Confused about return types of findFirst and similar

I'm struggling with getting data back from tRPC router with Prisma. I expect the strongly typed Article object to be assigned to const x. IDK if it's a {props} thing or what. Honestly there are so many technologies in play I'm not sure where to start. Questions: 1. What data type is findFirst() returning in this instance? 2. How do I properly pass it via props to the functional component? export const articleRouter = createTRPCRouter({ getById: publicProcedure.input(z.string()).query(async ({ ctx, input }) => { const x = await ctx.prisma.article.findFirst({ where: { id: input, }, }); return x; }), }); My expectation would be that a findFirst() would return an object of type Article, but that doesn't seem to be the case. In the snippet below the attribute "blue" is passed to ArticleCard fine and I can use it as expected. However the Article object is of the wrong type according to a message I can't begin to decipher (all the way at the end of this post) const article = api.article.getById.useQuery("clkem2k2m0000uf2klvuu7bfl"); ... <ArticleCard color="blue" article={article} /> import { Article } from "@prisma/client"; export interface ArticleProps { article: Article; color: string; } export default function ArticleCard(props: ArticleProps) { return ( <> <Typography variant="h3" className="text-blue-500"> {props.article.title} Yay! {props.color} </Typography> {props.article?.subtitle ? ( <Typography variant="h5">{props.article?.subtitle}</Typography> ) : ( <></> )} <Typography variant="body1">{props.article.content}</Typography> </> ); } -- model model Article { id String @id @default(cuid()) organizationId String title String subtitle String? content String @db.Text publishDate DateTime? endDate DateTime? }
1 Reply
Alan Ibarra-2310
findFirst should return either an Article | null depending on if it can find it or not. I'm not too familiar with TRPC, but when you call api.article.getById.useQuery("clkem2k2m0000uf2klvuu7bfl") that looks like an async function, so you might have to await it. If you can post the type error I may able to see what the issue is.

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