Vercel builds errorring out due to Invalid Vercel URL.

Hi! Stuck during first deployment of my T3 app. It keeps saying the VERCEL_URL is invalid but looking at the env variables the VERCEL_URL is set and is set to https://** VERCEL_URL: z.string().url().optional(), VERCEL_URL: process.env.VERCEL_URL,
3 Replies
Mocha2y ago is not a valid URL (due to the *). You can remove .url() if you really want it to be that string.
Benjamin2y ago
It doesn't fix your issue but if you want to use optional() with environment variables : Empty string ("") is not the same as undefined or null, you can use this schema:
VERCEL_URL: z.string().url().optional().or(z.literal("")),
VERCEL_URL: z.string().url().optional().or(z.literal("")),
DennisKOP2y ago
Thanks! Fixed it

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