Anyone who knows CF Zero-Trust well?

I have a homelob running proxmox, i have exposed it through a Tunnel, i have it behind Access too, i want to be able to give access to all devices/users currently on the zero-trust network using the warp-client. it is possible? any workarounds for that, like, if not a warp-cli zero-trust-enrolled tries to access the protected url, they see the Access page, but when a device active on my organisations's network tries to access, they go straight to the app
4 Replies
Lakshaybruh2w ago
nvm, found it
Lakshaybruh2w ago
No description
Lakshaybruh2w ago
it is the second option
Lakshaybruh2w ago
i couldnt find the solution on google, nor chatgpt, but found it eventually, should i keep this post or remove it?
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