CreateTRPCNext<AppRouter> showing typescript error.
Hey all, I am having trouble setting up my tRPC file. My current file looks like this:
But currently the type is giving an error saying:
Which is stopping me from using my api object to run queries and mutations in my next app.
I am hoping someone has had this issue before or knows how I can get rid of this error. Thanks.
I am using the create-t3 turborepo with expo, next and supabase. I have also attached images of both the file and my file

2 Replies
Can you upload your code on github and share a link so that we can try it locally?
I forked this repo:
GitHub - supabase-community/create-t3-turbo: Clean and simple start...
Clean and simple starter repo using the T3 Stack along with Expo React Native and Supabase - GitHub - supabase-community/create-t3-turbo: Clean and simple starter repo using the T3 Stack along with...