Custom 404 page with multiple layouts

Hi all!, i'm just trying to create a custom 404.tsx in pages router with custom layouts, one with SiteLayout and another with DashboardLayout, but i'm getting an error in the server having different render from client when i use asPath from useRouter to check if i'm in the dashboard. any help ??
import type { NextPage } from "next";
import Link from "next/link";
import { useRouter } from "next/router";
import { Button } from "~/components/ui/Button";
import SiteLayout from "~/layouts/Site";

const NotFound: NextPage = ({}) => {
const { asPath } = useRouter();
if (asPath.includes("dashboard")) {
return <SiteLayout>Dashboard 404</SiteLayout>;

return (
<main className="grid min-h-full place-items-center bg-white px-6 py-24 sm:py-32 lg:px-8">
<div className="text-center">
<p className="text-base font-semibold text-[#0080ff]">404</p>
<h1 className="mt-4 text-3xl font-bold tracking-tight text-gray-900 sm:text-5xl">
Page not found
<p className="mt-6 text-base leading-7 text-gray-600">
Sorry, we couldn’t find the page you’re looking for.
<div className="mt-10 flex items-center justify-center gap-x-6">
<Link href="/">Go back home</Link>
{/* <a href="/" className="text-sm font-semibold text-gray-900">
Contact support <span aria-hidden="true">&rarr;</span>
</a> */}
export default NotFound;
import type { NextPage } from "next";
import Link from "next/link";
import { useRouter } from "next/router";
import { Button } from "~/components/ui/Button";
import SiteLayout from "~/layouts/Site";

const NotFound: NextPage = ({}) => {
const { asPath } = useRouter();
if (asPath.includes("dashboard")) {
return <SiteLayout>Dashboard 404</SiteLayout>;

return (
<main className="grid min-h-full place-items-center bg-white px-6 py-24 sm:py-32 lg:px-8">
<div className="text-center">
<p className="text-base font-semibold text-[#0080ff]">404</p>
<h1 className="mt-4 text-3xl font-bold tracking-tight text-gray-900 sm:text-5xl">
Page not found
<p className="mt-6 text-base leading-7 text-gray-600">
Sorry, we couldn’t find the page you’re looking for.
<div className="mt-10 flex items-center justify-center gap-x-6">
<Link href="/">Go back home</Link>
{/* <a href="/" className="text-sm font-semibold text-gray-900">
Contact support <span aria-hidden="true">&rarr;</span>
</a> */}
export default NotFound;
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21 Replies
sean2y ago
What does your folder structure look like?
Casal0xOP2y ago
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sean2y ago
And you want to have different error pages, depending if you are on /dashboard or on the main route?
Casal0xOP2y ago
different layout its that bad ?
sean2y ago
No, it isn't bad xD Instead of doing how you did, did you think about doing something among the lines of:
return (
{asPath.startsWith("/dashboard") ? <Dashboard404/> : <Default404/> }
return (
{asPath.startsWith("/dashboard") ? <Dashboard404/> : <Default404/> }
P.S. There's nothing more annoying than a react hydration error, I absolutely hate those
Casal0xOP2y ago
same error :S
steakfisher2y ago
are u using the app router? if u are, try importing from next/navigation instead of next/router ur error is caused because ur client realizes dashboard is included in ur url (hence the if condition returns true) but ur server decides its false fsr.. Which leads me to believe it has something to do with the router Looking at the nextjs docs and comparing I noticed the import statement.. so it COULD be the solution?
Casal0xOP2y ago
no no i'm using pages
steakfisher2y ago
can u try console logging asPath before the if statement?
Casal0xOP2y ago
is not making any difference if it comes from navigation or router :S yes i logging in backend /404 and in browser /dasgdsfsda
steakfisher2y ago
ye nah.. navigation is an app router thing.. wait what
Casal0xOP2y ago
the thing is 404 works different that normal pages so it first render in backend
steakfisher2y ago
ye thats cuz its a server component hold up.. so its logging 404 in the server and dashboard in the browser?
Casal0xOP2y ago
also it can't have getstaticprops or getserversideprops yes
steakfisher2y ago
k so thats the problem.. lemme see how we can fix that wait can u explain WHY it does that? do u know why..? y does the server think the user is on 404 while the client thinks its on dashboard? also theres a decent chance a "use client" at the top MAY fix ur issue.. but not sure tho
Casal0xOP2y ago
i think as it renders the 404.tsx he knows that is redireccting to it but when it renders he also thinks that is the other url not working "use client" in this case for pages router
Casal0xOP2y ago
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steakfisher2y ago
good god lemme see if I can figure smth out.. k so apparently whats happening is U make a req for dashboard/blah, the server takes it, realizes the url doesnt exist, redirects u to /404 and then returns the html for 404 to the client But the client RECEIVING the html for that 404 page is still on dashboard/blah hence both of them have a different asPath, and hence the html returned by the server doesnt match the one being rendered on the client.. it can have getStaticProps btw
steakfisher2y ago
No description
steakfisher2y ago
a VERY messy solution for this could be making dashboard a dynamic route.. so that it ACCEPTS any child routes.. but regardless of the child route u can return a Dashboard 404 thats the only solution I can think of tbh
Casal0xOP2y ago
i will try to find a solution but is not working meanwhile i think i will be a generir 404 for all types of pages just find the only solutions is stop using 404.tsx and use _error.tsx

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