shadcn/ui is not really working ,it's rendering the elements but the styles are not there

The settings code: If any more information, please tell me what you need
This is the file structure
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16 Replies
gave_one2y ago
This is the file structure
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JEM2y ago
Check in components.json that you are pointing to the correct global css file
RockBacon2y ago
css variables are set to false in components.json but seem to used in tailwind.config file. You would have to set this true and then reInstall all the components; Because as far as I am aware, when components are installed they are generated off of the components.json file. I am new too and it is pulling out my hair as theoDisgusted
Circus2y ago
@gave_one Did you ever get a solution to this? I'm having the same issue and did all the steps you have as well
Tomate Malicioso
Are you sure Tailwind is properly configured? This happened to me because I was overriding the theme instead of extending it. If you don't use CSS variables ShadCN relies on Tailwind variables for styling. Jeez sorry for necroposting, opened the questions forum and thought this was newer.
Circus2y ago
@Tomate Malicioso Can you elaborate on what you mean ? You could be right - the issue OP (& I) are having is getting the styling passed through using the T3 file structure (pages dir)
Tomate Malicioso
You need to: 1. Make sure you're properly setting the content value, which the t3 stacks does for you. (this makes sure Tailwind sources the correct files) 2. Extend rather than override the default theme, if you add a color to theme: { colors } rather than theme: { extends: { colors }} you're essentially wiping all built-in Tailwind colors, which ShadCN relies on. When you install ShadCN components, they're not part of an independent component library, but rather part of your project, if it can't get your styles, it's most likely an issue caused by Tailwind's configuration. OP marked this as solved, without providing their actual solution, which is weird.
Circus2y ago
@Tomate Malicioso Can't speak for OP, but I think we were having the exact same issue and we are (hopefully) using the Tailwind theme properly (attachd tailwind.config.ts for reference). I think I understand and agree with you, but maybe I'm missing something too
import { type Config } from "tailwindcss";
import { fontFamily } from "tailwindcss/defaultTheme";

export default {
darkMode: ["class", '[data-theme="dark"]'],
content: [
theme: {
extend: {
colors: {...},
fontFamily: {...},
borderRadius: {...},
keyframes: {...},
animation: {...},
plugins: [
} satisfies Config;
import { type Config } from "tailwindcss";
import { fontFamily } from "tailwindcss/defaultTheme";

export default {
darkMode: ["class", '[data-theme="dark"]'],
content: [
theme: {
extend: {
colors: {...},
fontFamily: {...},
borderRadius: {...},
keyframes: {...},
animation: {...},
plugins: [
} satisfies Config;
Tomate Malicioso
Yes! Atleast using extend did solve my issue. If you set Tailwind built-in styles in other parts of your code and it doesn't work, then that's most likely the issue.
Circus2y ago
Apologies again, I don't know what you mean by that, but Tailwind is set up just as T3 has it. I have a very basic setup with virtually no extra config manipulation
Tomate Malicioso
If you set like, bg-green-200 on other elements on yout layout, does it apply the color?
Circus2y ago
Yes, Tailwind works across the app (although other styles start to break when implementing the shad config)
Tomate Malicioso
Which styles? Sorry I come and go, will start following this thread. I forget this doesn't notify me unless I set it to do so
Circus2y ago
No worries - font styles, some colors and default background colors have been altered when bringing in Shadcn In relatively good news, I used the repo below to copy-paste some of their values over and got styles to come in. I couldn't tell you what the issue is and styles are still not showing up properly, but with some tinkering, I think it can be used. For anyone else reading this trying to get Shadcn to work with T3, I can NOT honestly give a positive recommendation at this time and it's probably worth waiting for updates or using a different library.
Second State
Second State16mo ago
Sorry for the ping, is this still the case, or did you make any advancements in it? I have also found that repo as well, but it's making me insane that if I do create t3-app + add shadcn 1:1 how the owner did it, I get a shitty off styled calendar (and other components), if I clone that repo, I get a properly styled one Facepalm . I can't seem to figure out what the hell is causing this, tried everything from npm,pnpm, bun, running this crap in a docker container on linux, etc, but holy shit, is this annoying. (ps. I also got the same issue by just creating a regular next app.)
Second State
Second State16mo ago
well, there is no fucking way. lol './@/**/*.{ts,tsx}', solves it, that's why that repo worked vs mine didnt, since components are in @
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