Drizzle FKey errror

I have a posts table in postgres and it has a parentPost Foreign key to allow posts inside post (something like twitter). Heres the schema.
export const posts = pgTable(
id: text("id").primaryKey().notNull(),
content: varchar("content", {length: 256}).notNull(),
createdAt: timestamp("created_at", {mode: "string"})
authorId: text("author_id")
.references(() => users.id, {
onDelete: "cascade",
parentPost: text("parent_post").default(""),
(table) => ({
ParentPostFkey: foreignKey({
columns: [table.parentPost],
foreignColumns: [table.id],

export const postRelations = relations(posts, ({one, many}) => ({
author: one(users, {
fields: [posts.authorId],
references: [users.id],
posts: many(posts),
likes: many(likes),
stars: many(stars),
export const posts = pgTable(
id: text("id").primaryKey().notNull(),
content: varchar("content", {length: 256}).notNull(),
createdAt: timestamp("created_at", {mode: "string"})
authorId: text("author_id")
.references(() => users.id, {
onDelete: "cascade",
parentPost: text("parent_post").default(""),
(table) => ({
ParentPostFkey: foreignKey({
columns: [table.parentPost],
foreignColumns: [table.id],

export const postRelations = relations(posts, ({one, many}) => ({
author: one(users, {
fields: [posts.authorId],
references: [users.id],
posts: many(posts),
likes: many(likes),
stars: many(stars),
I'm getting this error while inserting into this table
error: insert or update on table "post" violates foreign key constraint "post_parent_post_post_id_fk"
length: 260,
severity: 'ERROR',
code: '23503',
detail: 'Key (parent_post)=() is not present in table "post".',
hint: undefined,
position: undefined,
internalPosition: undefined,
internalQuery: undefined,
where: undefined,
schema: 'public',
table: 'post',
column: undefined,
dataType: undefined,
constraint: 'post_parent_post_post_id_fk',
file: 'ri_triggers.c',
line: '2596',
routine: 'ri_ReportViolation'
error: insert or update on table "post" violates foreign key constraint "post_parent_post_post_id_fk"
length: 260,
severity: 'ERROR',
code: '23503',
detail: 'Key (parent_post)=() is not present in table "post".',
hint: undefined,
position: undefined,
internalPosition: undefined,
internalQuery: undefined,
where: undefined,
schema: 'public',
table: 'post',
column: undefined,
dataType: undefined,
constraint: 'post_parent_post_post_id_fk',
file: 'ri_triggers.c',
line: '2596',
routine: 'ri_ReportViolation'
Here's the api code:
await db.insert(posts).values({
id: nanoid(10),
authorId: session.user.id,
await db.insert(posts).values({
id: nanoid(10),
authorId: session.user.id,
3 Replies
Amir2y ago
I don't think Drizzle supports foreign keys. I'm not sure if I had the same exact error as you do, but in my case I had to remove all .references()
adityaOP2y ago
drizzle does support foreign keys ill try removing the fkey constraint

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