uploading files locally

Its my first time using T3 stack about a month now and when it comes to upload files to my local server I got stuck for days I used to use multer to upload files but It didn't work for me so I used formidable and it worked but I have alot of issues handling file size to tell user his errors , also to handle specific file for uploads , also when I send the error to the user it keeps also uploading the file even if the user got error please need help on what to do and what is best, should I use formidable or is there anything else that T3 stack specify ? and this is my code just incase someone can tell me what is wrong.
4 Replies
om3rOP16mo ago
const readFile = (req: any, res: any) => { const uploadDir = path.join(process.cwd(), "/uploads"); return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const customOptions = { uploadDir: uploadDir, keepExtensions: true, allowEmptyFiles: false, maxFileSize: 5 * 1024 * 1024, multiples: true, }; const form = new IncomingForm(customOptions); const allowedFileTypes = ['image/jpeg', 'image/png', 'application/pdf']; let errors : string = ''; form.on('file', (name, file) => { if (!allowedFileTypes.includes(file.mimetype as string)) { errors = ('Invalid file type. Only PDF and image files are allowed'); } if (file.size > customOptions.maxFileSize) { errors = ('File size exceeds the limit (5MB).'); } }); form.parse(req, (err, fields, files) => { if (err) { return res.status(500).json({ error: 'Error parsing form' }); } const email = fields.email![0]; const emailFolder = path.join(uploadDir, email as string); if (!fs.existsSync(emailFolder)) { fs.mkdirSync(emailFolder, { recursive: true }); } const updatedFiles = files.myfiles?.map((file) => { const originalFilePath = path.join(emailFolder, file.originalFilename as string); let counter = 1; let newFilePath = originalFilePath; while (fs.existsSync(newFilePath)) { const fileNameWithoutExt = path.parse(originalFilePath).name; const fileExt = path.parse(originalFilePath).ext; newFilePath = path.join(emailFolder, ${fileNameWithoutExt}-${counter}${fileExt}); counter += 1; } fs.renameSync(file.filepath, newFilePath); return { ...file, filepath: newFilePath }; }); if (errors.length > 0) { return res.json({ errors }); } resolve({ files: updatedFiles }); }); }); };
Anonymous_hacker16mo ago
you can use zod to validate the file type and file size and dimension and many more.
om3rOP16mo ago
can I use zod with multer or formidable to handle file validations before upload and send errors to the frontend ?
Anonymous_hacker16mo ago
yes you can use zod validtion in both places so user can't upload file from frontend and also you can use same in backend so if any geek wanna add a file using postman on insomnia it also got same error

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