S3 presigned url

Question about S3 hopefully I can get an answer on. Scenario: Presigned URLs, if a user starts an upload with a presigned url. The upload stops, and they need to restart the upload at a later time. Also this file is 10gb in size. Questions: 1) if the presigned url expires before the user resumes the upload can you get a new presigned url for the same file? 2) can you with, using the same presigned url. Resume the upload where you left off by requesting last chunk uploaded? 3) same question as #2 but if you have to get a new a new presigned url.
1 Reply
scripterOP10mo ago
This is the answer I got from chat gpt. Can I get a confirmation from the group that this is accurate If you have to get a new presigned URL to complete the upload, you'll typically need to start a new multipart upload, which means you won't be able to resume from where you left off. Each presigned URL is associated with a specific upload operation, and once that operation is complete or interrupted, you'll need a new presigned URL to continue the upload. However, you can still use multipart upload with the new presigned URL, uploading the parts in the same order as before if possible, but you'll need to manage the state of the upload separately from the original upload.

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