Why should I use tailwind?

As a newer programmer with around five years of experience, I initially learned Java in high school and developed a passion for coding. Disappointed with the lack of programming focus in my college classes, I turned to self-teaching via platforms like Udemy, where I delved into JavaScript, HTML, and Next.js. When faced with the decision of pursuing React Native or Flutter for app development, I opted for Flutter. Over time, I also explored Qwik, finding its approach intriguing. In my journey, I gravitated towards organizing my code into reusable components, a practice that enhances modularity in both apps and websites. For instance, I structure my components by creating dedicated folders containing both the component and its styling, following a similar pattern in Qwik. Despite my initial enthusiasm for Flutter, recent insights from Theo’s videos and Google’s perspective have led me to reconsider its suitability, prompting me to transition my website development to Qwik and then my apps development over to Expo. Now, ive been binging Theos’ video and why use Tailwind CSS, I’m don’t think my coding style, where each component has its own CSS file. Take, for example, my portfolio website’s navigation menu, which has its styling in “nav.module.css,” while the buttons within it are treated as separate components with their CSS files like “button.module.css,” each defining its background style differently. So I’m not sure why I would use tailwind. Please help
4 Replies
Vincent Udén
Vincent Udén13mo ago
If you've watched Theo's vids on Tailwind you've already heard most of the arguments anyone would use to explain why they enjoy using it. No one is going to convince you to use Tailwind because no one else cares how you build your product. Try it out for yourself on a small test-product. Reflect afterwards on your experience. Youve heard the main points for and against already. It is a complex trade-off without a simple yes/no answer. You need to experience a technology yourself before you can decide if it is for you
Drake13mo ago
I've enjoyed using tailwind for a year or so, but I also have built a lot of projects that have an aggressive deadline and/or don't use a JS framework and tailwind was a nice to have in those scenarios. I like tailwind, but greatly prefer writing CSS for components, especially in Svelte's approach. It sounds like you've already got a system you like too and I would just stick with that.
nc013mo ago
I'd say the best way to answer this question isn't that much too find a reason for Tailwind, but just to use it in a project or two, and see by yourself how nice it is (or it isn't)
matiasvj13mo ago
I think this post explains it very well https://www.swyx.io/why-tailwind
Why Tailwind CSS
Why I changed my mind on Tailwind CSS, and why I now consider it the Goldilocks Styling Solution

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