import pageData... VS pageData = await fetchPageData()...

In a SSR nextjs 13 app directory situation I though it was a simple and good idea to import the data and filter it for each page but I have experienced some stalls of the app that never resolves. Now I am rebuilding it using fetch-calls instead. Any angles on that?
7 Replies
whatplan•2y ago
you should fetch data where its needed and let next deduplicate it see:
Data Fetching: Data Fetching Patterns
Learn about common data fetching patterns in React and Next.js.
parameter666OP•2y ago
Thanks. It felt better generally after changing to using fetch for getting the data everywhere but I have something that makes the page freeze up after a couple of navigations. The data that drives the page is a json I keep in the nextjs filesystem. Should that work? I'm staging it here. The freeze occures when going between the /services subpages @whatplan Could you see what I'm doing wrong if I shared the repo?
whatplan•2y ago
seems like a useEffect bug just is the most likely reason for it to weirdly freeze like that
Could you see what I'm doing wrong if I shared the repo?
yes I will take a look
parameter666OP•2y ago
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parameter666OP•2y ago
I had a client-part for kicking off a masonry layout but I threw it away so there are no client components left Wait. I found one more client component, let's see now Now there are no more client-components and it's running smooth. The last client component was <ContactMe /> Any idea what I was doing there that made it freeze?
whatplan•2y ago
it looks like the '/services subpages' freezing is gone at least for me where do you notice the issue with contact me
parameter666OP•2y ago
I took it off for now and this is why it is running smoothly, as it seems. <ContactMe /> has no useEffect and it just freezes with it there so no idea. Hehe. @whatplan Many thanks for getting me in the right direction. Putting the client-component in a layout seems to have solved it. Any ideas why this pattern works?

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