Rendered more hooks than during the previous render Typescript error
I have a parameter on my page that im loading with with router.query.
This is what my code looks like
const { studentId } = router.query;
if (typeof studentId !== "string") {
return null;
} else {
const studentQp ={
studentId: studentId,
rest of my code....
I did it this way to ensure typesafety, but if i put all of the trpc querys at the beginning of the page, i get typescript errors because the type of studentId is not checked first
How do i solve this?12 Replies
if cant use hooks conditionally
will block the query execution until studentId is defined and a stringtried that, and i thought that that should have worked

force as string
i corrected the snippet above
you are a star
you have to
studentId as string
or studentId as unknown as string
whats the difference with as string and as unknown as string? Ive seen as unknown followed by as type quite a few times but never understood it
sometimes you can't cast directly
like Type1 -> Type2
but you know that it will be the correct type
as unknown
is telling to ts: "really trust me, bro"alright 🙂 thx!
Set enabled to !!studentid in the use query options instead of optionally calling a hook
Ah didn’t see fixed
One more related question

Im often seeing these errors "Promises must be awaited, end with a call to .catch, end with a call to .then with a rejection handler or be explicitly marked as ignored with the
i usually just add a void before and then all is good - but is this considered bad practice?