How do you monitor tech news?

Like any field, it's always important to keep up with the latest news in the tech world. How do you get the most valuable information in a convenient and productive way? What tools (news aggregator, etc.)? What media? What sources (beside Theo of course 😁 )?
5 Replies
whatplan2y ago
whatplan2y ago good for react stuff
This Week In React | This Week In React
A weekly newsletter to stay up-to-date with React & React-Native
BenjaminOP2y ago
Thank you, I'll check it out! 🙂 So you read their newsletter every week? How exactly do you optimise your time spent there? You follow a bunch of people and tags?
whatplan2y ago
I just follow people I like and that post cool stuff- this covers 95% of the stuff im interested in the for you page is pretty good these days as well for discovering new content if your interested in seeing who I follow
Matvey2y ago
I watch news on youtube Fireship for dev news TechLinked for tech news Seytonic for cybersecurity news

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