What is the best typesafe tech stack for a chrome extension?

I am currently trying to build a chrome extension for a side project. From my research their seems to be no easy way to start if you are wishing for type-safety without having to set everything up from scratch. Is there a t3 stack equivalent for this type of application?
2 Replies
Zan2y ago
I worked on a Chrome extension in the past and the vast majority of the API is barely documented much less Typesafe, but if you're building on manifest V3 most of the API will be the same as with service workers. There's no point using NextJS because chrome extensions are served locally I would try to set up a vite SPA with TRPC and a prisma/TRPC backend monorepo exchanging types between your service worker and your page contexts will be on you though
ahmadaccino2y ago
this. using tailwind, vite, react, and typescript i found the ui side of making a chrome extension a very nice and smooth experience. The backend ofc can be literally anything you like, and trpc is good for end to end type safety

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