Struggling to Reduce Vercel Function Invocations on My Next.js Website – Need Optimization Tips!

I'm building a website using Next.js, Prisma, and MongoDB, but I'm encountering an issue with excessive Vercel Function Invocations. On a private Vercel account, I noticed that a single request can trigger anywhere from 19 to 100 function invocations, which feels extreme. I've already tried batching requests, server-side caching, and Incremental Static Generation (ISR), but the improvements are minimal. Does anyone have experience optimizing server-side actions for medium to large-scale projects? How can I effectively consolidate these invocations without sacrificing functionality? Any advice, strategies, or resources would be greatly appreciated! I am including stats from my Vercel Account where the app was hosted. I have paused the project because I don't want to end up homeless before AI takes my job. Here is the GitHub repository to make it easier for anyone who wants to help. I did my best to write the code as clean as I can. If you have any trouble with anything or have advices please tell. This is code snippet of the Watch Page (path: /[mediaType]/[tmdbId]/[season]/[episode])
const { mediaType, tmdbId, episode: episodeNumber, season } = await params;
const data = await getMediaDetailsBatch({
mediaType: mediaType as MediaType,
episode: Number(episodeNumber),
season: Number(season),
tmdbId: Number(tmdbId),
if (!data) return notFound();
const { media, episode, payload } = data;
const isStaff = await checkRole(["admin", "moderator"]);
const { mediaType, tmdbId, episode: episodeNumber, season } = await params;
const data = await getMediaDetailsBatch({
mediaType: mediaType as MediaType,
episode: Number(episodeNumber),
season: Number(season),
tmdbId: Number(tmdbId),
if (!data) return notFound();
const { media, episode, payload } = data;
const isStaff = await checkRole(["admin", "moderator"]);
GitHub - Lamine220/CartoonHub
Contribute to Lamine220/CartoonHub development by creating an account on GitHub.
3 Replies
NemilaOP2mo ago
This is the code inside the media action file [path: /features/media/server/actions]
export const getCachedSeasons = async (
mediaType: MediaType,
tmdbId: number,
) => {
const cacheFn = dbCache(mediaService.getSeasons, {
tags: [
getMediaTmdbIdTag(mediaType, tmdbId),
return cacheFn(mediaType, tmdbId);
export const getMediaDetailsCached = async (payload: GetMediaDetailsType) => {
const valid = getMediaDetailsSchema.parse(payload);
const mediaFn = dbCache(mediaService.getDetails, {
tags: [
getMediaTmdbIdTag(payload.mediaType, payload.tmdbId),
const media = await mediaFn(valid);
if (!media) throw new Error("Media not found");
const episodeFound = media.episodes.find((i) => i.number === valid.episode);
const episode = episodeFound || media.episodes[0];
return { episode, payload: valid, media };
export const getMediaDetailsBatch = async (
payload: GetMediaDetailsBatchType,
) => {
const mediaDetails = await getMediaDetailsCached({
episode: payload.episode,
mediaType: payload.mediaType,
season: payload.season,
tmdbId: payload.tmdbId,
const seasons = await getCachedSeasons(payload.mediaType, payload.tmdbId);
return { ...mediaDetails, seasons };
export const getCachedSeasons = async (
mediaType: MediaType,
tmdbId: number,
) => {
const cacheFn = dbCache(mediaService.getSeasons, {
tags: [
getMediaTmdbIdTag(mediaType, tmdbId),
return cacheFn(mediaType, tmdbId);
export const getMediaDetailsCached = async (payload: GetMediaDetailsType) => {
const valid = getMediaDetailsSchema.parse(payload);
const mediaFn = dbCache(mediaService.getDetails, {
tags: [
getMediaTmdbIdTag(payload.mediaType, payload.tmdbId),
const media = await mediaFn(valid);
if (!media) throw new Error("Media not found");
const episodeFound = media.episodes.find((i) => i.number === valid.episode);
const episode = episodeFound || media.episodes[0];
return { episode, payload: valid, media };
export const getMediaDetailsBatch = async (
payload: GetMediaDetailsBatchType,
) => {
const mediaDetails = await getMediaDetailsCached({
episode: payload.episode,
mediaType: payload.mediaType,
season: payload.season,
tmdbId: payload.tmdbId,
const seasons = await getCachedSeasons(payload.mediaType, payload.tmdbId);
return { ...mediaDetails, seasons };
NemilaOP2mo ago
This is the code that manipulates the database.
NemilaOP2mo ago
Solved, the extra requests were made because of the Link components. I had to set prefetch to false on my Link components
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