Chirp Tutorial: tRPC failed on <no-path>:

Following along with the theo turtorial I have my trpc.ts file nearly identical but I run into this error:
tRPC failed on <no-path>: You need to use "withClerkMiddleware" in your Next.js middleware file. You also need to make sure that your middleware matcher is configured correctly and matches this route or page. See It's pretty much the exact same file yet I get this error. Just makes no sense. Reproduction Repo:
import { type CreateNextContextOptions } from "@trpc/server/adapters/next"
import { prisma } from "~/server/db"

export const createTRPCContext = (opts: CreateNextContextOptions) => {
const { req } = opts
const userId = getAuth(req).userId
return {

import { TRPCError, initTRPC } from "@trpc/server"
import superjson from "superjson"
import { ZodError } from "zod"
import { getAuth } from "@clerk/nextjs/server"

const t = initTRPC.context<typeof createTRPCContext>().create({
transformer: superjson,
errorFormatter({ shape, error }) {
return {
data: {,
error.cause instanceof ZodError ? error.cause.flatten() : null,

export const createTRPCRouter = t.router

export const publicProcedure = t.procedure

const enforceUserIsAuthed = t.middleware(async ({ ctx, next }) => {
if (!ctx.userId)
throw new TRPCError({

return next({
ctx: {
userId: ctx.userId,

export const privateProcedure = t.procedure.use(enforceUserIsAuthed)
import { type CreateNextContextOptions } from "@trpc/server/adapters/next"
import { prisma } from "~/server/db"

export const createTRPCContext = (opts: CreateNextContextOptions) => {
const { req } = opts
const userId = getAuth(req).userId
return {

import { TRPCError, initTRPC } from "@trpc/server"
import superjson from "superjson"
import { ZodError } from "zod"
import { getAuth } from "@clerk/nextjs/server"

const t = initTRPC.context<typeof createTRPCContext>().create({
transformer: superjson,
errorFormatter({ shape, error }) {
return {
data: {,
error.cause instanceof ZodError ? error.cause.flatten() : null,

export const createTRPCRouter = t.router

export const publicProcedure = t.procedure

const enforceUserIsAuthed = t.middleware(async ({ ctx, next }) => {
if (!ctx.userId)
throw new TRPCError({

return next({
ctx: {
userId: ctx.userId,

export const privateProcedure = t.procedure.use(enforceUserIsAuthed)
25 Replies
James Perkins
James Perkins2y ago
try this as your middleware matcher
export const config = {
matcher: [
* Match all request paths except for the ones starting with:
* - _next
* - static (static files)
* - favicon.ico (favicon file)
export const config = {
matcher: [
* Match all request paths except for the ones starting with:
* - _next
* - static (static files)
* - favicon.ico (favicon file)
Luc Ledo
Luc LedoOP2y ago
yeah that worked but can you explain to me why?
James Perkins
James Perkins2y ago
trpc routes on the api layer use a period to denote the procedure. So it needs to be added to the matcher for it to run properly.
bozobit2y ago
Hi @James Perkins , I had the exact same issue, but when I updated the middleware matcher as you suggested, it just kept calling the middleware in a loop and would never execute the public (prisma) procedure. Any thoughts?
James Perkins
James Perkins2y ago
check your clock( system clock) if it’s skewed outside the clock skew you are going to be pushed in a redirect loop as we try to issue you a new jwt and it’s constantly expired
bozobit2y ago
Sorry, but I'm not sure what you mean. I can try to figure that it out, but can you direct me?
James Perkins
James Perkins2y ago
On your computer is the time correct
bozobit2y ago
James Perkins
James Perkins2y ago
so when you say it redirects. do you manage to login or does the page just constantly refresh?
bozobit2y ago
I put a console.log statement in the withClerkMiddleware function inside middleware.ts, and when I cal the public procedure on a public path, I get this loop, but the TRPC (prisma) query never executes. CLERK MIDDLEWARE RUNNING RETURNING A PUBLIC PATH CLERK MIDDLEWARE RUNNING RETURNING A PUBLIC PATH CLERK MIDDLEWARE RUNNING CLERK MIDDLEWARE RUNNING RETURNING A PUBLIC PATH CLERK MIDDLEWARE RUNNING CLERK MIDDLEWARE RUNNING RETURNING A PUBLIC PATH CLERK MIDDLEWARE RUNNING CLERK MIDDLEWARE RUNNING RETURNING A PUBLIC PATH CLERK MIDDLEWARE RUNNING CLERK MIDDLEWARE RUNNING export default withClerkMiddleware((request: NextRequest) => { console.log("CLERK MIDDLEWARE RUNNING") if (isPublic(request.nextUrl.pathname)) { console.log("RETURNING A PUBLIC PATH") return; } // if the user is not signed in redirect them to the sign in page. const { userId } = getAuth(request); if (!userId) { // redirect the users to /pages/sign-in/[[...index]].ts const signInUrl = new URL("/sign-in", request.url); signInUrl.searchParams.set("redirect_url", request.url); return NextResponse.redirect(signInUrl); } return; });
James Perkins
James Perkins2y ago
one second Okay can you do this:
export default withClerkMiddleware((request: NextRequest) => {
const { userId,debug } = getAuth(request);
if (isPublic(request.nextUrl.pathname)) {
// if the user is not signed in redirect them to the sign in page.
const { userId } = getAuth(request);

if (!userId) {
// redirect the users to /pages/sign-in/[[...index]].ts

const signInUrl = new URL("/sign-in", request.url);
signInUrl.searchParams.set("redirect_url", request.url);
return NextResponse.redirect(signInUrl);
export default withClerkMiddleware((request: NextRequest) => {
const { userId,debug } = getAuth(request);
if (isPublic(request.nextUrl.pathname)) {
// if the user is not signed in redirect them to the sign in page.
const { userId } = getAuth(request);

if (!userId) {
// redirect the users to /pages/sign-in/[[...index]].ts

const signInUrl = new URL("/sign-in", request.url);
signInUrl.searchParams.set("redirect_url", request.url);
return NextResponse.redirect(signInUrl);
bozobit2y ago
Will give it a go. FYI. I have a previous version of this that works, but that is before Theo made the changes to the trpc.ts file in his video. I'm just trying to figure out what is breaking it. I had to comment out the second reference to userId and got it to work. this is returned (multiple times) { apiKey: '', secretKey: 'sk_test', apiUrl: '', apiVersion: 'v1', authStatus: 'signed-out', authMessage: undefined, authReason: 'standard-signed-out', jwtKey: '' }
James Perkins
James Perkins2y ago
Okay what do your public paths look like? Are you using windows?
bozobit2y ago
const publicPaths = ["/", "/sign-in", "/sign-up", "/_SANDBOX/PageB*"]; Yes, windows
James Perkins
James Perkins2y ago
Okay so lets do this to make it easier for me to debug.
export default withClerkMiddleware((request: NextRequest) => {
const { userId ,debug } = getAuth(request);
if (isPublic(request.nextUrl.pathname)) {
if (!userId) {
// redirect the users to /pages/sign-in/[[...index]].ts
const signInUrl = new URL("/sign-in", request.url);
signInUrl.searchParams.set("redirect_url", request.url);
return NextResponse.redirect(signInUrl);

export const config = {
matcher: [
* Match all request paths except for the ones starting with:
* - _next
* - static (static files)
* - favicon.ico (favicon file)
export default withClerkMiddleware((request: NextRequest) => {
const { userId ,debug } = getAuth(request);
if (isPublic(request.nextUrl.pathname)) {
if (!userId) {
// redirect the users to /pages/sign-in/[[...index]].ts
const signInUrl = new URL("/sign-in", request.url);
signInUrl.searchParams.set("redirect_url", request.url);
return NextResponse.redirect(signInUrl);

export const config = {
matcher: [
* Match all request paths except for the ones starting with:
* - _next
* - static (static files)
* - favicon.ico (favicon file)
Then send me a result.
bozobit2y ago
was too long for discord
James Perkins
James Perkins2y ago
Okay yeah it's working correctly. is posts.getAll a public route and want to be able to run without a user logged in?
bozobit2y ago
Yes. It's the first simple example in Theo's demo. That's where I got stuck.
James Perkins
James Perkins2y ago
okay 🙂 caught up now. Okay so!
bozobit2y ago
Add the logic for the private procedure seemed to break it and give me the TRPC fail message that Appstein reported.
James Perkins
James Perkins2y ago
So the middleware that Theo's uses is this:
import { withClerkMiddleware } from "@clerk/nextjs/server";
import { NextResponse } from "next/server";
import type { NextRequest } from "next/server";

export default withClerkMiddleware((req: NextRequest) => {
export const config = {
matcher: [
* Match all request paths except for the ones starting with:
* - _next
* - static (static files)
* - favicon.ico (favicon file)
import { withClerkMiddleware } from "@clerk/nextjs/server";
import { NextResponse } from "next/server";
import type { NextRequest } from "next/server";

export default withClerkMiddleware((req: NextRequest) => {
export const config = {
matcher: [
* Match all request paths except for the ones starting with:
* - _next
* - static (static files)
* - favicon.ico (favicon file)
But the one you are using has page protection. which makes everything a bit different. SO the middleware you have you need to do this:
import { getAuth, withClerkMiddleware } from "@clerk/nextjs/server";
import { NextResponse } from "next/server";
import type { NextRequest } from "next/server";

const publicPaths = ["/", "/sign-in*", "/sign-up*", "/api/trpc/posts.getAll*"];

const isPublic = (path: string) => {
return publicPaths.find((x) =>
path.match(new RegExp(`^${x}$`.replace("*$", "($|/|\\.)")))

export default withClerkMiddleware((request: NextRequest) => {
if (isPublic(request.nextUrl.pathname)) {
// if the user is not signed in redirect them to the sign in page.
const { userId } = getAuth(request);

if (!userId) {
// redirect the users to /pages/sign-in/[[...index]].ts

const signInUrl = new URL("/sign-in", request.url);
signInUrl.searchParams.set("redirect_url", request.url);
return NextResponse.redirect(signInUrl);

// Stop Middleware running on static files
export const config = {
matcher: [
* Match all request paths except for the ones starting with:
* - _next
* - static (static files)
* - favicon.ico (favicon file)
import { getAuth, withClerkMiddleware } from "@clerk/nextjs/server";
import { NextResponse } from "next/server";
import type { NextRequest } from "next/server";

const publicPaths = ["/", "/sign-in*", "/sign-up*", "/api/trpc/posts.getAll*"];

const isPublic = (path: string) => {
return publicPaths.find((x) =>
path.match(new RegExp(`^${x}$`.replace("*$", "($|/|\\.)")))

export default withClerkMiddleware((request: NextRequest) => {
if (isPublic(request.nextUrl.pathname)) {
// if the user is not signed in redirect them to the sign in page.
const { userId } = getAuth(request);

if (!userId) {
// redirect the users to /pages/sign-in/[[...index]].ts

const signInUrl = new URL("/sign-in", request.url);
signInUrl.searchParams.set("redirect_url", request.url);
return NextResponse.redirect(signInUrl);

// Stop Middleware running on static files
export const config = {
matcher: [
* Match all request paths except for the ones starting with:
* - _next
* - static (static files)
* - favicon.ico (favicon file)
bozobit2y ago
looking at it...
James Perkins
James Perkins2y ago
const publicPaths = ["/", "/sign-in*", "/sign-up*", "/api/trpc/posts.getAll*"];
const publicPaths = ["/", "/sign-in*", "/sign-up*", "/api/trpc/posts.getAll*"];
You need to add the procedure to your publicPath
bozobit2y ago
Yeah, that line... (just noticed it.) I have many different versions of the trpc.ts and middleware.ts files! Let me sort through this for a few mins. THANK YOU. It's working the public paths and, more important, I think I understand it now. Protecting the API path was not something on my radar! THANK YOU.
James Perkins
James Perkins2y ago
awesome 👏 glad to help

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