How do I change my schema without data loss in MySQL ?

Hey everyone, I'm pretty new to SQL so I'm having some disturbing questions in my mind. How should I proceed when I need to add a new and notNull column to a schema without losing data? Do I need to set a default ? But then I can't remove the default because it causes data-loss, so I might aswell not use a notNull field, but what if I have to ? I've been reading about migrations, but I don't really see a big difference between a migration and a db:push (I'm using drizzle + planetscale) What is the correct way to approach this problem? Thank you!
1 Reply
Alky14mo ago
If you CAN'T set a default, then you'll have to create the data through relations. From what i know, you have 3 options for changing the schema: 1 - Set a default value. 2 - Set a default value in which you'll force the event to set the value. silly example: you'll add a role to all users. set the default value to a number out of the range of choices for the user. Then, every time you would need the data, check if it's not the default one, and ask for the input. 3 - Create a new Table in which one of the columns are the tableId that you wanted to extend. As far as i know, these are the most common ones

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