Next / Auth trying to create duplicate sessions and getting errors.

Sometimes when developing locally while trying to signin to discord I am getting errors where it is trying to create a new session in my DB when there is an already existing session. Is there a way to avoid this from happening at all?
INSERT INTO `stat-tracker`.`Session` (`id`,`sessionToken`,`userId`,`expires`) VALUES (?,?,?,?)
prisma:query ROLLBACK
Invalid `p.session.create()` invocation in

230 const { user, ...session } = userAndSession;
231 return { user, session };
232 },
→ 233 createSession: (data) => p.session.create(
Unique constraint failed on the (not available)
Invalid `p.session.create()` invocation in

230 const { user, ...session } = userAndSession;
231 return { user, session };
232 },
→ 233 createSession: (data) => p.session.create(
Unique constraint failed .....
INSERT INTO `stat-tracker`.`Session` (`id`,`sessionToken`,`userId`,`expires`) VALUES (?,?,?,?)
prisma:query ROLLBACK
Invalid `p.session.create()` invocation in

230 const { user, ...session } = userAndSession;
231 return { user, session };
232 },
→ 233 createSession: (data) => p.session.create(
Unique constraint failed on the (not available)
Invalid `p.session.create()` invocation in

230 const { user, ...session } = userAndSession;
231 return { user, session };
232 },
→ 233 createSession: (data) => p.session.create(
Unique constraint failed .....
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