalidate data fetched from server component
How do I map next.config.js code samples in the Next docs to T3's implementation?
Deployment of T3 app / node / node w/GUI
Vercel Build out of memory
Authentication failed against database server at `localhost` error with prisma
Konvo or react-konvo support for the NextJs14
Observability in Next.js
Error: Unable to find tRPC Context. Did you forget to wrap your App inside `withTRPC` HoC?
Clerk auth() called on a route with file extension in T3 stack
How to port an app from Next.js to the T3 Stack?
How can we enable experimental TRCP features?
Typescript generic field selection assumes type incorrectly
onClientUploadComplete not working on backend adapters
Zod not validating file input
Cannot upload files to supabase storage
Why does the Next.js app need `AUTH_REDIRECT_PROXY_URL` in `create-t3-turbo`?
Create an embedded widget out of react component used in Next.js project
Routing Assistance
any unofficial WhatsApp ApI
Trying to find video where Theo wraps third party library in a type safe way?
Next.js with server
FatalError: error TS6053: File '@acme/tsconfig/base.json' not found.
DrizzleOrm querying error
Help with global state
You must define a transformer on your your `initTRPC`-object first
unsafe assignment of an `any` value
A project for both NEW and SEASONED devs
Hi, First Post, Sharing a pattern I've found for RSC to ClientSide state
nextjs api route request.query is undefined
Next js build success locally, but throws errors on vercel
React Native Security Question (.env)
Creating this layout in Nextjs with RSC with URL state
What would you use for a global state management? - Initalization from API needed
Mobx-state-tree action is undefined when passed to onPress
Expo Router APIs
Uploadthing 403 Forbidden Error in Production (vercel)
How can we implement the /user/month plan for team.
New product
If you are using NextAuth, how are you accessing Auth data in Client Components?
Have you experienced your Next.js getting hacked?
Does saving files incur a cost on Vercel?
Dynamic breadcrumbs
Using creat-t3-turbo with vercel/postgres as my db, has anyone successfully containerized postgresQL
After logged in, how to redirect users back to the same URL they were before logging in?
Modern React Tutorial @ 32:00
Any recommendations for icon packs for web?
Vercel: Error: Invalid environment variables
How to create 4 button in CSS
I'm using t3-app generator for a Prisma, NextJS based trpc app.
From 0 to Production - The Modern React Tutorial (RSCs, Next.js, Shadui, Drizzle, TS and more) Issue
uploadthing error
useLayoutEffect vs useEffect (with a setTimeout)
Really dumb question about React Compiler
supabase realtime 401 error
Next auth error=OAuthCallback
S3 presigned url
I want to upload user generated adult content
How to use state management (Zustand) but still make use of "use server"
Files wouldn't upload, no errors
attendance system (image processing)
How do you add a new field to Session User in NextAuth using T3 stack?
Queryraw condition joining in Prisma
Fetch from within trpc isnt working in vercel?
Drizzle with multi-file schema not working.
Type '{ children: Element; }' has no properties in common with type 'IntrinsicAttributes'.ts(2559)
Weird Vercel behavior.
Get speech duration before starting narrating using the speechSynthesis API in browser, JS/TS
updating @auth/drizzle-adapter from 0.7.0 to 1.1.0
Error in Nvim with TS related LSPs.
Uploadthing Error
column userId doesn't exist
T 3 with app router
Do i really can or need to hide backend part in monolith app like T3?
import { api } from '~/utils/api';
drizzzle + postgres error
Null, Undefined, <form><input>, Zod validation and query result type mismatches.
Next14 + react-query + server actions: Deleting item from a table but the table should self-adjust
Uploading zip/rar files
react packages similar to jira tempo timesheets
upload only pdf and word
Next.js file organization and security with data access
How to upload file from local path using the utapi uploadFiles or uploadFilesFromURL
[email protected]
"do not use"?
TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'url')
How to manage external ids in my database
Guys, is there a way I can add where: eq(, email) to a findFirst query in DrizzleOrm?
How to revalidate the data cache on deployment
Using table prefixes in drizzle multi-project schema with NextAuth.
Client side Upload button disabling
expo app production logging solutions
Modern React Tutorial Error
t3-stack in figma plugin?
auth.js v5 or 'NextAuth'
Scaling page with respect to viewport width
DrizzleOrm schema requires an id
select vs query? (Drizzle)
T3 trpc depdent query is failing ?
Uploadthing multiple upload files
generateUploadButton button is disabled or something
Pings videocall built some thing like webrtc?
Can you store refs in an object in React?
Advices for an electron app
uploadthing cant use generateReactHelpers to get the uploadFiles function
Why am i unable to upload it?
Next Auth - Apple sign in - Pages router
Writing to a variable defined outside a component or hook is not allowed. Consider using an effect
Send extra info (student id) to upload functionality
Ping build with webrtc
software architecture of a T3 application
Can anyone tell me how to use environment variables for different environments within T3 please?
Uploading files remain in the uploading state.
full stack ideas to ask
IndexedDB sharding library feedback
Noob, I tried to follow along with the docs but got a different file structure.
noob, how do i type this chart options prop.... 💀💀
Has anyone tried security testing via DAST software?
Frameworks for testing in monorepos, what are y'all using?
Unable to upload zips
port is already allocated
Hello, can I pull an already existing postgresql db from supabase to my drizzle schema?
Hello I'm using react router my biggest problem is re-routing the error from invalid queries
Sizing to fit parent container, while respecting css "aspect-ratio"
TypeScript Type Mismatch in Microsoft Authentication with Passport
I'm having problems refreshing my component
T3 architecture
How to stop prisma from updating the same row via 3 different update functions at the same time?
Can't detect cleckMiddleware()
Cookies in Next 14
shadcn/ui page reloads on form submit
Steps to use graphql endpoint on react client
Paid (if allowed) - Help with laggy react frontend
Create-T3-App Middleware Conventions
calling server action from client sido throws webpack error - default webpack config
server action split tasks
Include padding bottom when overflow-y-scroll
Cannot get data out of Promis.allSettled()
Whats /aab
Vercel Data Cache Debugging
quick question about existing commits
Patching Next Dev Server
Database seeding with latest T3 Stack (/w Drizzle) and Faker
Running into Error: @clerk/nextjs: Missing publishableKey. when following the The Modern React Tutor
File is uploaded but getting CORS
Security: How to genuinely not allow HTML?
Vite config ts cannot import `resolve`
How should I scale my fetch-heavy React/Next.js app?
Weird rendering bugs on mobile. Is it NextJS or my CSS skills?
Clerk thing showing error following theo's react tutorial video
(solved) How to eslint the whole project in VS Code?
how to use argon2 on vercel
'use client' with tRPC? Type error: This expression is not callable
uploadthing server SDK inside tRPC route (monorepo)
Manually trigger upload instead of automatically uploaded
My callback is failing for larger files
Prisma Migrate Diff coming back when it shouldn't
My NextAuth session callback fetches the database too often
Tailwind classes aren't applying in dev and sometimes in production when login via credentials
Favicon not showing on google
TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'useContext')
How to prevent multiple DB calls in this situation
db:push not asking if I want to rename or create a new table.
pnpm create t3-app@latest ERROR: No package.json found
what is the best sql cli client (NO SHITTY FORMATING PLZ)
Managing Multiple Promises in Next.js
Next.js API Type Safety without tRPC?
t3 workflow?
TypeScript Compiler API: Recursively resolve type
project idea suggestion?
UTApi (Server SDK) - getFileUrls with keyType equals "customId"
Weird Clerk behavior(user is null) with new API
[TRPCClientError]: Converting circular structure to JSON
Have you tried mentorship
end to end encryption
weird query behaviour
The latest T3 stack tutorial bug
Next.js API Routes behaving differently on Vercel
What year was Theo born?
@tanstack/react-virtual not displaying my virtual list
Next JS Double
Next.js Script tag breaking my app
What do you think about these videos
Next Image lazy loading w/ ShadCn/Embla carousel
TRPC not returning immediately on error
TRPC deserialization cuts off long string to client
Next Auth with Expo
Error - Something went wrong. Please contact UploadThing
Migrating react-query v3 to tanstack-query v4
How to make a fully public page with TRPC requests on T3?
Help me understand third party auth and storing user information
Why does the modal not close after navigating to home page?
NextJs not picking up my ENV vars - no changes made
How to set up Clerk with tRPC in app router?
Personal Project - What Language
Missing FormData value when using Server actions
Theo's tutorial
Website hosting with HIPAA compliance
ERROR: UPLOADTHING No slug provided in params: {}
How do i debug my expo app
Combine with react-native app
Array.pop() cant be undefined after if check, but typescript doenst know.
nextjs cache questions with new react news
change typescript version in workspace to have typesafety for nextjs (const dynamic =)
Is there T3-stack alternative that doesn't use Next.js?
T3 - pass current tenant slug into TRPC context
Dockerizing t3 app with mysql database
Error when trying to spin up turbo repo
Client side SDK
Anyone know how to fix svelte-query
fresh install - prisma db:push fails when using .env.development & .env.production
application running costs
favicon not showing on google search
TypeScript NX Async Server Component TypeScript Error
Error with Uploadthing file renaming
trpc with nextjs app router
Shared MimeType config for Uploadthing
does anyone have a good guide/tutorial on how to make links embedable
next 14 Showing image fallback on public folder image 404
Code seems to stop execution
Api Route or Server Action for ImageKit upload
Docker help -> writing to file in a seperate container
How to get TRPC mutation type?
Setting up ecs with alb on container with sockets.
Weird react behaviour
Using Multiple DBs with Drizzle
React Portal renders the element passed as children 2 times
Best fully typesafe, fully managed, headless CMS with a generous free tier for Next.js 14.
React Query hilight new data after mutation
Hosting platform
Global error when clicking on photo in Gallery Tutorial
Not able to sign in with credentials
Scheduled Notifications
TRPC error handling (on client) is confusing
Developer tools for Arc on Windows
UploadThing in a backend application
t3 second drizzle client
t3 stack app router examples?
Next.js on Plesk
Converting String Encoded Images to Files to upload with UploadThing
next-auth v5
discount coupon
Array of Objects Drizzle
Serverside api call - uploadthing
Complete idiot and noob here: Skeletonize a dashboard with Shadcn ui
Error with tRPC & Drizzle with numeric data type
What is the difference between JWT and session/database in next-auth
Cannot catch or log error, onUploadError
T3 Turbo - Run a typescript app with node
I still don´t get server actions
Is anyone actually using the Effect library in production?
Looking for a way of doing TypeScript validation of static files
Next.js app router with dynamic routes and trpc weird behaviour
package lib to preview pdf or docx
if all my components are "use client" should I even use NextJS?
Cannot find module whenever running 'npm run dev' on t3 app
web_dev vs software developer
trpc resource: the server responded with a status of 500 I'm really confused
Typescript "implements"?
Optimistic Updates with TRPC Hook
redirect issues
Bundle type defs for a package in node_modules
Self-hosting Next.js with graceful shutdown
Efficient Handling of Dialogs in Next.js?
trpc mutation. "await in execute (async)"
how to stop next auth signin refreshing the page
Deploying a dockerized next.js app
Has anyone used JSON Patch with an authoritative server state?
How would you structure the backend for an application like this?
Please help me save our internal app from cookies set at subdomains in our company!
Fail to try beta version of Typescript because @t3-oss requirement
Module not found: Can't resolve './utils/createUtilityFunctions.mjs'
t3 starter app with nextauth auth.ts config problems
whats the proper way to disable auto zoom focus on inputs and textareas on mobile?
internal server error when deploying to DigitalOcean
Nodejs take less time instead Bun
Testing in react
Create t3 app with nextauth and new router problems
Modals failing from tutorial
Benefits of using auto incrementing primary keys?
Is Tanstack Query needed when using Next Route Handlers?
t3 env doesn't seem to work with docker compose build
NextAuth - Email Provider Breaking Google Provider!
VSCode Import Autocomplete Purgatory (Relative, absolute, and barrel paths)
The In App vs NextAuth problem
TypeErrorinitialTree is not iterable in Modern React Tutorial vid
T3 Roadmap? What would you recommend?
are there any better logs for nextJS that are in English
Should I report a bug to a federal(-ish) university without hopes of a bug bounty?
Fork bomb
Communication with server and client <nextjs>
React Native Data Loader library
Next.js as a client API choice
Should I start my own blog, or use an existing platform?
Hi guys, I'm peter. I'm starting a new project with all the t3 start recommend
UTApi deleteFiles
RSA_PKCS1_PADDING is no longer supported for private decryption
Tutotial - What settings to choose
Best resources / learning material?
Should I switch jobs?
Advanced Typescript Resources
Uploadthing Image not showing up
Large number of Vercel Edge Middleware Invocations coming from next-auth's `/api/auth/session`
Shadcn - Drawer - Vaul - flashing after closing Drawer
Am I being lowballed?
NextJS detect if page is fetching new data, if so, display loading
error: column "trailer_id" cannot be cast automatically to type integer
next MongoDB api route returns []
filtering, sorting and grouping + pagination
Scehma Versioning of Event driven architecture
Any good library/service for managing background jobs?
module not found build fail
How to add fallback link to tRPC link (Mirror API URL if main URL fails)
(windows 11) alias for pnpm doesn’t work in VS code
New T3 gallery app only gives global error
T3 app gives 504 on every login attempt in production
create-t3-app next auth question
testing question: TypeError: undefined is not a function
Drizzle wont push db changes to Planetscale
Appropriate Use of Modals - Attach to mapped components or pass modal logic down?
Is Prisma ORM still slow?
how to properly compare enums and interface unions?
React Query extension type helpers?
Using `next-international` for i18n support breaks my tRPC config.
React Build page
Choosing a React stack
Is it a good idea to make a meeting scheduling + video calling application?
Use AWS S3 to store files
What does data flow mean in the context of react props?
Opportunity: pls tutor me for 70$. ~ 3hr project
Monitoring/Error tracking on Nextjs
Run migration with Drizzle for Neon
UploadThing > other file storage??
nginx vs traefik vs caddy
Improving Next.js Monolith
Best WYSIWYG Editors
How do I protect myself from assholes?
Bug!? Server side calls are not being cached
Handle Next <Image /> using Cloudflare?
Why varchar instead of text in T3 postgres/Drizzle schema?
re-render issue loading fabric.js components in a react-slick carousel
resources to learn responsive css
need help with uploadThing SSR plugin
shadcn's form with uploadthing sdk
Style library and component library for the new NextJS project
UploadThing folders for better organisation
napster clone ( Android app)
No example of error handling in the app router
T3 Stack Initial Git Commit Issue
NextJS wants me use 'use client' on its complied files?
Custom Sub-Domains on Vercel + Namecheap
Where would you host full T3 stack, besides vercel or netlify?
Conditional Validation in Form Schema Using Zod?
Heights 100 % problems
UploadButton "You forgot to pass the generic" type error
Monorepo NextJs-NestJs, weird import issue
zod validation with uploadthing and server actions
How to upgrade pnpm version of project
Guide to upgrade from Pages router to App router
Getting next-auth-steam to work with create-t3-app
Clerk middleware complaining on new T3 gallery tutorial
Arguments against twin.macro in favor of TW
Drizzle Not Working At All On Backend
Failed to compile
how to pass trpc typescript between parent and children ?
pnpm/turbo workspace issue
How to manage state in a vanilla js app in a functional programming way
React To Next header cookies/Token
"Weird" characters are visible in VSCode Git Bash terminal output (like this: `←[90m` )
Next Auth Drizzle Adapter does not include extra columns (fields)
useUploadthing hook is slow
Caching getSignedUrl without DB?
Vercel and Cloudflare DDoS protection
SystemError [ERR_TTY_INIT_FAILED]: TTY initialization failed: uv_tty_init returned EINVAL (invalid a
Animating a background moving between grid elements
Is Theo's new tutorial any good for a Vue Dev?
Email exist verification
Issues with Clerk and Unit testing
Drizzle + SQLite updated at field
How can I replicate the vanilla behavior of NextJS API routing in T3 stack?
What is this app?
this works but nope?
Micro Front End best practices
Using Turso in T3-Create
No file route found for slug in deployment
Will server components be refeteched on mutation?
Nextjs parallel routing questions
How can I subscribe to updates in an RSS feed?
How can I configure tRPC to function as a REST API (single-route)?
T3 Stack: tRPC not extending type definitions to client
Total noob! Supabase and the t3 stack
How to exclude specific routes from Clerk middleware?
For Sr+ Engineers: Frontend, Backend, or Full-stack?
It works locally but doesn't save to the database when deployed on Vercel.
Error on NextJs AppRouter
useFormState in tables, or complex forms
How are signals going to be any different that state variables in React?
Next redirect() gives date.getTime() error
Prisma/tRPC query failing 1/2 the time, but only in Prod
Tailwind CSS dynamically add classes
No typesaftey for dynamic returns
How do you cache tRPC server responses w/Next App Router?
I want to get information from the indexedDB and include this in the first render, without delay
getting error while fetching from uploadthing
Next Auth google says redirect URI is broken but works on another project
Next not doing SSG routes?? Am I missing something?
How to fix jupyterhub issue
P3005 Error running Prisma migrate
UTApi - server SDK uploadFilesFromUrl module error
Vercel Date Issue
Request -Website to analyze npm packages
Date being overridden in neon and drizzle orm
What is a correct API route validation flow
API Monitoring, Logging from Scratch
downsides to Using IndexedDB/LocalStorage as a cache?
You are using Node.js 16.17.0. For Next.js, Node.js version >= v18.17.0 is required.
Do TRPC fetches need to be wrapped in react.useeffect?
i have a doubt regarding google oauth token
next js on vercel revising home page after 404 does not re-render
React Table v7 Sorting
Updated T3 Tutorial
Error with NextAuth and prisma
How does UploadThing onClientUploadComplete work?
Best way to handle fetching large amounts of emails
Streaming file from Client to Server to S3
exported type changes on import (z.zodInfer)
trpc/react not working on AWS
trpc context not passed correctly
Recommended guides for knowing which html tags to style globally?
Clerk and tRPC "protectedProcedures" on the server.
TRPC Revalidating serverside queries
Vercel Deployment Stuck
How can I implement JWT access/refresh token flow with trpc
Resize Image
white stroke and transparent fill
(SEARCHING) Visual API Design Site
Managing High Bandwidth Consumption in Web Hosting and Cloud Storage
next js production problem with auth
How to interact with typescript language server programetically?
Help with dynamic image in Nuxt!
How would you define 'Confidence' in testing? (Unit / Integration / E2E / Whatever)
Has anyone here tried nuqs?
Help responding to coworkers on my technical decisions (NextJS)
Get loading state from server action without using `useFormStatus` or `useFormState`
Server Side Exception on Vercel Deployment
404 Not Found when rendering <UploadButton>
Next Steps Confirmation - "if your app includes tRPC"
SQL/Drizzle Where Query Search Optimization
How to use generateStaticParams with trpc?
postgres db probs on vercel lately?
Refetching/revalidating server query with TRPC
Downsides of using AsyncLocalStorage on Server Components?
Optimizing importing json into sqlite with or without drizzle
NexAuth with Xata db
Really fast search functionality SQLite (Turso)?????
Anyone Worked with JSON Schema here please help 🙏
React query in react native
Response Parsing/Validation Library
"TTY initialization failed" error while trying to setup t3 locally.
Middleware for Next-Auth
User Privacy Question
Getting an error on Vercel but not locally.
Restfuncs as a replacement for tRPC
Drizzle Mysql compare json arrays
next 14 prevent infinite redirects in layout
profiling react component body
ai prompting doubt
Horizontal scroll bar tailwind
What's your favourite chart library for dashboards?
Can't use my OpenAI API keys in my React Native Expo app?
Can't set env variables in package.json scripts?
Failed to compile. Entry point for implicit type library 'mime'
Trpc failed on post.hello after initial setup
If you SSH onto a machine from another machine, does that use less resources on your local Machine?
Unnecessary API'S call
Regression testing React.memo
Handling loading and error states in T3
Query Invalidation with trpc not working with React Server Components and App Router
Tanstack Virtual or Other options
Revalidatepath type undefined vs page
Turborepo without Expo?
Extending next-auth user
Are cold starts an issue?
I have a doubt .
Expo Router headerSearchBarOptions
Im a newbie creating a document editor and idk how to setup an architecture to save the data
Differences Between Providers
how to use yarnrc.yml
A guide for tRPC MySQL drizzle testing setup
shadcn/ui: Why do I get the incorrect error message?
TRPCClientError: Unable to transform response from server
Basic system design questions for a big project
Validation error in JSON schema provided by user against the JSON Schema draft 2020-12?
How to change refType in forwardRef based on prop?
How do I migrate from Next-Auth to Clerk Auth?
State Management
table schema admins table
Prisma w/pgvector
keep previous data
t3-env setup with tsx
Generic EventEmitter Class
axios + multipart/formdata
Unhelpful useQuery error
why 401 status code doesn't trigger `response.ok` to be false?
Maybe i am dumb, but how can i detect if dynamically component has loaded or loading.js have closed?
typescript globals: @types/web overrides fetch
can anyone recommend a library to use mutating operations but return new unmutated objects?
Drizzle, Neon, Vercel deployment config
React, SASS, tsup and not loading component styles
Building an application with multiple logged in accounts and multiple workspaces per account
Prisma migrate deploy docker optimization/improvement
trying add variable for dark mode with prefered theme and "dark" class.q
Increase execution duration T3 w/ TRPC
NextAuth Session Typescript checks
TRPC updated recently, can't use CreateNextContextOptions to implement Clerk
Server actions payload limit
permanent and secure state storage
discriminate unions based on return type
Nextjs14 + t3-create + SIWE
TRPC mutation is giving me an error when trying to implement it
Use tRPC in a package in monorepo
deployment failed with invalid enviroment variables when using t3env on vercel
Firing a client-side event when the user signs in
T3, Intellisense, & Alias Path/Module
uploadthing in a server side environment
Dictating how webpack resolves dependencies
Debugging vercel cron?
T3 drizzle error
hey can someone help me setting up google auth with pocketbase and reactidk where to even start
does react ssr now?
nextjs 14 TRPC, correctly setting up ws subscriptions
Issues with queryKey
I am looking for a T3 Auth app with Supabase, Prisma, and Next-Auth
invalid env variables
how do i get the vercel bot to comment on prs?
Module not found: Can't resolve '@/components/site/footer' on Vercel
what handler do you use to seperate trpc queries from client?
Tailwind CSS variables based on light/dark mode
Nextjs image config?
Server Error: client[procedureType] is not a function [ tRPC v10.45.2 OR v11] [ NextJS v14.1.X ]
Headless WordPress hosting for ~2k page marketing blog
Nextjs routing and layout inheritence issue
TailwindUI Bug (incorrect renders & missing classes)
invalid env variable error with drizzle and neondb
how to get better-sqlite3 to work in docker
Next.js and GSAP rendering
Get a list of all files in UploadThing
SEO Nextjs Deployment
Playwright: How to check with considering URL Params
Uploadthing throws errors in nextjs 14 when withUt wrapped around tailwind configs.
Looooong DB table
trpc query failing in prod
retry logic with server action
react-hook-form: How to force lowercase characters
“Integrating Drizzle Prepared Statements with tRPC Context”
Integrate a separate build of react component to a preexisting shopify store
Next.js: How to find out if the URL params loaded.
Calling public trpc procedure redirects user to custom signin, causing an infinite loop
redirecting to custom error page if auth is canceled
Puppeteer App Router NextJS?
invalid env vars with drizzle and neondb
server dir with nextjs and drizzle
Can anyone have a look at this... Please help
Is it worth updating from the old T3 stack to new?
Selecting only `td` elements from the root table (not nested tables inside the root table)
Help me with cookie.set() trpc
help with T3/Turbo supabase
Cloudflare Pages nodejs_compat config file based
Strange error when testing with Auth.js v5
Clerk Context in TRPC
Data transfer from Prisma to Spreadsheet
Uploadthing button doesnt do anything
Does anyone have experience with using Supabase and Prisma?
Vercel logs not showing
Nextjs Upload to local Directory
Permissions issue off fresh TRPC template
VSCode LSP not working properly...
chrome inspector blue all of a sudden
Apple iMessage reply line CSS
NextAuth.js (Auth.js) vs SuapbaseAuth
Cloudflare workers: cannot import "node:events"
Modifiying createContext on the server side
Deploy backend to cloudflare workers
SessionProvider missing in app router
create t3-app not working
Migrating away from Planetscale (expiring hobby plan)
What Arc browser settings / extensions is Theo using?
Stripe issue of India
Can someone help me with this github issue? (set cookies)
React Frameworks with SSG
Upload file from nodejs local path
undefined `direction` for useInfiniteQuery
Search bar suggestion dropdown
Image offloading in nextjs and vercel?
Nextjs in standalone mode with Auth.js(v5) returns JWTSessionError
What JS runtimes exist?
revalidate cached data on page load app router?
Easiest way to manage email notifications for my blog?
Why is create-t3-turbo setup to have shadcn as shared package
How to fix next auth beta redirecting to undefined path
Property 'query' does not exist on type 'DecorateProcedure<QueryProcedure<
Streaming Video
Is there any way I can work on another branch?
T3 trpc v11
Force Vercel build to fail when GitHub action fails
Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, stat 'C:\components.json'
Authentication and Session Management in Next.js 14 with Microservices Architecture
Trouble setting up Prisma with Turbo CI/CD
How to configure CI/CD Create-T3-Turbo on Amplify
nextJS trpc subscriptions using createEnv
rolling your own auth
JS Error Handling Standards Links
testing protected trpc procedures using vitest
trpc v11 error: The transformer property has moved to httpLink/httpBatchLink/wsLink
t3 docs folder structure not up to date?
Dynamic record with value type depending on key suffix
a noob questions, arrow function or normal function for react components
What "Backend" language can I learn with 4-5years TS experience?
hrefLang app router
Drizzle + Postgres Schema
How to use upload thing with only OpenAPI Specs?
Zustand Store Creation before React
Issues with yarn.lock file changes
Call trpc without using reactQuery/hook in a "use client" async function
tRPC: Return undefined if param is not there
Fresh Create-t3-app isn't deploying to vercel
Why are options in filter/select of shadcn table example greyed out?
how to do server integration tests
Uploadthing Deleting files
Does anyone know any light weight charts library
any button even when explicitly mentioned as type="button" triggers form submission
Any advice or Topic recommendation for junior frontend developer to study
Ui Design for side projects
Audio File Upload and Storage - PWA or Native App?
NextJS Server Cache?
Adding a staging environment using the T3 stack (deployed on Vercel)
Properly setting a minimum delay when fetching data from external api
Do server components cache their results with React Query?
Getting same issues again and again
Does anybody use uploadthing with PayloadCMS?
Does anyone know of a css class completions/hover lsp?
Using Next with an external backend
Next.js desktop application?
Change BG using React State
how to re-validate a layout on a dynamic page?
create-t3-App docs update
cookies are returned as `object Promise` from RSC
Does anyone know how to switch package from npm to yarn
Nitro, Next Auth and Google callback URL
June Analytics weird error when attempting to track
Prisma extension for remapping all fields of certain prisma type
slow trpc query seems to be delaying render of non-dependant components
Change NODE_ENV convention
onUploadComplete and onUploadError
Railway approx. pricing for a side project DB
CMS + Drag N Drop Editor tools for clients?
DB or Localstorage?
Good (cheap) alternatives to Planescale
nextAuth v5
Decimal Warning
uploadthing: What happens when file name already exists?
React Lazy Load Required Files
SignatureDoesNotMatch problem when uploading img file using presignedURL
Undefined TypeScript error
UseInfiniteQuery not showing in query
Auth.js (v5) with Docker?
PlanetScale Hobby not Available. Alternative Suggestions?
Free Cloud Database for prisma ? (except planetscale)
Unique key constraint error
what is Prisma.BatchPayload?
Prevent parallel route from being triggered if hard-navigated
Inside create t3 app with Drizzle, why do we pass the database through ctx on each procedure?
basebox in cli
Usage docs for Drizzle
TRPCClientError: Unexpected token 'A', "An error o"... is not valid JSON
AccessDenied NextAuth
React query useInfiniteQuery (v3) and react table (v7) for server side pagination
T3 Recommended Services Cost Scaling/Pricing
prisma create code architecture
How are signals implemented?
Enabling offline mode with the t3 stack
How do I add more data to session?
Stripe integration
Project Architecture
Bun Shell and tRPC
What hosting should I use for my server?
Why should I use tailwind?
Looking for some people to build component library together ( maybe open source it )
trpc-openapi with t3-stack
Uploadthing uploading directly from express server
Public and Private procedures Not working with Clerk and Prisma
Best Chart/Graphs React Library
NextAuth behind nginx https proxy doesn't get session
Planetscale billing
Using getStaticProps with TRPC (Fetching data via mutate)
server action && from state && files
SSR with CSR after load
Infinite Query crashes Next.js router
Is it possible to render a placeholder to display while a client component loads?
Guidance / Guide / Repo with monorepo separate server & client NextJS with App Dir, tRPC
create-t3 connect docker server to docker database
Can someone help me with this prisma error
seemingly random pnpm i error due to lockfile (during railway deploy)
Using uploadthing for serving static files
Vercel CDN?
Incredibly Slow ESLint in t3-turbo Monorepo
Time Comparison
State update without dispatch
How to sort object based on time (HH:MM)
in app browser gives oAuth errors
Using Svelte with Next.js
create-t3-turbo adding tailwind to additional packages
How does NextAuth persist session cookie in t3 stack
tRPC setup for creating serverless AND edge api endpoints
@verce/og referencing unsupported modules
PostgreSQL, NextJs data filtering
Cache with TRPC app router
Revalidating a GET endpoint in Next
Autocomplete when importing images from public folder
pushing back against unit testing
Best practice for counting streams
Avoid UseQuery() Undefined Key Lint Error on Next Build
Added Gooogle Provider to NextAuth setup that comes with t3app, but the button doesnt show
Unable to Retrieve Data from useMutation Call Despite Successful Internal Fetch
TRPC with Google Places API (New)
shadcn/ui question
I cannot setup the Turso cli on windows 10
tRPC errors squished by _error
Remix loaders are middlewares?
Getting is not a function in inArray(properties.amenities, amenities)); drizzle
Using Vitest to test React component that uses custom hook
Next-auth v5 config file server code leaks into client components
Accidentally made a REST banking API, and mid way Documentation and a grpc client.
@t3-oss/env-nextjs with NX Monorepo v18
Cancel query when query value reaches to 0
help a noob, Error P1017
How you do i18n in react apps?
pulling session data on server?
django authentication
[Turborepo] How to exclude a folder?
Prisma Imports bundle sizes too big?
Image uploading concurrency Prisma
Uploaded image not showing on Next app
Upload Thing Help
`MaxListenersExceededWarning` on using `tailFile.on` inside `socket` connection
What is t3?
deploying next to a VPS + static files to a cdn
app architecture help?
Static IP Address
Next Auth Session timing out
Playwright Test Actions do not end
CLI binding for vscode
Sharing Logic Across TRPC Procedures
Integration Testing for APIs that interact with a Third-Party System
Sharing data across client & server components?
react take a screen shot openstreetmap
Postgres DB Wiped?
How to authenticate all pages using app-router?
NextJS pages or app folder structure?
Server or Client?
Weird cache behavior
help with DB schema
Is it bad to get db without context?
Can still use null for required field in Prisma
Unsure how to do this pattern in app router
Google authentication in Nuxt 2
Best practices for backend releases while there are active sessions with stale frontend bundles
Kubernetes Exec with websockets
Prisma filtering many-to-many query on exact number of relations
Client/Server Mutations
t3 recommendation for onboarding libraries?
Retrieving metadata from uploadFiles
Type Error
Table header with `position:sticky` and have horizontal scroll in the table at the same time?
What does importing await import("./src/env.js") do in next.config.js?
Cron job in nextjs14
React Grid Layout automatic detection
useSuspenseQuery will get "UNAUTHORIZED" tRPC error
App router tRPC client side query not working with nextjs basePath
runtime environment variables with app router
Json-server + Next.js 14 deploy to Vercel
How to call tRPC on the client?
Shadcn Toast not showing using useEffect
Generate a dynamic zod schema for a user created form
Not understanding best practices
Input components for log searching / multiselect
server actions & trpc
What's the idiomatic way to enable/disable a button based on Zod results?
Call unsuccessful after 8 tries. Retrying in 64 seconds
access denied
Drizzle + Turso Migration Problem
Creating beautiful product videos
Video Transcoding Service
Retrieving the GitHub username from the session object.
Fonts not loading in production in Next14 (but working locally)
Try signing in with a different account.
CTA v7.26.0 is giving "fetch is not a function" error
Build a component library for Next.js w/ shadcn/ui
How do y'all use Husky with a turborepo?
Error uploading files from Nextjs server action
tRPC error handling
Unexpected server response (403) while retrieving PDF
App directory fetch data from endpoint with query parameters
Next wont load images.
using prisma along with drizzle/kysley
Credentials + Google OAuth in Next-Auth
cant login in production, but can login in localhost
Best place to deploy Bun monorepo server?
How to watch the latest stream
NextJS14 Server Action Refresh page
Monorepo Deployment Locations
NextAuth vercel preview getserversession returns null
Thoughts on how to integrate t3 app, connectkit web3 auth, nextjs middleware, and trpc
Getting a 405 Method not allowed on Vercel
How to fix markdown rendering with ShadCN/ Tailwind
Importing a generic const array is generating null pointer on build, but no compile error.
leaving pyaudio stream open
App Router - How to wrap a layout in session to require login?
Understanding When To Use Server Actions
Resources on reusable Heading Components with Shadcn / TailwindCss
What exactly does `unstable_noStore` do?
Is it okay If i use Axios Request in Backend ?
html-react-parser and "Unsafe call of an `any` typed value".
transitioning nextjs to expo
Inferring types from Prisma schema for Zod input
how to add video in next js for hero componentt
Next.js Client Side Conditional State
React queue simulation
What tools do you use to send sms ?
Fonts not loading on localhost, but it will in production?
Really obscure TypeError when starting Next.js
Planetscale pricing changes (hobby plan not available)
What would this be called?
Embedding T3 + Clerk in another site via iframe (error: uat-missing)
Any idea on how this animation was made?
Some Confusion about NextJS Things
T3 and User Management (admin user must be able to CRUD users) - suggestions?
How do you get access to the session in the middleware
Using TRPC with Google's Place Details
Handling Infinite Re-renders with useMutation in React Native and tRPC
Zustand persist individual slices (zustand-x library instead?)
Dumb plain js question
Recommended approach for handling remote markdown on article website
Why is my React Project terminating without any Response when using it with Bash or Powershell?
RSC or api folder?
Simplifying routes and making new procedures
npm dependencies and peerDependencies
Additional Region Support
Unsafe assignment of an `any` value Prisma?
useQueries hook
Help me with a typescript generic
Ways to purposely cause latency with T3? (For test purposes)
Will a dependency slow every page of a web app
i need help on type
Intercept server-side API calls with Playwright?
Inference heavy mapping function (Typescript challenge!)
Capture output in middleware?
next-auth local vs deployed error
Creating `AudioContext` in Next.js
Next SSR + RSC and caching, how exactly do query params play into this?
React Hook Form x Zod - Dynamic Schema Object
React router and framer motion(AnimatePresence)
How to Refetch in App Router?
T3-next-auth-prisma with credential and oauth
authjs - v5 error
Accessing a component's state from a different page (app router)
Next14. Clerk. Capacitor
How do I setup credentials based auth with the app I created with T3 CLI?
Default JSON Value
App Router Issue: Cookies() doesn't run inside a Server Action
Encryption/Security questions
next-mdx-remote plugins not working properly
Error handling in nextjs13
How do you safely store your API keys?
alias prisma id field
sensitive file
monorepo (turborepo) importing specific files depending on platform
What to use for storage of logs from SaaS
Avoid Grid Borders from doubling
May I have accidentally downloaded a malicious npm package?
T3 Stack with React Native and Multiple NextJS with Turbo & Clerk
t3 app + shadcn/ui, `select` component `className`s aren't passed to DOM
next-auth property 'user' does not exist on type '({ session: Session; user: AdapterUser; }
Is this tRPC API structure good to go?
PlanetScale vs Turso
Add parameters to tRPC Context
Use React Query + Fetch for file upload
Troubleshooting Slow File Saving in t3 Stack with App Router: Seeking Help and Workarounds
How to style the auth pages
Have I been re-inventing useReducer or Redux?
using @badrap/result with tRPCs results
js to django
Difference between profile, user and account type authjs
Prisma generated type missing joined schema in exported type
How can i get from nextauth when using the edge runtime?
Update Next-atuh version in T3 stack
How to upload a file from server?
docker database good practices for small projects
Running script from root
Drizzle Planetscale "text" in schema (MySQL) "Key specification without key length"
Edge Functions
How would you go about layered authentication?
type 'PrismaPlanetScale' is not assignable to type 'never' Error following the T3 Stack Tutorial
Any idea how I can implement notifications in a react native typescript app?
Integrating Clerk: How to supply req to createTRPCContext on server-side?
Internship | Realistic Advice
Tech decision: Which queue service?
Auth.js v5 issue with UntrustedHost
Prisma queries return type any
Compressing images before uploading to UploadThing?
I am trying to add some developers emails and it is not letting me
Finance industry compliance (SOC / WORM)
what should be the best go-to main portfolio fullstack project stack before looking for a job rn?
Google security error on next auth js redirect
Code runner using AWS lambda function
Shadcn Date Picker dropdown background color ?
Is it possible to create a component named Home in a NextJS project?
Best way to handle global state and component state
Call post.hello on button click
TRPC Security/ Authorization Concerns
optimistic updates tRPC v11 + TanStack Query v5
nextjs all pages are dynamic
The HTML Dialog Element vs Headless Component Libraries Dialog
Dynamically set page title in app router (RSC)
Adding fields to next-auth session object with module augmentation
Best way to get a react component's raw code?
getServerAuthSession returns null when using CredentialsProvider
http://localhost:3000/api/auth/callback/discord redirect_uri is not working for create t3 turbo
Is there a cleaner way to use server actions with Zod and keep the pages as independent as possible?
Angular Chrome Extension
Handling datetime format between client and db (local vs utc)
CredentialsProvider in t3-app.
Difference between NextAuth + firebase adapter, NextAuth + drizzle adapter, and just using firebase?
Setting queryHash with t3 useQuery good practice?
Callback for UploadThing in AWS Amplify not working correctly
When is safe for using a CSS property?
Optional Dynamic Routing Problem
Setting the open graph title on a dynamic route within the nextjs pages router
Prevent Scroll with Three FIber on Mobile
Next auth createUser event not running
I have a standard data-table from shadcn
Prisma enum to Select component?
Autoanimate throwing errors with T3 eslint config?
why do people return jwt token despite setting cookie
T3 support for Next.js 14 + Auth.js v5?
Top loader bar | App Router
Using Azure App Service with create t3 app
Frontend/Backend argument for more tailored BFF UI response
Using Next.js for CSR only
Why is there no SessionProvider wrapping app in next13+ app router boilerplate?
TRPC RSC calls forced to use no_store
Jest test for tRPC route
create-t3-app help : something weird with .env
turborepo not supported
How to implement Role Based Authorization in T3?
Relations using Drizzle and Planetscale
How to implement the correct middleware in NextJS TRPC
Using Supabase Realtime with TRPC
Seeding with Drizzle ORM and tsx runner
How to monitor and analyze web app and api usage?
Alternative 360 Degree Viewer for React Next.js.
is there any example using the uploadthing with the REMIX applicationa uses planatscale database? or something aws?
Could not find module (shadcn Component) in the React Client Manifest
drizzle vs prisma speed?
Type A is not assignable to type A & B & C. Not sure why ts infers with an `&` and not `|`
How hard is it to enter the computer science master in University of Copenhagen?
Missing file in t3-turbo Expo app
Good Entrepreneurship Servers?
GKE can't read react env key
Dumb Next question (noob?)
refreshing access token manually in axios
Exposing Supabase Session to TRPC Server
Uploadthing: skip uploading the same file the second time
Error boundaries
how would I use validators from drizzle-zod in expo?
T3 Drizzle Questions: Push, Migrate, Etc
Is the backend of this stack a lambdalith (lambda monolith) when hosted serverless?
Generic type that extracts component props
Need help with nvchad.
IOS 17 update responsive design mode
Change File Name Automatically
slower session lookup in prod than local
prisma foreign key constraint error after merging user & admin into 1 table
Post overlapping on mobile
ISR + i18n on Vercel
Deploy netlify failed
what filetypes are supported and how to implement in uploadthing nextjs?
promise catch() and then() priority issue
How do I change my schema without data loss in MySQL ?
Is there any benefit to putting the db connection in the context versus having it as an global var?
Cheapest way to host images?
create-t3-turbo issues
Check for string to not be empty?
Need help to determine which is best solution to upload file.
Simplify Next.js log error messages.
<p> different re-render behavior than <div> in React?
Extremely slow queries
Seeking a career/life advice.
Common practice: storing plaintext or encrypted
I watched Theo's video on pnpm. Then I saw him using bun in the some recent videos. Did he....
UI components
Uploads are not working anymore
Vite vs Webpack
Clerk Metadata data loss if user signs in using the sign up modal
Typescript ExpressJS middleware for jwt auth
Next auth with role based access control and credentials provider
Error: A previously unvisited boundary must have exactly one root segment.
api keys and rate limiting
Does uploadthing work well with React Native/Expo?
hey guys help me handle this prisma error in typescript
How to use upload images api of UploadThing with flutter
How to stop outline from showing after closing dropdown?
Upload a buffer to UploadThing?
useEffect, useState, and order of execution
Frontent Testing Framework
Redirect to dynamic url after log in
revalidate trpc call every 1h
Using Pusher with app router
UploadThing (next/legacy): Upload file with current filename
State management in React and RN
Static worker unexpectedly exited with code: 1 and signal: null
Uploadthing callback error when using 'withAuth' next-auth middleware.
T3 tRPC tutorials/videos show useQuery / useMutation, but I only see query / mutate?
Nextjs 14 App Router fetch data as the searchParams change
Running TSC on tRPC client runs type checking on tRPC server
What library do you guys use for API's?
Unable to set up a client side subscription to a trpc route that supports websockets
Infinite query with app router initial data
HTMX: script `hx-on::before-request` didn't finish before sending AJAX request
How can i correctly past the JS Object to the function in the template string correctly
CORS Errors with LocalHost
Section tag wont cover the entire container height
How to do an auction system
Monorepo UI package has no styling when imported
Can two frontend services point to the same base url?
tRPC react-query hook not called on load
Next-auth.js: Redirect to custom URL after successful login.
I has a long-running server task. I want to update my db afterwards. It's on the edge.
useForm vs useFormState in Nextjs v14
Parsing JSON Into zod schema using OPENAI GPT
T3 Stack - Connect to Mongodb
A social media message Aggregator platform
How can I globally manage errors in tRPC ? Trying `redirect` in custom link does not seem to work
How to authenticate users on a dynamic sudomain (next-auth)
Run Both Node and Bun Apps In a Turborepo
serverCallback failing, receiving error on upload
Uploadthing on sveltekit
ESLint: Failed to load config "@repo/eslint-configuration/.eslintrc.nextjs.cjs" to extend from.
t3 monorepo ui package.json question
Can't import superjson to Express?
First time running uploadthing in production (Vercel)
Suspense boundary and caching
Check if page has been cached
callProcedure unavailable in TRPC v11
Prisma ghost connections
Progress not working
Call unsuccessful after 4 tries
Image dimensions using UploadThing?
Link uploaded file to user resource with UploadThing
Efficient Strategies for Updating Notification Badge in Next.js: Polling vs Server-Sent events
React and ShadcnUI how to make a whole card clickable to change a radioGroup
Are 3d files supported?
why does the create-post.tsx component need the 'use client' directive in the default project?
Increase api file size limit on t3 stack
No background color for shadcn/ui components in T3 app
`fetch` not working in Next.js API, the strangest issue I've encountered
504 timeout for large data request
Trpc useQuery keeps refetching even with no errors (I am getting back data every time)
How to configure Vitest in T3?
Use of Next JS Server Actions in a project
how do I rate limit on nextjs api routes on app router?
Keeping references to processes in nextjs
Cannot update a component HotReload while rendering a differenet component
Understanding serverside validation with zod and nextjs server actions???
Update local data from useQuery
Vercel stream keep alive???
Where to suggest stream topics
Nextjs SEO and Google Rank advice...
Theo uses api.posts.getAll.useQuery() in T3 tutorial video, but T3 app only has .query() calls.
`tsx ./src/server/db/SCRIPT_NAME` doesn't recognize environment variables.
How can I specify a `callbackUrl` when using the default NextAuth setup?
server side auth & react query
Passing config prop to zod schema for dynamic refinement
missing files
What are some T3 community recommendations for a toast library?
Pre-rendered page + dynamic content
[Turborepo] TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'push')
radix - slack or discord
What is the name of this?
Best advice to get a Full stack job in 2024
NextAuth and role based access control
what tool do you use for api testing
Next js Form weird behavior
How do you gain an edge in the job market through resume experience only?
Zustand leaking state
what is the correct way to use prefix in tailwindcss
setuping prettier and eslint with new next app
Trying to implement auto suggest/auto complete [python] in monaco editor, working with NextJs
How to protect pages using Next Auth
CORS while fetching data from api
Type error with Clerk, Just trying to use useUser()
2 issues: 1/ Microsoft files 2/ name of the file
Go - How to properly use DEV and PROD environments?
Problem with palywright e2e env vars on Vercel
Issue setting up PostHog on NextJS
trpc refetchinterval
Expo Module Development Issue on WSL2
Base t3 app throwing: Dynamic Server error on build
does anyone know about the priority of unstable_cache for the nextjs team?
Nextjs 14 build issue
How to find single record in database using trpc and drizzle?
persisting information
Protected Routes is not returning any response
Next.Js testing
Logging trpc errors in production
Long-running processing with SQL
Dynamic server error
How to?: Sign In With Ethereum and have a user record created?
Multiple Cognito Providers
How can I api useQuery when calling a function?
Append an object into an array from a jsonb column in Postgres
Creating a flutter app
Prisma help
drizzle adapter failing
Rendering a component twice
ssg with app router
Need help to solve this type error. Getting type error in NextAuth adapter
Vercel + bun + private npm registries
trying to integrate solito in create-t3-turbo
Trigger button click on useEffect
Update route info on click
Vercel deployment errors as soon as Prisma enters the show
Default component in "/" but being able to use different routes?
Tips and best practices to maintain/update a website once it's deploy
Please make sure your database server is running at `z`
[UT] Call unsuccessful after 4 tries
PKCE used when not wanted
Unable to use setHeader on response object from trpc context (using app router)
typescript code review(2-page)
Backgroundworkers in t3
Good React Native Interview questions?
How to increment in drizzle?
Why does t3 have the command prisma db push when you can have prisma migrate or prisma migrate dev?
Syncing data from clerk sign up to database
How to access files on production (Vercel deployment)
How does prisma handle interactive neon transactions
Trying to get shadcn themes to work. How can i dynamically adjust the
Setting up clerk webhooks to interact with prisma and deploying to vercel.
Why is create-t3-app using TRPCReactProvider and not createTRPCNext?
Correct way to access session data, using server & client components
Module not found when using @babel in a next serverless function
How to test concurrency?
Prisma turborepo deployment not initialized error
How to set no of files that can be uploaded at a time using the provided Dropzone
Two trpc t3 stack apps, trpc call between the two.
Auto generate from conventional commits
Typescript bug or am I stupid?
uploadingThing without UI?
Developing a UI without a design
Any react markdown editors like in GitHub?
Rebuilding electron with custom chromium (Thorium)
How to make scripts in a t3-stack app (with tsx and t3-env)?
What options are there to perform data migrations?
next markdown rendering library (NOT MDX) on server
Upload images on submit.
building a quiz app
Handling large translation files. Load only when building an option?
Use process(css).then(cb) to work with async plugins
Is this a bad way of setting up next auth v5 callbacks?
Problem with the WebSockets
Best All Round Payment Processor For T3 SaaS
Question re. next auth best practices in TRPc
typescript trace | autocomplete speed
Need help with strip subscription
Nested query fails because query by id is different between nested relations
clerk webhooks not working
Error message in vanilla /app directory & drizzle project
Trouble setting tRPC with NextJs App Router
is deletion actually a thing or just formality in production?
Can i use uploadthing with React and express!
Inconsistent Fast Refresh Issues
Deploying t3 on netlify?
CSS radial gradient with bottom linear
Accessing .env in expo
Calling trpc mutations on client components with app router
Getting error in uploading using React
T3 Tutorial
Using t3 env how do i add test envs
QueryClient type error using create-t3-app
Need help with creating a mutation that involves relations
VSCode Intellisense: "Add import from" only suggests relative path for `cn`
Vite, React, useQuery, API, Streaming
Global variable `Astro` type is `any` when migrating from v3 to v4
Error when using uploadthig uploadFilesFromUrl
Best alternative to next-auth for use with credentials
Notification/Announcement Service
Error when running `pnpm db:push`
Mutations on the trpc functions is throwing ["ERR_INTERNAL_ASSERTION"], queries are working fine.
Is this Theo's Only discord server(asking because of most recent video)
Does Account table/model in create-t3-app get used at all if using EmailProvider for NextAuth?
discriminated union as props
caching data from external api
Build step for monorepo package
TRPCClientError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'resolve')
Video tutorial for /app router?
in a t3 project, do i use trpc for 3rd party APIs?
Struggle in tRPC with "use server" not working
next auth v5 i'm getting a `invalid_grant`
Trouble starting expo app in create-t3-turbo
nativewind component library
Just started using t3. Is this a bug?
Is there any example of implementation of external API usage?
How to implement tracking link in Next Js
Offset Audio Backwards and Forwards with JavaScript and HTML5 Audio.
Adding Supabase to TRPC context
at the time of creating project i haven't selected NextAuth
I need to validate the uploaded file on clientside before perform upload
Scroll question
Web + Mobile + tRPC API
How could i bulid a api to generate a file to same place which input is url from uploaded file
NextAuth V5 support in create-t3-app?
Keeping the text data in a separate file.
Disable route caching on page navigation
Accessing NEXT_PUBLIC_VERCEL_URL on Front End
TRPC Client side fetch fails only in production
Head component in Astro
Can't upload file when i deploy to vercel
Using Intl.formatList in Expo
Password hashing on Edge
What are some of the most simple database products to get started with?
Why do I have to delete everything when creating a new project using t3?
Loading UI not showing
Server Side Rendering & TRPC Router / Client Code
nextjs hooks
Genius ask the Java problem question in Typescript relate server
Problem with react-hook-form
Saving upload URL to database with item ID?
What's the right way to solve this?
Callbacks failing with UPLOADTHING_URL set
Any idea if @vercel/kv supports piping?
How to use Y-Axis values for Recharts linear gradient
Help me convince my client to move from Nuxt (Vue) to Next.js
Blob doesn't work??
TypeScript type {price: number | string}
Credentials Auth not working
How to delete files in UploadThing?
Unable to --inspect tRPC endpoints
dynamic grid
Fresh install results in drizzle error on "npm run db:push"
need help with customizing error page if auth is failed
Vercel has great fonts, but which is it?
Setting up a custom sign in page with AuthJs (NextAuth v5)
Using next-auth v5 and prisma role based authentication
Do server actions have a fixed lifetime?
Google profile picture Next auth T3
Open id view content from Tanstack Table with Tanstack Router
How to add queryClientConfig to createTRPCNext in t-3 App router
Adding custom value to NextAuth session - [next-auth][error][JWT_SESSION_ERROR]
What are the files in the /trpc folder used for in T3 App Router?
nextjs how to render serverside and then update data client-side based on a filter?
Discord multi-role authentication system
Tailwind Intellisense CVA
Turborepo kicks my ass
How do you timeout a server action?
TRPC request stays as 'paused' and is never run?
Drizzle column does not exist
Next 14 + TRPC + Clerk How to implement api authorization?
Errors while running mutations when deploying CT3A using SST
NextJS web app for recording audio with multiple clients
testing routes via postman [using t3 create gg]
Setting up public env vars in t3 app
t3 app + nextauth
Inference vs type definition
How Do I Ban Users & Invalidate Their JWT Tokens?
tRPC differentiate server and client requests
NextJS Express Server Cookies
NextAuth CredentialsProvider User vs Account
how to do routing in nextjs?
Has anyone created a custom oauth component for clerk sign up/sign in?
Type object is shown instead of type name. Prisma 4 vs 5
Refreshing Stale UI After Deployment - Seeking Insights
Speed Insights for Astro
TypeError: GoogleProvider is not a function when running with .ts script using tsx
horizontal scroll
Get single number from Shadcn UI slider for form?
Is it possible to discard the cache for a single vercel serverless function
Import components from outside of Nextjs app.
Need help determining connection pooling issues
How to pass tRPC types?
T3 stack analytics and logging - Axiom or PostHog?
Drizzle Foreign Key Constraints are not allowed
Target the "stuck" or pinned elements with tailwindCSS.
headlessui `Property classname does not exist`
T3, Next.js, Drizzle-adapter, next-auth v5 database User login with extended Fields for User
Is there a way/pattern to swap a server and client component seamlessly
Why do we in some places access db like this "ctx.db.user" instead of simply "db.user"?
Clerk Webpack Importing Error
Why can't I extend the user session object?
tRPC query has any type
Caching Images Next.js
Does anyone know how to speed up presigning S3 URLs?
How to perform 2 trpc queries, when I need the second query to rely on data from the first?
Inferred Type Parameter from a Fixed Union is Different from a Parameter that is a Fixed Union
How to dynamically display icons
Prisma Two of the same model inside of a model
Is it possible to pass access tokens to react server components?
NextJs webhook revalidation
Shadcn DropdownMenu - Property 'className' does not exist on type 'Omit<DropdownMenuSubTriggerProps
instrumentation.ts issue next.js
t3-env in a monorepo
Why does it render twice?
Google Api Node packages using Next Auth.
Correct if wrong: Since a tRPC procedure is a hook, they cant be used in the next api/ routes
Adding Custom Headers in trpc using local storage
Has anyone created or would anyone be interested in a vs code extension pack for the t3 stack?
VsCode use path defined in tsconfig paths?
User defined order - Prisma
Problem with getting response
Caching trpc responses when calling from edge to serverless (vercel)
Extending the default PrismaAdapter you get
im having trouble setting up trpc w/ websockets on latest t3...
Problem with TS conditional on union
Serial postgres issue
File Upload with Background Processing and Toast Updates in Nextjs
React / Typescript VsCode Refactoring Question
TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'useState')
Inserting into DB with prisma in api route
Best Database Design For Status Page?
react-native-web based Component Library?
Gradient background blur
Editable text that doesn't change CSS between <text>, <p>, <div>, etc. and <input> tags (tailwind)
T3 Upgrade app
uploadthing change name of file on upload
Profiling T3 API?
react hook form filters
uploadthing auth
Conflict between shadcn/ui components and @typescript-eslint/no-empty-interface
What's the best way to handle WebSockets and streaming for these AI apps + t3?
Need help to programmatically trigger `next export` script to get static pages.
Completely handle Data Refreshing on client-side using TRPCs setData()
Extract PDF Formatting
Any potential solutions to integrate users from third party platform that does not support SSO?
Storing JWT refresh token in httpOnly cookie
Use @monaco-editor/react as a tsx editor
Help with react-hook-forms form
Naming convention for files/directories in Nextjs 14
db.ts return as any
Excalidraw rounded arrows
trpc error when deploying t3 app to AWS using sst
Can't reference complex object in server action closure
Store Bank Account Information in Database
Help Needed: Code Review.
Invalid Environment Variables with env.mjs
handling s3 equal file names like uploadthing does
Help with type safe trpc fetch call
Getting Record Not Found for new uploads
how to customize uploadThing button for a normal button?
Drizzle NextAuth not working
recommended PostgreSQL provider?
Creating other model when User is created by next-auth
Need Help for Database Structure
Would Formik be slow on large form
shadcn ui combobox does not show "No results" when no options given
[UT] Call unsuccessful after 4 tries. Retrying in 8 seconds...
(postgres | t3 app) PayloadTooLargeError: request entity too large
How Can I setup prefetching in T3 app router
Session ID
When to refetch query after mutation?
key paths for recursive nested types
HTML Input Element is missing types
How does and displays type with ^?
Help setting up next-auth
Multiple Generics In Typescript Type
does trpc work on the edge runtime with the latest create-t3-app?
Example of React Hook Form with default values from tRPC
What is this app Theo is using for his diagrams?
tRPC not invalidating queries called on RSC
call trpc procedure from server component
how to upload files with a handle function that is linked to a form
Hygen/Plop alternative with typesafety
Drizzle kit - Invalid environment variables
Prepared Statement Error with Prisma and PostgreSQL
I need advice, is there any good pattern for building server components as an npm package?
Opts in trpc conext doesnt have request in it
access the current user session data through api routes
can't upload pdf files using uploadthing
Typesafe assets
Caddyfile, docker-compose
React-Native web3 wallet connection library
NextAuth works on local dev but not on local prod
looking for the theo video where...
publishing an RSC Library $100 bounty
TRPC Server error handling?
drizzle + express + ts errors
Extend next-auth session with drizzle adapter
Revalidating a SSG path in a tRPC procedure
AddToCart Button Logic
Handling loading, error states
js to ts
Next.js as an app at a URL endpoint [ex:*] app-router just... doesn't
prisma id required?
Redirect user to 404 not found if data doesn't exist
T3 query cache doesn't work
Google sheet api / scaleable api
React hook form with zod submit error:
Save info to the database for new users using NextAuth
@ts-oss/env-core server env schema type error
Leetcode Geniuses please explain
Contracts with overseas client
Google OAuth + Vercel Preview Deployments?
What are the best resources to learn t3 stack right now (with Clerk if possible)??
T3 App Router and tRPC Subscriptions - Help/Advice Needed!
Next route handler send response and then continue
Cloud database & latency?
Bottom Navbar
T3 & Mongoose
Function sometimes running twice when deployed to Vercel
Clerk Webhooks with Prisma (Sync database, user model)
Getting role undefined in session even though it exist in db
How to filter-out images beyond certain size before the upload?
Theo, why you never use Docker? Why you always use Cloud based solutions?
How to handle after form submit with Server Actions ?
Next-Auth v5 lacking provider authorization params
Seeking Advice for a T3 Stack Application: Separating tRPC from NextJS
UploadThing `<UploadDropzone />` Component
Database & Serverless : handle connection spikes ?
Connecting: T3 - Drizzle - PG - AuthJs ( v5 beta)
User event logging solution with T3 stack?
Python with Uploadthing?
can't find meta/_journal.json file on prod | DRIZZLE
Next.JS Background Tasks
route.ts file returning 500 status code than it showing unhandled error on client side
Zod type to Prisma model?
Compiling user's code - the right way
Updating single item in list (liking a post) - syncing state with server
How can I architect this system?
Revalidating tRPC server request/page after email change
Bundling in app directory
The “correct” way of GraphQL
Adding Promise to tRPC Procedure
Flake.nix for create t3-app and nextjs14
next-auth drizzle adapter customization
Universal Full Stack App, what would you pick?
Unable to retrieve application context. Did you forget to wrap your App inside `withTRPC` HoC?
Go-to Backend Server
Clerk API Routes protection on the server
RSC Virtualized DataGrids
Session & Cookies
Multi Database Architecture in Next.js
Log elapsedMs to axiom
Feature Request
how to create relatedWords relation for each words using drizzle. | DRIZZLE | SQL |
Can anyone help me solve the 413 error with NextJS app router?
npm i => could not resolve in Nextjs 14
I was trying to make an app using tRPC, prisma and neon database I am facing some issues
Get username from a Clerk user
Tagged Union in a Relational Database
Can't delete globally installed npm package
Next Auth Types
<Context.Consumer.Provider> Warning
How to scale svg path with respect to itself and not the svg origin
Vercel Out of memory event error
IntelliSense useless hints
How to invalidate query in T3?
Next JS where to start?
Issues sending email with AWS SES
Slow page load times?
Error: ❌Attempted to access a server-side environment variable on the client - Weird T3 Stack bug
Calling API based on the returned response
Personalised email service
Form components with shadcn
Serving user uploaded content in NextJS - infrastructure without a CMS
How to use TRPC query without hooks
Fire and forget endpoint
virtual keyboard on mobile making scroll of the page
Old data dissapears when using useInfiniteQuery
UploadThing file download/view
Why do we do Session module-augmentation on both next.auth.d.ts and server/auth.ts
How to set the generated vercel preview url as the env variable for NEXTAUTH_URL
Uploadthing file metadata?
Uploadthing Get failing on Vercel
JSON Parsing, TRPC Client error
Tool to manage schemas (avro) and generate JS Python ..., packages with backward compatibility
BAD_REQUEST | { error: 'Invalid API key' }
tRPC loading state
is this a bad idea? Conditionally get User data depending on privacy field
How can I await a query? tRPC
Getting next-auth-steam to work
function called on focus
How to use the persist query client from tanstack query in trpc?
app router
Questions about trpc interactions with cookies/headers
Can I use "next-safe-actions" library for queries, with no "use server"? I just need a validation
UploadThing is not working on a production
Does anyone use for deployment?
Should I finish my non tech degree?
Audio ist not working on mobile
Next-auth redirects me on auth/error on signIn()
tRPC splitLink wsLink/httpBatchLink explanation please
Unsafe assignment of an `any` value. on Auth Options
Using Prisma or tRPC API from T3 Stack in different project
Running into webpack issues for `generateComponents` _uploadthing_react__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__
dndkit dragging tables - losing mouse pointer because I am collapsing the rows onDragStart
Need help with inferring a higher-order component
server side ref
ISR error
How Good is NextAuth Currently for App Router
Mac Terminal
should localstorage be cleared on logout?
Next.js fetch() not throwing error on failed request?
What's a good way to "protect" a public TRPC endpoint
call db directly in next js app router
Static rendering with conditional auth
Typescript React Library for a component
Next-auth V5 ERR_PACKAGE_PATH_NOT_EXPORTED main, with custom nextjs server
NextAuth google provider sometimes doesn't fetch image
How would I go about adding Inter Font to my tailwind config
Thoughts on Blazor?
'Correct' Development use, Folder Structure in T3 Tech Stack App
📆 Seeking Best Practices for E2E Testing with Time-Sensitive Web Apps
Streaming Limits with Vercel
createServerSideHelpers() and createInnerTRPCContext()
Making a page static
Email aren't sending in production
uploading files locally
How do I actually use tRPC without using a server component
How do I actually use tRPC without using a server component
NextAuth + DiscordProvider
Why am I seeing the neon db requests on the client side??
Expo + Next-auth
TRPC NextJS Context - Middleware Reload?
CT3A: Why is `.next/types/**/*.ts` included in `tsconfig.json`
Subfolders in UploadThing
tRPC Problem
Does it improve SEO? (getStaticProps vs import data from "src/folder/data-file")
Python Alternative to Drizzle?
Copilot account question
Can't pass PrismaLibSQL client-adapter to PrismaClient
Setup for seeding db using Drizzle
Radix Popover inside Radix Dialog not working
Using Radix Select with objects
WebRTC Client <-> Server
Should I make a separate REST api or use my Next project as the api backend
Internationalisation within T3 App router
Zustand state being triggered server side even though I have "use client"?
cashing trpc calls on RSC
Can't mount a upload button with NextJs.
Would ya'll use Turbo/NX for a monorepo with 2 or 3 services?
NextAuth with middleware
seeking some advice on how to handle auth
How can I use the useOptimistic hook in this code
shadcn/ui combobox with objects
How to use Vercel edge config within limits (usage and theory, not code)?
Can't use edge with create-t3-turbo
Difference between createTRPCNextAppDirServer, createTRPCNext and createTRPCProxyClient?
Next / Auth trying to create duplicate sessions and getting errors.
type wizard help needed for my fake trpc package
Downsides to Qwik?
Share types between front and and backend without trpc...
Generic Zod Type without defining generics?
How to integrate clerk org role based auth with supabase row level security in database and storage.
upgraded to new ct3a; all trpc calls throwing 'Unexpected token r in JSON at position 0'
How do I make a web component that can hold any HTML and keep it to itself with Shadow DOM?
[TRPC] instant updates in list without refresh
Tanstack and app routing
computed properties in zod
Hi im getting this error in my code in the IDE vscode as you see in the screenshot can you help
Error deploying to vercel
Planetscale alternative
Astro Image objectFit?
Any plugin recommendations if I want to use captcha?
Make api call from auth.ts
[How To?] Generate uuids properly on cloudflare d1 sqlite...
Different folder structure
Failing to push template t3 schema to neon
Building as an monolith app deploy as lambda
How can I write this type with Zod?
Trying to convert URL query to DB enum in procedure but not working...
POLL: Should I use OCaml or Rust for Advent of Code
Set cookie within trpc
React Strict Mode - Second render, different initial state ?
Overscroll color
Standards for useNavigate and useRouter for creating npm package
including /edit path for profile data?
Next-Auth Credentials Provider is not working in production
Passing in Form as prop in Shadcn/ui?
Building shadcn <Form> components for string arrays?
Extending Drizzle Schema in to multiple files with planetscale table prefix
importing drizzle schema client side error [nextjs monorepo]
Next-Auth extending user
Securing all routes that starts with: /admin/* routes with middleware.ts using Next-Auth
Hi there,
middleware or context?
Why is trpcState unable to dehydrate?
How to refetch useQuery with different input
Returning new Response
db:push Error out
weird error in input field
Suspense with TRPC server query
I get TRPCClientError: Unexpected token ; in JSON position 4
benefits of server actions?
Help setting up primsa + planetscale with t3 app.
shadcn - can only use it in server components?
enum status table schema
CSP with NextJs 14 and express
WebSocket Reverse proxy
Code structure and system design
how to revalidate data?
Sitemaps - Is there something fundamental i'm misunderstanding about sitemaps?
useRouter import not working?
use query on success/error/settled are being deprecated.
TRPC pass res to ctx using app router
trpc in server components
tRPC not returning string
Clean Architecture
Error with in expo @ create-t3-turbo
Can npx execute packages without having the package installed?
API Design: PDF generation in a REST-API
TRPC fails to work on server components in Vercel environment
Too many re-renders
Unwanted Re-renders with Custom Hook in Next.js (T3)
Configuring Clerk on the latest release of t3 with tRPC
Nextauth jwt configuration
How do I fix this query, I was following a tutorial that doesn't use the t3 stack
Button creates vertical gap in grid, button doesn't
Is anyone using the nextjs app router for their frontend and pages for trpc?
Session exists in server component, not in trpc context.
Q: About System Design
Pusher auth server on different host
Is there a way to load my .env from t3-env in one off scripts?
upstream image response failed: 403
How to get rid of this unnecessary code while preventing eslint from complaining.
trpc mutations for fetching data
Making all my components 'use client' while maintaining protectedProcedures
Server Component Data Revalidation
Prettier hangs when using with tailwind plugin
next dont build in github ci
create t3 app @ latest mutation result not mappable
GraphQl and NextJS 13+ for multiple, concurrent/parallel DB queries?
Links within one another (nextjs)
Server component rendered by client component as children prop throwing error
Enhancing Performance with Pre-fetching Paginated Queries in tRPC
Session is null inside of a server action when calling it from the uploadthing router
If a Next.js 13 Layout is a clientcomponent, is the page automatically a client component as well?
Issue with 'use client' Directive and SSR in Next.js: Conflicting Errors and Resolution"
Increase Vercel Maximum Duration to 3 minutes
Does anyone know if there's a library for resizing the content of a container element?
Can't access the session inside a server action
Usage of NextAuth with Prisma and Nextjs Appdir
Automatic image/banner gen.
Stack for T3 (tRPC, Drizzle, Tailwind, NextAuth) + Bun + turborepo
Does anyone know how to delete file from uploadThing after uploading it in Next js?
Improving accessibility of a Card component
React query initial data
Workflow: use production database for preview builds?
Frontend dev trying to fullstack - confused by options
UI and State not same after altering the state
drizzle + planetscale branching workflow
why is session undefined even tho i know it exists
[BUG]: React Hook Form doesn't submit when using drizzle-zod to create schemes to use in zodResolver
Do you manually create Zod schemas for your Prisma models?
Zod validation with react-hook-form
Having an issue when using Nextauth for signing in getting `Invalid Compact JWE`
Using tRPC without the back-end lock-in. I like it now, but wanna be flexible in the future.
Is there a way to get a previous dynamic route in app directory?
tRPC alternatives for a simple public API
i am building a react component library how can i keep the bundle size very low
Best way to prefetch queries with tRPC and app/ dir
onSuccess, onError and onSettled deprecated next major version?
How did Vercel Implement this ??
Have someone implemented pagination with server actions and prisma?
Restrict direct access to NextJS routes
Should I use "use server" directive for database queries
Is there a way to refactor the query/mutation function to a different file?
I'm a complete React beginner, is this the correct approach for Components?
How to keep track of multiple running mutations with same function but different input variables?
Vercel postgres + Prisma migrate
How to simulate Open AI's word by word stream works in the backend?
Clerk and T3 (app router)
help interleaving server/client comps in layout?
Dockerized T3 giving prisma connection errors
trpc fetch failed in server actions: Request body length does not match content-length header
problem uploading files form server action
trpc error throwing and catching on the client
Help with inferring output
[Create-t3-turbo] Issues deploying fresh clone on windows...
env package in t3 turbo
Preact signals in Nextjs14 + AppRouter
Security in Next 14 and T3
"inArray requires at least 1 value" error deleting files with uploadthing
is useState memorized?
ShadCn Dialog - running code onClose
[Nextauth] How to use middleware with grouped routes?
shadcn ui help
Best way to fetch, create and update data in Next.js 13 App router
Is it okay to call a server action directly from a useQuery or a useMutation hook? (with example)
New to T3, having some questions with useQuery
PrimaClient import Error
Session is null using new App router
how do i use typescript with node inspect
Framework for smaller projects
UploadThing Error parsing JSON
Extend user object in auth.ts
Build errors next js 14 server actions vercel
Build errors next js 14 vercel
Role control in sub pages
roles control on actions
Prisma Where Statement with locked presets
Deleting files with UTApi, unauthorized
Is it okay to call a server action directly from a useQuery or a useMutation hook? (with example)
Creating an admin dashboard, and im worried about my users on my main site
.env.local values undefined in vercel serverless endpoints
ct3a with `react-query`
Prisma nested create only giving proper typings one way
should i really use nextjs fronbent ?
Best React (Next.js) PDF libraries?
TRPC server recieves... html?
Where to put / how to cache frequently used user info?
Nice images
[How To?] App Router : Whats the most efficient way to structure this layout?
Zustand help
Error in Next.js Caused by Middlware
AI generated images
Unable to create an AudioContext in Safari
Server component reload is not synchronized with client state?
Authentication that works with everything.
Weird behavior in TS api endpoint
next-remote-mdx not rendering markdown table syntax
Run build error
Clerk Middleware throws edge runtime error
Next.js app router with tRPC context and NextAuth
Next.js state management and dynamic routes
Persisting state across Next.js pages
`createTRPCProxyClient` vs `createServerSideHelpers`
CT3A & turbo
MDX not rendering custom components in Next
tRPC- Nextjs app directory client & server components help to understand best approach
How is react native in 2023?
NextJS High LPC (Large Content Paint)
Project structure ?
Where Should I Place API Communication Files for OpenAI in a Next.js and tRPC T3 Stack?
Manage file.url onUploadComplete #uploadthing
Sign up with next-auth sign in function problem
WebSocket on Server Component
Average Interview Rates for Developer?
Http cancellation with Vite proxy server not picked up by backend
Prisma JsonValue with TypeScript
Fonts not applying
Click to upload
How to decrease user plan usage based on service usage?
Long minimumCacheTTL in next.config
Next server actions and REST API
SSG vs static html page
(node:15568) MaxListenersExceededWarning: Possible EventEmitter memory leak detected. 11 close liste
How to achieve `text-overflow: ellipsis` functionality, but the ellipsis is followed by a link
Can I use this with plain html on the client?
uploadthing's github example for express adapter is not working. Possible bug.
` npx create t3-app@latest` returns `npm ERR! could not determine executable to run`
Error on TRPC while fetching data inside Auth.ts
AI copilot/code intellgience
useQuery enabled depending on login state
trpc/app-router surfacing trpc errors in `error.tsx`?
Library suggestion for indoor interactive maps (svg)
Struggling to use VERCEL_URL with `@t3-oss/env-nextjs`
Error message change with changing from npm to yarn. Uploadthing doesn't work in either case.
nextjs app router, "fs", "os", "zlib-sync" and trpc experimental edge Router
Deploying SSR Astro and Express in a docker container
data visualization in react
T3 App directory: can't use tRPCs useQuery hook
global.css location for shadcn
Render layout and page. Optimize data calls.
Lucia + T3, although can't set sessions
Am I making too many PrismaClient objects?
Accessing headers from TRPC and modifying them
Redirect within a trpc procedure
Error when pushing twice to planetscale when using T3 stack with drizzle
Run function on t3 server start that calls cron
How can I use a localStorage persister?
Email Platforms
shadcn ui help
shadcn ui - css scuffed
Server Side Calls with trpc app directory
Nextjs link tag preserving state when link to same page
How to store mathematical equations in db and render them on frontend
adding autofocus attribute with js
How can I conditionally set return type based on params
vercel integration axiom logs split by new line
What pattern should I use to access Session in client component
Submit server form action with tRPC in T3
How can I access the entire user model and not just id, name, email and image?
error with NextSSRPlugin
What to store on my server?
upload multiple files with UploadDropzone
Error on adding t3 app router to existing NextJS project
Update child client component on change in props passed from parent server component
Vercel build: Module not found: Can't resolve '../build/Release/canvas.node'
Couldn't find any `pages` or `app` directory
accessing route handler issues 404 error
Caching and invalidation in t3-stack with app router and trpc
trpc/react vs trpc/server
pdfs upload
how to resolve hydration failed error when including button shadcn dialog
Server actions replacing TRPC?
Run additional code on user creation
Drizzle migration error with Example table.
Does anyone have a working example repo of T3 stack with drizzle and postgres?
CT3 & AWS Amplify
Why is there a trpc/client and a trpc/server?
t3app app router; catching errors in trpc route called from rsc?
pg library and connection to vercel PSQL
How to set cookie in ct3 app router?
Clerk + OAuth scopes
trcp sub routes?
Unhandled Runtime Error
Drizzle & Planetscale data migration workflow
Guide on how to make such a css effect
cant run dev due to undefined function - performance.getEntriesByName
Upgrade or Rewrite?
Upgrading to App Dir with create-t3
CORS error
A question about app router support
NextAuth pages wrapped in the layout
Update notification state
React Native Native Select/Dropdown
Self hosted logging/analytics for Next apps - Prometheus?
Get IP Address in tRPC router
VercelPostgresError - 'missing_connection_string'
with trpc, how to invalidate query only when there's the query cached exist?
Replacing NextAuth with Clerk in T3
Clerk Auth with Drizzle relations
Ubuntu and T3App
No session provider wrapping children in layout.tsx
Long logs being cut off in Vercel
Making an informed decision on our Auth workflow
Error handling with new create-t3-app app dir template
Can I Uploadthing to upload .onnx files?
Can you programmatically reload an expo app?
how to include text snippets in responses from google drive api full text search
Render either a Sheet, or a Dialog in a streamlined way with Shadcn/ui?
OAuth providers on vercel preview deployments with NextAuth
React Native with T3
Has anyone hosted Next 13 app router project on Azure
Border that transitions trough row of elements
Conditional Rendering problem
Exclude dynamic routes in Clerk middleware
NextJS Static Export
Having trouble with server actions
New App Router is not working!
Understanding capabilities of a next v 13.2 app that is using pages router
Server page being recognized as a Client component
npx create/npm create just freeze forever
Anyone else getting this error? Clerk: auth() ... looks like you aren't using `authMiddleware`
Next Auth + Create T3 App ( appDir )
The best resource to learn is to react on 16 oct 2023 onward
Refused to apply style from 'http://localhost:8080/dist/output.css' because its MIME type
Hosting Options
./node_modules/cacheable-lookup/source/index.js:10:2Module not found: Can't resolve 'dns'
trpc nextjs and expressjs middleware
Progress bar in Vs code terminal
google fonts in vercel/og image
how to get conditional tailwind classes to work
How do I query self-relations?
How to call t3stack endpoints from outside of project
Drizzle-ORM+PSQL: sorry, too many clients already
Disable static generation in Next?
React Native Expo: Take photo with camera and send email with attachment
Where To Host My BackEnd
Unexpected Auto Refreshing Page on Route Guard Redirect
Need to replicate this functionality
Drizzle Schema Boolean
Nextjs build fails on Docker due to env amid SKIP_ENV_VALIDATION
TS build errors prevent build
Headless CMS for Notion like knowledge base ?
How to generate GeoGrids?
Getting 401 error code with public procedure
Technology to store Html files with image/base64 srcs
Is my backend team right?🤔
How to invalidate trpc queries in Next13
Any color picker vscode Extension with support for shadcn-ui css variables?
Is it idiomatic TypeScript: using as const?
Validating array using zod
Component renders but DOM doesn't update until next render
optimistic update for complex data structure
Best praxis for image storage
Consulting on HIPAA compliant T3 based application
Indie Hackers in here, how do you usually apply for Google Auth and get approved fast?
How does the top-level hook rule work within other hooks?
How do I use trpc api imporpt in a client component?
What books made you a better developer/designer/productive person?
Hi! How to not render header component on register and log in page.
SSR with T3 Stack
Best way to store data between routes
Proper way to handle api routes with Go
SyntaxError: Cannot use import statement outside a module. t3 env
which of this approach is better?
Why do I have to check if function is null inside an if?
Uploading Files in T3-Stack
Unable to reduce bundle size
Selfhostable object storage for ct3a (next, trpc)
Call Next api route handlers in from RSC?
T3 Turbo : Error: Cannot find module 'autoprefixer'
Has anyone had any success unit testing components which use tRPC apis?
Nestjs not returning the body of the request using @Body decorator
T3 - How to create a User record on Clerk signin (i.e. proper way of keeping track of user info)
React hook form context zod
Using CloudFormation with NextJS
Should I use Promise.all? When should I use it
Button with 4 triangles at 4 corners
React-toastify display toast from Next.js api route
How to add Prisma Client extensions to create-t3-app?
tRPC with stripe
Prisma types and enums with trpc + zod
OCR (Tesseract) not working well with very clear text (in c or js)
metadata in next-auth
Non-primitive fields not showing on variables of type from RouterOutputs.
redux toolkit query initial data fetched on server?
Best setup for a quick MVP?
app router cost
NextAuth /verify-request double-triggering, invalidating token
Custom fetch handler, not working with relative paths
how do developers learn from the docs ?
Astro Middleware - Matcher for paths
Safely screen requests to pages/api for cron jobs with Vercel
Best practice for providing current user from db to all react components?
TRCP Cold boot
Class Sorting with Prettier, Tailwind CSS IntelliSense & clsx
Uploadthing: Is there way to view all uploaded items?
Has anybody's CSS looked weird after upgrading Node or Next.js?
Has anyone managed to generate a static tailwind config using something like next-plugin-preval?
Can't create uploadthing app
Consuming API's created by nextjs app directory
What is the (best) flow for using UploadThing inside my react hook form?
with t3 what do you use to stream open ai chat gpt responses?
uploadthing's dev server doesn't start
How can I handle multiple files being uploaded, but one or more fails.
NextAuth custom signin page only finding providers when running locally
Best app dir template since createT3 doesn't support it?
NextJS app in a wordpress subdirectory
Strange vercel/trpc/prisma/planetscale issue
Connecting nextjs to a Postgres db on a ec2 ínstame
Can't load fonts in development using Next 13
Is anybody else in here super hyped on Elysia
getServerSideProps, equivalent for t3 with app router
NextAuth custom properties for session
Difference between HEAD^ and HEAD~
Is my next-auth options written correctly?
How do I revalidatePath from a trpc router?
What to do about Date not serializable when calling getServerSideProps?
Cannot connect to Docker Postgres DB on second computer
Upload file to UploadThing via url
Invalid environment
Shadcn components don't work out of the box?
Redirect to Dashboard, or let user navigate themselves?
Missing Secret on UTApi
./ setenv: invalid argument
Delete Uploadthing files
Proper 3rd party APIs config in Next.js
Understanding Next-Auth role in my app.
issues #1580
What are these Typescript completion suggestions inside Prisma?
Deploying t3-stack with docker
eslint fails in default t3 project
Database migrations
nextjs font loads on local dev environment, but not on production
SVGR and next/Image
s3 type error
HTTP requests in next 13
Notion can't detect my timezone
NextJS Onload Function
Unsafe assignment of an `any` value
Parameter 'props' implicitly has an 'any' type
Undici error (Drizzle + Next.js 13.5)
Weird header response randomly
How do I redirect using middleware?
# React PDF Project Setup
Image Memory Leak in NextJS?
vercel deployment failed
Seriously:: Github contributions
How do I make this responsive layout?
Webpack Compilation Error
TS, derive type from key of another type
How to properly do data call on SSR with tRPC before loading render content?
Node Modules not working
[next-auth + google] can't login on production
Does somebody know Rust and JAVA?
Server Actions: Do you need to validate the session when calling Server Actions?
uploadthing error
pnpm install fails with code 128
Supabase Auth vs Clerk
How to call mutate only once on page visit? (For Change Email Confirmation Links)
Filtering and search in RSC
Is there a way to create a custom object when selecting?
Take-home assignment
Next 13 App folder question
SSR with tRPC (9.x) works for one query but not the other even though they're practically identical
ShadCn Styling / Functionality Issue
tRPC: Why useQuery() tries to refetch when error occurs while useMutation() doesn't?
Prisma migration issue on vercel deployment
Struggling with CSP nonce
Struggling with PNPM Workspaces - How to Link Local Packages
T3 env in nextjs custom typescript server
updates to tailwind.config.ts not applying?
Property 'res' does not exist on type ctx
Looking for 1-3 hour long Next tutorial, app router, server comp., server actions, local db, auth.js
How to query verceldb postgres database on
Astro won't build after adding middleware/index.ts
Project management and documentatio
What are the best CI/CD tools to use?
Uploadthing Express postman test?
data branching planetscale
Custom onChange function to react-date-picker
When to use "src/page/api/doStuff.ts" vs "src/server/api/routers/routerThatDoesStuff.ts"
No response returning from api route
❌ Attempted to access a server-side environment variable on the client get's thrown in db.ts
Tailwind - Styles with same name but different value depending on the route
FatalClientError - Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'CUSTOM_INFRA_URL') using Remix
in the context of websockets is the UPGRADE request redundant now?
trying to use uploadthing with my custom useDropzone component?
t3 app router when?
How would you guys implement user editable themes (next13 with Shadcn and tailwind)
Prisma and NextAuth: Additional fields in the `User` model
Shadcn-ui -> React Server Components
Drizzle and Create-t3
CreateTRPCNext<AppRouter> showing typescript error.
Drizzle FKey errror
Prisma deleting wrong table?? WHY
Uploadthing limiting number of images uploaded
What would you guys do if it were you?
Do multiple server actions resolve to one lambda call or is it multiple?
What happens if I accidentally use `npm install` inside of a turborepo using `pnpm`?
Breaking Dev Content Creation Scene
createServerSideHelpers not offering mutation routes!
No overload matches
Auto sign-in after sign-up
Setting my T3 stack manually
Setting maxDuration config with trpc?
Add a property on my cat.CatImage object
How to get the discord guilds from the user next-auth
Any brave souls have figured out DataDog aggregated logging
tsx Unexpected response from worker: undefined
Error: Rendered more hooks than during the previous render.
Recommendations for websocket service
Next 15.2 - error router
ideas for projects
User onboarding pattern
T3-stack SSG
How to customize zod union error message?
Can I use uploadthing only in react?
Importing mjs files in "non project/standalone" TS files
Experience nextjs dev going from web to mobile, what should I know?
how to css
Selecting through transparent background KonvaJS
Prisma question @default string
Route handlers errors after updating
How to get value from Shadcn "Select" component
Using NextJS as backend for a mobile app
TypeScript error: Type 'string' is not assignable to union value
As a nextjs + shadcnui user going to expo + react native, what libraries should I know about?
auth with Fastify and redis
Vercel responding with 405 for a api route
Refreshing NextAuth Discord provider user details
Trying to use upload thing
Not sure how to move forward with NextAuth and Web3
Issues creating public route after adding Clerk auth
Prisma Seeding
trpc client does not have a property query
uploadthing custom theming not working
How to use fetchpriority="high" in a <picture> element?
Expo problem AppEntry.js problems (create-t3-turbo)
I am getting errors while trying to install create-t3-turbo dependencies, how do i fix them?
NEXT JS APP Hosting on AWS
create t3 stack init error
Looking for an up-to-date RN CLI tutorial
responsiveness with object using tailwind
console.log calls not showing up in Vercel runtime logs, when streaming edge function runs longer
T3 Env - Remix
Any known projects or websites using T3 stack?
Just a question about the current state of Next's app router
Uploadthing with
Question about useQuery
Theo T3 Stack Tutorial - withClerkMiddleware soon deprecated
I get a redirect loop after switching to Cloudflare with Vercel
TRPC & Optimistic Update
HttpOnly Cookie
anyone else think app directory is not worth?
T3 Stack Theo Tutorial - Next Auth
nextjs 13.4 app, converting _app and _document to layout.
Implementing an anonymous "like"-function for my webpage
How do I make pretty-ts-error appear before original error msg?
env variable is undefined
Any idea how to use imports outside of a module? Trouble understanding this error:
Detect a change to the session and update accordingly?
how to use useChat From with trpc router?
Pusher with Vercel or Netlify?
SSG not pre-fetching data
Jest Tests with React and CRA.
ReferenceError Help in next13
can anyone help me to install pnpm on debian
Performance concern on Nextjs 13 layout files
Am I supposed to handle type-related errors on client side? (TRPC)
I got some free time while on bench, who wants some JS help
getQueryKey have no prev data
api.withTRPC doesn't show isLoading or isRefetching on cache invalidation
creating fullstack dashboard with nextjs
Infer useQuery .data type from TRPC
Invalid URL - next build - Next.js
how to build an app with next-pwa and push notifications?
await TRPC's useQuery
shadcn/ui variant typescript error
Anyone can help me with this React-Hook-Form problem?
NextAuth Discord Provider Callback Error
"Backend" framework and bundlers. The heck do I do? 🤯
Problem with Sanity and Next js
How to Stop Race condition on t3 pages api
React components in my contentlayer MDX blog not rendering
Slow load time
Error in tsconfig.json when adding NextAuth
Errors adding NextAuth
FastAPI with nextjs pages App
T3 app session works fine locally but doesn't work when deployed on Vercel
Tailwind grid
Site like Google Drive to fetch photos for client website
Github codespaces connecting to supabase
Database Query Insights (local MySQL)
trpc with Next 13 and App router
Re Render default radio checked
Microsoft Login W T3
tRPC Express server with Next.js
WordPress Landing + NextJS Dashboard
custom verify-request page nextauth
Database-Js for non planetscale database?
❌ Invalid environment variables
Breaking-border on input fields
DatePicker for react-native
Which cms should I use in t3 stack and plantscale?
Next seems to not be respecting the layout.tsx
UploadThing spamming terminal with: "dev server is now running"
Next Auth middleware redirects me to the login page, even if there's a session
React components not rendering in mdx (contentlayer)
TRPC / Prisma findMany not showing properties in auto completion
Use trpc on nextJS api route?
how to remove all current data from planetscale main branch?
Modern Desktop App Framework
shadcn/ui DropdownMenu component not working with Astro
How to validate the media url returned from clients when using uploadthing?
Gatsby Could Shutdown, what are best alternative.
trouble with Vercel deploy (no errors)
Bun window tsconfig
question about spread operator in react
paddle not working in next 13
Enum access question
Clerk middleware public routes
Nextjs middleware being ignored
Error: Invariant: headers() expects to have requestAsyncStorage, none available.
T3 Tutorial - clerk errors out on a different machine?
Handling different platforms with git hooks?
Drizzle / PlanetScale Table Relations
How to handle FE requests > 1MB?
shadcn/ui components are not rendering.
How do i learn correctly?
Template Suggestions
Read replica from MSSQL to cloud for T3 app?
What kind of db/storage do I need?
Web Framework Suggestions! (Senior project)
Creating internal tools for company usage
zustand + next trpc/client. With slightly more complex feature. Vanilla client?
deep questions t3 prisma client doesn’t seem to update
What is a solution for inserted html with styling that overrides it's enclosure?
Next.js AppRouter: not a valid export field
First component with DaisyUI and Nextjs gives runtime error
type errors even after disabling
Error: <rejected> TypeError: Body is unusable
Unable to retrieve application context. Did you forget to wrap your App inside `withTRPC` HoC?
problems with next route interception
bun for a large scale app
T3 stack question: clerk vs next-auth
UploadThing: Struggling to authenticate uploads
T3env: Module not found: Can't resolve '@/env.mjs'
NODE_ENV exposed to the client? Is that okay?
How to create custom upload component to use with UploadThing?
Get PDF with UploadThing
Question about learning react
Access clerkId inside upload thing callback
Football live Stream Package
Use Enum Values from backend in the Frontend
How can I useQuery when I click a button
Need help with solving nextjs production build error
type errors even after disabling
Cron jobs fetching gmail emails every 10 minutes
vercel webhook for hobby plan
Getting "" when accessing getServerSideProps context
embed parts from websites on a whiteboard
Do Next13 and therefore CT3A use turbopack and SWC by default?
React Table cell and headers function must be marked with "use server"???
Building an in-app chat
type errors i wanna change to warn
Next error
Does anyone have a good way to avoid opting out of caching when reading headers/cookies?
setting state param in nextauth
Add trpc to app. How bundlesize is affected
Await server onUploadComplete hook on the client.
how can i declare *.d.ts modules in assets/js/ folder and and import them as modules in my component
need a good redis hosting service
Importing npm packages in Deno
tRPC useQuery() or useMutation()
uploadthing: attaching metadata not working
Lint MDX files in Astro project
TRPC's useContext does not invalidate query.
Implementing Middleware
discord callback url
CMS based i18n
Drizzle with T3 and NextAuth
Using pusher with T3
Problem with my express toy app
Guide to extending t3 template?
Some of the conditions are omitted in middleware
tailwind error?
weird behavior with unstable_cache
Fetching data in server Component
Admin routes and security. How to set this up?
When would you all choose ct3a over astro?
How to recreate 'global' props in app router?
How do I pass a blob from frontend to backend api?
add on to the file object
Do I need Redis with T3 Stack?
Question about gradient backgrounds
Error:localhost redirected too many times
E2E type safety between nest and next
@id @default(cuid()) not working in prisma
Prisma + Zod, where to validate uniqueness
Email with Vercel
Clerk + Supabase: How to handle user account
What diffing tools do you use, if any?
T3 App dir beta does not have react-query integrated
Can't run t3
Multiple Clerk apps on subdomains?
TRPC error handling
C first or C++
Implementing get Request with Prisma
Context on middleware always undefined
RSC: Shared layout in different paths
useQuery runs on CSR?!
VSCode TS Server and typescript compiler giving different results with prisma
throwing custom errors from trpc mutations
Autocomplete config for GIT ohmyzsh location on MacOS
Background image on tailwindcss not working.
uploadthing/react not showing up or smth
Does anyone know how Vercel manages cache eviction?
shadcn Form
should i use a pool or connection in mysql
broken dinamic page react quey
Batching pros and cons
Zod overrides react-hook-form validation
React query Refetching on page change
expo hermes flags
React-hook-form fields based on API call.
Handling tRPC or React Query errors on the client side.
setting eslint to make absolute imports work
TRPC The inferred type of this node exceeds the maximum length the compiler will serialize.
Why Prisma does not set the proper type for related field?
Next app dir loading page twice
Discord not signing in
Jr DEV new to T3 Stack. ERROR
Implementing login with Prisma
hello guys, so It's a bad idea to use Prisma in Vercel because of the 500ms response?
When to use a server component vs a client component in NextJs?
messenger bot api
Best cloud provider / stack solution for this
UploadThing question
How does next13's /app routing api integrate Jest testing?
Vercel Caching Data during Deployment
How to stop a div using 100% height from growing within a flex container
Looking for code review on trpc method calls
A client asked me to build a video course webapp. How would you build it?
Connecting and managing planetscale branches
If recreating mailchimp like email marketservice with automations and campaigns - Kafka or RabbitMQ?
Prisma/Planetscale issue
trpc nextjs
problems with next-auth
redirect with withAuth middleware
Flutter or React-Native
What's the best way to implement Optimistic Updates with TRPC and NextJS App Router
Upload database using t3 stack
Anyone having issues with /etc/hosts on MacOS ?
Optimistic updates not working?
Custom type on express Request doesn't work on execution
Get Role and protected route
Serve pdf file in get route in Astro
Help in Nextauth EmailProvider
Running migrations on startup
I think somethings really wrong with my tailwind or styles
TRPC and protectedProcedure with next-auth
How do you guys make http calls to external backend from both client and server in nextjs?
Password hashing
SSR and page transitions
How to access Next Auth session or jwt from axios interceptor
My expo build cant find packages folder
empty tables in drizzle studio
Custom domain with uploadthing
Help getting my login button to redirect the user
get user ip in trpc
NextAuth: How to protect route groups without middleware?
Images not rendering
How are you guys reviewing your apps with customers / test teams?
Learn React or Learn Blazor i already know c#
tRPC Context object empty
is there caching in tRPC
import pageData... VS pageData = await fetchPageData()...
Unhandled Runtime ErrorRangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded
T3 ENV fails when trying to generate migrations
should package-lock.json be committed?
postgres(i.e. supabase) functions and triggers with drizzle ORM
Stripe how to handle multiple price_id?
Storing additional data in Server Auth Session
Google Play distorting app screenshots
form action not working
useTransition typescript error
How does React Query cache values?
stop env check on build
Twitter link previews with t3?
Zod object validator using Prisma (MySQL) enum
Quick way to protect all routes under a certain parent route in nextjs (app router)?
OpenAi vs Hugging Face
MJML center two columns content in group
TRPC vanilla client load failed when called on mobile browser
x currently viewing
Zod not returning undefined
Preventing Rerender of Parent component in React
NextJS app pretty slow
React Project - Invalid environment variables: { DATABASE_URL: [ 'Required' ] }
Best Atlassian alternative?
Error Management / Error Tracking tools/service for T3?
lint rule to ban anonymous functions inside HOCs
How to setup openAPI-TRPC for T3 project
Redux toolkit Presist Error
Can't get OG to show
HTML5 Video (h.265, mp4) looks pixelated/blurry in Chrome/Firefox:, but fine in Safari.
Alternative to Clerk for cross-platform app (Next.js / React Native + Expo)
~/components vs ~/components/Button
error with this prisma delete request?
Storing and retrieving cookie
switch image based on light and dark mode doesn't work well ?
Email Attachments without creating a file
Is there a framework for building cross-platform apps for Android, iOS, MacOS, and Windows?
Some domain philosophy
dynamic unit testing
Why does vercel strip out authorization headers?
Migrating from Firebase to Supabase
Tips for incremental migration from jquery to react?
Need Help setting up UploadThing With React
Pretty Basic (I think) React / Tailwind / Next question
Problem when using postgis .
fetch failed - error on npm start on production
Best approach to limit free users
trpc context with clerk
How to implement Domain Driven Design using Prisma?
App Router/RSC Experience
Storing and getting cookie in api
.env - adding global environment variable files
clerk user undefined
next 13 cookies
zod form
Where do you guys put the Back-End logic?
How can I learn UI/UX?
how to make it possible to have "_webhooks" as route name
Supabase auth with Nextjs13, need to persist cookie past session
Best way to fetch a range of items
Get image size using UploadThing
Creating logout as next-auth?
Struggling to Integrate Stripe for Payments in TypeScript Next.js E-Commerce App
Issue with UploadThing
Adding roles to Next Auth when using Discord or Facebook providee
How to make a lists of multiple data types with overlapping IDs
Hydration Failed Error in Next.js: Mismatch Between Server and Client Rendered HTML
How to implement session-based auth in NextJS13 without services like Nextauth/clerk/supabase etc
Fetching data from API endpoints
Database Table Design/Layout for Analytics type data?
Typescript errors with `cloneElement`
Performance of Prisma
error passing props to client component?
TrPC + Express + Next 13
Authenicating API routes to be only be request by same-origin Nextjs 13
How To Reduce Bundle Size For Edge?
Signup & Next Auth
MongoDB Noob question: how to add likes
Is there universal function with will convert string to base64?
Hydration issue implementing getStaticProps
Designer -> Developer Handoff
Noob question: How to pass a string to a child component?
T3 real-time / offline
how to do a passwordless login
UploadThing error: Call unsuccessful when using useUploadThing and startUpload
I'm trying to order by something
Deploy T3 stack on
Getting user data given their ID on Clerk
Download individual components through the CLI
Custom 404 page with multiple layouts
How to automatically sign-in user in after they click a verify email link sent to their email inbox?
Does anyone knows how works? (Conversation sidelined)
How to display register/signin errors on the client from a server action?
depends_on alternative docker swarm
Array<string> vs Record<key, true>?
tailwind linter giving me a wrong warning?
Regular Hexagon Plane using BufferGeometry in React Three Fiber
t3-env is giving error module is not defined in ES module scope
Deploying to Vercel - now errors with build and dev part 2
Deploying to Vercel - now errors with build and dev part 1
Combining tRPC and Nextjs13 Suspense
Use next-international without converting page.tsx or layout.tsx into client components
Can t3 app be deployed on a traditional server and a tradition database?
Github Oauth not triggering
T3 BETA - how to query on client side?
React-Hook-Form Issue
How to access another item in a zod object
trpc useMutation ?
Logging / Metrics Best Practices?
SQL Querying Best Practices?
tRPC SSG Helper w/ new Clerk middleware
Scaling Vercel Function instances & tRPC
What is the BEST ORM for Vercel Edge
React refs keep telling me ref.current.value does not exist on type 'never'
Vercel CI/CD stopped working
Rust c++ building tools
Having issues deploying my t3 app to production using docker
Automated Migration Testing
clerk metadata
vite app + chrome extension
Prisma client in Context
need a good redis hosting service
Help on choosing why i should use t3 stack for an e-learning web app
shadcn ui table
Suspense triggers weird bug
When using pnpm instead of npm, my .d.ts declaration files don't work.
How do I make Next App dir only run a function once? (Like getStaticProps)
tRPC websockets, getting Typescript error on apply WSSHandler with createTRPCContext
Need help with writing a function that accepts a trpc client router
shadcn .ui Select is no, it's working
drizzle many-to-many
Async event handlers
AWS Amplify Auth on a NextJS app
Weird next-auth behaviour
Simple SSR + Hydration with tRPC and Next.js 13
t3-turbo import alias in packages
Does the next.js have types for getServerSideProps context
T3 stack app blog tutorial
Prisma and mySQL 'POST' method 401 Unauthorized
Inviting Theo to a conference
error uploading images in production, works in development
Include txt into tsc build
useSuspenseQuery halt until server action is called
How do tRPC WebSockets work with NextJS
How Next.js 13 middleware is used as error handling?
shadcn/ui is not really working ,it's rendering the elements but the styles are not there
Uploading multiple files at once using uploadthing
[tsup] making a package
Prisma postgres DB not updating
Anyone know how to check non-blocking migrations?
Lucide react
Upstash ratelimitting + trpc
add install/open app prompt
Good way to cache database query results?
error authorize Type , hash unsafe assignment
TypeScript complaining even the code is correct?
Issues with graphql mutations
Take over login flow from Clerk?
shadcn/ui missing colors
Not get duplicates
Subdomain themes
How to deploy a GitBook on Vercel?
Debugging the endpoints
Webstorm & TRPC Errors
Product hunt hunters
Planetscale UUID
Sentry TRPC config not working
Linking NextAuth Discord provider to Discord user calling a slash command
How to handle authentication in nextJS app with AWS Amplify
CSS is missing
Can't run drizzle db:push due to error yet the code hasn't changed
Trpc google authentication passport
how to send video and audio as UDP format using webrtc
'npx prisma db seed' not responding
Recommendations for Advanced React and Design?
Intellisense unbearably slow
.env parsing causing cypress failure
Use Effect causing infinite re-renders
Prisma with two databases
How to fetch local API with App Router
How to extract tuple from array of objects for Zod enums?
Next.js Image Optimization killing Quality and Saturation
How to keep React state and db in sync with each other
update data via react-hook-form
Please critique my workflow for replacing an entire legacy project with a C3TA-scaffolded prototype?
How do you set up T3 with Shadcn UI
Expo Screen Orientation not working
i18next App router setup
How to make this documentation index effect?
Next-Auth question about JWTs
React Joyride alternatives
Why Theo doesn't talk about Ionic/CapacitorJS? [Capacitor vs React Native]
"Body is unusable" or "fetch failed" when using server to upload Zip files
Help understanding this line of JS/TS
Why the infered type of this function is `string | undefined`?
How to convert shadcn/ui components to Client component?
Typescript with jwt passport
ncaught Error: Invalid hook call
JSDoc - Functions Taking Never
Does API function timeout if it’s triggered by multiple cron jobs?
how to know if i'm using React Server Components?
Subteams design model
Vercel builds errorring out due to Invalid Vercel URL.
NextJS Intercepting routes
best practices to throw error on backend
how to access Nested routes
extending trpc middleware
App dir revalidate doesn't work on static routes
Help using Zustand and Pusher on the edge
tRPC in nextjs Capacitor app
I have TRPC question/problem
How to prefetch queries with tRPC?
revalidatePath invalidates all route cache
How to add one-off scripts to a T3 app
Error validating: You defined the enum `UserRole`. But the current connector does not support enums.
running vercel edge api functions?
How to deploy API to Vercel
How to handle Prod and Dev in Vercel.
Drizzle vs. Prisma: why does Drizzle need less row reads?
Drizzle type question
Drizzle ORM schema not working
How to use readonly arrays with immer?
Video tag doesn't show up on iPhone.
How to import images in NextJS and t3-turbo?
Multiple Server Components in a Client Component??
getting keyValidator._parse is not a function in t3-env
the URL must start with file:
Import error
Why do I get this error? `Error: is not a function`
How do you revalidateTag or revalidatePath with a server component prisma fetch or server action?
How would I go about using Cloudflare R2
Adding Tailwind to existing ct3a app
Problem with page navigation using next/link
How to store and retrieve many-to-one records in a table of "messages" given a "server".
How to use only backend part of T3
Vercel logic of deployment
Importing Prisma
Tailwind Theming using CSS variables
Can typescript infer from ternary operator?
Server only dependencies
How to wait for state to update without useEffect?
Why keyof Record wont actually give the keys of the record ?
Nested Generic Inference
Pusher with trpc
Session is not being created when logged in
Testing a React Webapp
Ability to set column width and `className` for <th> and <td> in shadcn-ui Data Table
Issue with trying to build with Nextauth
'id' does not exist in type 'UseTRPCMutationOptions<{ id: string; title?: string | undefined; ...
What are your favorite libraries from the React Ecosystem
GCP Private service connect
help with prisma planetscale schema
Warning: Prop `id` did not match. Server: "radix-:R36qcq:" Client: "radix-:Rcr9j9:"
framer motion stuff
Converting api data to a zod object
Credentials are not creating a session
API handler should not return a value, received object.
How do you monitor tech news?
Is there a way to upgrade env vars in a ct3a project?
Custom signing page is not showing
"Size" of API routes in NextJS
How to refetch data for a query when a mutation is performed in a different component?
Responsive skill tree
How do you trigger a server side update when using an ssg helper?
Chrome extensions causing hydration errors
I'm trying to create a custom signing with providers and credentials
shadcn/ui is unusable due to Type Errors
Submitting form on main page from within dialog
Fetch from external API, Client or Server?
Hosting Services
RPC like endpoints
T3 - app dir - tRPC + Prisma + Custom auth
I'm not really sure how to deal with this. It's a type problem.
Cors error
Cool svg animation insight.
tRPC failing on static pages (app router) build on Vercel
Pages in auth
Improve performance - Avoid Re-renders when changing range input used as a volume slider
Possible to do in one loop?
Does T3 have Dynamic Routes
Events using prisma
Clerk authorization custom implementation.
NextJS recursively call API route.ts from API route.ts
Sending State with SSGProps
Host T3 app on a VPS
Microservice and where to host it
Single endpoint that can take up to few minutes to resolve
how to save tiptap/prosemirror content to database in optimal way?
Setting default roles on signUp, NextAuth
How does ct3a launch the cli on install?
submitting form results in page reload/url change t3+react-hook-form+shadcn
How to create debounce search with tRPC
Vs Code highlighting newlines
[possiblo?] i made this garbage code, can you make it better
Stale dynamic sitemap
Prevent malware upload to uploadthing/s3 bucket
Can anyone suggest a good library for PostgreSQL similar to Mongoose?
Type Errors When Using File Input w/ react-hook-form & shadcn/ui
How do you handle global state with RSCs?
csv uploads
Weird auth.js type behaviour with custom providers
Any good open source projects build with t3 stack?
Redux reducer type error
Rate Limiting in AWS API Gateway
CommonJS/Module Errors Feel Random?
How to connect uploadthing to the Clerk auth?
NextJS CLI script
Has anyone found a good collection of prebuilt, general-use components using nativewind?
Setting up and testing endpoints (for t3 stack)
Prisma or Trpc for fetching data?
Prisma enum causes maximum call stack size exceeded.
Help me not to give up on t3.
shadcn-ui components breaking
tRPC mutation and data
Third party authenticator
T3 or App router?
Get All file Url nextjs app router
bug bounty - escalating HTMLi without XSS?
Project Idea using T3 stack
Astro + DrizzleORM => trouble
Looking for a dts-bundle that is maintained
ChatGPT example project?
uploadthing call unsuccessful
How does vercel run my code? Is my cache code working as intended?
Nodemailer Error: read ECONNRESET
Looking for NextAuth Discord Refresh token rotation examples. All mine have expired.
Anybody got a vitest with T3-app setup?
Routeroutputs and type inference from database
VPN recommendation
typewriter effect react library
Verifying query type in `getServerSideProps`
tRPC with ssr: true - what's going on?
turbo repo package not found
Question About Drizzle Composite Keys
ESlint: Require explicit return types on exported functions, yes or no??
Confused about return types of findFirst and similar
Why Use Server Actions?
Hosting platform for docker images (discord bot specifically)
How to config ESLint with Webstorm (create-t3-turbo)
One to Many connection not working correctly in Dirzzle
problem with slugs
Where should I place middleware? (following T3 app tutorial video)
stop using prefix with tailwindcss
Does server actions input have to be validated server side?
[shadcn/ui] hydration error with labels not being directed right?
T3 Stack Tutorial - Posts won't retain
[SHADCN/UI] Form Input add symbol
next js 13 request body size configuration
Wordle - Word selection
What projects would be good for learning backend development?
How can I break into backend software development?
[SHADCN/UI] Toaster Hydration Issues...
state updating problem
Pattern for Next.js path strings (App Router)
TS Allow Certain Response Bodies
How to correctly type an async Server Component in Next.js
What's the major difference between 'create-t3-app' and 'create-t3-turbo'?
remap a command of vim inside vscode
Add Generic To Response in Next
VS Code Plugin showing gzipped size of imports
Pattern for Prisma Generated Types are not Serializable
easy to use chatbot tools
Connect existing account with Google account
useState from TRPC Query
Any good `Prisma` alternative for other languages?
E-commerce website to master full stack Development
React not updating the attribute for an HTML element
vercel deployment error with middleware.ts
Why do we not use eslint-plugin-prettier in t3 app
NextAuth manual email verification
Nextjs having infinite errors
Do we have an update on t3 stack for the next 13 app directory?
Check DB or update session when DB role changes
How do i fetch data from a TRPC endpoint in getStaticProps and getServerSideProps?
Monitoring APIs hosted on Vercel.
how to make base url change based on environment
What metadata to store when uploading files?
Dynamically generated Routes in Next
NextAuth getting session token in the backend.
prisma data browser
bloody confused by the new Next.js server actions
Trouble with Nextimages
next auth vercel
Interview Questions for Full-stack Devs
Server Side business rules validation
Following theo's Tutorial. After creating the private routes i'm getting this error
fetching dynamic data in layout, not page
Prod and Dev rendering differently
Vercel KV watch, exec, etc. don't exist
Stop react query from retry on 404
Where to store pictures? Gallery Page
Error when using clerk getAuth from UploadThing routes
Any bettter alternatives than sentry for error and perfomance tracking?
S3 or google cloud storage ?
best way to do rate limiting for API Calls?
Server Action. and Redux Thunk?
Different timings for animating to different states
Keeping vercel API routes synchronized
next auth with custom backend
Migrate from nextjs supabase project to t3 stack
Next 13 middleware breaks page
How React query is being used in T3 App?
How do I fetch from server side with useMutation?
Zod File Upload validation
This Shouldn't Work But It Does🤔
render canvas on pdf using react
Sorting imports
Prisma Return Type
Need help with dynamically typed rest parameters
Prisma MySQL findMany problem with chirp tutorial
What is the unofficial name for this CSS effect?
DI libraries and using Singletons in NextJS / T3?
Accessing cookies set by API in Astro frontmatter
Turborepo: prisma-kysely type generation
State manager for a realtime chat app?
enum-union readme review and critique
I want to use Middleware with Database strategy.
good website examples
Website for local/generic barber
setInterval for placeholder changing
Clerk Forces All Routes To Be Dynamic
How should I host my apps given these requirements?
Unit testing streams in node
Config RSC on Edge
File (images) storage with T3
Custom server setup with t3 (Express, socketio, puppeteer...)
Error when npm install a cloned next.js project
Api route returns Fetch Failed
What is prefetching in TRPC server side?
Correct way to fetch data in a server component and pass it to a client component? ReactQuery TRPC
Difference between server/client components? When to use?
How to store image path in database?
Opinion on DX of this code, is it too confusing or easy to grasp?
How can I use login with username and password using NextAuth from T3-App?
testing frameworks that work best with next 13 and the app router?
Resend Email
does anyone have a create-t3-app and shadcn starter repo?
Backend equivalent to Create T3 App
Cannot find module error in building turbo repo
nextauth google provider not properly creating account
Deployed default nextjs app on vercel - doesn't have perfect "Real Experience Score", why?
Opinions on code style preference in a library project I'm working on for enum replacements
download file from a folder
T3 & Uplaodthing mass Upload
react-icons or one of the underlying libraries?
Eslint config is not picked up??!
How do you deal with dynamic classes ?
adobe react spectrum
Ecommerce dummy question: Product Cart Stock Managment?
Ecommerce dummy question:
pagination from multiple sources?
What is the best strategy to deal with JWT in Nextjs?
Client Side Functionality?
What is the correct way to generate SEO metadata in t3 app
example repo testing with playwright
T3 App on linux/Chromebook
responsive with javascript
Any free-tier solutions for heavy read-write personal projects?
Looking for resources/articles/blogs/books on how to instrument a codebase with metrics
Root not-found.tsx with multiple root layouts
what's adding the semicolons?
Change label color on Dark theme
multiple questions for a newer T3 / Webdev
Framework recomendations for jobs running with NodeJS
Nextauth google login not creating registers
What is the best way to make requests to a external api with Next?
Single source of truth for models using Zod and Prisma
Zod, mocking fake data that works with refine?
How to wait for useState to finish before setting useRef value?
How to fetch file
getting the most value out of theo's T3 stack tutorial - pre reqs?
Which wysiwyg are you using? What would you recommend for a website builder
How to create dynamic number union in typescript
dnd-kit in iframe
Full crud request examples & best practices for t3/trpc/react-query? seems to be down...can anyone else confirm?
AutoIncrement using mongoose
Fresh T3 install, auth.ts error: "next-auth" has no exported member getServerSession ???
env.mjs - Use as const
hello, I'm building developer docs for my company. are there any unique or usually unseen sections?
Is it possible to upload JSON files on uploadthing?
Leveraging Stateless Components in a Monorepo for Server Interactions
How to style the buttons/dropzone
Can you use uploadthing with javascript and not typescript
Can I still get features like SSR/ISR with this infrastructure?
Implementing next auth adapter with a cache
Made a small CSS styled component
Vercel Deployment giving prerender error
Feedback for my infrastructure needed!
Utility type to "undiscriminate" a discriminated union
Generated types from Prisma client are not getting assigned automatically.
For whom and when does it make sense to learn a Framework like React.
Clerk | Next 13: 401, unauthorized when trying to hit Next backend.
Creating (guest)checkout sessions with TRPC/Stripe/Zustand.
Best sources for UI inspiration?
Cheapest Hosting Service
Fetching Data on the Server
VSCode debugger help
Multi-page wizard
Should you validate the output of DB query?
Adding ISODate() for comparing dates in prisma with aggregateRaw on mongoDB
Lambdas and Edge functions in same tRPC Project?
Deployed app not showing time in date
Intercepting Modal Cause Jump To Bottom Of Page
t3 stack with a node/typescript/module example?
I have been stuck on this Type error: Cannot find name 'TRPCError'. Did you mean 'RTCError'?
TRPC vanilla queries (T3 stack)
NextAuth errors.ts issue
Suggestions for a minimalist neovim settings?
Handling Long-Running Server Functions in Next.js: Seeking Alternatives to Vercel Time Limits
Paypal webhooks
planet scale cost confusion.
Tailwind, SASS, and PostCSS
Making CartContext available in trpc?
Help adding trpc-openapi to t3 app
question about specifying events in typescript
Sending emails
eslint plugin for ordering imports
Add rest of User prisma table types and data to nextauth session in auth.ts
React Cache Function
Hey guys, can you give me some general advice on this basic web project?
help why bar any but not foo
Rendered more hooks than during the previous render Typescript error
View but not download with S3
Drizzle not pulling in environment variables
Drizzle search column for string
Understanding the t3-stack
Handling memberships
Uploading Word Documents (.docx/.docx)
How to make extracting components in typescript less cumbersome?
Type error w/ Dates & shadcnui
Loading state when quering profile data
Scoping tailwind styles
tRPC Client-side Type Inference Issue with Nested Promises
Apple Auth Error: Unacceptable audience in id_token
Layered architecture decision
Error Handling through API
Next-auth error handling on oauth problems
Build errors in dev server
The keyword 'import' is reserved
python and t3 stack
TRPC functions vercel deploy
tRPC clerk auth context not working on Server side HTTP requests with NextJS app dir
Thoughts on Million.js?
t3 turbo firebase functions
Old Imac i want to turn into monitor but its not working
How to remove default/example stuff
fetch failed with app directory
Confused with t3-stack
Issue communicating with backend and frontend on same machine (localhost)
How can I use a TurboRepo to have multiple Apps? Do I use multiple Next.JS projects? Help with infra
Issues With Prisma Return types
Getting data from database with zact
What do y'all use for sending emails?
Intercepting route with route groups and catch all routes
Uploadthing for a large project
Clerk auth 'authMiddleware' vs 'withClerkMiddleware' and setting cookies
Contentlayer error when deploying onto Vercel
React Native Error: [TRPCClientError: JSON Parse error: Unexpected token: <]
Next-Auth Access to custom data in sessions database
I am confused about Prisma and CUID (deprecated v1 vs v2). Does anyone understand?
Authentication (next-auth) Persistence Issue with iOS Home Screen Web App
making sure nothing runs with SSR
Custom protected routes?
How to prefix planetscale tables for dev dbs using drizzle?
dates are not same in server and client(dayjs)
TS Unchecked Indexed Access
Questions about React
Sentry Integration
Does anyone have experience with TipTap custom Nodes?
NextJs 13 app folder - SPA
Fetching real time data in Next 13 on the client side
PWA (next-pwa)
Generating 1200x1200 10,000 unique images in lambda.
Handling cors using axios
tRPC, SSR, RSC/app directory
How to view hsl colors in vscode
Prettier Error: Invalid host defined options
Get EXIF data from the file before uploading to upload thing
Help needed handling 1k react checkboxes
Recommendations for a t3 starter pack equivalent for an ionic app?
I'm trying to override the user object that auth.js session gives you
NextAuth dangerous website on email login
Issue installing a dependecy
t3 turbo boilerplate for existing t3 app: next.js, clerk, trpc, prisma...
working with datetime in drizzle
Routing and deployment in site builders
Check if unique key exists before create
How to upload files from server side?
Call TRPC from an api
Testing and Debugging Next.js13 apps for production
how does vercel take screenshot?
Google sheets API and restricting scopes
TRPC server side prefetching not working properly
POST API endpoint only working if request made from POSTMAN
prefetchInfinite not working when inputs are different from useInfinite
Serverside Caching with Next API Routes
[Next.js App Router] Dynamic segment 404 on Vercel, but not local production build
Rewriting all mongodb queries ?
how do I get the types from data off of a use query???
Prisma not creating entries in the given order
can't get to work NativeWind for Expo Mobile and Web
esbuild + babel plugin
anyone knows how to implement google Captcha v3 in a simple way?
prisma migrations using T3 stack
R2 Presigned URL
Is there any way gSSP in T3 stack
Measure time user spends on my T3 website
Setuping NextAuth with Go Backend
Clerk and provider access / refresh tokens
Anyone know how to connect to custom domain?
Are NextAuth column names sensitive?
CORS nightmare
open graph is not working
QStash vs Custom Solution?
Create-if-not-exists multiple explicit many-to-many relations
Trying to setup NextAuth with middleware.tsx file - login is happening but always returns to login
throwing error is server action is not working in production
How do you get query params in Next13, app router w/ route.ts file?
React table filter type error (.toLowerCase)
Prettier TailwindCSS not working with Next?
White flashbang for millisecond before page load
does activating SSR on tRPC mean requests no longer run on client?
Adding Infinite Scroll to Theo's T3 Tutorial app
impossible to force (property) as (method)?
how to make a custom styled UploadButton
Handle custom error class in error UI boundary
Zod enums vs Native enums
how can modify cookies in route handler with server action
when is virtualization neccessary
CSS Naming advice
signout from server in next js 13
Updated data not being fetched in production.
Some good old system design
Pages or App ?
Wait for ISR Revalidation (rather than showing stale data)
What about Panda CSS?
NextAuth sign in function not working properly
Fetching only once
import mysql into planetscale
Promise.all is not working in transaction in drizzle
shortest import path with eslint + tsconfig.json paths
GitHub workflow doesnt run
getServerAuthSession returning null in production
Not able to get the jwt token through cookies
Next api routes stoped working since clerk installed
Disable batching multiple useQuery
Zod type email string and number message not working correctly
next auth jwt session
How to pass typesafe react-hook-form form object
Flattening data structure on backend or frontend commonly?
Getting drizzle working with next-auth
How can I make node.js package that have a custom command?
How much do you usually save in your db when using an external service like clerk?
Should I condense my hooks output array?
UploadDropzone - dragging items from the same page
Tailwind .ts config file intellisense not working
question about public and private procedures in trPC
Can someone explain to me some basic concepts? Eli5
need help with keepPreviousData in trpc client / tanstack query
headless cms to use with t3 stack?
How do you approach long async types of operations on t3/next/vercel?
Handling Calenders In React
Weird typescript error
Source for creating my own create-x-app CLI command?
Does react 18 `cache()` cache across requests?
understanding drizzle insert
Nextjs request's order in async api
Update userId which is used for defining relationships between models
What would be a good budget option for FTS?
PrismaClient unsafe any
Setting up vanilla trpc client
Challenging recursive TS type
tRPC + next-auth + next app router example application
NextAuth profile images broken
Zustand or Jotai for a Dashboard app ?
[React Native] Open App Location Settings screen
Does Unit-Testing in T3 has been already discussed?
How to use Prisma model type in tRPC mutation w/ Zod
Next-auth in a pure react app
invalid env variables when deployed in vercel
Experiencing hell while dealing with tRPC procedures and the "input needs to be an object"... help
What does "profile" function do in OAuth Adapter?
Redirect next-auth signIn to history page
Trying to start dev of julius acme-corp repo
Does anyone know of a performant slider/carousel library for react?
How to implement redirect based on user role
Regex cutting off anything after space in the url
dynamic routes in middleware with next-auth
Do we need a fetcher like SWR with the t3 stack
UploadThing with Python
Deployment error with working environment variable
Both my dev environment and my deployed code are the exact same, but my text is aligned differently
Prisma not connecting to DB in amplify
Explicitly specifying an object in Prisma with its foreign relationships
Error when running `drizzle-kit push:mysql` to a Planetscale database
Headless UI Transitions
how can I invoke a trpc call inside a nested function?
Counting rows in Drizzle ORM
Does App Router have getStaticPaths? Does it even need that?
Pull template repository
TypeError: client[procedureType] is not a function weirdness
Invalid env variables Nextjs
Weird type errors with next.js and drizzle
Memoize function in typescript
Clerk: Is it possible to create custom metadata on signup using Clerk?
best react video player
ct3a update/diff tool URL?
How to properly setup next auth for a discord dashboard
setTimeout with T3 stack not working. Sorry for not got GUD
icon in mobile app
Same side panel on different routes
How to upload blob from audio recorder?
Optimistic updates type error [Symbol.iterator]()
"The property 'withTRPC' in your router collides with a built-in method
TRPC -useInfiniteQuery() refreshes all data when an input is varied, how to use?
Using cache with drizzle
Form action expects a string?
easiest way to convert shadcn css vars to a different tailwind swatch?
Plasmo messaging between content scripts and tab pages
Drizzle many-to-many error
next email library
What do you think about putting eslint config in package.json?
Vercel Analytics
Drizzle Insert w/ Relation
how to delete file in uploadthing
t3 turbo env vars
Making a enum/union type like in prisma, but with drizzle
T3 ESLint Not Following Next.js Official ESLint Docs
problem importing first npm package
where should these variables be in my env var configuration
Refactor type
"no-cache" | revalidate: 0 breaks site in production
Problem with adding per-page layout in /pages router using typescript
drizzle studio is not working
Has anyone used UploadThing to self-host file uploads in a CMS?
performing server-side authentication with t3-app stack before rendering the index page
charting lib that is performant
Animated Slider
Server-side authentication for external services
Send setter to `props.children`
App router question about Link
Is there any way to signal a Server Component to refetch?
Intranet Infrastructure
Unable to connect to prisma on T3 Stack project on new machine
Should i finish learning c# or stop halfway and learn javascript
Does anyone have a good blog/video/resource to read up about CommonJS vs ESM vs CJS ?
Get types of return value from trpc api call
Static website slow after Vercel Deploy
Environtmental variable error in vercel
importing data into [slug]
Vercel Lambda 405/413 error (large payload)
My DaisyUI button is not firing onClick function
Easy way to add rate limiter into t3 stack / trpc?
env-nextjs not able to find .env variables
Deep react component typing
Use Edge Runtime by default??
should i buy a mac ?
Data grid
Conditionally excluding module from bundle
Chirp: the trpc call to get all posts, hits the database every re-render....
What does it really mean when people say developers read much more code than they write?
is infinite scroll with comments only possible with graphql?
How to access form data from before a user is authenticated?
Need advice on handling 10,000 images on Lambda
Terms and conditions + privacy policy
How can I let users download files uploaded to UploadThing
How to redirect when user ~is~ authenticated
Metadata rarely updating when using <Link> to navigate
Intercept request
Create a global "reactive" variable
Why I am not able to use camelCase to use prisma models in trpc if I am using PascalCase name them
t3 react clerk oath callback
[Solved] for the audio on uploadthing what filetypes exactly does it accept?
clean architecture
Planet Scale foreign keys?
Error: The Edge Function "index" size is 1.04 MB and your plan size limit is 1 MB
Using uploadthing with mongodb
How to handle getSession delay on client components with NextAuth?
[SOLVED] Next.js App Router with Express Custom Server
Disable some eslint rules this in extend plugins
Do I belong here?
Protect routes? For the app itself, no user auth, pages router. Help, desperate.
TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'subscribe')
tRPC query gets the type right on the way in and wrong on the way out?
Why does the official Twitter website look so different on mobile?
Request and update as the server comes along
Can't resolve 'fs' but in an API route???
React Query cache is not working?
using zact with react-hook-form issues error
What's the reason for having the prisma singleton in the context?
Sizes prop in the <Image/> component
Preact Error on next 12
How to add Many to Many relation fields in `z.object` and how to write procedure for it ?
NextJS app router trips/[id]/page.tsx
Good Select component/library for large lists?
UploadThing Pricing
httpBatchStreamLink example with T3
Uploadthing: do not upload immediately
Do I have the right idea?
Paypal webhooks with NEXT's edge runtime
How do I stop a trpc query from running when a parameter is null?
Should I use setState inside useEffect with React Query (or TRPC)?
any typescript genius can help with writing a wrapper function for a SvelteKit loader ?
Archiving on serverless functions
Admin dashboard
Clerk - can’t get types of unsafeMetadata properties on user object?
how to get rid of t3 icon in Head component?
Mutation alters user in database then redirects to homepage. How can i force user session to update
Storing a Triple Nested Object
Cold starts on Edge?
Year old IntelliJ bug is actively making my development experience miserable
How can I let users download files uploaded to UploadThing?
Force page data fetch with TRPC? Edit form cacheing older data.
ts-node not recognize
`env.mjs` as opposed to `env.cjs` or `env.js`
Where would I initialize a 3rd party API to use in TRPC routes?
Next.js / React international physical conferences?
is it bad to have many Prisma instances ?
Prisma extensions and i18n
How to populate ShadCN search/comand component with options, but only have them show up when typing?
Backend Nodejs with ts
TypeScript ESLint errors on deploying to Vercel but not in local environment
nextjs tailwind grid causing scrolling
Type-guards and generics
Setting up unit tests with Jest and React Testing Library
next auth X DiscordProvider types
Discord server setup
How to get data from server action
Question about hooks.
Clerk middleware not letting me fetch users on unauthed request
Caching an entire API route for 5 minutes
Detect server/client component
Invalid input Only "mysql2" is available options for "--driver"
parse string as duration, are we stuck with momentjs?
How to use subdomains with nextjs
How to disable App Dir?
Tech stack choice for a cross-platform desktop app with Raycast floating window feature.
toasts vs banner notifications for forms
useQuery endless fetching loop
Elegant ways to handle variable useQuery/useMutation calls?
Strange trpc types with latest create-t3-app example app
Uploadthing and Clerk work together?
How to allow 3rd party apps to send POST requests to your API
How can I check if my package are edge ready?
tanstack query (requests in bulk vs individual)
t3 app in turborepo now throws 404 error when accessing root
env-nextjs error
NextJS "Module not found" error with "loading.tsx"?
vscode logging level
Zod z.infer, z.output and z.input
Passing function error on Contentful live preview client component
snake_case in Zod and/or Class
MacBook Air (15inch) vs MacBook Pro (14inch vs 16inch)
Derive Type from Parameter of function attach to object (possibly recursive idk)
Ignoring __test__ folder during the build process
CRUD on Table Server Components
Next.js App Directory redirecting POST route (oauth, sign in with google)
Setting persistSession option.
TRPC works in local but got 404 in production
Nextjs v13 app routing
NextJS serverless limits
How would you check if a user is signed in for multiple endpoints.
Prisma Schema
Build command uncovers typechecking errors not shown by intellisense
Build a custom provider component nextjs appdir
Error importing @planetscale/database
Linting errors when building on Vercel that I'm not getting on local machine
how to fix typescript error
What would the best approach be to have a website that can be translated for different countries?
Simplest useInfiniteQuery implementation?
When to use useUploadThing and uploadFiles hooks?
Prisma client extensions in T3 app
t3 monorepo with fastify backend
Continuous process while server is running
whats the url of deployed server
How does the Beta system of CT3A works?
Prisma, self relation onDelete, onUpdate behavior
NextJS 405 response (Exceeding response size limit)
Uploadthing onUploadComplete file size is undefined
How to get rid of CORS errors
Website Suggestion + tRPC
Retrieving folder directory
Truncating link
Next auth in external services
Recommendations for Realtime Service (Pusher, Supabase Realtime etc..)?
cant register a new user with next auth prisma
PlanetScale vs Supabase
Migrating next app from [client -> ts-query + clerk -> supabase] to planetscale
Should I use postman? I am trying to start using APIs in my personal projects.
Setting up GitLab authentication, getting "Argument `user` is missing." when logging in
Earning tips
Problems with Turborepo + Prisma Data Proxy / Edge Client
Is there a recommended React library that handles a live chat UI/UX?
Is there a way to use the trpc client inside a useEffect? Or a separate "service".
getStaticProps & SSG helper data still being fetched on client.
Modifying docs on an Open Source project
Upload image from server to uploadthing
Custom Headers Nextjs13
`bcrypt` fails on installation with `node_modules`
How to keep local changes after reloading webpage
Prisma 2-3 levels deep queries
Migrate django application to nextjs
Prisma Data Proxy vs Drizzle
Build auth apis with next.js using trcp
Can Prisma handle 1000 users?
shadcn ui table component with dialog.
TypeScript problem
Make UploadThing files downloadable
Zod array with valid values
Upgrade TRPC to appdir
How to add a form to "new-user" page after user signed in via provider
Typed API contract builder
Empty JWT payload, persisting role permissions and "jankiness" with next-auth
CORS Issue on only some API calls
How to make protected routes in nextjs appdir
re-send email verification endpoint
Animation: Slide-In on Scroll
implement discord-like account switching
tRPC failed on <no-path>: Invalid API key
How to implement different not-found pages for diffrent routes in next js app dir
dumb async questions
Planetscale - New field with default(uuid) erroring out?
How to use Datadog APM with Next.js on Vercel?
Do people still use Redux Saga ?
Downgrading zod version to 3.21.1 to be able to use zod-prisma-types
index files consuming a lot of memory
Questions about GPL licensing
where clause in drizzle insert
Secure way of previewing PDF in react app (without storing locally in readable way)
Prisma Transaction not executing properly in a Production environment
Tailwind compiler not working properly with Turborepo
Why differences between t3 App and tRPC starter app?
How to invalidate routes/router in backend/webhook?
what are the best alternatives for axios ?
youtube videos blur effect
Ui component name
Infer type of object values in array
use t3 to create a nextjs frontend and backend with nextjs to have login , create user with mysql?
Type for a JSON object or API response?
How to send cookies and headers in app dir
Why am I still getting an es-lint error on nextjs build despite turning the rule off?
Passing and Accessing Authentication Tokens from External Backend to Client-side Components in Next.
any npm package to achieve something like?
How to create or connect multiple records in prisma?
❌ Attempted to access a server-side environment variable on the client
replace [projectId] with project name
Linter & type check in nextjs app
Consumer tRPC client package from private API type?
How to add unique username to user that signed in via provider?
Recommended architecture for my simple web scraping data visualizer for gym capacity
If I make a cross platform website/app with nextJS + react native, how does the backend work?
what should i know about backend before starting with nextjs?
Invalid Environment Variables
I need help understanding request body types
Moving primary content when sidebar appears
Auth0 - customize login screen
when i deploy frontend trpc fails to compile
why do I get an error when running `npm create t3-app@latest`
How to process.exit(1) from NextJS app
App directory support
how to rate limit in trpc express/nodejs server (not nextjs)
utils from api.useContext() not working?
is this the correct use of usecallback?
How to get singular type on trpc query
Read pg db types and constraints automatically?
Paypal subscriptions: how to verify successful sandbox payment
Syncing Clerk User for Prisma User in the Next Pages Directory
Shadcn ui drop down menu
Is it possible to dynamically generate zod schema?
vercel ai sdk with pages folder
how do you all cope with onboarding on an already existing express project?
Tracking request/useMutation progress
Preserve lib's path in import statement, tsconfig + vite
Validating Zod Schemas Against Static Data
Next 13 + Vercel (+ axiom?), how to log?
Data fetching in client components, Next 13+
Error: PrismaClient is unable to be run in the browser.
react hook form generic form
Bet you can't fix this CSS
Why isn't this typescript type working?
Why only example exist?
Mern stack Or Nextjs ?
Cannot deploy to Vercel with Next13.4
how do I fix this type error
Good learning resources?
Call route within route in server
i want to display amount of comments a post has before fetching all the comments
Is it possible dynamically create serverless function on vercel from code?
react-signature-canvas alternatives
In a turborepo, does the .vercel folder go at the root or inside of the app?
Background processing + notification
What to use on the backend of a mobile app
With Planetscale (or others), what's the correct way to retroactively edit a prod database?
Caching ORM response in Next app dir
Redirecting from modal in intercepted route
Inject react on a preexisting website for demo purposes
Setting Custom Error Messages on Zod Unions
Resend Icon Animations what are they?
tRPC + Clerk: user & org info
Package create-t3-app with vercel/pkg
Why does everyone try to Kill PHP when it is immortal
Bread-Crumbs Navigation
Shadcn Ui library select is not working Properly in mobile?
nextauth with external api
14 vs 15inch Macbook Pro... Help!
Union types to solve magic strings problems
Build failed when using trpc and strict tsconfig
Buying a new Mac, How important is the Chip or having >16GB ram
React-hook-form dynamic input
Invalid `prisma.product.findMany()` invocation
ISR (+ on demand revalidation) NextJS on Netlify not working
help with basic ts error
Prisma query multiple tables
tRPC query with HTTP POST
YouTube Data API
Mocking TRPC api with Jest.mock
the prompts doesnt change even tho ive changed prompt id
Does NextAuth refresh access_token automatically?
Do any of you use .output in trpc procedures to validate server's returned data?
How to load all these images at once?
Component in App.tsx showing ts error:
How to set w and h for a flexbox item
error overlay
Can I create a website + native app that uses the same frontend code?
Atomic Design for React components using Tailwind classes
Implementing share feature
How to structure complex interfaces for multiple stakeholder?
Using Tailwind UI
How to access trpcClient like in react-query: queryClient.fetchQuery ?
Nextauth add data to user that tries to sign up
Rendering a different route Nextjs
Anyone used the `Etag` response header inside a Next.js Application?
Split tRPC to two endpoints on lambda and edge with Next
Websocket with Next appdir/RSC?
Next 13 + i18n + tRPC not working
Unique Constraint in Drizzle
Edge function exceeded 1mb
Next Auth unique Username with Social Login, best approach?
Whats going on with these type errors? (Challenge, TSPlayground Included)
Attempted to load @next/swc-darwin-x64
What's a safe way to sign into your react native app using an existing web app/server?
Anyone been able to get Google Tag Manager working with Next 13 (App Dir)?
Use NextAuth as a microservice
useState is not working
What are the trendy server side stacks?
Best way to query data in NextJS App Dir.
Nextjs (edge runtime) logging provider/library for prod
Next.js for frontend only?
How can I run a query only one time when the page loads?
how to fix prisma query where 1=1
How to create components with React Aria?
no-floating-promises error when using TRPC query.
how to change nextauth PrismaAdapter's createUser function
How would you track API usage per user group on a series of edge functions
how to fix schema or query for prisma
One to one and one to many
VScode insiders code .
How to server-render (SSR) a client component using Next.js app router?
is nest js the laravel of the javascript land?
NEXT edge api routes: sending a json response
What kind of headless CMS would you chose in 2023?
Is it possible to use t3env from a Drizzle config file?
App dir + tRPC +
Tailwind - className did not match
Get Active Link from Server Component (Next.js 13.4)
ServerActions and ISR
How to make a monorepo using create-t3 app.
Prisma Date Day Off
Prisma type issue
Portfolio website
Using JSZip with Zod and tRPC
NextJS Website Bug
DrizzleORM drops tables already in database when trying to add new tables?
What is the point of learning Node.js?
ESLint changes don't show when running turbo build
tRPC / React query noobish question
Uploadthing + NextJS (App Dir) API Loop Bug
Default Discord Auth
how to handle tRPC errors with mutationAsync on my react frontend?
turbo lint env not typed
Implementing route protection
How to use TRPC inside handleSubmit
how do i prisma
How to see NextJS logs on Vercel/Axiom/BetterStack?
alternative to getServerSideProps() for /app router era?
How do I pass down the inferred type returned from tRPC data via react props?
stack for simple website
EditorJs readOnly toggle is not working
T3 App ESLint Errors
Which content creator offers the best material to learn Nextjs?
How to read client env using env-nextjs
Loads of questions on setting up ESLint and Prettier for different IDEs
Where in create t3 app project can I put a proxy server?
<template> and stubborn hydration warnings...
API Layer with App Dir
Is there a way with app dir layouts to do something like "island" based pages?
Add token requirement to public TRPC endpoint to add to DB (create-t3-app)
Javascript / Typescript ORMs like Drizzle or Prisma
VSCode Debugging - Does Client Side debugger break points work?
Data fetching in NextJs 13.4+
UPLOADTHING_URL is still set to localhost:3000
Session recording tools?
What is the name of the service hosted on?
How to use google fonts in a T3 app
Can i front a (non-prod) netlify(or other providers) app with cloudflare?
How should we handle errors in zact? What should I return when the user is unauthorized for example?
WARNING: Text content did not match...
Fetching a font on edge
CKEditor 5 and Next.js integration - working in development environment but not in production
What to use instead of "getServerSideProps" in NextJS?
how to remove query from Next js 13 app url without reloading?
Revalidate using App Dir tRPC
which database will you recommend i use for storing jobs for queues
Publish iOS App on Testflight
T3 Turbo Build Issue
router.refresh is not working in first load
How to handle token expiration in RSC calls ?
Running before unmount on server components??
how should i think about trpc with NextJs 13 server actions?
proper edge-to-edge setup (i.e. CF workers, regions, and edge auth (with supabase))
server side localstorage?
Why does NPM try to log in?
Next Auth Refresh Session Token is not working
PII Data
Vercel deployment issue with uploadthing
How to get Next-Auth session to include custom properties
How do y'all deal with writing scripts that interact with your t3 apps?
How would i benefit from running docker in development
blocked vercel account
Configure domains for different environments without autodeploying to Vercel
how Programming languages are creates ?
Has anyone had any luck migrating prisma -> drizzle?
How to type return of hook based on string passed as argument?
How to connect Next13 and Sitecore CMS?
Next JS 13 (noob) questions
server-side environment variable in jest
SSR with tRPC in NextJs
SyntaxError for UploadThing
Clerk Authorization vs Authentification
GenerateStaticParams + DynamicParams=false not Working in Next13
Anyone know why ShadCN navbar is positioned in corner?
React guarantee updated state variable
prisma nested writes / updates not working
Type declaration for js files
next/font fonts won't load
Customizing the t3 stack
Do server actions run on edge?
T3 Chirp -> understanding Nextjs Routing / Slug
Design Feedback
Next Auth With username and password
Stripe Webhooks (NextJS App Router)
Migrating Full Stack App, Piecemeal or create-t3-app?
React Hook Form Type Instantiation is Excessively Deep and Possibly Infinite
How to make prettier run before ESLint on save?
Client Component Hydration Layout Shift
how to use getServerSession inside onclick server action
Server Action With getServerSession
Should you avoid having the queries inside Components?
Any plugins/extensions to make SQLite, PostgreSQL or MySQL immutable/append only
Updating data
Theo and Dan Abramov useEffect Interview Question
NextAuth & AWS Cognito SignOut issues
use a skeleton when rendering a component
Vercel Postgres Backup (pg_dump)
When using Zustand in a mono
NextJS build Fails Only In CI - Can't find module
t3 stack with react-native
skeleton for rendering client component
Query tRPC the right way
drizzle orm is overhyped
T3 App/tRPC/Typescript example adhering to Clean architecture?
drizzle adapter for next-auth
[PRISMA] Adding method with param in result object
Read and Write in Next Js 13
Vercel Storage as CDN
Image component not displaying images
Rich Text Editor
Best node local smtp server while you dev ?
Dynamic Routes with AWS Object Keys
Exhaustive Switch in TypeScript
NextJS Server Actions vs Traditional API
Tailwind changing causes error in next
t3 stack
Best way to store heavily read/edited pdf files : mysql BLOB in db or store as files
WHEN to not use SSR?
Chrome extension Google Auth
Vercel Build, Module not found: Can't resolve path/to/Component
Invalid environment variables @railway
create-t3 questions
way to organize your tech stack
Can I use t3 for single page apps?
Use Clerk `getAuth(req)` in a Zact server action
useMutation param syntax
Strange network activity in devtools
nextjs env t3 runtime error
getServerAuthSession at any place crashes my app. 5000+ errors per second!
Weird error in trpc procedure
405 Error with S3 Presigned URL's
unless if want to share components / utils between packages , why we need a mono repo ? T3 cli app ?
Need clerk webhook example
GitHub Action Failing Type-Checks but Working Locally
looking for some tutorials
is it worth it to have meaningful errors returned from server side form validation?
Good setup for CRA + Serverless in a monorepo?
How to redirect with new headers back to the same page?
The Edge - what's the point
cloudflare R2 in Versel?
React.FC equivalent for RSC
How do I use the return type of a function with overloads that will be returned in the same function
Media not rendering on first try, only after a refresh
any good resource for browser extension development?
Route Guarding with nextjs
the URL must start with the protocol `mongo`
Read and Write in Next Js Is not working in production (vercel)
Desperate for help with Trpc resolver.
useRouter query
Password hashing on EDGE?
Auth.js Muti-device Support
NextJS should I use a headless CMS?
How to define this exact relation on prisma
How much do y'all charge for your apps?
Drizzle client side vs server side?
t3-turbo + next-i18n + tRPC doesn't work on Vercel only locally
Anyone have an exampe of two nextjs applications in a single repo?
Recommendations for validation library?
superplanet conection fails in production mode
Question about next auth.
Why does `npm create t3-app@latest` use the /pages directory. How can I use the app router?
nextjs13 do get request with searchbar
How to sent a mutation procedure from the client
Server Actions high level questions (scale, request library, exposing to other clients)
upload thing jest
NextJS and Bare Metal
Cloud storage solutions for collaborating on local files
cold starts
Android emulator cannot connect to my Expo without tunnel
is this middleware is good for longterm?
Bidrectional Infinite Scrolling Implementation
Is it possible to generate a github action to build a preview of a pull request in nextjs?
File Uploads to Local Storage
Change ctx.session.user values to include new ones? Bad idea?
Next13 app-router: How to get request headers on client page comp?
Can i send a file from trcp router?
useSession has an empty user object {}
TypeSafe external API ?
Want to request only half of the audio file but not working
How is realtime DB syncing accomplished without Firestore/Supabase?
Drag and drop library recommendation?
tRPC invalid_type error with Clerk
Save selected option on dropdown
End-to-end testing tools, Suggestions
N Nested Relations
A question on procedure design.
Migrating to supabase from create-t3-turbo
System dark mode not detected when using darkMode: "media" in tailwind.config.ts
What is wrapping a next server action in startTransition doing?
Can I call tRPC procedure inside another procedure?
Anyone know how to go about using Tailwind Animation to animate a linethrough on hover?
Task scheduler infra?
Need suggestions for better infra CICD
Conditional render, why can't it be done?
do something once server action is completed
How to use discord.js in Nextjs app dir
best way to fetch data in nextjs
@next/font turbo t3
Typescript issue causing trpc functions to not have type checking
Clerk middleware breaks Discord URL preview (embed)
T3 env lint error on Github CI
T3 Expo - react-native-gesture-handler
Server side caching with Next API
[vite-plugin-sass] Unexpected token u in JSON at position 0 error
useInfiniteQueryBug - queries to the end of page
OpenId Connect Provider
runtimeEnv property in env.mjs in create-t3-app
ESLintrc.cjs config setup
/app dir slower than pages?
Vercel - Subdomains
T3 Env Not Showing Type Errors
My prisma var is any type
TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'status')
Stuck with a TS error for `Object.keys` 😞
SSR with NextJs layouts (page dir)
"it works on my machine" deployed app to vercel and it blew up
Prisma does JOINs by fetching all table data and then comparing???
t3 chirp project - cant resolve trpc ssgHelpers
React Date Filter
Book style scrolling react
Stripe Webhook Event Duplication
do you guys prefer pages or app?
Update password for non authenticated user
tRPC API calls log user out automatically
Hi guys. I am very new and have just learned about T3.
should I use react-query or tanstack-query?
Clerk Role Based Auth
Should we still be using react hook form in nextjs 13?
error when deploying at vercel
Error when studying trpc
Using database-js to test Lambda function locally
Switching to double quotes and adding semicolon on save
Prisma zod enum validation
'Component' cannot be used as a JSX component.
T3 and GraphQL+Neo4j
Google provider with dynamic links
Neatly extract tRPC middleware to make it reusable
Is there a library for grid-based drag-n-drop?
Search URL structuring
SCSS file being compiled as JS and (obviously) erroring on Nextjs "Collecting page data" step
Execute an external TS file in a T3 Stack app
Using Cloudinary
hello, i've stop working on my t3-app for a few month now, i wonder if i can...
NextJS(13) API call cache MISS
Recursive References in TypeScript
Refresh a RSC
How to add Headers to tRPC route?
Update Clerk Organization from TRPC Router
Anyone successfully used PWABuilder for a NextJS app with tRPC?
How can I do TRPC with next multiple zones
"createContext only works in Client Components." When I'm not using context.
Quickest local db for solid start?
Send revalidated data alongside mutation in tRPC
Typescript giving benign error: 'caller' implicitly has type 'any'...
Fetching data directly from prisma
Remove favicon from create-t3-app.
Next 13 and weird memory leaks
Figma/SVG vs D3 vs other libraries for programmatically generating music/chord charts
t3-env issues with Vitest test cases
big data question
get S3 Object (pdf) and display it on a unique url based on object name
T3 and App Directory
Scraping Web Page Question
Is there any other examples of Server-Sent Events for page router & trpc?
What user info do I store in my database???
Style based on scroll position
Implement pagination on the server
Restricting Tailwind CSS Hero video
How to migrate t3 from v6 to v7
mutate with publicProcedure?
Is Drizzle production ready?
how to fix next auth ts error?
Build warnings?
Issues Copying wasm files for Vercel/prod using create-t3-app
how to upgrade t3 webpack to turbo pack
What are you guys using for landing pages when creating your app?
Can you use NextJS rewrites *only* in development?
Suggested First Load JS size
TypeScript being grumpy with includes when comparing string[] to MyType[]
turbo clerk auth not working
Struggling to add client-side environment variables
TypeError: URL is not a constructor
Hiding ICE Servers connections
Stackblitz or Codesandbox - Remote Development
issue with prisma studio part (tutorial)
tRPC on the Edge?
Typescript wizards needed! Circular dependency with Zod inferred schema type withing superRefine()
Loading file or suspense?
What is the easiest way to get your content from the trpcState
Clerk: auth() was called but it looks like you aren't using authMiddleware in your middleware file
Data coming back as undefined in T3 Stack Tutorial
Questions from someone new to T3 stack
Middleware is not working
How to provide more info on ctx.session.user in the routers?
Choosing a React framework-thing
Sentry Next.js setup issues
Understanding sockets with t3, looking for tutorials
How to get started with next 13?
bundle size and browser performance
Fine Grained Authorisation
t3 app with a need for a REST API reached by other locations
Auth Solution
Firebase signIn issue in React Native Expo production build - Crashes after selecting Google account
Next 13 App Dir, performance benefits
Do you use Prisma data-proxy for your T3 app?
Link won't navigate to app/not-found.tsx in app dir
Passing Array of Strings to the backend
NextJS with Server Components & React Native
Can somebody help recommend how to use 'npx prisma db push'.
[TRPC or Prisma or React Native issue?] Do not know how to serialize a BigInt
CI error when importing static image files
How can I build interactive blog post
tRPC - Express - Next.js boilerplate
Automate trpc router definition using prisma-trpc-generator
How to handle deployment only environment variables with @t3-oss/env-nextjs?
How to use installed middlewares in tRPC?
ultra noob eslint question
aws node migrate message
City location
How to solve infinite compiler loop when using withNx and withContentlayer together in next.config
Module not found: Can't resolve 'fs'
Issue with Font Optimization Not Applying Correctly to Absolutely Positioned Elements
increase LCP performance with t3 stack.
API route call from another API route
Mis-Used Promise ESLINT
How do I get the user's access token from Weblow's OAuth2
How do you import an animated svg in Next.js 13
What UI design library do Clerk and uploadthing use?
Does anyone have a working example of geolocating using nextjs's req.geo or 'x-vercel-ip-xxxx'?
Monitoring especially Nextjs Backend
tRPC Middleware consuming memory limit on Vercel
shadcn eslint hell
Typescript error when trying to access more user properties in my JWT token
Type-safe url params in NextJS app-router, similar to tanstack-router?
Typescript Error in Authorize function of CredentialsProvider
DB deployment help
Can you get current request on server components?
Disable Es-Lint rule
Monitor recommendation?
Styled components react native ?
Need help in implementing web app for running Jupyter Notebooks
t3-turbo packages
Error when deploying T3-Turbo on vercel (using yarn)
Site analysis
Having issues with state and TRPC serverside component -> Like button on zustand
Accessing t3 turbo envs inside expo's app.config
Does anyone know how to fix this vercel error?
Credentials Signin NextJs
onHover tailwindCSS
Simple server solution when serverless is not enough
Clerk JS Multiple Request
background tasks in t3 stack?
Validation Errors. What’s the best approach?
onchange isnt triggering when a search query is passed to an element
Database Recommedation
Set cookies to a different domain
Superjson not working in createProxySSGHelpers?
default NextAuth middleware and custom middleware conflicting
Are sever components running on an actual sever? Can someone explain?
Omit properties function typescript
Integrating Google OAuth with NextAuth.js: how to get Client and Token from google login
Handling il8n in Next 13
Can this function be improved performance wise?
How to use trpc inside next.js middleware
How to set cookies from trpc backend using next.js
Building T3 app with Docker. Image access issue (sharp).
Website "tutorial"
how to use client side rendering in the next js ? i didn't find anything in the docs ?
Unable to query data
How to fetch data from NextJs API folder using tanstack query on button click
How to Install Forked Next Auth from GitHub
Auto populating new tables on user sign in
Stripe Webhooks
Using T3 as API & Admin Panel Layer then consuming API layer tRPC on React Native 🤔 utils/api.ts 😭
ESLint parserOptions issues
Chat with trpc / nextjs / vercel
Theme with tailwind and shadcn
How do I setup a base api url for the preview environment when deploying to Vercel?
Moving Prisma Schema To Its Own Package in a Turborepo
tRPC losing types on t3-turbo
Shadcn fonts not working
react query persistQueryClient: store each queryKey/queryHash in its own IDB k-v row
Typescript error for "property does not exist', when it clearly does.
Context in App dir
Discord OAUTH not working, I've tried almost everything
What is the best way to push data from external sources into my db?
persist user vertical scroll during navigation between pages NEXT 13 App Dir
Reading public folder on prod
Property 'prisma' does not exist on type 'object'
SVGs in Next
Server to server authentication
Type error when using useInfiniteQuery
prisma push data loss
More Clerk + tRPC weirdness
Fetch request in server action not working
When Is it time to make the component wet and give up on ternaries?
Cannot find module 'next/font/google' or its corresponding type declarations.
Outputting zod definitions for use in a different codebase
NPM and NODE errors
Making Next.js loves my custom conditional exports
NextJs router error in app dir
How do i make a trpc call outside of a functional component
how to use useState in turborepo ui package component such that it works as client component
Is there a way in Zod to validate a field in a schema conditionally on another fields value?
Prisma in TRPC context
Initiating another prisma client for SSR
T3-APP + NextJS app/directory
Query external API and store in database
do you use ChatGPT or not anymore?
Next.js vs competing frameworks
next-auth with react query
Prisma - Error: P1001
Login data saved to database without explicit code - NextAuth, Prisma, and TRPC
Lets Talk about State Management
using Icon and getServerSideProps throws an error
How do React Server Components fit into the T3 stack?
3rd Party Application
How can I get the input field values from formData (using Next form action)
Your experience with T3 for Mobile dev
Does it make sense to use tRPC without a frontend?
What is the best way to handle a caching layer?
t3-turbo with tailwind and ui package gives error
Error: Socket connection timeout
How to Stream responses when using Langchain in the new route handlers
Local Deployoment
Disabled tRPC Query, default inputs
[CLIENT_FETCH_ERROR] when deploying to Vercel production
Unexpected token '??='
Wordpress to React SEO Effect
uploadthing bucket?
Extend or duplicate generate SSG helper functions?
Keep getting "NEXTAUTH_URL: [ 'String must contain at least 1 character(s)' ]"
How to redirect using TRPC?
TRCPClientError when creating an entry with blank `updatedAt`
creating a type based on the input
app crashing while using pm2 with prisma
SVGR doesn't display colors from my SVG
Can I use both raw and react tRPC client?
Invalid Environment Variables In Brandnew Project
request.query help needed.
How do i disable pre-rendering when using the app dir?
Clerk middleware + trpc
Server Side Rendering
Caching blog-like pages
runtime error when using getServerSideProps
Vercel loading production env variables in preview deployments
NextJS 13 component chunk streams + Vercel
S3 File Upload
NextJs Image component
object might be undefined, but have a undefined check
Making sure a dependabot PR doesn't break my project?
T3 stack + r2?
React Native - Offline Database for t3 stack ?
Many queries when switching tabs
Does anyone here know of "the best way" to do dynamically sized input boxes in next.js.
infer parameter type from external type
Clerk profile
How should I handle permissions for restricted pages?
Error when using getServerSideProps
Question Abut vercel
Zod conditional required/optional validation
Is it currently possible to use clerk auth with NextJS' 13.4 server actions?
Testing on project with @t3-oss/env using vitest
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