Problem with react-hook-form
so basically my form is submitting only one time after that i need to reload the page so it will submit and validate the form also i am using NextJS and Mantine(its a framework like bootstrap and other libs)
10 Replies
Bad Questions
An article by Josh
wait no, the other way around
I would start by showing code, impossible to debug without any information
there is nothing to show in code its just a form designed with Mantine, react-hook-form and zod
everything works fine its just that you can only submit once
i have looked online many people just said you have used useForm() twice which i dont think i am doing
so you want people to guess since you are not providing code?
that what i am doing
which part of code you want?
here is the form:
what else you need please tell?
my laptop is dead so please answer i will see it and then when i will come back i will answer back
Thanks in advance
I couldn't understand the question you want to reset the form or something like that?
So what’s the behavior you’re looking for in the form? Do you want your form to automatically reload the page when you press a submit button? Or do you want to be able to submit multiple times without reload? Or perhaps something else? I’d like to help though I can’t say I understand what you want here
read my artcle. We literally cannot possibly help you debug if we know nothing about your problem. We are here to help, but we arent going to if you make it difficult. Your literally telling us "my car wont start, you drive cars so you should be able to help me fix mine"
give us as much information as you possibly can
entire files, link to github source code if you can. errors, what have you tried, why didnt what you try work, etc.
yeah im also very confused on what your even asking here. give full examples of whats happening now, and the behavior you want.