What to use on the backend of a mobile app
What would be the best source to building a mobile app for the data base part? I am wanting to use React native, Typescript and possibly AWS for the scalability, But watching theos video I see there are much better alterative. It is going to be a fitness tracker app.
24 Replies
you can check t3-turbo for that
GitHub - t3-oss/create-t3-turbo: Clean and simple starter repo usin...
Clean and simple starter repo using the T3 Stack along with Expo React Native - GitHub - t3-oss/create-t3-turbo: Clean and simple starter repo using the T3 Stack along with Expo React Native
Is this a pre set up starter ?
a starter repo
t3-like experience for a web/mobile app
So it uses React native and typescript
you can remove expo if you want
its more in the monorepo experience
the expo setup is just a nice to have there to check
Okay thank you. Would you happen to know what would be the best place to store users data and hit prodcedures?
planetscale is really amazing for database wise
only issue is procedures
I thought it was only meant to be web app
or it does not matter
rds (aws database solution) is not fun to handle, neither is the pricing
So planetscale is capable of retreiving the users data through some sort of there own command?
planetscale is a sql service
Thank you for your patience by the way
Thank you
Also could you explain what row reads and row writes per month? Is it the callings to the SQL data base?
Billing — PlanetScale Documentation
PlanetScale pricing was designed for transparency and scalability.
but basically
- Reads: Retrieving or inspecting rows during a query or mutation of any kind to your PlanetScale databases.
- Writes: Adding new information or changing existing information in your PlanetScale databases.
- Storage: Data saved in the form of tables, columns, rows, and their corresponding relationships.
Makes sense. Would you say this is more cost saving than Aws
Short term to long term also
aws pricing is per minute of usage
regardless of that is your usage
planetscale you pay for what you use, if you reach a point of having to pay, still cheaper overall than rds
Thank you
@nyx (Rustular DevRel), hope you don't mind one more question on this topic since you seam to know Planetscale well? How does it work with tools like PgAdmin etc, given that the relationships are not stored directly?
Fk relationships are just an side effect for vitess (planetscale) speed and reliability
Seems there are some hits that ps discovered how to keep both sides
Ok! What do you use (instead of PgAdmin) to run your SQL queries with planetscale?
pgadmin is postgres only
you can check almost any "generic sql client"
like dbeaver, datagrip, etc
planetscale is just a sql service offering
you don't need "special tools" for that