Drizzle + Turso Migration Problem
Npm Scripts:
Issue: When I run db:push, it tries to create the entire db instead of looking at the migration file
Drizzle Config
Database Index ("/src/server/db/index.ts")
Database Schema ("src/server/db/schema.ts")
1 Reply
Database Migrate ("src/server/db/migrate.ts")
Latest Migration File Generated ("drizzle")
What I See in the console
Order of commands:
I have no idea why its creating the table again, all the fields and schema is up to date but it just tries to create a new table which can only happen if the table is dropped.
Can anyone tell me what i am doing wrong as this will remove all of the data previously stored.
I read the docs multiple times and most of the code here is straight taken from the docs.
I am using the t3 stack (Nextjs App Router, Trpc, Drizzle, Turso, Etc)
Thanks 🙂
Ps: I am new to Turso