cant access user id in router ctx

Hello, I'm using default T3 create app, and I'm trying to access user id so that I can fetch entity related to User, but my ctx type is not overwritten by Session type from next-auth.d.ts Anyone similar problem?
5 Replies
can you check package.json and let us know the ct3a version?
it should look like this (might not be the exact same version though)
Bozic0909OP3y ago
@Samathingamajig i checked, mine is 7.3.0
if you create it with the latest version (npx create-t3-app@latest, yarn create t3-app@latest, pnpm create t3-app@latest) does the issue still occur?
Bozic0909OP3y ago
can i just update mine project ? I solved it by importing router to root router

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