looking for the theo video where...
looking for the video where theo did an overview of analytics. i believe he used post hog and it was all about type safety in the setup
3 Replies
I think it might be this one: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1965997791?t=4h22m50s
I'M BACK NERDS - theo on Twitch
theo went live on Twitch. Catch up on their Software and Game Development VOD now.
@techblooded thank you! for anyone else here is the youtube link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JfZPz6PWGtA****
Theo - t3․gg
How I Deal With Unsafe Packages
Obviously I love TypeScript. Sadly, not everyone does, and even fewer get typesafety correct when building packages with TypeScript.
I hope my demo of adding better typesafe wrappers to both PostHog and Inngest is helpful to y'all!
ALL MY VIDEOS ARE POSTED EARLY ON PATREON https://www.patreon.com/t3dotgg
Everything else (Twitch, Twitter, Disco...
ic i haven't watched that one yet, looks interesting