TTCTheo's Typesafe Cult
Created by Zan on 11/13/2023 in #questions
Would ya'll use Turbo/NX for a monorepo with 2 or 3 services?
So my architecture problem is that I have a user facing web app (Thinking Remix for this, not that it really matters) but I want a secondary service to handle long-running jobs that'd be orchestrated via a message queue, so that I can deploy my Remix app regionally and scale to zero as appropriate and scale the background worker individually. The two services would share a Prisma schema and probably some types/functions so monorepo seems like the easiest way to do that. I started trying to setup a Remix app and a TS API service with NX but found it fairly complex without using the built-in generators. I've never used monorepo architecture before so I'm wondering if my use case is simply too simple to warrant tools like NX? I could probably get away with rolling my own second TS app within the Remix and setting up a second Dockerfile & config but was unsure if that would kneecap me later as I scale compared to using proper monorepo tooling.
6 replies
TTCTheo's Typesafe Cult
Created by Zan on 4/15/2023 in #questions
How to retrieve AuthJS CSRF token from arbitrary API client (mobile app, postman, etc)
Archiving from discussion in #tech-discussion
4 replies