Is there any way to signal a Server Component to refetch?

I'm learning about the Server Components and I came across a scenario that I'm not entirely sure how to fix. It's from this repository:, but the bottom line is that there's a Server Component that calls the server action getChats once the page loads, but I need to make this behavior happen again, like trigger a refetch once at least a message has been sent. My question is: is it possible to trigger a Server Component to refetch/revalidate? I saw the revalidating docs, but I couldn't find an answer to make an specific component to do it, only the whole page.
So what I'm guessing is that the only way to do it is to revalidatePath after sending the message, is that correct?
So, to sum up, this is the correct way to fix this, right?...
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28 Replies
Brendonovich2y ago
I'm pretty sure you have to invalidate the whole route/route segment. It may seem weird but the way I understand it is that the fetched data isn't just linked to that component, but rather its position in the whole component tree. If you were to try and revalidate that component, what would happen if you rendered multiple of them? How would you indicate which version of the component should revalidate? In my head, the route segments act as 'markers' in the component tree, marking specific locations that are wrapped in suspense/error boundaries and can be refetched.
choco2y ago
i have not been using next.js for a while, so i just havent fully understand server components, but can you use web sockets?
deforestorOP2y ago
I cannot wrap my head around it yet. So I do have to revalidate the whole "page" if I want to update the component? It's, like, a sidebar component
In my head, the route segments act as 'markers' in the component tree, marking specific locations that are wrapped in suspense/error boundaries and can be refetched.
I'm not sure I understand this. When you say "specific locations", are those "locations" pages? If you're asking in my case, no. It's a request X that happens after Y only once. If this was trpc, I'd only need to invalidate the getChats request inside the onSuccess of the chat initiation
Brendonovich2y ago
Yeah you'll need to invalidate the route segment, whether that's a page or a layout
deforestorOP2y ago
How would I invalidate a layout? I couldn't understand that from the docs
Brendonovich2y ago
pages/layouts, just places in the vdom tree. it's a weird way of thinking about it but it works for me
deforestorOP2y ago
Brendonovich2y ago
I don't think u can invalidate a layout that's alongside a page separately, only layouts for parent route segments
deforestorOP2y ago
So.. I should have it inside /layouts instead of /components?
Brendonovich2y ago
No /app is the only thing that matters I think you can revalidate a layout and everything under it with revalidatePath Another way to think about this is that data is cached according to the route segment it was fetched in When you use a server component inside a page.tsx or layout.tsx, you're essentially just copy-pasting the component from where you defined it into that specific route segment And so that specific instance of the server component will have its data tied to that route segment
deforestorOP2y ago
Right, so they are always tied to the route Unless it's not a server component
Brendonovich2y ago
Yeah data fetched in a server component is tied to the route in next
deforestorOP2y ago
That's what I thought was the case. But then I feel like vercel's implementation of the side bar with a server component was a terrible idea
Brendonovich2y ago
Why's that?
deforestorOP2y ago
You've used chatgpt, right?
Brendonovich2y ago
yea I get what that component does, i've used their playground, i don't see what'd be wrong with it tho
deforestorOP2y ago
You know when you start a new prompt and then the side bar immidietly creates a new chat? What happens is: 1. user sends prompt 2. the api/chat/... endpoint now creates a new chat in the db 3. the endpoint streams the prompt answer to the user If this was trpc, after sending the message, inside onSuccess, I'd invalidate the getChats so it queries again and shows the new chat But with the structure they made, since the sidebar is a server component, I was wondering how I could implement that behavior. So what I'm guessing is that the only way to do it is to revalidatePath after sending the message, is that correct? That was my first guess, but that sounded weird and counter intuitive, especially for React
Brendonovich2y ago
Yeah, looks like they do that for clearChats and removeChat They don't do it for when u send a first message tho which is interesting
deforestorOP2y ago
I mean, it really feels weird to send a message and have the page reload.. or maybe this would happen too fast to notice? But in any case, it does feel like MVC which I hate lmao
Brendonovich2y ago
The page isn't really reloading though, you're just fetching new data and rendering new markup It's like fetching from an API except the API returns the HTML for that component instead of JSON that u client render Also all the storage for that app is using KV so it's fast af
deforestorOP2y ago
Ahhhhh got it Wait, but that`s where my confustion come from
It's like fetching from an API except the API returns the HTML for that component instead of JSON that u client render
Does it work like this because it'll only send the HTML of the parts that changed? Because remember, in the path I'm trying to revalidate, it contains all the components
Brendonovich2y ago
It'll only send over the HTML for the server components that are being refetched Client components stay where they are and aren't affected
deforestorOP2y ago
in that route? I see
Brendonovich2y ago
Well in that route + everything below it
deforestorOP2y ago
deforestor2y ago
So what I'm guessing is that the only way to do it is to revalidatePath after sending the message, is that correct?
So, to sum up, this is the correct way to fix this, right?
Brendonovich2y ago
Ye pretty much
deforestorOP2y ago
Got it, thank you so much Brendon

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