How to generate files and upload to Github?

I'm trying to generate files on my nextjs/vercel app and then upload to a new private repo on the user's github account. The user currently signs in using GitHub OAuth, how can I do this?
1 Reply
Keef8mo ago
In a nutshell you just have to generate the files then push them through a integration that lets do the things you need to do So you will likely just run into two issues: 1. Working with files (file creation) in a serverless context 2. Permissions issues with GH I'd also say you prob don't want to use an auth login to grant these permissions because I'd be a little suss'd out if my signin is asking for repo r/w compared to a prompt that asks me to grant it the access. It'd be best if you share some code on what you are doing/struggling with more specifically over asking a broad question. I don't mind helping its just the reason why you don't see any traction on your questions

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