Next.js for frontend only?

I brought this up in chat on a stream and wanted to have some further discussion about it. My company has separated frontend and backend teams, each using different stacks. This will not change - I've suggested it already and everything is too far along to migrate now. Due to this I'm having trouble determining what value Next might provide as solely a frontend framework. What value would it provide?
7 Replies
Brendonovich2y ago
Most of the stuff here except for 'Rendering' and 'Data Fetching' still wholly apply if you just use Next as a frontend tool - routing especially. 'Rendering' and 'Data Fetching' tie in with server stuff a bit more, but you could still take advantage of them by hosting Next on a server and calling out to your external API from your Next server
Brendonovich2y ago
Personally I'd just choose Next for the routing + code splitting, not much else to it
Neto2y ago
being able to deploy on lambdas/edge, isr, are nice plus
NV43OP2y ago
We're all in on Azure so any benefits that are solely gained through deploying with Vercel are lost as well. Should have clarified that. I'll have to look into it a bit more. We already use a similar folder structure to Next (obviously without the routing) so a migration for that portion of it would be relatively painless.
Neto2y ago
routing code splitting isr are still amazing at that
NV43OP2y ago
Do you happen to know if next plays nicely with module federation?
Neto2y ago
that i dont know

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