what should i know about backend before starting with nextjs?

I am learning react for a while, and I am felling pretty comfortable with building things with that and now I want to move to next.js, I have some ideas with app with simple backend and I know it may be good option for that. But i don't know anything about backend. I worked with api in my job ofc, but i dont know how databases works and how create backend. Should i get some knowledge before i am gonna start learning nextjs?
3 Replies
swiss2y ago
Nextjs doesn’t require an understanding of databases. It’s just a framework for building full stack apps
choco2y ago
although you can go server less with next.js you can just try to work with Nest.js. It is node.js framework that allows you with only js create a server. and then you can decide what do you want. Use only next.js or something else
jermberj2y ago
As far as databases, it would probably be worth learning a little bit about databases and other data stores so that you can have a conceptual model in your head of how these things work. Once you've done that work, using an ORM like Prisma will be easier to use because it's written in Typescript and you'll have a clear idea of what Prisma is actually doing on your behalf. If you didn't watch Theo's SO survey overview vid, being a "full-stack" dev is becoming much more common, so it would behoove you to explore backend-land. Hope this is helpful. 🙂

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