Next 13 + Vercel (+ axiom?), how to log?

I have looked at theo's video about logging and Axiom but I cant get to have working logging on a sample nextjs 13 app. src/app/api/foo/route.ts
import { NextResponse } from "next/server";

export async function GET() {
const data = {
message: "Hello World",
console.log({, type: "log" });{, type: "info" });
console.warn({, type: "warn" });
console.debug({, type: "debug" });
console.trace({, type: "trace" });

return NextResponse.json(data);
import { NextResponse } from "next/server";

export async function GET() {
const data = {
message: "Hello World",
console.log({, type: "log" });{, type: "info" });
console.warn({, type: "warn" });
console.debug({, type: "debug" });
console.trace({, type: "trace" });

return NextResponse.json(data);
I do received build logs on axiom with the pre-generated route page that has all the logs (cf. screenshot) but that's it, the logs only show then and there, not when I access .../api/foo, logs do show locally, but NOT on vercel/axiom. Any ideas please? it was floated that logging doesnt work on free plan but I couldnt find any proof of that...
1 Reply
ShoodeyOP•2y ago
Kind bump on this 😊

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