Hosting Services
Hello everyone,
I just wanted to get some additional opinions / validation on choosing the right hosting platform.
I would like to use railway and vercel for work related projects. However since I would be using it in work/commercial setting, I need to be on the proper plan. Vercel unfortunately does not support PO's unless you are on the enterprise plan and I was quoted low to mid 4 figures monthly USD. Which seems excessive given I would only be hosting a few nextjs apps with minimal traffic as a sole dev. While with railway, I can be under the pro plan at an annual rate. This seems like a no brainer to just host everything on railway but has anyone experienced any issues with hosting prod apps on railway? and are there any significant difference between the two platforms that I would be missing from Vercel on railway?
Would appreciate any input on the matter.
7 Replies
Railway is fine to host, main issue is that nextjs does not play well on outside of vercel hosting
I have heard that as well, however I was able to spin up my app in a test env on railway
Will have to sit on it a bit
if you can manage a nextjs outside of vercel
its a win-win thing
kinda better pricing and more
you can look into sst as well
lamda-like alternative with your own aws account
sst? let me see
Build modern full-stack serverless applications on AWS with Next.js, SvelteKit, Remix, Astro, Solid, and more.
Seems interesting, going to mess around with it. Only downside (or upside?) is that you have to manage the aws services you use yourself
is that what you are currently using for prod apps?
aws managed service currently
you can ask more specific questions on their discord server