Running migrations on startup

First of all, hey there, I hope you are doing well. My question as a new next js space/ecosystem is revolved around db migrations. I'm building an app that aims to be easily self-hostable, but currently, I'm unsure what the best approach is when it comes to applying and continuously rolling out new migrations. I would imagine that running some code before server next js server start is what I am looking for. Currently, my stack uses the default t3 stack, the only difference is that I use drizzle and turborepo. Any kind of suggestion/recommendation/pointer to a resource is greatly appreciated. Thank you for your time.
36 Replies
sen.py2y ago
Depends on platform you want to make this hostable? Probably not good idea to run migration in server start.
VilianOP2y ago
How would one containerize a next js app that talks to a db? It the dB is brand new out of the box , don't we need to run some kind migrations to get the schema we expect
dan2y ago
I think running migrations at startup is ok as long as you backup your data regularly.
Christoph2y ago
Why don't you run your migrations when building the container image?
dan2y ago
that could potentially break the currently running instance.
Christoph2y ago
If that's a requirement, then I'd suggest the container's entrypoint or a separate migration container.
sen.py2y ago
I've seen projects usually ask you to run separate migration commands to handle this if self hosting. Unless data is properly backed up you should never do this. Especially if a person running an update doesn't know, you might just warn the user to always backup data before updating but people sometimes ignore this. So second step to migrate is explicit reminder. I usually have every thing as service in docker
VilianOP2y ago
All of my logic comes from observing other apps and how they work. For example, netdata and nextcloud expect a database they can talk to in order to log their different data. However, the database usually on startup is empty, so how exactly do they go about running migrations then? Well, as anyone could guess, I imaged that they ran migrations on container startup before the app connects. I haven't checked their source code to confirm if that is the case, but this approach it makes the most sense to me.
Christoph2y ago
Don't mistake practicality for a wide range of non-technical users for how things should be done.
VilianOP2y ago
How would you do it? How would you ship a nextjs app that needs to talk to a mysql for example, and the docker compose file has a mysql docker image and your app image in it How would you go about making sure the mysql db that your app is using has the expected schema
Christoph2y ago
By telling people in the upgrade docs to make a backup and then run the migration command inside the app container when needed.
VilianOP2y ago
That seems like too much friction
Christoph2y ago
Then I'd suggest a separate migration service that runs once on startup to create a backup and migrate all changes.
VilianOP2y ago
I suppose that could work
Christoph2y ago
That way you could scale your app container without scaling the migration task. If that's not a requirement you can also just throw it into the app container's entrypoint.
VilianOP2y ago
Here is what i was thinking
VilianOP2y ago
Optimizing: Instrumentation
Learn how to use instrumentation to run code at server startup in your Next.js app
VilianOP2y ago
And that would run whenever the app container starts up and since it's simple migration logic, it should be fine to run them even 1000 times over Thoughts?
Christoph2y ago
Another option is to do it the way WordPress does it: When you update the app version and the database needs to be migrated: Show a maintenance screen until an admin logged in and clicked the button to run the migration script.
VilianOP2y ago
I don't like this approach because it adds friction for the user. My goal here would be to ensure seamless user experience, while also trying to stay true to good practices and safety standards
Christoph2y ago
That's a possibility though I prefer Docker's entrypoint mainly because you usually just need to run commands like Prisma's migration commands.
VilianOP2y ago
I'm not using prisma but drizzle, and i would prefer to strip down the main nextjs image and not include any dependencies
Christoph2y ago
Seems simpler to call commands in a .sh than in a .ts A Docker entrypoint file is not a dependency. It's just the command that the container calls on startup. In that command you then create a backup, migrate, delete obsolete backups and then run Next.js.
VilianOP2y ago
No i wasn't refering to that
Christoph2y ago
All Dockerfiles have either a CMD or ENTRYPOINT
VilianOP2y ago
I was talking about how i would like not to have any node_modules when the container starts up Yes, i'm aware, and i think i didn't express myself correctly
Christoph2y ago
Hmm, why not? Dependencies such as Next.js' dependencies should be installed during the build process. Otherwise starting the container would take forever.
VilianOP2y ago
The plan is to build the app in a standalone mode, and then only ship the build directory in the docker container, no node_modules
Christoph2y ago
So you don't want to ship the source code the way you wrote it? What's the harm in shipping .build + node_modules?
VilianOP2y ago
The image size gets needlessly large (we are talking about ~500mb + just for node_module) While if i only dockerize the build directory (the output of the standalone mode), it comes way way down
Christoph2y ago
A few hundred MBs for a docker image is pretty common.
VilianOP2y ago
But if it can be shaved off, why not?
Christoph2y ago
Because we want fast startup times. Imagine you want to scale your app up and down. Do you want the scaling to take minutes?
VilianOP2y ago
I do not think i need to wory about scale, the main goal of this app is to be self-hostable No user will need to scale this app, i'm 99.99% sure of that.
Christoph2y ago
Then it doesn't matter, I suppose. But that's usually not the way it's done. The motto is: Build once, use often. That's why we put as much as we can into the build process to make using the image easier.
VilianOP2y ago
I think, right now i will try to make it work with the instrumentation feature of nextjs if that doesn't work, i will compile a script with tsup that is ran before the nextjs app is started

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