T3 ENV fails when trying to generate migrations

When i try to generate drizzle migrations through drizzle-kit generate:pg it fails with message:
Invalid environment variables: {
DATABASE_URL: [ 'Required' ],
NEXTAUTH_URL: [ 'Required' ],
GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID: [ 'Required' ],
NEXTAUTH_SECRET: [ 'Required' ]

node_modules\.pnpm\@[email protected][email protected][email protected]\node_modules\@t3-oss\core\index.ts:207
!prop.startsWith(opts.clientPrefix) &&

Error: Invalid environment variables
Invalid environment variables: {
DATABASE_URL: [ 'Required' ],
NEXTAUTH_URL: [ 'Required' ],
GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID: [ 'Required' ],
NEXTAUTH_SECRET: [ 'Required' ]

node_modules\.pnpm\@[email protected][email protected][email protected]\node_modules\@t3-oss\core\index.ts:207
!prop.startsWith(opts.clientPrefix) &&

Error: Invalid environment variables
I have my environment variables inside .env file, and app doesn't break. There's only problem when generating migrations. Has somebody encountered similar problem?
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