Looking for NextAuth Discord Refresh token rotation examples. All mine have expired.

I have created a project that uses Discord as a provider. My refresh_token and access_token's have expired, I've noticed when sign in is performed, it doesn't automatically refresh these details and thus access to oauth with Discord has dropped. I am looking for an implementation that updates these details on signIn. I've found the Google example on the NextAuth (https://authjs.dev/guides/basics/refresh-token-rotation) guide but as it only includes Google and I'm not the brightest, I am looking to do Discord but do it correctly, as login is not something to mess up! Thanks anyone who can help me out ๐Ÿ˜„
Refresh token rotation | Auth.js
Refresh token rotation is the practice of updating an accesstoken on behalf of the user, without requiring interaction (eg.: re-sign in). accesstokens are usually issued for a limited time. After they expire, the service verifying them will ignore the value. Instead of asking the user to sign in again to obtain a new accesstoken, certain provide...
5 Replies
Matveyโ€ข2y ago
oAuth standard is the same, you should be able to use the same code for discord
DebaucusOPโ€ข2y ago
I've attempted this but keep getting the same issue. If a user's access_token or refresh_token has expired, it loops login (using the example on the page I posted). I'm confused why it doesn't re-authenticate the details and update them if the previous ones have expired.
DebaucusOPโ€ข2y ago
https://github.com/nextauthjs/next-auth/issues/3599 I'm not crazy! Seems like an issue ongoing?
Subsequent sign ins do not update account ยท Issue #3599 ยท nextauthj...
Description ๐Ÿœ On first sign in, an account is "linked" (created) for a user. On subsequent sign ins, the account is not updated. Since the access_token for a provider is stored as part of...
hyperzoneโ€ข2y ago
hey @debaucus , did you manage to find an implementation?
DebaucusOPโ€ข2y ago
@hyperzone my main solition was to trigger a re-auth on login and store the new key.

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