@verce/og referencing unsupported modules
Bit of a long shot asking here but:
I am experiencing an issue with the @vercel/og package for on-demand OG image creation. After upgrading from Next.js 12 to Next.js 14, I encountered the following error at build time on vercel:
"next": "^14.1.0",
"@vercel/og": "^0.6.2",
mre: https://github.com/JakeSchroeder/og-test
This problem has been mentioned in the support discussion forums and on GitHub, but I have not found a solution. Is there a fix available for this issue?
GitHub - JakeSchroeder/og-test
Contribute to JakeSchroeder/og-test development by creating an account on GitHub.
Can't deploy because of @vercel/og ImageResponse error · vercel · ...
Page to Investigate https://www.fond.ch Steps to Reproduce Not working: Vercel Node.js Version: 18.x "next": "^13.4.7", "@vercel/og": "^0.5.8" Error Messages...
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Summary After approximately 15-20 hours of constant image generation, I run into a problem where the API route suddenly becomes unreachable. The error stacks can be seen below. The error messages a...
Web assembly error with
· Issue #4735 · remix-run/remixWhat version of Remix are you using? 1.8.0 Steps to Reproduce Install @vercel/og add the following line to your remix.config.js: serverDependenciesToBundle: ['yoga-wasm-web', '@vercel/o...
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