SEO Nextjs Deployment

Hey everyone, I'm looking to create an SEO Blog with Nextjs and try to rank for terms. I've never done this before and usually deploy to vercel for my portfolio projects. Is vercel still good for this or should I look to another platform? I've read that this is not optimal for speed.
6 Replies
Matvey12mo ago
Vercel is the best deployment platform for Next.js, use it. Where did you read it's not optimal?
Rhys12mo ago
Here’s my site @Answer Overflow is running on Vercel & NextJS and it’s been working fine
From the nextjs community on Reddit: AMA about my SEO focused NextJ...
Explore this post and more from the nextjs community
Rhys12mo ago
If you’re just doing a blog though, why not Astro?
AnthonyOP12mo ago
Thanks. I’ve never tried Astro. I’ll look into it. Is that what you prefer?
Rhys12mo ago
Haven’t used it before but it’s a lot less bloat & simpler than Next so I see a lot of positive sentiment for it for static sites
AnthonyOP12mo ago
oh ok. what about full stack stuff? i wanted to have a db with analytics and information collection like email, name, number, etc.

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