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All posts for Theo's Typesafe Cult
T3 for a chat app
How do I use a tRPC procedure outside a react component
Syntax help for useQuery with no inputs
Alternative to Planetscale for multiple smaller apps
Removing unused imports
variable initialized useState as true but the state is false
create-t3-turbo monorepo: How to access user session to packages/db?
Creating an update mutation with tRPC
Create and Download PDF
Is it possible to pass a zod schema as a prop?
Loading state of a `'use server'` component
How do you self host your projects in a vps
Geniune question: php vs server components
How do you fetch an svg from s3 into an angular app?
What's this error
Prisma find many undefined
ESLint to force @types in dev-dependencies
Updating existing T3 with Supabase Auth from Next Auth
tRPC + AppRouter without reactQuery
Mutate instantly returning success instead of isLoading
Next 13.4 problem with loading state after content is visible & hydration problem
is there a way to change/refresh token when data in db changes such as role?
Refresh a single React Server Componetns
Axios Singleton good or bad idea and how to implement?
Next-Auth in server rendered components aka appDir pages
Any Clerk gurus in here? Following the Next.js 13 getting started guide renders blank screen
Nested TRPC Calls
Can I use tRPC with Next.Js App Router
Suggestions for React Native offline-first DB with syncing
Querying external api in trpc router not working
infer from trpc calls
Using GithubAPI + NextAuth Github Provider to access a User's repo information.
How can i use a random number without getting a hydration error?
Uploadthing Issue
React Query For Asynchronous Data within Sanity Studio
Next Auth or Clerk
dose anyone know why my meta tags are not working...?
Implement a forum on website
Bundling Prisma with my Express app
TRPC good practice, single schema, multiple similar updates.
TRPC Context
Typescript Inference for getServerSideProps-like function
[Solved] How to get clerk userId in a publicProcedure?
reading 'useMemo' error
turborepo: bin of local package not resolving properly
publicPages not working.
How do i properly set up nextjs external pages/api/* routes using trpc?
Next font sever/client mismatch in app dir
Typescript function parameter into returnType
'Component' cannot be used as a JSX component.
Firebase deployment
What's the best way to store translation data for an app?
react-speech-recognition with Next.Js
I need a bit of help understanding trpc
Dynmic routing
Filters while maintaining SSG
Next-auth and standalone trpc
Anyone use Webstorm with the T3 Stack? Seems incompatible
How to Push schema from drizzle to planetscale
@import is always async?
Next 13.4.1 Builds Fine On Local System But Fails On Vercel
Vitest Test can't load serverRuntimeConfig
How do you do cypress component testing?
App Router and shallow routing?
prisma.update returns promise but doesn't do anything (most of the time)
Is there a specific way to integrate react router in t3?
Next local font/Tailwind incompatibility with Safari
Exporting prisma types from turborepo package
Best database for a social network if starting from scratch today?
How to actually use useOptimistic?
Edge Server Actions
Component re-renders after state change, tRPC query not executed again?
create t3 app for nextjs 13.4 app dir
Next Auth problem in Vercel
TS saying I have no ID when I do?
Next.js : Get server component data in client component
implementation of push notifications
free domain spf+dmark+DKIM no card no phone service
good object/block storage service no card no phone
How to create an object with a mutation. Getting React error `Invalid hook call`
Can someone explain the difference between page router and app router?
Setup pub/sub connection in Next.js
T3 hydration mismatch - div in div
Is there a onRegister handler for NextAuth?
Why is my page considered λ by next.js?
Looking for TS Tanstack table resources/tutorials
SWR - If loading is false and error is undefined, what can we assume?
Infer nested type of trpc router return type
Can't disable Vercel cache
Error: npm lint not seeing env type
Error: Failed to collect page data for...
Contributing to open source
Error: backingFormData.forEach is not a function
Difference between Turbo and T3? When to use create-t3-turbo vs create-t3-app?
t3 stack with Clerk profile creator
Error: No QueryClient set, use QueryClientProvider to set one
[Solved] How to use Vercel Cron Job with T3?
Know any good scheduling and appointment api. I need b2b scheduling.
Next TRPC backend Extension
Auth0 with Astro
Railway: Connection reset by peer
Next.js metadata title template
Aborting a T3 mutation
Acessing a route api in app dir causes re-render loop.
upstash-like redis interface
Revalidate prisma query in `page.ts` RSC
Should zod schema names start with an uppercase letter or not?
Noob question: NextJS DI to avoid prop drilling?
Turborepo compiling issues
How to hide database ip when using tRPC + Prisma
Need advice on tutorial for t3
Noob question about astro
Good Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) package?
Trouble getting additional information passed back on the useSession sessionData
audio setup recommendation
What are the down side of using docker?
Server component state management?
modals don't work on create-t3-turbo
ct3a stack equivalent for iOS *native* apps
Prevent ts server from crashing every 5 mins
Using revalidate on a page fails build
trpc useQuery adds "?" to the url every fetch, refreshing the page and resetting the state
ESLint running on CSS?
Analytics w/ RSC
Background image not loading? Help #noob
Building your own UI using clerk & t3
How does turborepo handle node_modules packages?
Is there a way to import a type from a Prisma Model on Client
The "experimental-edge" flag in nextjs allows me to deploy websocket in vercel?
How do I add "connect social platform" to my website? (not social login)
Should I share packages on Turborepo?
how come when i start a new typescript project, eslint breaks?
Prisma types from t3 turborepo db package
How do I use ISR with t3 app.
Next-Auth Session in Server Function
Formik, React-Datepicker error
"SyntaxError: Cannot use import statement outside a module" when attempting to build a turborepo app
How to type onError for useMutation?
Vercel and installing Julia
"PrismaClient is unable to be run in the browser" in Next.js API route
Cant use the same router to create multiple createTRPCReact?
Clerk not saving username
NextAuth TS errors with T3 ESLint config
Server Actions and tRPC
Supabase broken DNS
TRPC onClick
Handling UI components (SR) libs with Next13/app
running a query only if a boolean is true
Multiple Database reads in a single roundtrip with Kysely
Library recommendation for Authentication on React?
should I share TRPC client in a internal package?
404 at default signin route api/auth/signin
Tips/Tricks for large scale create-t3-turbo projects?
TypeError: resolver is not a function
Updating Class sections based on a selected course
t3 tutorial- chirp project...vercel build fails.
Any good datepicker libraries?
TailwindCss typescript error in config
How to do a WHERE clause for a JSON field in kysely
Question regarding tRPC
Using T3 for AI agents and similar products
Getting a Alert to Show Up Once When The Component Gets Put On Screen
Tutorial to implement S3 file upload
Example repo, NextAuth with App Router
Why is the first query on each request so slow?
How do you setup Shadcn with Create t3?
Tailwind quick question?
Problem using TSyringe
Adding Input Fields on a TRPC Middleware
[Solved] Dynamically generated NavLinks have weird behavior on ISR
Could someone help me with one to many relation in prisma?
Next.js 13 get current URL path in Server Component
argument where of type listingById is missing an argument using prisma
app router state management
need discord bot hosting 24/7 uptime free low specs no card no phone
Need to disable ESC to close modal on Vue.js
Clerk: Getting the OAuth access and/or refresh token of user
Type 'string | null' is not assignable to type 'string | undefined'.
Matching types to Prisma models
need key value pair database like redis
How do I solve this error
"Unsafe assignment of `any` value
Clerk + Next.js app router <SignedOut> children not rendered after <UserButton> sign out
turbo repo built lint error
changing col-span with template literal
[Solved] T3 Stack PWA ??
tRPC Error: Invalid hook call.
How would I order by the role?
Prisma Create with Connect Issue
Generating image background job
Help with Vercel deployment
My DB shouldn’t be this slow, RIGHT❓
❌ tRPC failed on profile.getUserByUsername: No "query"-procedure on path "profile.getUserByUsername"
Help with Prisma Validator static evaluation
Does invalidate(); perform an actual refetch?
SWR - array of data in one request, one item from array in another
Clerk re-render parent server component on sign out with custom sign out button.
Prisma schema question
T3 Firebase solution? (SMS OTP Auth)
How do I make Jotai work with trpc on the t3 stack?
Any recommend open source react project?
Rendering a blob in Nextjs
What's the difference between React.ComponentProps and React.PropsWithChildren ?
nextra with tailwindcss
How to use next-auth/clerk.js for getting user session
Error with mdx file webpack parser
How to debug Vercel cache misses with tRPC?
How do you run a one-off prisma script?
Where to run a kinda `cron` specific for each user?
Fire trpc useQuery only when a callback is called
Should I use Tanstack router
File Upload Supabase + T3 Stack
How do I set the default useState value of a trpc call?
Spotify login on Clerk not working on new users
TS not liking the post table
What is the best practice for secret manager?
Getting id of user with next-auth
Trying to understand the purpose of keyword "number"
Edit default sign in form
'Files' is possibly null
NextJs Standalone mode, `publicRuntimeConfig`
I got some cart synchronization issues, what would you do?
How to pull a single piece of data from Prisma using trpc
error in CRUD operations for DocumentDb
uploadthing limitation
tRPC won't work in Production
tRPC suppressing server logs?
Is it possible to store the oauth token in session but only on the server side?
tRPC - fetch params
Prisma middleware infinite loop
How to manage data for a AirTable clone
How to type DynamoDB GetCommand
does uploadthing have a progress bar?
Consuming external API with TRPC.
how can i select this object using "."
lib folder and best practives
How to call a server function without tRPC?
How would you fix USA flag stars?
Best testing framework(s)
Running tRPC as a standalone!
Is there a way of getting search / query parameters on the server instead of client with app dir?
Fetching files from supabase storage in nextjs 13
Code architecture best practices for large codebases in the context of t3 stack
Best practices for data migrations/historical data changes?
How to fetch based on session? Getting 'session possibly null' with useQuery...
Good articles on auth?
Calling a 'fire and forget' webhook from trpc without waiting
Best practice on running tRPC in a monorepo.
Github CI with PNPM?
which code is best to create a class for an express app
Is there a way to force data to update on a new page with t3 without having to click the page
Trying to make a website builder (a Wix clone)
UI for updating role
TRPC ratelimiting endpoints (race conditions)
Help to deploy my TRPC proj from a monorepo (turborepo) at Vercel
why do i keep getting errors like errors like this on t3 turbo when trying to install packages
How do I skip build step by files changes?
How do I coerce this function to accept multiple types then conditionally change the output?
Using Custom Fonts Imported From NPM in The App Router
prisma type error on union type stored as json
next-prisma-websockets-starter explanation
Best testing framework(s)
Trpc mutate is only triggered, no return (Base64 string with length equal to 14079152 as input)
I install t3 app but idk why editor is not detecting modules
best way to protect my code and avoid piracy when selling it
Toast Error not displaying
tRPC with part on NextJS Lambdas and part on Edge
Fetching data but getting error:null and count:null in console
In appdir, what should the type of children be?
Is it possible to deploy t3 app on firebase?
TRPC Middleware
Cloudinary Image Render Issue
Is there any good way to implement Steam-Auth in NEXTJS app?
What's the Best React Library for Pie Charts?
NextJS React Server Components with tRPC
Prisma `delete` a row with composite keys
Type Promise not asignable to type Awaitable
How to create custom Procedure for serverlesssQ cron provider. And call trcp router.
Similar site on multiple URLs
Why prisma do 2 seperate Queries instead of 1 left join?
Issues importing a class in the provider folder of AdonisJS while creating TypeScript definitions.
2 queries in child component or 1 in parent component
PlanetScale workflow confuses me
What react date picker are you using?
shadcn ui dark mode
Any ideas why TRPC doesnt find the mutation?
InfiniteQuery or Pagination
I'm having trouble using the shadcn-ui Sheet component
cookie session - express-session with tRPC
Unknown arg `emailVerified` in data.emailVerified for type UserCreateInput.
Function overloads with more than 1 parameter
Acceptable Layout Shift
How does a React component require data to render in a SPA
Why do my static files not load on first load and my links not work on first click?
Should a react layout component be responsible for initial required data fetching.
how to properly handle passing trpc results as parameters?
Help with s3
how to use indexeddb with react query (dexie.js)
flexible tRPC - is it as flexible as GraphQL?
why do we add prisma in ctx instead of using import ?
How can I hit my trpc endpoint in a event handler?
What does acme stand for?
Using tRPC to connect to two different apis
Difference between a = useRef(b); and a = useRef(); a.current = b;
Forum channels for Slack?
Global loading
Did anyone try FlexSearch?
NextAuth on Apollo Client SSR
Error running prisma postinstall
How can I make sure two arrays contain the same keys (in seperate files)
Node.js API endpoint for PostgreSQL database backup produces empty SQL file
Custom Nested DB schema defaults or empty help
More Elegant Way For Type
Nodemailer SMTP Emails are not being sent in production.
optional authenticated tRPC function
Router triggered 2 times
How to use Next 13/Font inside client component (App Directory)?
How can I fetch data in my component
Proper REST API Nesting
Help Me make a custom login Page
Unhandled Runtime Error
CSS Modules (SCSS)
CVA Boolean type enables
invalid environment variables
Problems with next-auth middleware
Create T3 app to PWA
Need advice on SVGs for creating custom shapes for react/next
Stupid Prettier parsing, it adds two spaces triggering my ADHD error system
Vercel deployment error
:x: tRPC failed on posts.create: Unauthorized -- from T3 Stack Tutorial tutorial
Can't get shadcn/ui to work with Create T3 App
Question about Prisma Joins and Performance
Change return type based on value of parameters
Thoughts on Codeium
Fresh CT3 app nextAuth error
Rendered more hooks than during the previous render.
Prisma Seed File Temaplate
Typescript-Eslint Error
Pwa + nextauth
Next.js Headless CMS for Markdown with MathType support?
Using passport-steam and supabase auth in nextjs.
Type safety in apollo server
animejs - any animation expert?
Eslint problem
Client-Side Fetching with React-Query
Best practices/tools for generating OpenAPI and documentation
Error on Router
What are the most popular social medias amongs IT proffesionals?
VSCode Performance issue for prettier
how stable is nextjs 13/server side components
Incorrect font on mobile, using Next.js.
Immediately prompting for signin
Typescript-Eslint Error
Should create-t3-app change its boiler plate based on the new nextjs 13 update?
How to perform additional validation on update mutation?
PlanetScale deployments when using T3, prisma, and vercel
Need Help Implementing
Changes to schema.prisma
Creating an npm command
How to use arguments property from function in TS
3rd party Zod validation
How to model my Prisma for a Golf-application
next-auth with custom backend
Nested keyof
Type Error When Using Nextra With Turborepo
Simplify Renaming a Field in Prisma Schema with PlanetScale
vitest error
Is Prisma DataProxy production ready?
Global state management in T3.
"trpc failed on posts.getAll" - unsure what is broken and how to debug it?
tRPC, Prisma, Discord Bot and tracking mass messages
tRPC Optimistic Update Not Work
How to redirect using trpc nextjs base on db query?
Best way to fetch external api with variable & env_variable body data?
Order of request hitting
Tailwind seemingly not working randomly when deployed.
nextjs 12 (and below) same getServerSideProps function in multiple routes
Does a Create-T3-App Next project use the Rust compiler or Babel
T3 stack + Python Script?
Handle many-to-many relations in Prisma with MySQL
TRPC context in RSC
where to start making my site accessible
React Native Guidelines
tons of eslint errors in vercel builds that don’t show up in dev
react-hook-form, how to set values, which dosent come from input
Looking for a framework most well-suited for animations/transitions.
tRPC throwing UNAUTHORIZED after logging in
how to override extended eslint config
cache TRPC api query
Deployed to Vercel but getting this error
How do you do safe rollouts of new features?
Using Clerk's getAuth() helper causes withClerkMiddleware to be unrecognized
Wordpress with Instagram carousel, serverless replacement
How can i remove the parameter
Layout management - T3 Stack - Next.js v13
Worth paying for more Planetscale databases
Issue with npx create-next-app@latest myAppName
Adding scope in NextAuth
Stripe Webhooks typesafety
I'm using icons from github repo that is updated, how would you store it?
Deploy FastAPI into Vercel
how tight should types be?
Setting up notifications in a serverless infrastructure.
Threw back out and cant get to computer, best way to code from my phone?
Prisma: not a good choice for MongoDB?
Prisma nested write issue
vercel preview domain alias
Amazon s3 alternative?
Recommendation for Free Database Hosting platforms
best way to benchmark cold starts
Having role on session, is this security issue and/or is there better way?
t3/next.js app - back button doesn't work?
Google analytics 4 very difficult to setup
Are There Any Docs on Adding Multiple Create-T3 instances to a turborepo?
Having trouble starting with AWS S3
guide to migrate from webpack to turbo
React nested setState (zod like) Library API and NPM publishing
Receiving Contact/Feedback from Website to Email
nextjs layout rerendering
Serverless (Vercel) Prisma Cold Start Optimizations
Using Prisma with fastify in create-t3-turbo
Can we use Nextjs trpc endpoint for other apps?
noob question - data flow in app / app architecture
help with prisma schema (coming from sql)
Bad performance using planetscale, vercel, prisma
Deceptive site ahead
Benefits of RSC for dashboards-like apps
is it bad to fetch data inside of the definition of a custom procedure?
Silly Newbie NextJS question
Error: P3014Prisma Migrate could not create the shadow database.
Relation Mode Prisma Indexes
which payment gateway should i pick if stripe is not available in my country?
Jotai Bug?
Vitest folder structure
How to refetch data after Clerk login?
Headless UI Stops Working when Adding addition elements to components
CSS Styling
Good way to do many to many relationship Prisma
REST API Best Practice
can't get query strings from context param
Local Edge Config "mock"?
Why is this re-rendering infinitely
Unable to invoke prisma mutation to planetscale dev branch.
next13 app dir - multiple route handlers in one folder?
Invoice PDF to JSON output
Multi-tenant Saas Application
What tool is he using!?!?!?!
How to let 2 types of users to login to my app - customers and businesses
Fastest way to get counts (need to redo schema?)
Collect user's name on sign up form using NextAuth.js Email Provider?
T3-create-app: new update whit: Drizzle/shadcnUI?
In create-t3-app how to get tRPC zod schema on client?
Best way to handle env variables in nextjs 13
File storage with T3
TRPC function type per router
Make NextAuth consider i18n
How to SSG a page from my T3 app??
Passing a object with readonly attributes through tRPC
Prisma with kysely
Passing data as props in form function
Prisma model change without data loss
is it possible to pass data from middleware to a server component?
How to create this image
How to set default options on trpcs react query wrapper
Scalar Lists in PlanetScale not supported
Tailwind Intellisense - WebStorm
Webhooks correct terminology
slow switching btw pages on app dir
Data management paradigm
Testing web apps with this JS framework
WebSocket connection authentication
Next-auth/Clerk for single user?
Eslint bug or am I missing something ?
dockerizing typescript
Sanity integration.
Does anyone know of a nice starting template for a React component npm package?
clerk on localhost not working
'use client' directive throws error
keyboard purchase
Tailwind isn't working on React project
theme in storage
Calling procedure from api endpoint
Next-Auth: Try signing in with a different account.
what are the factors to be considered in other to install an npm package as a dev Dependency
How to gather user feedback?
Simplest way to add cron job scheduler (PostgreSQL)
Planetscale pushing to an Array with Prisma?
TypeScript: Arktype vs Zod
CRA Alternatives for SPA
How to implement automatic scroll sync for a Markdown editor/preview app?
Reload one data from layout.js ?
Can you add an arbitrary row when using an SQL Query?
kysely join select query
where to learn about FE performance/optimizations?
tRPC Mutation
Why is the value type of `_opts` in createInnerTRPCContext never?
Call retries were exceeded when generating static page using serversidehelpers
Secrets management tools with T3 stack
prisma ctx not recognizing types after schema update
I have spaces that can have many members and one author how do i define my schema
React Native and Zustand Real-time data
What is the backend that runs the server side of NextJS?
How to handle invalidate queries
Tailwind Truncate Messes With Layout
Separate backend and frontend modules with different dependencies?
deno/supabase edge func: so many typescript lint errors
Can I split trpc router so some of the endpoints are on edge and other on nextjs?
TRPC + Prisma Caching
[Expo Router] Tab and Drawer Navigation together
NextJS Types & Intuition in T3 App
Auth0 Problems within T3 App - ID Too Long
any tips for implementing Google maps, open layers, or open maps?
Should I look into using linked lists?
Is it a correct way to get Clerk user data ...?
[next 12] Stripe webhook doesn't work
Get IP of user using trpc?
NextAuth add additional property to session
What is the difference between procedures and middlewares in TRPC?
Mapped Types Not Inferring From Promise Correctly
Webhooks (localhost) in Clerk fails for the most part
Protect all of the app so user HAS to be logged in
NextAuth "[next-auth][error][JWT_SESSION_ERROR]" (CredentialsProvider)
NextAuth Google Auth provided value for column is too long
clerk how to implement user roles
Uncaught TypeError: Om is not a function
<Select onChange()>
Trouble with async validation using React Hook Form
Connect Prisma to AWS RDS Database (PostgreSQL)
Try signing in with a different account. | Next auth | Showing a callback error
How to retrieve AuthJS CSRF token from arbitrary API client (mobile app, postman, etc)
Using next-auth on my Vercel website. Google thinks the Auth routes are phishing
Hosting t3 with websockets
Clerk Self-Delivered - question
Next/Vercel vs. Website Builders
augmentation next auth
Adding prisma after init
Make this typesafe pls
Next 13 App Router Realtime - Am I missing something?
Two providers one user
Ideal UI behaviour for tables on mobile
Want all records to be deleted given a specified datetime
tRPC but just the React Query abstraction?
websocket (ws package) client connection keeps restarting on ct3a project.
how to extend clerk's users metadata
Incomprehensible build failures
Create a User model in Prisma with Clerk on Signup
devalue vs superjson
trpc routerOutputs
Best Way to Handle Rich Text Input in a NextJS app?
Turborepo and importing packages
Integrating Discord Authentication and Tracking Voice and Message Activity
How to inject dynamic meta tags with Next-Seo
Supabase + Next (help with DB rules)
NEXT 13 Compile Time
t3 tutorial - chirp project has problems w google auth via Clerk?
How to do something on register (sign up) in NextAuth?!
TRPC and PRISMA id type
getting 404 in production but works locally
API token authentication w/ NextAuth
I want to create and download multiple pdfs
Can someone explain the difference between database hosting services?
Refine zod schema after query
clerk typesafe metadata
Add expo-router to create-t3-turbo-clerk
Can I use next auth on vercel edge?
Optimistic update
What database/service to use to store chart breakpoints.
looking for a e2e typed CMS ideally with tRPC and directly integrated in Next.js
Trpc return stream
Workflow with Planetscale
T3-Turbos file-structure lacks app-folder in Expo
Prisma + Zod.. which types to use as SOT? Is there a better way?
S3 with TRPC
Build Error due to React-konva in NextJs
How to use webhook with tRPC?
Replace fetch with trpc useQuery
Stop unnecessary vercel deployments in mono-repo
Basic Data Flow For tRPC, Prisma, and an External API based on NextAuth data
Auth Astro package
React query and image gallery ui
Zod optional fields and numbers
useSession returns unauthorized
Backend Technology Advice
Extending Error SWR
verify thought process: TS and python serverless functions
Weird bug? Can't import {PrismaClient} from @prisma/client
Is expo trpc supposed to work without nextjs?
Async set state
Add required relation on User model when user is created (next-auth/Auth.js)
trpc with nextjs 13 (api folder inside app folder) with a custom context
Linking 2+ T-3 apps together. Any advice for linking up two repos together to make a composite app?
Is it safe to get all data based on a route query parameter?
Is T3 good to build an application for one to one video chat using twilio webrtc go?
Next.js and GCP Cloud Functions
How to store MD
What do you use for carousels?
Environment variables validation not working with Jest (env.mjs)
With tRPC, is it safe to validate only on the client?
@tanstack/table with editable cells, using react query, cells losing focus
mapping a column in model to another model
Workaround SSG Helpers
Offering Custom Domains to Users with T3
Session within components
@next/mdx with slug in app dir
trpc call that doesn't use prisma
T3 unable to find schema.prisma in turbo repo
Has anyone created a desktop application using the T3 stack?
Handle trailing slash in NextJS API routes?
Rate Limit in Next Middleware or TRPC Middleware
Best practice to re-route user if no session exists with t3
Hi guys! So I'm planning to buy a domain from vercel like
Conditional trpc hook query
Error validating datasource `db`: the URL must start with the protocol `file:`
TRPC clerk middleware error in middleware.ts
useSession must be wrapped in a <SessionProvider />
Integrating a Python endpoint in the t3 stack
best way to conditionally show a logo on black or white depending on which nextjs page?
Anybody managed to get trpc to work with aws websocket api ?
how to absolute URLs using fetch in next 13?
go like async channels in node
Deployment to Vercel fails
trpc alternatives like zodios, ts-rest
Use function as a parameter and preserve types
Environment Variable that is a JSON object
T3 app takes up too much RAM
Not getting useInfiniteQuery as an fetching option.
Figma Icons to React Components
Webstorm vs VS code issues
nextjs e-commerce template
Which icon set would you recommend?
Best practices in auth
Can't import defaultTheme from tailwind.
Prettier issue with multiline code blocks
Vim "virtual text?!?" fix
infinite scrolling is not working working properly in throttling
Add reusable custom logic in procedure
framework suggestions to build a blog
Error spammed on my console
Trying to implement infinite scroll with infinite query
Tailwind's Intellisense VSCode extension does not appear to work in TSX files in T3 App
Backend deployments
To build global loader to view file upload status
Middleware redirect not working
Next.js & ApolloClient Best practices
Github actions and .env
Utilising more cores in node
Having two subdomains
can anyone answer this question
Should I create a trpc procedure for third party apis?
dependent react hooks
Using Google Cloud SQL with Prisma
Seeding with prisma
nextjs v13.3.0 error when building
How to disable site/deployment/auth temporarily? (Vercel)
How to disable console logs in colors and fancy formats
Cloudinary for image database
Expo interactive mode on turborepo
how do you get the query string in next app dir api routes?
Chirp Tutorial: tRPC failed on <no-path>:
await Prisma create never resolves using PlanetScale
TRPC Internal Server Error
Prisma in next.js monorepo such as t3-turbo does not work
Fetching using useQuery based on changing state causes app to be too slow and throws an error
Rendering a list pattern
prisma migrate remote database schema?
handle onError mutation
What's everyone's favorite testing library for the T3 stack?
div inside a div - preventing complex onClick event propagation
How can I 'sell' React to a workplace of dinosaur devs who hate javascript?
constructing link with search parameters
Steam auth support.
next auth limitations with server rendering?
How to connect planetscale database using pgAdmin?
What statistics/analytics service to use?
How do I solve for a persisting session on Next-auth when User is deleted from DB.
T3 Stack + custom Next.js server not working
Deployment options for Next (aside from vercel) for a small SAAS app
Tailwind or Chakra?
nextjs 13 protected api routes
Best practices for typesafe error handling
Webhooks with Google calendar API on Vercel
Modify user model in Prisma on signup
Prisma breaks when on production server (dedicated server, backend app)
Supabase vs Planetscale for a regular SAAS app
Deploying on Vercel, tailwind classes missing?
User Creation With Clerk
Build for production with custom server
Differences between DaisyUI and HeadlessUI
TRPC async promise return type
What is the correct order to put files in S3 and update DB ?
tRPC router refreshes and gives 429 HTTP error
NextAuth CredentialProvider with T3 default Auth Prisma models limitation question.
t3 turbo repo with drizzle
Do I need the redirect callback here?
trpc and event streams
findUnique from current user
TS - how to extract type from Picked array
Routing patterns
typedefs for useState across components with object arrays
Migrate prisma on deploy
How to define an async procedure?
any tips for styling mobile and desktop
What is the convention for customizing sign-in pages in NextAuth
How to create new tRPC api route calling external api
webhooks | clerk turbo repo | createCaller | Cannot set headers after they are sent to the client
My project got pretty slow
getById from current user
react-native-web with existing web and mobile app
No tRPC requests after integrating Clerk
Zod - instanceof z.ZodError
@unqiue in Prisma Schema. With mySQL/Planetscale, does case sensitivity matter?
Is it neccessery to have Account model for Users model
accidently select Nextauth
Planet Scale alternative
Testing the tRPC API and making requests
shadcn ui and react hook form
Clerk - multi-user login/profiles
ts error raised on tailwind plugin
Error of object possibly undefined
Item cart session/ctx or backend?
Testing payments on development server
Prisma 2 relations to the same model
clerk design
create-t3-app | /app directory
Forward Ref with SVG
WYSIWYG editors for ts
How to setup a T3 app for a PWA?
how to seperate dev vs prod db
Where to find implementation of bodyParser middleware for next js api route
Watchpack error: EACCES: Permission denied
make geocoding request serverside or clientside?
SSGHelper & GetStaticProps - Not loading data server side?
Theo's video about database performance
SPA or MPA for react native dev
get variant list from CVA definition
Issue with Next-Auth DefaultSession module augmentation
Client variables not typesafed
insert query in kysely, typerror
clerk cant check passwordless
prefetchInfinite on getServerSideProps using SSG helpers
Typing Prisma Wrapper Function
tRPC prefetching URL slower? - What am I doing wrong here.
understanding <a> in nextjs
How do I represent relationships in a sql database?
Persist Theme Value in Nextjs from ContextAPI
Next 13 API responses just froze after build
how long should install be?
P1001 Error with Prisma trying to reach database server
Simple long polling with tRPC
ThreeJS with Create T3 app
Role bases authentication with Github Provider using next auth
better supabase auth than with useEffect & getSession on each page?
Session Auth using Redis and next-session
Prisma Unable To Query Indexed Fields
Global data fetching
What would be a good practice for writing types for components that get passed a trpc query?
Question about the use of useSession() callback
tRPC query 'train'. what's the correct method to grab data from multiple sources?
TailwindCSS and CVA autocomplete
Session Auth without Next-Auth
[PRISMA] Value out of range for the type ERROR
CSS gradient border - irregular shape
Storing a snapshot of quizzes and responses in a PostgreSQL database
How would you structure this Component? A challenge to all advanced React users...
TRPCClientError: Unexpected end of JSON input
Keep order of a list of items in prisma
How to set envs as number in t3stack
How to post drizzle.config.json to the vercel, (it should not be on the github)
How to stop a form from submitting multiple times, even on slower network?
Cannot access 'createTRPCRouter' before initialization
Basic app architecture question for Auth/session state retrieval & storage
Weird default / route /en redirect behavior?
How to ignore peer dependencies?
Vite config with playwright-ct
how come this returns undefined
Modifying 'Session' in next-auth
Prevent public database access (AWS RDS with Vercel)
Stripe: Create new user on payment success.
planetscale edge runtime
setData doesn't update state
prisma latency on the edge
does any know what this theme is?
React query prefetch and fetch
Cors subdomains
Is there a way to call a trpc useQuery() multiple times?
Difference between where in Prisma
is there any way to redirect to the default 404 page after your search query on the server component
i18n in T3 stack/headless CMS
[Prisma DB] How to import from ssh tunnel
How should you approach invalidating queries in trpc?
Browser suggestion
deploying to vercel - typeerrors
custom handleChange
System architecture for processing data from multiple 3rd party APIs
Jotai migration from v1 to v2
Does t3 stack implement csrf protection?
API's to update database - One POST path to update whole object or multiple?
Can I use YUP with t3stack?
next auth 2FA
Buying domains and emails
Prebuild transformations to codebase?
css sibling selector
prisma relations generated types
Next.js + tRPC + Redis - pub/sub
Invalidating a single part of a larger query
Email verified boolean not changing firebase
are there options when creating a app, to setup a login using email and password?
tRPC cookies
Best way to redirect from create page back to index
DayJS Relative Time bug - during T3 Stack Tutorial
TRPC: How to use different transformers
Vitest, Clerk and TRPC integration
zod-prisma-types and prisma-zod-generator BOTH fail to generate
Vercel: An unexpected internal error occurred
Backwards compatible deployments with trpc?
next auth cypress test
Arguments for/against using AuthContext provider
Invalid environment variables
Does my DB schema look correct?
Help with data-design for a personal note taking app for school (possibly using auth, idk)
Is it just me or the search in the questions in discord is broken?
inferred type of appRouter cannot be named without a reference to server/node_modules/superjson
Creating multi language application
Protected routes with middleware using the DB
Right way to install deps in a Monorepo?
implementing search filter with nextjs and url params
Using Mantine instead of Tailwind gives useInsertionEffect Error
Vercel responding with 503 (An error occurred with your deployment FUNCTION_INVOCATION_TIMEOUT)
Property 'authorId' does not exist on type 'Post[]'.
Why .cjs?!
t3 video tutorial typescript error
Is it really safe to use vite+react for future saas?
`import` and `require` in the same file?
How to send ReadableStream through trpc
How to override and update session callback's session object after signIn callback?
Am I using useState incorrectly here?
Best practice for Tailwind class merging? twMerge?
Server Side Redirect based on tRPC/Prisma query
vscode power hungry
How to automatically add type prefix to type imports?
is they a size limit or any issue with send base64 images from front-end to trpc backend endpoint?
Rendering function vs variable assignment
next auth with planetscale?
Why use Turborepo over Nx
when to use tRPC vs a nextjs api route
Strange Runtime Error
VSCODE styling
Sending file (image/video) to trpc procedure
Consuming a tRPC Query in getServerSideProps
Is my Stripe code correct?
When should I not use tRPC
SignIn discord user if he is on a certain Server
How to skip batching for a single trpc query in trpc v10?
combining prisma migration files
Scalar lists but on Planetscale?
Handling OAuth Login Errors with Dynamically Generated URLs in Vercel Deployments
Prisma p.account.create() error "Column: for"
tRPC Error handling
❌ tRPC failed on partition.getAll: UNAUTHORIZED
Airtable OAUTH using NextAuth
How to chain useQuery calls? | Use result from one query as input for another?
Astro Zod environment variable validation
create csv on the backend and server for download
is it "ideal" to directly fetch /api/trpc/route.procedure in another server
how to store actually boolean in mysql instead 0 and 1
Any good practices for creating trpc queries/mutes that don't use Prisma, in a t3 app that does.
Type for request and response. Should they be shared?
How do you initialize/seed your DB with/for static values? (e.g. post categories)
Is there a way to make Typescript smarter when implementing a class?
create-t3-app Dockerizing base install fails with Prisma?
How to store session in DB using credentials provider?
mutate return value
Display modal on back button click
The inferred type cannot be named without a reference?
Is it possible to create API keys with NextAuth?
Is there a way to get a flamegraph on a vercel API call?
Next-auth useSession throws an exception in prod. Please help
Vite config with absolute paths
How to avoid page load when verifying email with NextAuth
chrome-launcher wont launch
React file upload component
Drag and drop UI
Data visualisation library
Cheapest hosting service
Could I get some help for this Prisma schema?
devDependencies difference with dependencies in package.json
Random/inconsistent TRPCClientErrors in local environment. possibly null | undefined
avoid rendering more hooks: running trpc query based on supabase session's user
Moving to NextJS
How do you all handle Role based access?
I am trying to understand the necessity of Kafka
Nextjs | Set cookies header
infer parameters of function passed as prop on a react component
Does cache control header work out of the box on self hosted NextJS APIs?
Looking for advice on how to fetch/load an onboarding banner
Stack for Discord Bot + Webinterface
Stripe webhook error
`onSuccess` is typed correctly as `data: ReturnItem` for one mutation but as `data: any` for another
Google Provider when deploying
A Complex Union Type
How do headless-ui expose context variable for child components?
Is there something like tailwind ui / headless ui for react native?
How to handle Prisma schema changes with PlanetScale
HELP HELP HELP HELPThis is the code it is nextjs with apollo graphql
adding vercel vitals to CSP
.upsert when no way to track query/track unique identifier?
Handling third party API limits
Clerk shared user state
Any good starter templates for electron?
Tailwind vscode extension not working
Clerk? Centralised Auth
How to add auth property to NextComponentType
Is it okay to have CredentialsProvider as JWT and save Google/Discord users in database session?
How to make <picture> with 'next/image'?
Prisma schema changes when moving from NextAuth to Clerk
tailwind w- h- custom value's
Internal server error vercel edge runtime
identical urls page vs api
react-hook-form types
Infering procedure input from prisma type
hydration the initial UI does not match what was rendered on the server with next-theme
Auth: which solution for which situation
What is the best typesafe tech stack for a chrome extension?
I need redis gui cleint for android
How does one use prisma enums with zod when creating a new "post".
how to add a column to my database in production without wiping database (prisma x mysql)
Help with (new) monorepo tsconfig
uint256 in mysql
What is the optimal flow for guest to user functionality
What to use to for Email Templates
Noob TRPC quesiton regarding response JSON
Typescript error when using tailwind Container queries plugin
T3 Turbo : Do I have to run on mac to use expo go with iphone?
looking for free redis service with proper security and password
How to delete One-to-many self relations in Prisma?
What's difference between prisma db push and prisma db migrate
Custom fields with EmailProvider
Prisma reorders database
How to create API token with Clerk?
calling GET, POST, DELETE, and PUT request in one next.js api file
Confusion: Type annotation/ Type conversion
tRCP beginner questions
Is there anything similar to trpc in SvelteKit?
tRPC API endpoints?
Deceptive Site Warning
adding required fields to a prisma table while having data
destructuring assignment typescript error
mp3 encoding
Zod with types from Supabase type gen
Prisma Docs not working as instructed for insensitive case search. 9am and my brain hurts.
tailwind css hide divide when wrapping to new line
How to create never expire refresh token?
How to handle key press events in React?
Two repos one Prisma. Lets Merge.
How are you supposed to use local fonts in taliwindcss
Always redirect to same route when logging in
Can I pass refetch as a prop?
TRPC & ReactQuery: How to check if logged in
Copying the docs but got an error
og meta tags
What is the fastest way to get up and running with TypeScript and Node?
Form Submiting Doesn't Work, It refetches getStaticProps instead
How to get context type of protectedProcedure?
Updating Context in an endpoint
Why not to use only 1 token in JWT?
Turbo repo React component library Storybook problem
Recommendation on the tailwind pattern to style this footer gracefully
How to refactor to create-t3-app?
jotai-trpc and create-t3-app
Modal in a list
Dev stack for almost completely static website
google next-auth error: invalid_client even if client id is correct
migration from CRA to webpack
How to protect my app against abuse
External (Django) middleware
Hey I am getting an error in my newly generated ct3 app saying that it cannot read file tscofig.json
what is this dumb typescript rule
Wanting to save some data every 30 days from an external game server on my t3 app server database.
integrating a global state manager
Inconsistent Vercel deploys.
env vars in prisma db seed (prisma/seed.ts)
TRPC useContext, not seeing trpc react-query helpers
Including multiple tables on prisma
Disable Refetch on Focus in TRPC
Is it possible to refresh a nextAuth session?
Hashing oauth username and email in auth. Js?
how to get the same effect as browser zoom/unzoom in css natively
Why can't I access array immediately after checking the index?
nextjs 13 eslint not flagging empty button type or poor indentation
NextAuth and custom paths
next script / _document
createTRPCNext returns strings, cannot use .withTRPC()
What causes infinite fetch or query?
Manage items position field after delete
[Noob] Not understanding how to create an edit form.
Omegle clone saving socket ids
Prisma cant find ENV variable in turbo repo
Pusher integration
ESLint rule for not passing type into useState?
helpful tips to prepare for deploying/launching an app?
Use State and metadata API in the same component (next 13 app dir)
trpc global onError
CLI and web UI communication
Database structure for contacts in a CRM?
prisma transaction api
Zod naming convention
Posting to a (secret) webhook best practise
vercel next13 app-router: routing on prod is not clientside
Get a users id (snowflake) when signing in 0Auth
React Hook Form: Number Input not respecting Min/Max values
Error after clean setup of T3-TURBO-CLERK
ReactHookForm + ZOD: Validating against stateful values
Is there an existing tailwind-react library to use?
t3-stack tRPC ssr
react-hydration-error using different browser?
How to get type inference from Prisma with Zod
How to view your data in PlanetScale?
Date Filter Search Prisma Query
Anyone know how to use React Query + xstate together?
prefetchInfinite causing query on initial load
Question about Planetscale storage utilization
How to use react toastify to show a promise toast when using a mutation in trpc?
When developing locally, is there a purpose for having a Dev DB vs just having a local DB?
Good way to handle redirect on unauthorized request response
data pipeline for custom user analytics dashboards
Why is TS dumb here?
SEO best practices in t3
Issue with useMutation() when trying to test React component
Creating APIs with Bearer Auth in API Gateway
using prisma accelerate in t3
Using Upstash
Vercel: Private Past Production Deployments
How to add admonitions/call-outs and code block file names to an Astro site?
Next 13 + NextAuth - Redirect on the server
refetch useSession data
use github for oauth not as my personal profile
WebSocket workflow for serverless with T3 stack
next-auth add sign in using github button to page instead of redirect
session does not exist in SSR using with createProxySSGHelpers
How to fix "Invalid environment variables"
Expected non-Promise value in a boolean conditional!
When to use next-auth
Sending additional info in the magic link auth token
Change image on hover in react project with tailwindcss
Any resources to learn the tRPC better? Hopefully with guides and examples?
Role is undefined when using NextAuth
How to get TailwindCSS config with correct type?
Examples on when to use + not use serverless?
All of my tRPC requests returns 404 using create-t3-app.
Tiptap Rich Text Editor data validation (alternatives welcome)
NextAuth login with Youtube scopes
Hosting shop on vercel
How to type object like this as props
Does Prisma has Multi-tenant feature? 👀
Vercel Timeouts 😶🌫 What can I do if I need longer server functions?
Best ways to render a React component conditionally with Next (based on build time conditions)
NextAuth with a Rest API
Getting issues with navigation added to next13 layout
How to use react-query with the create-t3-app starter (non-TRPC call) ?
Is not providing deps array for useEffect ok?
undefined session in _app.tsx file
| undefined on tRPC procedures
Error: Cannot find module '@tailwindcss/typography'
App Dir + tRPC + Edge
Unknown Variables
How to structure pages and components for a simple web app using t3 stack?
API documentation tools?
Type interface of map error
Pagination in Prisma query not working correctly near end of results
Should i use prisma if i know that my service WILL get ddos-ed?
Prisma: best way to structure these D&D schemas?
NextJS Element Type Invalid when importing Icon components?
writing a user search functionality (trpc+prisma+next.js)
Tree Shaking with Good DX
Weird VS Code on Save
How to call useQuery conditionally?
Next.js Hydration error happening only in production.
Good case to use getServerSideProps instead of ISR
Prisma schema delete many to many
Play audio inside a T3 app
tRPC and querying data from external api
Unable to connect to Postgres DB with prisma
Setting up WS with t3App
What are the best ways to use TRPC procedures in getStaticProps ?
getting data from TRPC vs Zustand store
Serverless and price of DDoS attacks
How do I redraw DOM elements in a react component?
States don't update after Post
Why is my prisma model typed as any?
background gradient shapes
Objects of objects of a certain type
running npm script from within npm script fails with ESM error
Does vitest have a global teardown function?
Using Prisma types elsewhere
Next.js i18n type safety
How to generate next13 app?
Updating profile pictures from next-auth providers
how do I get an iso formated local date that matches my OS's one in js?
How to handle color codes in (medium-big) projects?
Tailwind isnt working
node-canvas error
Prisma Schema Single Type
Client Side Routing to specific route causes 'too many rerenders', but a page reload works fine
Confused on Prisma's where clause: OR and AND
tRPC, Is it just for front end?
What's the T3-approved framework for testing apis?
OAuth OTP callback?
Reasons not to mutate React state
Help, how do I do this?
User authentication in Astro?
get rid of Symbol iterator in autocomplete
JavaScript alternative to CanCanCan
How do I type T3 App with nestable layouts for each route?
nextjs API routes become unresponsive in dev mode
Nextjs with CSS in JS
[next-auth] Updating user model with new values after oauth signin
docker lags my pc
Dynamic subdomains
VR dev setup
EAS Build Failing without error
Help debugging crash only on mobile browsers
has anyone successfully setup t3 with jest + rtl?
VSCode wrap with function call snippet/shortcut? Or move cursor to beginning of selection?
MDX Intellisense
How to load a build index.js file that requires other modules
Tailwind breaks on hot-reload
Next Image
Deploy Strategy
TRPC UseQuery
403 Protected TRPC | Vercel Deployment
Will next-auth fetch the account information from API every-time I page refreshes or changes?
Typescript question
Getting a possibly undefined after undefined check
Prisma model name preferences
Is there a good sqlite client for js?
Zod File Upload Validation with Open-Api Support?
Zod File Upload Validation with Open-Api Support?
Zod validation and open-api support for Express.Multer.File or any File type on the server?
Caching Data for a trpc endpoint
React Query - Slow performance with many small cached requests
Can you run a NextJS project on a closed network?
Spreading Rest Arguments
Weird min-width: max-content behavior (jsfiddle)
Discord/Slack page embeds not working
Promise-returning function provided to attribute where a void return was expected.
Prefetching more items than requested on client side
How can I cache blob image provided by backend (React)?
How do I find OSS to contribute to?
Where to check if user is owner
Does anyone know of a way to programmatically lift classNames into typescript intellisense?
How to make emit when some variable changes?
Types have no overlap, but i have defined the type so that it does in fact have overlap
Recommendations for auth setup
E2E Tests t3-turbo stack
How to set up a development and production database with Prisma
tRPC response time sometimes takes very long
"Unsafe call of an `any` typed value." but everything is typed
Debugging TRPC issues?
getServerSideProps() fetches NextAuth session put fails to pass props to Next.js page components
react query not updating the `error` field on errors
what's happening to tailwind's lsp client?
infinite streaming response with tRPC?
tRPC + useSWR for fetching data from Shopify API ?
Type error when using react-hook-form submit handler
oAuth callback uri
Vercel Deployment Invalid Env Variables
T3 API routes and GraphQL
Type of return from await
electron + vite + react template?
[Help] Turbo shared types
Zustland Multiple stores
"The AWS Access Key Id you provided does not exist in our records."..but I have the right access key
Build failed due to import error
NextAuth auth flow causes Next.js 13 dev server to crash without throwing any errors
Customize QueryClient for TRPC?
NextAuth credentials how to handle unauthorized user?
Anyone Have A Recommended Markdown Editor That They Use That Works With Next?
WebSocket connection to 'ws://localhost:3001/' failed:
CRON jobs in the T3 stack
Aurora Serverless V2?
Can you critique my idea/methodology for a Tailwind UI lib + semantic color system combo?
Some Tailwind classes have no affect
Types for an object passed as props
Typescript with array data from shitty CMS
T3 app/Vercel/Planetscale Slow fetches
tRPC middlwares on getServerSideProps?
Open graph image not showing
React file manager recommendations
Auto select country flag when country code is provided
Is it important to learn object oriented programming?
type of a TRPC mutation
How to reduce cold start times with tRPC api
How to redirect from login page with trpc's SSR enabled?
Delete file from s3 using presigned urls
Recommendations on feature flag library for t-3 app?
NextAuth + GitHub Provider refresh
should i just make a REST api for that?
React Native + Next.js API server deployed on vercel ?
how to serve image from digitalocean spaces(s3)
Single nested admin route catch-all for all pages?
PostgreSQL: Best pgAdmin4 Alternative?
NextAuth - User stays logged in after token is expired
React-Dropzone, useState & dnd-kit struggles
Export a Planetscale database.
TRPC useQuery keeps refetching when switching pages? How can I cache the data on the client?
Remote Markdown Best Practices
Incorporate Rust into t3 stack
Getting one of optional types
pre-defining data in SSR?
Is it possible to pass down a generic to my TRPC API route (procedure)?
Is it okay to pass the _opt.req and _opt.res variables to createTRPCContext?
Can I use tRPC useQuery inside getServerSideProps?
type checking error??
Prisma multi schema CLI
Typechecking sometimes break when trying to access fields on a variable
Best CSS for this design
TypeScript Intellisense is incredibly slow
Type a function based on its argument value.
mutation is returning void
When I setup TRPC, is React Query pretty much being setup alongside it?
New to fullstack
Presigned URLs (S3 upload): file type verification, image transformation & cleanup/delete
React Carousel Library
prisma adapter refresh token rotation
Middleware doesn't load the `server.mjs` variables
NextJS + Supabase question: createBrowserSupabaseClient vs useSupabaseClient NextJS hooks
Next-Auth CLIENT_FETCH_ERROR | Webpack crashes
Cannot use `useState` inside of callback?
How can I make this component only animate when children change
how do big tech companies carry out updates and upgrades with downtime?
type "number" cant be used to index list
ExpressJS router not working
recommendations for writing a simple & scalable notification system?
Why is the T3 Stack using Database sessions instead of JWTs
Any way to share auth between a t3 app and a native iOS and android apps?
Yo gangster my is my optimistic ui update look funny
Type error on Vercel prod
Removing duplicate items in Planetscale
Inline object do not throw type error
t3-app w/ Liveblocks
Is it secure to include the 'admin' api in the 'standard' trpc api?
Send large data (~5MB) to trpc backend
Attempted to access server-side environment variable 'NODE_ENV' on the client Error
very huge typescript question
Properly call trpc from state (Mobx, Zustand etc.)
Static type checking between resolvers and typedef
How to setup grapql(t3 stack) with typeschecking?
What is the best way to type an API Response
useEffect being weir - EventListener
Next Image Height
dnd-kit with trpc animation glitch on reorder
Is it not reccomended to inline SVGs as JSX?
Log management for the server
How to fall under api limitations with on demand data?
Compiling TailwindCSS for Monorepos
How to transform type of object with TS so that the values are of same type but wrapped in Array
How to deal with more complex / repeating backend logic?
Where the heck do you collect data for analytics?
Tailwind Base styling conflicting with .module.css
Rule of hooks error
T3 server entry file or similar to run code on boot?
Using create-t3-app for a websocket heavy app / proxying api requests
Create T3 App Lighthouse Performances
create-t3-turbo full video walkthrough
chrome -internal-autofill-selected
Inviting a teammate with nextAuth
Paginated Queries and Downloads
Should I use Tutorials?
Best practice for protecting page / not letting anything run before redirect
How to fix env types on `schema.mjs`?
Using dynamic Param slug in TRPC query
Advanced search and filtering with Prisma?
Zod with custom type
new TRPCError "cause" field is not working
react-hooks/exhaustive-deps issue
why are people not using t3 stack on production?
useState bug????
Next Auth Google not working ('client_id is required')
Should I disable T3 eslint rule: no-floating-promises? Issues with React....
(Solved) Fresh T3 App Complaining About Session
file structure in react query
Managing assets
Image is missing required "src" when it comes session.user.image
Prisma middleware delete
Good way to run single file script with NextJS
Forms: How would you go about updating relations from the frontend?
queryClient type errors when adding default options to queryclient
how to work with tailwind intellisense on vs code
Deploying NextJS to GCP and using IAP
How to avoid duplicate code in getServerSideProps?
Off-Topic Animating using Framer
trpc/react-query render logic
Add custom background from file with tailwind
Not sure if data is being exposed to the client
Deployment on AWS
How could I create a multi-tenant application with the T3 stack?
prevent content blink
Data operations in tRPC router
how to do page transitions when using router.push
get icon from mui dynamicly
Typing Props
Why does react rerender this at the component level but not when using a hook?
getServersideProps not providing type inference, and session getting lost between server and client
middleware does not run on index page
should I use ctx or api?
react-table v7 globalFilters not working
I'm trying to change the image in my img tag (html tag not next component), but it's saying module n
Concrete guide for Credentials Provider with T3 + Next auth?
Deploy app using Nodemailer-express-handlebars + nodemailer to send emails on vercel
Turborepo & Prisma Environment Variables
typescript-eslint/no-misused-promises: how to handle Promise<void> in event handlers?
Deployment error on vercel
Is it possible to encode tRPC data somehow?
JS/TS intellisense not working
Extending union types by interface
react hook form + headless ui
Vercel deployment - React Router
RHF & react-dropzone integration
Back/forward browser buttons download my website instead of going there
// ? ^^ TypeScript Type Hint Extension
Accessing model relations with zod-prisma
Migrating DB in Dockerfile from Docs
Clean definition of models using Zod schemas
Authentication in Websockets
What's the best way to synchronize the DB Schema when using T3 Stack with Prisma??
displaying sensitive card data (card number, CVV2 and PIN) to a customer
Delete PlanetScale Organization
Cleaning up setter function that is a function
Tailwind component I copy and pasted is buggin
React Query, How to perform infiniteScrolling with custom variables
what are the backgrounds like the one uses called
Tailwind smooth scroll
Get tRPC Connection Status
SCSS Error: can not read files in public path
Handling undefined errors on TRPC dependent queries
Best Approach for error handling
How to automatically call 'prisma push'?
nextjs api handler issues error about not sending a response when response sent. wai?
SPA state in Zustand store being preserved across page navigation?
`Cant install mongodb on mac`
Not being able to render my React app
What are you using for authorization?
Responsive large tables?
Next Build Works Locally, But Not on Server
Is there a way to create "const objects" from zod?
Saving filter state to query params
Wrapper around Next Image component
Great next+tailwind landingpage for an app?
nextAuth - Add to the user model
Data fetching strategy with Next.js for a dashboard-like app
Parent model in child model in Prisma?
Noob Question Many-to-Many in prisma after nextAuth
Proper way to handle a protected route with react-query
Custom data fetching hook
Why am I getting these TypeScript ESLint errors even though VSCode doesn't complain?
Why useQuery runs multiple times?
Is these animations a lot for a library like react?
TRPC + Redis
Problems with useQuery.onSuccess()
do you have experience with the python prisma client?
Conditionally required types
Static typing key: value of an object while defining
Require one of two properties
Zod array of dates
Posting PDF to S3
Hello everyone, I need help, I stuck at rendering a component insider a div. My code is like below,
Moving a repo inside a repo!
Next Image Behavior
resources suggests
Using outer and inner context together [trpc]
Next Build Stops After Type Validations
Image upload for MongoDB?
Need help with picking the right tools for a project
Protected routing premium user
SOLVED | NextAuth build error | CLIENT_FETCH_ERROR
t3 app doesn't work offline
register limited people
how to stop app from console.log every query mutation made to the use console
SWR or React Query
Need help with typescript stuff
tRPC middleware
looking for t3 project collaborators
tRPC in getServerSideProps
use query results in state
Underscore variable is still triggering eslint `no-unused-vars`. Why?
Protected Routes
Does T3 Stack immediately connect to the database and if not, how can I catch error on client?
JWT Session Error in Next Auth
Help defining Prisma schema
TS possibly undefined object
server component throws error
trpc first callH
Astro as a multi-app host (i.e. microfrontends)
Battling TypeScript Types
trpc useQuery fetch on demand
Is tRPC restful
Import order
Initial React Context value.
NextAuth session storage
Where do you go for UI inspiration/problem-solving?
Using clientside only library with nextjs (t3)
Zod in commercial projects (work)
React rendering on different viewport
Question: Working with prisma JSON types
api calls don't work in vercel
Raw HTTP Requests to TRPC
Any Benefits to using Auth0 in Next-Auth?
How do I get my mutation to return a value?
Complex State Help / Best Practice
Call tRPC from the Next.js API folder
Next-auth with auth0 immediate login
Video and Audio Hosting
Next-Auth default middleware redirect to signin page even when logged in.
pm2 alternatives?
MUI + Vercel => different CSS applied
Cant connect to localhost using t3 stack on windows
Nested routers
create t3 app with pnpm issue
Neat background pattern images
TinyMCE in react - generates wrong style syntax
return relation in nested write in prisma
Type Errors when importing AppRouter from npm workspace TRPC server
Issues with 'pnpm install' using t3-turbo-and-clerk
Iterate over an array and create a new sorted object.
anyone know how to get the hosts file on a mac to do literally anything. for me its just not working
`getServerSideProps` fails silently and returns 404
createProxyHelpers typing
Slow cold start times in Vercel with my T3 App API
Is there any guide or tips for migrating a Blitzjs app?
How to use getInitialProps within _app.tsx?
Options of Video Chat APIs to use inside my NextJS app
Zod - how to define schema for number that can be one of few values
react-hook-form with formatted numeric values
How well can I rely on Tailwinds ability to know what classes to include in the CSS?
tips on getting file sizes down in a nextjs 13 project?
What's everyone using for implementing google sso?
What is an effective way to proxy your backend API? (NextJS)
Next Font showing ts errors
wrapping a generic function in typescript
is it problem to install next-auth by hand?
Docker & Nginx - ports
Does React Context/Providers inherently cause lower perf or only if it reloads a lot of components?
Using CASL with the T3 Stack
whathow do you document your t3 stack backend procedures
Bulma vs. TailwindCss
QStash and signing keys
I have an infinite loop within my hook but app works as expected, i'm confused...
Nested Params
`window.scrollY` error `typescript`
Why am I getting cert_date_invalid when using the www. version of my domain (vercel)
NextAuth: Cannot login with CredentialsProvider
Hydration failed because the initial UI does not match what was rendered on the server
How do you run `primsa` commands in a `create-t3-turbo` monorepo?
Ternary statements with possible null/undefined
Random webdev question
When will the react Component remount?
i require assistance from the typesafe cult (solved)
Help! using listbox headless ui
How to preload conditionally rendered next/image
How to use the accessToken to call a route that is protected by nextauth from server ?
Best way to AB Test on T3 Stack?
Override ENV variables inside Docker Compose
New NodeError (looping error)
trpc query only once parameter is not null
React Table getting weird key error
Unsafe return of any typed value, using prisma upsert
How to make the NextAuth custom signin page typesafe?
Next Auth + Next13 error
Refetch minimum duration?
tRPC "Cannot destructure property 'client' of 'useContext(...)' as it is null"
Clerk auth
Anyone have any opinions on using Vitest or Jest for testing a NextJS + TS app?
trick to handle potentially undefined values
best way to handle image upload in t3 stack
trpc useContext()
Dynamic page omit assertion of router.query
Getting ts-jest to work with testing files that use the .env mjs files
Make a button which downloads PDF
Failed to load next.config.mjs
Turborepo, Docker and multiple Nextjs Apps.
how can i useQuery() useMutation() in a useEffect
create-t3-app and @next/font
text editor
Working T3 project with websockets?
Add permissions for `turbo dev...`
Remove - Upload - Update
Relations between Clerk Users with Prisma db
Best practice for Admin dashboard?
Pass different objects into same prop - TS error
NextJS SSR on nested routes
Expo-Camera Bug Affecting Android only
How to check if user has enabled JS on page?
With pnpm (create-t3-turbo), packages are installed on the wrong project folder
Any good suggestions for storing user images, for supporting max 10k images for the whole website.
trying to add role based authentication
ZSH Extension?
How to send email in trpc
Does anyone here use graphQL + trpc?
Does anyone know of any bugs that makes the type inference to break?
Example files missing, referenced in folder structure docs.
Name CSS Import
Zod date string validation
How can i make static array from react query
Query random rows in mysql DB with prisma.
using prisma with next 13 app dir
Updating linear gradient using JavaScript (React)
the best way to back up a prisma/mysql database?
What is the recommended way to take care of Auth in Expo?
Updates from mutation responses with trpc?
Multiple renders of the same chat sent via Pusher
Error when using middleware
TSConfig Path Alias doesn't resolve in monorepo
React state management for forms (creation is simple but reusing for editing is hard)
How do you hit trpc endpoints via http request?
Vercel functions - python + node runtimes
Unsafe assignment of an `any` value
rewriting table to use react table
Is next-themes worth using?
Presigned URL file upload Access Denied
Prisma: Asyncronous Extended Fields
can i deploy different t3 stack app on different sub domains?
Does anyone know how to print react docs?
create-t3-turbo expo tunnel doesnt fetch on a physical device.
Property 'handle' does not exist on type '{}'
tsconfig and import statements
Proper way to handle TRPC server errors on client?
adding provider causes type error
Get Vercel Server IP
CODEREVIEW - Typescript noob
Protected routes in Nextjs?
Refetching tRPC query after mutation from a child
Easiest to integrate CMS?
React immutability performance
Trpc not invalidating query
can values be passed to middleware except ctx
ChatGPT - Server Sent Events SSE
Creating vertical word slider in React
trpc call inside getServerSideProps?
How to check if a string is included in a certain type
how to tRPC Prisma Zod Json field
How to use several fonts in Nextjs?
useReducer with TypeScript
Best provider for single sign on with Microsoft & Next Auth?
JWT vs DB, if user is deleted from DB
How safe is it to push updates to main in vercel with users using the site?
Remix vs NextJS
Computer Vision Camera recommendation
Powering camera while streaming?
Issue with server.msj
tRPC not accepting valid type for mutation
ChatBot Options for website
Upsert seems to give me an error about returning type any?
Typescript noob question
How to App.getInitialProps in CT3A?
nvim lsp tsserver taking forever to initialize
Next.js + NextAuth protect all routes
Tiptap editor not updating as expected.
tRPC change settings
Wait for useQuery result
Flex box full width
Building an API for the first time
Problem with websocket in t3-app
playing sound effects for a game on the web
Catching an API, how?
Running automated jobs for different discord servers via discord bot
Project Structure for Design System
Ensure uniqueness for zod schema field
How is this creating an error?
cant access user id in router ctx
Force every value of union type in an array
Filedownload through tRPC
Component cannot be used as JSX Component. Its Instance type is not a valid JSX element
Typesafe query keys
Passing `initialData` to react-query from `getServerSideProps` "Text content did not match" error
Prisma CreateMany with a relation (connect)
Neovim initial setup help?
Next.js conditional render
Zustand Electron Middleware
mutation.isSuccess not working
Should React-Query only be used for APIs and not other async operations?
Add redirects rule inside t3 app
nanoid prisma schema /w planetscale
My company wants us to install Vanta Agent on our laptops
What is the `:::tip` syntax in markdown called and how do I use it?
Creating a related record with Prisma returning all records / how to get just one?
Issue adding import path to tsconfig.js
getStaticProps next 13 with tRPC
Login in with credentials with next auth
TypeError: Failed to parse URL from /api/commands
Can I zod this gamestate?
Next.js conditional rendering
How to refetch query after mutation?
Using undefined for empty input field in react-hook-form
Chainable without () ?
Building CT3 app with docker - libssl error
UseEffect not being called
Invalidating queries with tRPC
What to use to generate pdfs?
How to stop working after work?
React: Passing value to prop callback ?
How to search for msgs that include a string
I can't figure out how to make an authentication middleware for my API please help
inferring types from tRPC array
Prisma: filter include statement by nullable relation, exclude when null
tRPC Websockets | package subpath not defined by exports
return type not getting inferred correctly. what am i doing wrong here?
Next.js Blog Dynamic Routes Tutorial - 404 when visiting /pages/[id]
Next's Link bundle size too heavy (70.53kb)
Error function trpc
T3-Turbo Installing Expo Packages Error
Share components between Next.js and React Native?
tRPC client from swagger
Typing self-returning proxy
Anyone know a Serverless Discord Bot framework/template?
tRPC complaining about unsafe assignment of any on mutation
Prisma creating data twice
Logic for breadcrumbs
Image upload using prisma + trps
how do you change the parent branch in git?
is refetching every second a bad idea?
_app.tsx file for other folders
Local Database for Vercel hosted api functions
Recommendation for Tiny CSS Library
React Query: useQuery
Managing data fetching in Astro
Modifying Next Auth in T3 App
Prisma + Planetscale TLS/SLL error
Prisma `clientExtensions` Preview Feature Breaks Types
Role based Authentication Question
How to manage cookie preferences with Nextjs SSG?
How to create TikTok Style App with WebApp?
useInfiniteQuery does not exist on TRCP
a question for all the vue devs
Is trpc's isr (ssg) worth it?
error - ReferenceError: Cannot access 'createTRPCRouter' before initialization
tRCP can I subscribe to a query?
Resources to use work training budget
sync realtime DB ( or query sub) to global store
Nextauth Credentials provider
NextAuth user in middleware
JWT and refresh tokens
Proper way to declare with Zod
Using a Custom Server
Type error with Zod
new params when calling trpc
Modularized Imports
How can I efficiently retrieve settings from my database?
how to add user role to session.user and conditionally render something based on role
trpc and node express server without react query
Managing tailwind breakpoints and SSR
npx prisma migrate dev
prisma.user.create type is 'any'
Is Postgres RLS a must have?
handling tailwind breakpoints in react
Optimizations tradeoff
why does tailwind use rem instead of em?
Possibly Undefined Error
TRPCClientError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'headers')
VScode Extension Name
Vercel - Module not found: Can't resolve
Help with new trpc syntax
tRPC NextJs Prisma Ws monorepo
Efficiently find slow queries?
fetch calls in getStaticProps not returning anything
ts file for sidebar/drawer structure
Typesafe backend stack
nextjs mobile navbar flashes current page before navigating to the next page
Infinite Error when React error boundary uses unrenderable MUI components
I can't apply justify-content: center to div #tailwind
Best way to type React components that don't directly render the data?
How to extend trpc's default error codes?
Chakra UI union type is to complex
keep scrollbar position in Inverse Infinite scroll
Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'id)
Hardware or IoT API
Callback Url working locally but not working in vercel deployment
Boosting SEO
React Hook Form Typescript - Tabs
Updating State does not rerender when calling a method on my class
How to update data on a static site?
Create T3, appDir, tRPC
Complex object interface
Vercel failing build on empty arrow function in context
react table v7 with typescript
Better Way Of Declaring Variables For Tests
ct3a + react-hexgrid npm package = "Cannot use import statement outside a module"
help styling footer
Best library for pinch to zoom + drag to pan
Environment variables pass on backend but fail on client?
TRPC Server Side verification of action.
I want to register the selected object using Zod and react-forms
Is it possible to host ( on astro) and ( on nextjs vercel) ?
How do I update my old t3 app to be in line with the most recent changes?
Benefits of NextPage type
How to create a cli like create-t3-app?
Creating polygons with borders in HTML and CSS
Correct way to get data based on email
Are query keys supported in tRPC?
trpc - Calling a route inside itself
TimeZone issue
can u make twitch clone with t3 stack
Prisma & CockroachDB - push to array
Weird State Performance Issue
How bad is revealing ids really?
how to delete post if it has likes
Recommended pattern for consolidating data in tRPC?
Tailwind Default Colors not showing automatically
React Select - Unselect and remove placeholder when clearing input
Scss in Next without modules?
Promise-returning function provided to attribute where a void return was expected.
is npm down?
HeadlessUI & Astro
Python app + nextjs frontend writing to the same database
Is there a String Union Type of all HTML Element names?
How to make tRPC calls from the server side
Need help to approach Layout issue
How does one handle a lot of conditional rendering based on the permissions of the logged in user?
How would you securely call a protected tRPC route from a webhook?
Any suggestions for good resources to learn about refactoring react applications
Why is my Vercel Analytics score so low?
Type of field based on sibling
can I have overlapping primary keys? (mysql)
NextJS for SPA
create video on nodejs
Hide console.error when mocking error response in jest?
Best practice making multiple TRPC calls
T3 + sockets?
Types for deep merging defaults in TS
How to handle Schema changes with Prisma?
How easy or difficult is to move from postgres to planetscale at a later point of time ?
T3 Stack Using MongoDB
How to not pass first argument into useQuery
Is it possible to use tRPC as *just* a fullstack API server and client?
Cannot enlarge memory arrays
odd runtime error but just for mobile
Fetching Data for Search Bar Homepage
Good npm package for displaying weighted hypergraph? (T3 App)
Global CSS cannot be import, src directory issue
Conditional Wrap Component
og image meta tag with Next.js is not working
What are different approaches to persisting the state of a page(dynamic pages included)?
chrome rendering fuzzy bold fonts
Next API Route design
Assigning Default Custom Components to HTML Elements in Astro
When does _count exist in prisma?
reduce initial response time
How do i find my previous question if i don't remember how it is worded.
How to check if type is array?
How to make a trpc request wait on another hook
UI Primitives for svlete
Typescript doesn't show which prop should be provided
Pagination for multiple items
nextauth deployed in gcp no_secret
Can anyone share how to infer type of class member of trpcresponse
How do I make the grid or flex item grow to the size of the parent on click?
env Variables causing issue deploying to Vercel
styling feedback pls
Hi, I am getting a hydration error and I am hella confused on why. I dont see any incorrect tsx here
How Can I Pass a Ref Down To A Child Component and Have It Not Just Be The Starting Value
Next Auth Production Issue
add fields to session
Array with generic vs type[]
Deploying to AWS Amplify
How to type storing JSON in Postgres with Prisma
REST API Error Handling
Public folder from create-t3-app trpc router?
best way to create a mobile experience for a webapp
[Solved] Conditional types
Can anyone share an example trpc mutation based onSubmit values from a form
Type Error while building
can anyone share an example on how to set react-query options with trpc like refetchInterval
data becomes undefined when it is not undefined
School project, modeling
best way to implement a font picker
[webpack.cache.PackFileCacheStrategy] Caching failed for pack Error Cannot find module
NextAuth wrong error redirect
Best Practices for 3rd party api call
How do apps Like Notion handle updating the text content so often?
Making a form with Zod
next image sizing & layout recommendations
how to use react query in component that takes id and you render it multiple times
Stack to build a small game
data fetching, loading state, loading skeletons
TRPC linting error
Is anyone here going to tRPC data discussion in London on Thursday?
How to refetch(refresh) next-auth session manually on the client side?
Prisma find is acting very weird
What is the best practice to upload file using multer and create a record in Prisma
How to implement this feature using tailwind
create-t3-turbo naming in package.json files
instagram-reddit type app with socket io
Protect certain route after auth ? NextAuth middleware
Best database setup
Is There A Better Way To Communicate With A TRPC Endpoint When You Don't Want To Re-render?
Make Intellisense Show Programmatic Option First Instead of Component Provider Emmet Abbreviation
Migrating from Prisma client to Kysely issue
clean way to protect page and redirect
Correct way to tell typescript object's index is not undefined when mapping over keys ?
Overwrite the default types of AdapterUser
How to handle multiple react-query `Providers`?
how to better handle client side validations in svelte-kit?
Non strict string literal types
Checking for a cookie as a TRPC middleware
Chat App Input Text with emojis?
Prisma many-to-many self-relation
NextJS middleware
prisma query
Are there any good opensource projects, that we can follow for a good folder structure ?
Get session data inside a mutation
Next auth session cookie is not set after successful login
how to send images to whatsapp from react app?
Hey..... I am trying to implement some sort of sidebar, How do I go to correct path
Nested Generic Types??
Next router is possibly undefined, leading to query with undefined input
GitHub Pinned Repository Behavior
File upload, hide upload dialogue after mutation
cannot draw image on canvas
nextauth lock account to device
t3 + express or migrate to tRPC?
AppRouter being inffered as any
How to add extra user DB fields into context
tutorial hell unhandle runtime error
Any Recs For A Multi-File Upload Component With First-class React Support?
Anyone have experience sorting out a ChunkLoadError?
Await tRPC Mutation response
Pusher | More connections than expected
React telling me an error is unhandled incorrectly??
Quick question on concept
Storing Account Usename With Next Auth
Database Design for API
prisma folder and db nowhere to be found in docker container
Is it possible to send a progress status with tRPC?
Protecting static site data
tRPC + WebSocket Client
tRPC + React Native (Expo)?
VSCode - prevent annoying highlighting
Docker is failing on openssl1.1-compat
dynamic segment in next
Angular - What about a t3 stack for the angular side
Is it possible to use string interp for width in tailwind
Best way to implement a cart?
AuthSession in T3 boiler plate not working when fetching data in SSG with tRPC
How to use useQuery...?
Custom field name or rename field in model for NextAuth.js (Prisma adapter)
React is saying a function can not be passed as a child
Why should I use React Table ?
Typescript array typing
NextAuth OAUTH_CALLBACK_ERROR - checks.state argument is missing
tRPC prisma query type checking.
(plugin rpt2) RollupError Unexpected token (Note that you need plugins to import files that are not
how to get id from headlessui combobox?
How to fix session info re-rendering on page reload
post system design question
Prevent DesktopHeader from loading on network tab
How to make a curve in CSS
trying to access req and res in trpc query
Why does typescript change the type of user whenever I add this to my return function?
I was trying to setup TRPC in NextJS, but I am getting this error somehow, no idea why it is?
why is there a diff in last line of package.json?
Prisma - differences between id, unique, and index
image validation using zod
Help with some type declaration
Does any one know how to await trpc queries?
Strategy to test components in React
Prisma suddenly stopped working in docker deployments
Has anyone found an easy way to implement HeadlessUI and RHF?
Prisma Disconnect Where
input type file is cleaned upon tab change
Environment Variable Error when using prisma client directly in getStaticProps?
How to handle Failing Unique Constraints?
Old codebase, outdated tool chain - how to limit the blast?
Can't figure out how to disconnect in prisma
Could someone help me debug this error?
Prevent trpc refetching
Using multiple git accounts in VsCode
Unstyled component library recommendation
Zod form email required
Next Image and Caching. High RAM usage.
how to delete a child object in prisma
How to return multiple prisma calls with trpc
Prisma allowing empty DB fields
NextAuth-Try signing in with a different account
media files do not show on my netlify site when I deploy my astro project.
Confused on types of prisma responses, and how to access the data inside.
Do Planet Scales 'Dump' & 'Restore-Dump' via the CLI restore data + schemas or JUST the schemas?
How do I type my query data?
AWS Spending Limit
backend stack suggestions
The `protectedProcedure` doesn't seem protected?
Want to create a collaborative editor with Next.js
T3 Stack Next - Correct method for automating functions every X mins
After a user submits their email to next-auth, how to pass it to the check email page?
A very basic thing that can not be done right using NextAuth?
Auth solution for encrypting, not hashing, passwords
First Prisma thing with next-auth
serverless background jobs?
Quick Config Question
Need help with setting up prisma schemas
should I use state with tRPC
API Layer abstraction
tRPC SSG - Page rendering error
How to add more keys to session with next auth
upload image using supabase
Save me from git
Best way to force Vercel build to fail If certain code is included?
useQuery refetching doesn't re-render?
How to setup and teardown database records when running integration tests with trpc?
Securing parametrized routers
Need help in OOP
trpc + Auth0 + turborepo
How do you switch from main branch to development branch in Planetscale + Prisma?
HookWebpackError during `next build`
Stop Pnpm moving packages installed by different package manager to .ignored
How to get result of a trpc query in a use effect
content starting at a certain height
Does tRPC replace client-side form validation i.e react-hook-form?
302 error when logging in with Discord
How to use useMutation with create t3 app
tRPC, Nextjs GetServerSideProps and satisfies error.
Prisma - creating row with empty array fields
bad git config line
I am blind.. HALP! (oauth redirect config issue)
Reanimated Animation Wrapper (RN)
tRPC query | mutation Error Boundary catch
Redux Toolkit
Weird Next Image behaviour
t3 getServerSideProps returns
Astro Not Working on Vercel
Planetscale + Prisma Connection Pool Limits
Prisma error in production only
Video hosting solutions
Weird Question For People Who Have Some Experience With React Spring
Prisma migrate returns error for a field that was already removed
Vercel takes ages to ISR from Sanity
React SVGR in t3 app?
ESLint not recognizing node_modules when mounted to parent dir, VSCode
Multiple nextjst apps mono repo
I still have hmr.js when I do `pnpm build` in an Astro project???
Typescript - Fix for ParsedURLQuery, is this dumb?
mono repo with multiple next.js apps sharing one nextjs api example?
next-auth says no V8???
Prisma TRPC Postgres Question - Should I have 1 large Model or smaller tables and query them all?
SyntaxError Cannot use import statement outside a module
What's the exact definition of Serverless
client.mjs, server.mjs, process.env
Env variable (I have read the t3 docs and it's still unclear to me)
Active Bottom Tab Rounding.
does null get overlooked during prisma update
TRPC Context type error
Safe to use a DB item Id inside url?
pnpm Store Path
Next.js or SvelteKit
Prisma trpc schema multiple models
As a React developer is Svelte best choice to build my next project?
CT3A redirect to deeper route
SessionProvider Context Noob Question
create-t3-app not working with yarn 3?
fix create-t3-app (and trpc) dangerous default?
planet scale vs digital ocean?
Signin in turborepo t3
Zod - `require_error` in string not working when also using `min`
TailwindCSS Plugin - Allow arbitrary values
Little Breakpoint Utility Component Help
Cannot get the document of an iframe
Zod inferred union type does not work properly; 'hackerProfile' does not exist on type...
vercel lambda warm up
is there an image lazy loading library for astro?
How to infer the ref type of a component?
Handling prisma errors
Next.js middleware with NextAuth server session?
Casl.js with create-t3-app
Typing component based on props
Audio Recording and Playback.
NextAuth CredentialsProvider + database strategy
Weird color change from production to developement?
Best practice for using router types on client-side?
Discord OAuth error OAuthCallback
CT3A tRPC make List of dynamic fetches
Is this a good way to fetch all of the users inside this relational table?
must i use snake case in all my database naming
myArr.findLast is not a function
Writing Typesafe sql?
Is there a way to request images from Next resized via URL without the Image component?
I have information that is hidden to non developers, how should I handle displaying that that data i
Copies of Database Schema In Multiple Regions (Prisma)
Middleware and firebase Auth
Default import vs member style import
Good Beginner Frameworks
How to set a transparent background on an iframe
TRPC Prisma using connect properly
nextAuth causes error - Module not found Can't resolve 'nextheaders'
How to deal with constantly updating data
Using existing color names in tailwind config
Animating a Hero title
How best to implement browser feature detection?
TRPC List Of Editable fields linked to unique database field
Headless UI not working with NextJs 13 app dir
ngix bad gateway 502 error
Which drag and drop lib would you recommend me these days?
mantime vs chakra
Building a design system?
Read input from many child components
Are there any examples on how to implement web notifications?
Prisma query failing in NextJS deployment
Best way to add CRUD to routers without duplicate code
tailwind newly added spacing overrides the defaults
Should you share zod schema from server side to client side?
import HASH slash styles
Credentials Provider session always return null
Supabase Realtime Presence vs Pusher Presence
Anyone here from Miami down to team up for Miami Hack Week?
Prisma sort by latest post to a thread
functional components vs functions that return jsx
infinite render with server fetch hook I wrote
Image Fetching bug with NextJS
throwing error doesn't work in next auth
Use nextauth with supabase email and password
Typescript Determining type of generic.
Is there a way on NextAuth to redirect upon login to a specific page based on session role?
Best Practices - separating business logic from UI
Presigned URL Error Handling
Failed to load resource the server responded with a status of 500 (Internal Server Error)
NextJS Fetching an image that statically served from a microservice
next export
Prisma Next-Auth PlanetScale foreign key constraints are not allowed
nextAuth working only locally (not on vercel deployment)
how does NextJs know what code to run on the backend vs frontend?
Zod discriminatedUnion
.env has never worked for me
How to filter the SpaceX API (mongoDB find() based) by a nested array?! Tech Test
tRPC prefetching for Electron app
Tailwind stop popuop from flowing off screen
Is my approach correct to publish posts as 'published .. time ago' and SSR or tRPC?
Zod like parser in typebox
T3 stack issues with auth
How to make MUI TimePicker use UTC? (I really need this help)
Server vs client components
has Theo done a video on why T3 uses react and not svelte or vue?
Question about React architecture and organizing files
Good idea to mix prisma and trpc on the [...nextauth].ts file or should call a function from
Can someone help explain this code from the recent 'Dont migrate to tRPC' stream
Custom admin CMS
Issues with next google fonts
error on newly scaffolded app
SQL error
Calling tRPC procedure from within another tRPC procedure?
Netlify – tRPC crashes after every deployment
Import on interaction RadixUI Dialog
Is this git merge ok ?
Testing with Typescript
Next Auth sessions not working in production only
trpc with third party api
Module parse failed when npm run dev out of nowhere
Best way to store static data?
Creating effective shared types in TypeScript without destroying hoverability
Docker Health Check
Hello everyone, I may need some of your front-end expertise on this one.
can i have 2 or more nextjs app in a create-t3-turbo app?
How would y'all get realtime updates with t3 stack? Is there an accepted solution?
Why should you use Slack
i18next bold strings
How to view file using a proxy page
Aligning the right side of an image with the left side of a grid col
Issues with next-auth discord
Deployment Errors on Vercel related to Tanstack NPM Packages
Bad Idea? Detect mobile with UserAgent Next.js
VSCode autocomplete fix?
bot hosting
How does Spotify keep the player component running on route changes?
T3 Stack SQLite to MongoDB
Which forum along with create-t3-app?
Anyone can share their package.json for deploying prisma to vercel?
Why does npm run build use only server-side render?
vercel error
vercel dynamically use the created url as host
Zod validation for datetime
Why won't my React app send HTTP-only cookies in WebSocket upgrade requests in production?
Multiple DB Connections and Prisma clients
Getting dupilcate data from table pagination
Is it a bad idea to choose to use mongodb with Prisma on the t3 stack?
Prisma npx db push on vercel --prod
Image url from s3 as next page
Typescript const to functions component type.
tRPC and Vercel Serverless Functions?
which database will you recommend if i was to build a Twitter like app
Sort imports
TypeError resolver is not a function at apiauthsession endpoint
How to return additional fields from user in session callback next-auth?
How do I pass a custom error from my backend to frontend?
T3 Stack Access Env Variables Without Prefix On Frontend
refresh token
Using getServerSideProps vs TRPC in T3Stack
How much cost Railway?
.default('') on Zod doing nothing
typescript props as object or array
Do I need an Explicit Many-To-Many Relation, when I want to have an ordered List in MySQL (Prisma)?
Jest test fails
env variable fails for enum type
Passing color prop isn't working with custom button
Is changing fields on Session regularly good or bad practice?
if i spread input will explicit defining it override the spread input?
Strange Prisma error when trying to seed -- meta { column_name 'for' }
in a create-t3-turbo app can i have util folder under packages folder? so it can be share all round
Error with env variables
Help! I'm building small wiki app with Prisma and being stuck at paginate function.
I need to implement a schedule system, any suggestions?
How does WASM fit into the T3 stack?
Accidental state persistence across next dynamic routes?
Storing Date and Time in UTC on PostgreSQL DB
vercel.json redirects not working in my Next.JS Project
TRPC cache (with vercel, but not working locally too)
What is the best practice for unstable_getServerSession()?
Is it safe to save user role in JWT token with NextAuth?
What's the correct place to put code that populates the db with default values?
How to modify useSession data type?
Next Auth JWT
Session_ID in JWT
How do I get and save the access token from discord oauth create-t3-app
T3 is severless, yet uses prisma— how...?
Using a CMS with the t3 stack?
Using copilot to refactor entire files?
should i store otp in session or database?
using tailwindui notification components
Using T3 + Fastify + Bun ?
How to fix error about getting id params in router when ssr is true
Optimistic Updates with TRPC (react-query)?
abort signal
TRPC QueryClient access in ct3a?
getting this error in nextAuth
Examples of projects with custom and well designed Tailwind theme?
Radix UI Select as Form Input
Framer Motion useInView()
Properly type `App` in Next
Stack choice
Hot reloading in Remix
Smooth Scrolling in Next
Tell Zod to allow any fields in JSON (while in Development)?
How to configure T3 Stacks next.config + 'next-transpile-modules' (withTM) ?
Why would I use api route if trpc api route exists?
useQuery with useState
Decimal in Prisma
How to add routing to a Vite VanillaJS app?
Type 'ZodObject{ id ZodNumber; first_name ... missing but required in _procedure
How to implement cursor-based infinite scrolling with prisma + useInfinitequery
useMutation invalidation fails
Conditional rendering on TS type
Best state management for react chrome extensions?
useQuery error
how to delete user (next-auth)
Passing URL Params to TRPC causes Error on First Render, as URL-Param is undefined
tRPC Input from a Prisma Schema
ts, mjs, js
Git rebase workflow
Zustand with typescript
Re fetch an enabled tRPC query.
adding typescript to a vite setup in progress
Deploying the t3-App on Vercel
Adapt create t3 for mobile backend app?
Tech Stack Question
Vercel deployment
How to update state after router.push()?
query in next js 13 app directory
TRPC max retries on endpoint
Any recommendations for a date library?
What's a good service that helps scheduling cronjobs?
NextJS body exceed limit when content sent in body is under limit.
When to use Zod?
Apple AirPod Style Animation on scroll
What am I suppose to do If user email exist on db that coming from provider? How to handle error?
How to properly redirect to different page using trpc?
Closed modal keeps fetching
How is option value string even after accepting a ``value={prop}`` of a number type?
will an empty input field override the current database value
Prevent possibly undefined user with useQuery
Authentication flow
S3 Acl Settings
NextJS api authentication with 3rd party API
Central Rest API Vs Direct Database Connection For Data Queries
white screen when changing page
tailwind dashboard current state
global react query config for trpc
using useSession hook
Best Practice - Handling undefined deps on custom use hook
Number as env var does not work
is it bad to write to database in .query()
Tool to hunt down Memory Leaks
do you have a lawyer read your contracts as a developer?
How difficult is it to port a t3 app to t3-turbo React Native?
Next 13 Equivalent of _app.js?
Resize window for Stage Manager in MacOS
Typescript using zod and React-hook form.
.mutate() underlying implementation
Mutations run in an weird order
Error handling deeply nested writes
multiple query in trpc endpoint
Best practices - defining types when lib doesn't export the type
SQL Syntax error
zod foreign key validation
NextAuth middleware
html `img` tag considered as not same origin?
useGesture drag and drop scroll behavior
Stripe API and Payment Intents
vscode extension for showing context
how can i best mimic twitter kind of feed with trpc
exposing supabase url
Next.js Limitations
Want to build SaaS course builder app T3 stack or Astro with islands ?
React native do's and don'ts.
how can i make the query more proffesional
Why is my rails app faster than t3?
How to create static pages using T3 stack?
Next Auth does not fire callback and set session hook?
Good courses recommendations
Two Columns Grid Design
file.json.gz - SyntaxError unexpected end of data at line 1 column 1 of the JSON data
Does Prisma adapter work with credentials in NextAuth?
next-auth session callback not recognizing new user property
library for converting form data to an object based on zod model
Millions of erroneous row reads from a count statement with Prisma and planetscale
Is the Tailwind Black Friday Bundle worth it? TailwindUI + RefactoringUI?
'paginationRange.length' is possibly 'undefined'.ts(18048)
Can you help me figure out why this page is loading so fast?
eslint & tailwind intellisense issue
Server folder in create-t3-app
Question about implementing inline search filters
Support for ESM 3rd party npm modules
trpc or react-query like set-up for just 1 time calls
What would people want from an 'S3 but nice to use' ?
Is the server a 'custom server'
I cloned the create-t3-turbo and I did pnpm i but getting error from AppRouter {acme api}
Tanstack tables giving errors during deployment on vercel?
help with firebase
Is this intended JS behavior?
NextJS Per Page Layouts
Anyone know a good way of diagnosing Nextjs hydration mismatch errors
Plugin system
Type error with tRPC, Zod, Prisma
Best practices or course on writing a production-grade NextJS backend?
Question about storing data for a substack-like clone?
Is SQLite really faster reads than MySQL (in low concurrency apps)?
Has anyone faced Error read EINVAL when deploying NextJs to CPanel?
does using github co pilot always makes me a noob ?
Nextjs sitemap header error
Should I upgrade my Next12 T3 project to v13? I am not going to use App folder
Dictionary search like
switch account flow with google nextauth
How to display two divs in exact same position using tailwind
Integrate video conferencing
next-auth example with multiple auth strategies?
Is there a way to improve the way I do type definition of the argument here with the zod object?
Simulate HLS Live Stream from Non-Live Source
Sentry with Next.js in an Nx monorepo?
is t3 stack good enough?
Dripsy Intellisense issues with TS 4.5 and higher.
Link to page with tabs
axiom + t3, how to log
Next JS Image Warning
Developer recommended payment processor?
Retrieving data without using getServerSideProps and not exposing API keys
Is useEffect hook good place to manipulate DOM?
Why is railway so expensive?
Save Next-auth Refresh Token
T3 Stacks requires internet?
React Function Components vs Class Components
How do I get Tailwind Intellisense on activeProp?
Does anyone have any examples on how to declare global user context from database with t3 stack?
Insert Role before authenticating in Next Auth
React Query refetch is refetching very slowly
Recommendations for generating public api docs
Prisma is not returning a type that has the property for the included relation
TypeScript powered settergetter of objects by path
Know of any alternatives to tailwindUI?
nextauth with next13 - invalid body
Prisma is in my client bundle and I don't know why
I deployed my project on Vercel and getting 500 error [id].tsx page but in localhost its fine
No Overload matches this call with nextAuth mapping
GitLab refer to specific code in repo via code snippet
How do I send sign-in links to New Users in Next-Auth, but disallow new registrations?
running tests in the t3 monorepo
Is there a way to detect in the browser when the user connects a device to their machine?
Asset load progress library
Overflow Behavior in CSS
Getting a type from Zod Schema
store images on cockroachdb using prisma
Is it possible to run websocket (trpc subscriptions) server in the same process as nextjs app?
DES algorithm
I want only registered users to be allowed to login & only admin can register new users? (Next-Auth)
NextAuth Google Provider not working
Lotsss of files being changed
How to share prisma schema between T3 apps hosted in vercel
t3 stack - Prisma user name from user id
Is it possible to have a discord bot instance running in a t3 app?
Tanstack optimistic update for deleting a 'template'. I cant seem to figure out whats wrong..
How do you execute a command which includes special characters from within bash script?
VSCode Format on Save Help
jwt vs cookies in next-auth
Unable to send file to backend in trpc
TRPC Testing Wrapper - Unit Testing components that contain a query (Not testing the query it self)
Nextjs Router typesafe?
need help with a complex db query
Next-Auth with my own supplied credentials (from a MySQL database)
How why to replace min-width in my CSS
Next Auth Discord Callback error...
Is there an 'easy' way to expose tRPC function as an external REST API?
How to deal with env variable being string | undefined when clientId is expecting only string?
invalid environment variables
Link Error NextJS 13
Help me type this function
Reusable components folder location?
I can't inner join with a table twice
Nextjs Middleware to redirect
Host pdf files locally or online
Jest on dynamic routing
Why is noUncheckedIndexedAccess enabled by default?
T3 Docs - code explanation
Astro or NextJS for single page website with contact form?
converting TailwindUI syntax documentation to a page in my app.
How to use tailwindui app shells with t3
Large POST request on ESP32 over SIM
Next 13 AppDir + middleware
How to trigger NextJS Image fetch again if not loaded in 3 seconds
Im converting my old code to Typescript, I need help with a functions.
Getting user IP in trpc without req object?
Set value based on current
can i export data from reactQuery?
Filter Query with multiple parameters
Make an object with the same structure but modified values
React Native + Web + Next.JS
Store data in object format in prisma (MongoDB)
How to create object in prisma models (MONGODB)
Why is using Prisma a good Idea
planetscale-prisma issue
Graphql schema first or code first ?
how to extend a model
getting a server response without metadata (config, header, request, status)
Next auth try signing with a new different account
How to use yarn in create-t3-app ? [SOLVED]
react - submitting form from parent or sibling
Presigned URL set acl?
Component Library.
NextImage Revalidation
What is the best approach to migrate to a new state management tool?
Noob Question
Redirect If Not Authed Pattern
Any recommended color picker for react?
Postgres docker image with database creation?
How should I organize my app where it has different behavior in responsive layout?
Next.js + GraphQl
How do you handle loaders and 'flash' with TRPC?
Tabnine vs Copilot for fullstack development
Optimal way to reuse a modal for create and edit. Eg - create task and edit task.
Handling duplicates with trpc
Trying to get TailwindCSS working with Next13
next language server plugin not working
passing object as a props, how to type it
solid start routeData errors
Is putting the session into the context really a good idea? (overhead on each request)
basic js logic question
Module augmentation - Typesafe Electron IPC
dev server suddenly stopped working
Xata can be a good alternative to Planetscale Serverless?
tRPC and existing api
tRPC, query invalidation is not working
tRPC Procedure based cache
CMS with a editor which business experts understand
How to re-run a function in Server components on navigation to get fresh data?
Reducer Sets Wrong State When React's Strict Mode is Enabled
Achieving Best Web Vitals [Performance Side].
UseEffect Order
T3 Stack Prisma, tRPC error - is missing
Noob Q - Prisma date property
Does parsed data improve speed
CAS with nextAuth
Prisma feel like it leads to bad code design patterns
CRUD tutorial
Conditional Redirects
NextJS Handling binary data
aws lambda deploy
NextAuth Middleware config
file input element doesnt work if its inside a form
Not able to console.log in NextJS 13
Switching over from Material UI to Headless UI + Tailwind. Any recommended tutorial for tailwind v3?
Websockets & Connection Upgrade on Next server
Is this waste of space?
recommended solutions for storing images
What's wrong with my Next Auth and Layout code
File sending on form submit
Networking stuff
when to make new component react
encode uuid to be accepted by google
Really weird TypeScript behavior
error when using a query
noob question - expo react native - react navigation modal issue
Benchmarking slow LCP and TTI
tRPC useQuery ReturnType
Are these Prisma models okay?
Augment user type in JWT callback
Better way to this kind of UI in react (State Based)?
TypeScript Mapped Types
Comment on a text document
ELI5 TailwindCSS vs Material UI
Solve migration conflicts
Middleware redirect
SSE - is it efficient to handle SSE this way?
for next-auth how to include a different model to a User Object
TypeScript Generics
How to handle Primsa DateType (JS Date) in getStaticProps | getServersideProps
is trpc + prisma right for my problem
Make Zod.string() handle empty string as undefined
Can you turn off auto dark mode in nextjs?
How would you make requests to an Open API that follows traditional REST using t3 stack
Looking for something like but free for small usages
Next Auth not working in production only
[Tailwind&Prisma] How can you tie a tailwind color configuration to a prisma enum❓
Module not found Can't resolve 'fs'
List In UI Not Showing New Data Until Refreshed tRPC React-Query
Easy drop in payment solution? that works with t3 or nextjs
What does this regex do?
Dashboards with Tailwind
motion one doesn't allow for initial values?
is Astro SPA a good idea?
What is everyone using for testing their T3 App?
Why are the default prettier, tailwind and postcss configs are in .config.cjs type?
Zustand Syntax & Conventions
Generic return type of function in record
wtf prisma errors
Syntax Highlighting
please i need resource recommendation for pagination on trpc the official docs is very confusing
does filtering this way have any performance issues? is it a good practice?
Type error at custom fetch function for tRPC client
AccessToken for external API communication
object updating incorrectly
Securing API Route for use with IoT devices
Best Practices When Using Components with Tailwind
How to enable tRPC (v10) queries that don't have data passed in them
Programmatically determine which field to update in a Prisma mutation
How to add item to array in prisma database at frontend?
allowsMultipleSelection React-Native error
Next 13 - App Directory feature and tRPC
Why does tailwind have so few default options for min-width?
Typescript React Component Props Error
Turborepo + Prisma + TRPC
React + Typescript...Its return type 'Element | undefined' is not a valid JSX element.
eli5 buffers streams & chunks
Ok, so what am I missing
Spotify API 504 Gateway timeout
Learning a new keyboard layout logo
window is not defined inside Suspense boundary.
Serializing date with superjson
How do I access onSuccess with TRPC client side?
Postgres get number of rows from query
how to creat multiple db entries with only one trpc mutation
Stripe - Payment Intent
Learning a functional lang
Type that omits all inherited properties?
Loading UI not interactive
Question about Prisma Data Proxy on Vercel
Getting weird error on Vercel when deploying app
Prisma and Stripe subscription authorisation
Purpose of auth.ts file
tRPC React - why the useState hook?
useEffect infinite loop
TRPC Invalid type error
Zod one or more values from an array
React-Native Error Cannot handle 'public.jpeg' media type
BasePath and Locale broken
Auth on Mobile vs Web
tRPC + external API
Apollo with nextjs 13 ?
Use Prisma Enums in Runtime Validator
NextAuth Discord Getting Guilds
tRPC query syntax
EACCES permission denied
trpc error when deploying t3 app in vercel
Right time to use a monorepo versus a microfrontend solution? (ex Piral))
Tauri - the Electron Alternative - do I have to write any Rust code to use Tauri?
trpc response time
TRPC type issue
Nextjs detect previous route
Authentication with Credentials with Create T3
accessing client side storage in next13 react server components
Turbopack + Electron
Handle specific tRPC errors centrally
is this a good way to implement search functionality
When using T3 with react-native, what Auth-lib would you recommend until `next-auth` supports RN?
Can't access two tables through prisma client?
Theme naming
inheritance with prisma
Per-Page Layouts in T3
500 error on api call RAILWAY
Implement Recurring Meetings
tailwind intellisense
Application Error, app not listening on $PORT?
Sign out (redirect true) in Docker
alternatives to ag-grid
Will Copilot or other AI Code-Gen solutions *ruin* Advent of Code this year?
check if a key is required on a zod object
For low computational work should I do it on server or client ?
Is there a scaleable realtime type safe message broker?
TRPC use api externally
Site With Relational DB Schema Refs, Patterns, or Examples For Common Uses?
React Typescript useContext( ) generic type
Python DX
any ideas on how to model this in prisma?
Modifying inferred type of deeply nested object
Hoisting in nextJs
are there fairly common on prem server solutions out there?
How are you implementing auth in NextJs?
T3 for SSG
Exporting tRPC routes to another project
What is this auth feature called and how do I do this?
lazy load react context
React Typescript custom pageLayout
Hosting my app - best services? pricing evaluation? ...
Three JS path following
Question About DayJS Date Formatting
Nextjs+Expo(React Native) - Would trpc work?
environment variables in middleware??
Augmenting default user in next auth
Make .useInfiniteQuery global
ISR in frameworks
React Typescript SassError Undefined variable
How to conditionally fetch data?
TypeScript confusion
Not sure about router change?
What's the T3 way to load a font from google fonts?
How to make a trpc function run automatically on start-up of server.
Best way to validate multiple files via Zod & RHF
does trpc support prisma transactions?
How can I get history in NextJS? Or just Focus on item I redirected user from when he comes back
Getting no session from useSession() with NextAuth
gitlab - don't target master if target branch is deleted
Recommendations for front-end error logging
Prisma client must use SSL or TLS error
OAuth2+OIDC are very confusing
Shadow db with prisma
Id in zod schema for frontend and backend?
NextJS + tRPC API Logic Question
Is there Ct3a Dockerfile example for publishing site this way? Or should I just use standard nextjs
[next13] dynamic page or function
Unable to establish a connection to query-engine-node-api library on linux(Ubuntu)
how to reduce layout shift in astro
No longer able to set background images in css with nextjs 13?
Does anyone know why typescript type hints in vscode could be broken?
react FC's tutorial?
Tailwind Widths and Heights
Whats better for Nextjs image src - import or path?
auth0 handleCallback vs handleLogin[returnTo]
using next13 without app dir
Notifications and live updates - are websockets the best way to do it?
How to throw a tRPC error if prisma query returns null
How to mock useRef using playwright component testing ?
How to have global state?
Spotify API calls using TRPC
Can I use PostgreSQL as a timeseries database
How do you consume TRPC Next backend on other platform?
What to use to manage state in T3 stack app
Mocked unit tests or Integration tests
useEffect deps for run on mount
how to get vite-plugin-relay to work
How to add custom fonts in T3 app
How to increase 1mb upload limit
RTK Query (with no redux) or React Query?
Seperate or external back-end
export default or...
tRPC queries&mutations really slow on Vercel+Planetscale deployment
env schema.mjs reading values as number
How do you push schema changes to a dev branch with planetscale and prisma
Cannot use the same host twice in Next.js 13
When not to use tRPC?
Add Admin Role to T3 Stack
how to keep git history of two repos that are being added to new monorepo
trpc v10 (but not v9) stuck loading any query
NextAuth authorizationParams not working
beginner golang resources
Send default value along with form instead of empty string
can this be further simplified
Best Next Stack?
t3-turbo monorep, install packages in sub folders
how exactly bundle size works
typescript and trpc data validation
Prisma tips?
I just installed tailwindcss forms package but it breaks my input styles
createContext and typescript
Next.js API route error in prod
Since next auth isn't working with node 18 yet, what's the recommended way to use it? Go down to 16?
why grpc considered as a joke?
how to fetch without fetch API in client components in nextjs 13
How to Auth with CredentialsProvider
what problem do RSCs actually solve?
Any example repo with advanced use of t3
Inferred Zustand types...
Already in a git worktree
ct3a error? next auth cannot find session?
Type that converts all strings to function that returns string
Protecting PDF
NextJS 13 tailwind responsive websites
Automatic account linking after credential provider login
How to change the input type in trpc call
best approach to load 2 tables that has no relationship but rather has a foreign key
Best practice how to store settings in MySQL?
Create-T3-App tRPC 9
when to have an actual backend?
Typescript Property 'pull' does not exist on type 'ObjectId[ ]'
Trpc array of strings validation
Flutter vs. the world
Turborepo vs Yarn Workspaces
Error Unsupported Server Component type undefined
share state array between pages
Simple nodemailer app
Next 13
Should I use next 13 or t3 stack for my current project (long term project)
React Query + Next 13 + Vercel?
SWC compiler allows const variable re-assignment
Alternatives to redux for app state management
Server side trpc call
Generate Documentation based on comments TypeScript
how bad of an idea is it to write to a pageViews column in the db on every pageload lmao?
Who's tuned in to NextConf?
Connecting entities in Prisma
Types error with Image component and NextAuth session
Importing country codes as an enum
Create-t3-app but Vue
Shadow Database Prisma & Planetscale
Conditionally change color of icon
How to use fetched data as State?
next session is lost on refresh
Global Auth middleware tRPC problem
NativeWind vs twrnc for react native(+web) Tailwind solution?
How to implement manual authentication without TTL entry
Type Inference with T3 Stack
looking for example of dynamic-routes using trpc ssr
Trpc & non-consistent JSON Field Attributes in MySQL
Best way to handle who is online.
Authorization Checking for editing data?
radix ui or headless ui for unstyled components?
Anyone CAS magican?
React ref types
Scale Node+express
Github is f***ed up.
How to setup basePath
ssg doesn't work for new data
Help me with my stack...
Cross platform stack (web & mobile)
should I use a trpc request when using getStaticPaths()?
best way to create reusable components with tailwind and react
Spot the Prisma relation error?
error while developing a react component library
Why should you use turborepo
vercel gives errors when generating nextjs static pages I didn't ask to be generated during deploy
how do you re-fetch with react-query?
Getting an error saying `TypeError is not a function`
Property 'useMutation' does not exist
How to check if all the data from multiple components is loaded
Is there a simple way of doing the the Blur Effect with Next-Image in MDX?
tRPC basics - returning an array
am I self taught ?
database write on button click
Mac Cleaner
how to fix OAuthAccountNotLinked in NextAuth (pretty way?)
Load Testing APIs, trying to simulate behavior of users who is hitting same API to progress.
Eslint Setup?
Tiptap vs. Lexical
Reduce problem
TRPC mutation example with relationships
TypeScript adoption at work
Is there something like create-t3-app for electronJS?
Filtering in React-Query & Trpc?
JS library for visualizing & interacting with graph db
Using Rust with Turborepo project
Want to update user getting this error `RatingWhereUniqueInput`
what is the best way to redirect the user to login page in CSR?
TRPC mutates the data in the backend but doesn't rerender on the client? (shows stale data)
trpc.useQuery() doesn't have keys like with react-query?
datepicker recommendations
Help Needed with nested Comment Schema
Do I need to transfer react-query (trpc) values into local state first, if I want editable Inputs?
Help Simplifying this Type
[SOLVED] How to get data using useQuery, then update it using useMutation without reseting inputs?
Next-Auth types
How to type either
help with invalid prisma invocation
Push notifications in a react app
The current domain is not authorized for OAuth operations
How to do this React Query thing without useEffect
Dynamically rendering a component using an object
Validating supabase JWT token locally (without making a request to their API) [solved]
What is the difference between NextAuth and a SaaS solution for auth like firebase or supabase?
React Hook Form and breaking up form components
how to get next-auth session in _app.tsx on getInitalProps?
Type to require elements of array to all have one property or the other
Why is my t3 app running so slow?
How to handle cancelled login, when using nextAuth OAuth?
Pointing to object in array giving me an undefined error in console.log
change multiple attributes with 'group-hover'
[Solved] Why does leetcode say “non-decreasing” and not “ascending”
T3 & Plausible proxy setup
NextAuth - OneLogin flow mocking
Problems of using middleware
Use my next auth to allow db access to a chrome extension.
T3 stack with Vue, when?
Job for T3 setup with i18n
Help with prisma nested create
Stack suggestion - DB platform for a larger number of smaller projects
Synchronizing TS Objects with functions attached?
Data Fetching best practices
What was the cloud DB with SQL via HTML hype recently?
🤔 Error validating serverEnv
ELI5 - M-V-VM architecture
Any good librarys for parallaxs
Can we use Laravel with next?
What happened to the `enabled` option in useQuery?
trpc giving me a hooks error?
how to see changes on .env file when .env is in .gitignore
Can I save more user data with NextAuth than simply what my provider gives?
How to update and upsert on particular columns on Prisma
When is concurrency an issue?
Can we use tRPC api for any other platforms like Native languages?
Trpc giving a type error?
isSuccess correct value to check response in trpc?
Can we visualize our tRPC endpoints?
Does NextJS static export really suck?
getStaticProps runs multiple times!
Railway React deploy error
React hook form append custom key value
Is trpc returns promise?
Stripe - can I use tRPC for Stripe's webhook?
Cross platform authentication
TRPC still looks for old column name after renaming
Please help with complex form query state management mess
SSR to help mitigate slow client data transfer and improve TTI?
Changing URL but components re-rendering.
Weird React error
Is there a way to async await a mutation instead of passing a callback to onSuccess?
Needed help to write unit test for image download
Fixing React video questions came up to my mind !
how would u await something, if you cant use promises and await 👀
how to block first trpc call fetching user data after next auth authentication completed
NextAuth Alternatives
how to access value on next auth jwt from client
Returning Prisma generated in nextjs issues error 'TypeError Do not know how to serialize a BigInt'
trpc.useQuery() succeeding but returning empty data?
Is NextJS Api worth? When do we use it?
Custom fonts not working in new version of tailwindcss
rich text react
How do i parse Fetch response with superjson
how to http fetch from nextjs app running on GitHub codespaces without being prompted to login
Prisma where every filter on many-to-many
NextJS build works locally but fails when deployed to Vercel
Creating a new record that's related to an existing record and creates new relations?
Call trpc query after click or change
Sanitize Credentials from Prisma Output
Little confused with tRPC and tanstack-query. plz help
What is this React pattern called?
filter approaches on endpoints
server side calls trpc
zod to check if string is only whitespaces
is there a way to typesafety in Swagger Ui
getServerSideProps NextJS
Union TS generic function definitions into one type with all possible input -- output types
What calendar software do you use? (Windows, MacOS, iOS)
Free site for sending signup signin emails?
Conditional render - UI with mode
Presigned Url image upload get response
[solved] pnpm being annoying on my potato
Unable to apply certain CSS-attributes to Radix components
How nextJS optimizes application for SEO?
tRPC with mobile apps?
How to secure DB secrets in T3 stack (Next.js)
tRPC vs nextJS API routes
how do I get the name of the component passed as Outlet?
NextAuth - should I use JWTs or DB sessions (adapter)
Env import in `next.config.mjs` for Docker Image
fetching data from external api with trpc
picking new tech quickly
Content Repositories - Please not WP!
React Take home ideas?
Realtime replacement for Cloud Firestore
Vite with Jsconfig
How does NextAuth save user info to the database with the prisma adapter?
Supabase Magic Link Auth with Expo
Setting up token auth to a redis cache
What does nextjs do after router changes?
T3 Stack Form Validation
How do I detect mock GPS location?
Packages that supports Bluetooth and IP Printers
Better way of typing `useRef` when passing to another hook.
Passing Dynamic Variables & Filters to TRPC results in Hydration Error in Next.JS?
Error with t3-app `env`
Easiest way to toggle dark mode or light mode in react or next app?
what would be the best way to refetch state that I got via getServerSideProps using TRPC?
React Hook Form Reset Triggering on Change?
Just started trying to learn prisma through the docs and I'm getting an error
Best way to pass down variables & filters from React-Query (& TRPC) to Prisma?
Created a Resizable HTML table, missing one last thing
Functional approach for concise code
Zod - sort schema
tRPC client error
Next JS API Route Never Returns HTTP Status
Prisma TRPC Casing Issue
CSS Question - black or white text color based on background
What's the best way to attach functions to a TypeScript interface?
NextAuth 2FA with oAuth
why is prettier broken on vs code?
When is the streaming with Primeagen?
TRPC query initial undefined
is anyone else having issues with creating a new preact next app with pnpm?
Convert zod schema to typescript interfaces
React Query - Update data after successful mutation
Credentials Auth with tRPC
Adding next.js plugin to T3?
Next.js multi zones and shared components
Generating a Layout with main AND sidebar content??
Analytics Platform
Super lightweight JS(X) parser?
What does Preline UI actually do?
Is t3 stack good for serverless
Am I doing Prisma relations right?
Why can i click through a disabled button with ontouchstart event?
my VSCODE broke
dynamic react components wont render
Nextjs hostname is not configured under images in next.config.js
Syncing user 3rd party data with db (for example user's Twitter DMs)
Move a domain to Vercel??
Eslint and Prettier. I actually don't know where else to ask this, I'm going insane.
Prisma object undefined on mutation
Would I Still Use T3's next-auth Setup
MUI v4 + TailwindCSS OR MUI v5?
Is tRPC a good choice for typesafe communication between two backends?
JS Classes and This
Save foreign key prisma + trpc
How to pass TRPC (React Query) refetch() as prop to component in TypeScript?
Why I'm getting this TRPCClient error when navigating?
Using Mongo through Docker on Apple Silicon
535 Authentication failed 'Bad username password'
Is Capacitor + T3-Stack possible?
Next.js dynamic route param typesafety
react query question
TRPC multiple mutation procedure
Load theme from cookies without fouc
tRPC Subscription WebSockets can't subscribe
[solved] Running into build error with import even when it works locally.
does anyone know how i can serve a subdirectory in vercel?
is there a way stop vite client from re-connecting to the server?
Help me write a cleaner method?
using react.useRef with a dynamic elements list. is this a bad practice?
Functions type for key of objects with specific key
How to figure out how long a postgres sql query will take
Should I start with what I know, or what I don't?
Prisma type safety
Order results by a nested relation's DateTime with Prisma
Prisma - Timed out fetching a new connection from the connection pool
can I remove prisma and trpc from T3 app if I want to?
Alternative to TypeScript Classes
[Solved] Unhandled Runtime Error
setInterval timer with state setter
State Frustrations in Desktop Apps
Error on _app.tsx types using react query
zod array still required?
Can anyone jump on call to help with dnd-kit will pay for tutor $100 for the hour
integrating mdx with t3 stack app
Cross platform stack (web & mobile)
Initialized Project, just seeking clarification on next steps
Better-uptime or an alternative?
ts types dumb question
Multi-tenant - easy no?
Standalone CLI in t3 project
Cant understand this javascript syntax
nextjs middleware i18n rerouting based on IP
Why is Prisma the exception to ORM hate?
tRPC and WebSockets
railway app websockets?
What's the best way to do real time with T3?
Zob nested object with react hook form?
What are your preferred methods to offer account deletion?
Reusable Datatable (Typesafe)
Zod validation on client side and server router?
Does anyone know why Chrome is injecting colors into some elements (but not brave)?
Getting into tRPC !
Attempting to switch from React-Beautiful-DnD to dnd-kit
Making Pusher typesafe with tRPC?
Omit key recursively?
Is it possible to infer a const type from a Set?
Where to start for frontend
Next app deployment issue on vercel
learning t3 stack, specifically fetching data from API
Next.js - ReactQuery data is being refetched everytime route changes.
Is there a way to add only a specific addon to an already existing ct3a app?
rcTable Rerenders useEffect
Case sensitive search in MySQL with Prisma
Learning Choices
Using tRPC with a request to an external API
How to prevent prerender error for static page that fetches data from serverless API
what do you guys think about this?
Optimize Images (T3 Stack + S3 + CloudFront)
trpc v10 Invalidating all queries from given router
Prisma Update many WHERE with LIMIT?
.env variables failed to load
nextauth session props problem
How to Pass (Dynamic) Variables in trpc.useQuery()?
how do you add `prettier-plugin-tailwindcss` to an existing ct3a app?
Typescript Function to make specific nested keys non nullable?
how do I send complex criteria in a get request?
Requirements to start with t3
Tool to find unused functions
Many-to-many relationship in SQL as table or JSONB array?
Why typescript type inference is behaving like this?
How would you run something like eslint locally? (contributing)
Is MongoDB Atlas killing my company?
Proper use of useEffect with KeyboardEvent eventListener
writing tests for trpc
Most performant way to check props against a massive list?
Is there any reason to use start a docker container without using compose?
Whats the correct way to wait for `trpc.useQuery` to finish and then update state?
Kind of stupid question
Is there a guide or best practices about hosting a web app build with T3?
why don't we have a compiled version of css and html?
Why does NextJS Link component not show a pageload when navigating with it?
Documentation section inside an already made React app ?
medium, hashnode alternatives?
Odd Tailwind behaviour, unable to apply certain rules
Where to start on mobile dev?
Sub Domain - Creating it Programmatically (GoDaddy, Azure,AWS) - NodeJS
What is the way to solve google not giving me my avatar half the time?
Accessing req & res in Trpc + Next.js
Creating CLI for interacting with prisma database
React Icon situation
Typescript import best practices?
Trouble with NEXTAUTH_URL
[TypeScript] How would you go about creating an Array that can have different types of objects?
framer-motion does not work well inside a portal
learn react and get comfy with thinking in react
Accessibility question about Cards
Selfhosting Supabase
Next Router Issues
passportjs sends a cookie on each request
How to add getLayout property to Component, nextJS 12.3
tRPC app with SSR true, getStaticProps or getServerSideProps
What was the reason for removing req, res from context?
Running a cron job alongside T3 stack locally
why re-mcompile JS each time?
can i remove a background from an image using Js
Documentation past comments, is it needed?
Quick question about TRPC query with date
Internationalization with T3?
I need ideas for Data viz & Metrics framework in t3 stack ?
Project time Estimate
File storage in T3
Are tRPC endpoints awaited internally? Endpoint being called again before it finishes
supabase auth with trpc?
What's the best way to bulk insert with a many-to-many relationship (posts & categories) in prisma?
Prisma nexth-auth role based access control model
tRPC, ssr specific route
How do you guys handle server errors on tRPC
T3Stack 'react-query' not found
How to start with learning backend slash cloud
How could I improve this code?
Scroll based animations and scroll lock
PUT request with tRPC
can't set a cookie in my browser
Can somebody explain to me why we need an env folder with .mjs files in the T3 starter project?
Add props to app.tsx
Copying the Auth0 animation
Prisma enums in React Native app (create-t3-turbo)
How do I use import statements in worker_thread ts files?
Astro tailwind not working
zod with post mutation stucks on a field
Frontend reading first 2 lines in large csv file
Does a react Context component with a provider only get mounted when the provider is mounted?
rules of hooks question
change query params without rerender
Adding Headers Breaks COR's with Next.js
How do I use less bandwith?
Is it safe to implement Git Repos with few users, even when they're well maintained (jotai stuff)?
DB seeding
Typesafe access of 'unknown' type
GCP SQL via prisma
Creating your own reusable components cross project ( Storybook)
NestJS with Auth0
Partial rewrites using nginx
[Prsima] findUnique() vs findFirst()
is it possible to find some npm package | binary | script that does this?
TS-newbie struggles with TS via NextJS Layout
PRIMARY KEY in supabase DB
How to pass in a React icon as a prop and style it with Tailwind
useQuery param is undefined. but query is enabled only if the param is defined.
SSR useQuery Breaking Page Transition
Running into a Error with UseMutation
Recomended BaaS for bulding & hosting Serverless functions and APIs
Error on mutation `connection timeout error prisma.uRL.update()`
Nextjs revalidate on the edge
Twitch API - Request bearer token on every request?
Deciding where to do searching & filtering. Frontend or Backend.
Why isn't TypeScript giving an error?
How do you get cookies through the TRPC Router?
Creating Zod Input Validation Error after tRPC entry
Lightweight Message Queue for Long running Background Tasks
Creating deeply nested Prisma entries
is this way of handling react states a bad idea?
Best way to style range inputs?
Store Historic Values
is it fine to store the server state in the forked process? (PM2 cluster)
Are there any differences between these two pieces of code performance or bug wise?
Help - session type in _app.tsx is missing
T3 Stack NextAuth How to get Provider access token
Simple postgreSQL question (or maybe its generic sql idk)
Can you (or should you I suppose) put a type inside of a component?
tRPC Query being called client side even with dehydrated state
Typescript behaving strangely when inferring function return type
cron job for sending user a email or notification?
Next Future Image Rounded?
Avoid overriding last api response
what is the purpose of react protected routes?
Why does that work? - Runtime Config with Nextjs
hey I'm planning to use this authentication method on my app.
What should i use t3-stack or express-trpc-nextjs for this project?
Custom OAuth Popup Window Redirection
Optimistic updates not working tRPC useQuery
Call Mutation again on Error?
create mysql database automatically
GitHub Action for Linting with Vercel
Route guards for searchparams in nextjs
Intersection Observers
nested push-or-create-array in zustand and immer
SSG Helpers aren't helping.
Is this context architecture too much?
Handling Application Architecture
File Structure in T3 Stack
setInfiniteQueryData and getInfiniteQueryData compatibility
Next-Auth CredentialsProvider not working as intended
Prisma 1-n relation create question
How to switch from sqllite to PostgreSQL(
Who is the best artist of all time and why is it Nickelback?
When using SWR my Vue component doesn't re-fetch the data.
mega thread for theo's graphs?
How do I ONLY call my tRPC queries when a condition is met?
how do i log to the console in javascript ???
Let's try forums