get S3 Object (pdf) and display it on a unique url based on object name

Hi, I currently have multiple pdfs held on S3 and I'm building an app where I need to display these PDFs based on the name of the object. For example, I have a pdf named photosynthesis 1.pdf, it's held in the biology/ folder and I need to display this pdf on{biology}/{photosynthesis 1.pdf} How can I make it so that when a user visits this url, it displays the pdf related to that url on the site. Or should I approach this differently? I've tried searching but couldn't find anything that worked, I'm pretty new to S3 so I'm a little lost. Another option I'm considering is waiting on upload thing to support pdfs and using that instead but I'm not sure when that will be ready and I need to finish the site ASAP. Thanks
2 Replies
iukea2y ago
AWS S3 Image Upload – Vercel
Use AWS S3 to upload images to a bucket from a Next.js application.
iukea2y ago
This is for uploading but I am sure it might be similar to doing a GET I am not fully sure I am going to be dealing with this problem next week sadly

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