dnd-kit with trpc animation glitch on reorder

i'm having this issue with trpc and https://dndkit.com/ (sortable preset), where the reorder of an item works, but causes a weird jump in the card, originating from the top of the viewport. if anything, i think it has to do with react-query fetching behavior, but i'm entirely lost as to what could be causing this. i simplified the components below, and this is the general idea of what they look like:
// fetches and renders the list (near identical to the docs)
const BasicListEditor = () => {
const { data: selections } = api.selection.getOwnSelections.useQuery();
const utils = api.useContext();

function handleDragEnd(event: DragEndEvent) {
const { active, over } = event;

if (active.id !== over?.id) {
utils.selection.getOwnSelections.setData(undefined, (prev) => {
if (!prev) return prev;

const oldIndex = prev?.findIndex((a) => a.id === active.id);
const newIndex = prev?.findIndex((a) => a.id === over?.id);

return arrayMove(prev, oldIndex, newIndex);

const sensors = useSensors(useSensor(PointerSensor));

return (
<SortableContext items={selections} strategy={verticalListSortingStrategy} >
{selections.map((a) => ( <SortableItem key={a.id} id={a.id} /> ))}

// item that gets sorted
function SortableItem({ id }: { id: string }) {
const { attributes, listeners, setNodeRef, transform, transition } = useSortable({ id: id });

const style = { transform: CSS.Transform.toString(transform), transition };

return (
<div ref={setNodeRef} style={style} {...attributes} {...listeners} >
<p className="text-xl text-blue-500">THIS IS LIST ITEM {id}</p>
// fetches and renders the list (near identical to the docs)
const BasicListEditor = () => {
const { data: selections } = api.selection.getOwnSelections.useQuery();
const utils = api.useContext();

function handleDragEnd(event: DragEndEvent) {
const { active, over } = event;

if (active.id !== over?.id) {
utils.selection.getOwnSelections.setData(undefined, (prev) => {
if (!prev) return prev;

const oldIndex = prev?.findIndex((a) => a.id === active.id);
const newIndex = prev?.findIndex((a) => a.id === over?.id);

return arrayMove(prev, oldIndex, newIndex);

const sensors = useSensors(useSensor(PointerSensor));

return (
<SortableContext items={selections} strategy={verticalListSortingStrategy} >
{selections.map((a) => ( <SortableItem key={a.id} id={a.id} /> ))}

// item that gets sorted
function SortableItem({ id }: { id: string }) {
const { attributes, listeners, setNodeRef, transform, transition } = useSortable({ id: id });

const style = { transform: CSS.Transform.toString(transform), transition };

return (
<div ref={setNodeRef} style={style} {...attributes} {...listeners} >
<p className="text-xl text-blue-500">THIS IS LIST ITEM {id}</p>
here's also a video of what's happening:
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