should i use a pool or connection in mysql

This is my first time going raw on sql. i usually use an orm(prisma) So, in this application; it's an express application I am using
package to do my queries This application is read intensive, possibly like hundreds or more read per second Should i use a
Also, note that i will inject the connection into express
req.db = Dbconnection
req.db = Dbconnection
Also, do i need to await the db? Because it's going to create more complexity
17 Replies
dan2y ago
pool if you need the data back from the db you'll have to await it, if its just inserting should be fine to not
LopenOP2y ago
So i will have to release the pool per request? Isn't that a bottle neck? So if i have 100 req/sec i could have 100 pools per second? Also i was able to insert and select the datas fine without await
dan2y ago
you relase the connection back into the pool. you dont have to keep closing and reopening connections. The pool is just a set of open connections. you probably wont need 100 concurrent connections open, I generally start of with 10 (at least back when I raw dogged mysql2) but I would play around with the connection limit
LopenOP2y ago
How will i know when it's time to add more?
dan2y ago
when requests start taking longer you can try increase it and see if it helps if not you'd have to do more performance debugging
LopenOP2y ago
Can't i just start at 100?
dan2y ago
yea nothing stopping you, I just suggested what I generally do just play around with it and see what works
Andrea Peverelli
you have to use pools to maximize ur thread connections, when they're ended u simply release the connections
NodeJS — how to close your MySQL connections and why
It’s very important to keep track of your database connections in order to not fill up the maximum number of connections. If you are…
theart42902y ago
as mentioned above, use a connection pool, but make sure you close unused connections (prisma does it for you btw). If you initialise a separate connection for each request, it will makes things not only painfully slow, but also might crash your db
LopenOP2y ago
Now to the next question Must i use await? Because if i use await then no way to inject the connection into request
theart42902y ago
Have a look at the docs
async function main() {
// get the client
const mysql = require('mysql2');
// create the pool
const pool = mysql.createPool({host:'localhost', user: 'root', database: 'test'});
// now get a Promise wrapped instance of that pool
const promisePool = pool.promise();
// query database using promises
const [rows,fields] = await promisePool.query("SELECT 1");
async function main() {
// get the client
const mysql = require('mysql2');
// create the pool
const pool = mysql.createPool({host:'localhost', user: 'root', database: 'test'});
// now get a Promise wrapped instance of that pool
const promisePool = pool.promise();
// query database using promises
const [rows,fields] = await promisePool.query("SELECT 1");
LopenOP2y ago
Is this better?
const connection = await pool.getConnection()
const res = await connection.query("select * from users")
const connection = await pool.getConnection()
const res = await connection.query("select * from users")
theart42902y ago
lgtm, give it a go
LopenOP2y ago
Yes it works but just asking because it's my first time
Keef2y ago
Take a look at trying to adopt RAII and writing some kind of helper that will help avoid the mistake of forgetting to release the connection Lots of ways to do this, in go I just do a withConn and that’ll run the func you pass on then clean up. The not releasing connections can be a reallllly really fun thing to deal with when you notice your db connections constantly hitting the limits of its compute
Keef2y ago
Total TypeScript
TypeScript 5.2's New Keyword: 'using'
TypeScript 5.2 introduces 'using', a keyword that disposes anything with a Symbol.dispose function upon leaving scope, making resource management easier.
LopenOP2y ago
Fun fact everything is in javascript the company lacks the expertise to maintain a typescript codebase So i had to use Javascript And more funny everything they had prior was using require So i had to forceful migrate them to use import on this one I abstracted all db calls into a function So no external calls Something like this
const Getusers = async () => {
connection = await db.getConnection()
const [result] = await connection.query(...)
return results
const Getusers = async () => {
connection = await db.getConnection()
const [result] = await connection.query(...)
return results

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