what's a good way to add a blog to my friend's site

i'm making my friend a portfolio, and i want to add a blog with auth keeping it free/cheap as humanly possible. What's a good way to go about this. Also this is my first nextjs ui. so roast, give feedback, w/e :3 https://jacobkemblemusic.com/
Jacob Kemble - Music Portfolio
Official portfolio of Jacob Kemble, showcasing music, events, and more.
6 Replies
Sameer2mo ago
If your friend's portfolio isn't going to get a massive number of traffic, then you can go with the simplest and easiest auth approach—i.e., using Clerk for authentication. However, if you use the markdown approach, then every time your friend wants to write a blog post, they would have to open a text editor, write a markdown file, and push the changes to a Git repository. If they want something easier on their end, using some sort of CMS would be a great option.
Since you're using Next.js, you might consider Payload. It has built-in authentication (which should be sufficient for a personal portfolio use case), a nice editor, a UI, and live preview features.
I can't help with the blog thingy, but I can talk a lil bit about the UI. When clicking on "My Links" it takes you to a different page it seems, it looks like that could benefit from being overlaid on the screen with a blur on the background, and the ability to press esc to 'go back' to the site. It is also quite a bare site right now, my HTML skills arent great but something like this might be a little more suited? (Image) Keeping everything in the same place, similar to hero images. It may also be good to have a different hover over links, make the distinction between hovered and not hovered a lil different
No description
steveyash2mo ago
I'm working on my blog and website rn. Instead of building a whole CMS, auth and everything else, I'm using Jupyter notebooks for writing and writing a fully SSG next.js site which renders those notebooks. Trying to keep it simple until it infuriates me, then I'll add complexity (a backend).
7A657230646179OP2mo ago
ill have to check it out yea the my links section is supposed to act as a linktree clone, site's bare because im migrating a JS secure audio player to ts and have it work with react, so he can show snippets, i also have code for upcoming events commented out atm for when i find a way to make it easy for him to post events and such. I do like the redesign of the UI however. I might make the navbar do your idea, and have the /links route just serve the existing page. Markdown is a good idea, i can write up a simple markdown editor/tech him markdown as he's not very tech literate and have it render the markdown server-side, storing the .mds in a githubrepo setup a basic bot with auth to private repo or somthing. I'll have to plan it out but ive written a markdown -> html library so that would be pretty handy
7A657230646179OP2mo ago
also may i ask what you did with the html to tmake it look like that? this is my mainpage.tsx @a.girl.is.no.one (sorry to ping so much)
7A657230646179OP2mo ago
my tailwind isnt that good, ive only used it a hand ful of times

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