Hey guys, weird question but am looking for suggestions.

Hey people! I am starting in web development, and need some suggestions on what technologies I should use for my project. The project idea is a Restaurant Management Platform Which you can use a management portal (website) to manage your store, menus, employees and details + multiple branches if you have many locations. And in-store some desktop-based solution for POS Systems, Kitchen Displays, Customer Displays + more. I need help figuring out what tech to use for my site and in-store systems. Currenlty I am using Next.js for my site, and then bun (+hono) for my backend, but I am unsure whether I should probably use Next.js api routes instead. Also how should I handle in-store communication for real-time order, tracking updates? I may the two options of a dedicated store hub or cloud-based alternative. Lastly is authentication, I think I like Auth.js, and have had great experience with using that + a database, though am not sure if that'd be suitable for "cooporate" clients. Thanks guys, I am a complete noob so feel free to give me constructive ideas wherever you see fit :)
71 Replies
Netoβ€’3w ago
Unless it's a scaling issue already, your tech stack is fine for backend, its fine to use bun+hono for realtime, you can use direct websockets/sse or use something like socketi/pusher/whatever authjs sucks for your usecase tho, as you can't really use it outside of nextjs, using something more agnostic and extensive like lucia or paying for a provider can make sure it's better
shockzβ€’3w ago
Thanks for the auth providers that was my main roadblock currently, I did manage to get it working in Hono thanks to some awesome Auth.js library, though will definetly check out Lucia as a better suggestion. As for the bun+hono part, my main concern was since I'm using Next.js do I make it useless by having it's own backend? Or is next.js still purposeful here? a.k.a should next.js talk to my backend directly? or the client talks to backend? Also how should I pass any authentication along? Also lucia looks much nicer
Netoβ€’3w ago
nextjs as a api backend is subpar better to use nextjs to talk to your separate api any more than that should be specific for your use case
shockzβ€’3w ago
ok that's relieving to hear, i believed I was mis-using /overcomplicating my setup. I'm also using drizzle and zod for the backend. All that is great and cool?
Netoβ€’3w ago
yeah unless if you need hyper optimize the code almost any setup is good enough just build stuff
shockzβ€’3w ago
Probably not for this project 😭 What would you do for "hyper-optimzation" though?
Netoβ€’3w ago
is js with zod the fastest? no if you were to use go/rust/whatever, your request could take 10? less ms, but the time to develop would be greater
shockzβ€’3w ago
oo i see
Netoβ€’3w ago
if you are building something new and not really sure, js is amazing at that
shockzβ€’3w ago
also ill just chuck a few more random probs stupid misc questions. answer what you like * for my in-store system, how should i handle authentication on the indivudal systems? like just have some qr-code kind of thing, or manual log-in for each system. * if I chose a "hub" what should that be using? also a bun + hono system? * i'm not amazing at databases, so if I had my users as two types "organization manager" vs "branch manager" for scope control, where organization managers handle store data, menus all that, where branch managers can only manage their specific branch/branches with set permissions for different branches. How do you structure such a "permissions-scope" setup. Like how do I specify different permissions, per branch. assume a branchId and organizationId, where branches are under the one organizationId. sorry for the last one, no need to answer lol here is an excalidraw that kind of explains the onboarding process
shockzβ€’3w ago
Excalidraw β€” Collaborative whiteboarding made easy
Excalidraw is a virtual collaborative whiteboard tool that lets you easily sketch diagrams that have a hand-drawn feel to them.
shockzβ€’3w ago
you can ignore most of the comments as idk fully how i want to do it
Netoβ€’3w ago
you should look at design systems interviews most likely you will learn stuff that you didn't even know you need
shockzβ€’3w ago
where could i find that!
Netoβ€’3w ago
is a common topic to google/youtube
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