RSC Virtualized DataGrids

Hey y'all been a minute. Recently, I built a feature server rendering html with Haskell & htmx and went from let's say ~5000 lines of spa down to 600lines of htmx for a single data grid page with search across columns async virtual scroll (sending scroll position as a query param) etc... Pretty proud of the concept but I'm surprised there isn't more from the RSC peeps demoing this sort of thing? Bout the only thing still tripping up my implementation was query performance doing a substring search across columns in MySQL. The planet scale peeps seem to suggest that for more advanced use cases like this it's better to reach for search specific databases like elastic or something else? Curious if anyone here has built an async virtual scrolling searchable data grid in react server components / t3 and what you're experience has been / how you solved the search problems?
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